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OSP shows up at 2am for me, at that time, I should probably go to bed
@cairdcoinheringaahing 5AM
@hyper-neutrino Ok, well, I'm getting up in time for 10am (which is in 10 hours) tomorrow (today?), so see you at 5am :P
My leaving time is between 2:30 AM UTC and 7AM UTC
Mine is 1:00AM and 6:00AM UTC
(aka midnight and 5 am local)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't filter out æ and friends when counting single characters, do you? That shouldn't skew any of them by enough to make too much of a difference, but I could see that mattering
@BrowncatPrograms Could happen if we have full 256 digraphs and Jelly golfing has gone into digraph golf :P
@BrowncatPrograms my corpus
Jelly has already gone into digraph golfing
Some very useful builtins cost 2 bytes (or more)
Is that with old or new data?
Your numbers are all a lot lower than mine
@hyper-neutrino lyxal's arrival means I should get ready to go, and caird's departure means I should really go
My departure?
I'm 5 hours behind you IIRC
Yeah, our timezones aren't the same, but your sleep habits are just that unhealthy :P
@BrowncatPrograms What query are you using to get your data?
@user I'm going to bed in the next couple of hours. Isn't that 9pm for you?
Something like select id as [Post Link], body from posts where body like '%Jelly</a>,%'
But I should really get to bed by like 8:00 or 8:30 or I'll act like a zombie tomorrow
that's crazy to me
I haven't gone to bed before midnight in over 2 years
Oh god
Are you alright, buddy?
No, but not because of my sleep schedule :P
I have 5284 posts after filtering
Or do you just work the night shift lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing ⍨
@user No, but I think I'd fit better if I did
Waking up at ~3pm, then being awake until 5am feels natural to me
@user I'm very proud of myself if I get to bed by 10, how do you live like that
Mar 24 at 12:27, by ChartZ Belatedly
@ophact Sleep? You mean "Time spent not on CGCC"? Why would anyone do that?
Jun 7 at 2:16, by caird coinheringaahing
@user Sleep is for cowards with sensible body clocks
How to stop being a vampire:
1. Start sleeping *even* later than usual
2. Your habits are normal for night shift people
3. Work night shift
4. Now it's flipped so your habits are normal for day shift people
5. Profit!
@BrowncatPrograms I need like 12 hours of sleep to function
I've "fixed" my sleep schedule by pulling all nighters before :P
I've been waking up at 5:30 these last two weeks and it hurts
I really need to fix my sleep schedule, currently I normally fall asleep as soon as I get home from school
I fall asleep on the way home, there's something soothing about buses :P
I like getting up early once I'm up but I hate getting up early up until then
I'd rather stay up until sunrise than get up to see it
I can manange to get out of bed, walk across my room, turn off my alarm, and get back in bed without waking up
I'd love to just stay asleep forever and dream of chocolate cake
@BrowncatPrograms It's a bit of a problem actually
@user now that I can get behind
You don't know the contentedness that you get by watching the sun rise while sat in a field, drunk out of your mind at 5am, after a solid night drinking with your friends :P
@BrowncatPrograms I think this is a condition many humans can suffer from :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing That hurt :(
@BrowncatPrograms How many results do you have?
@user I'm sure @Shaggy could back me up :P
I'm currently 6 pints in, I think
Never watched the sun rise while sat in a field, never got drunk out of my mind at 5am (although I don't see how this makes you content), never drank with friends
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't know how many I had, it wasn't too many more than that though
Probably around 5300-5400
Regardless of your opinion on alcohol, there is something special about watching the night sky/sunrise with some of the closest people in your life
It'll make you tired as f*ck, but it's an experience I'd recommend to anyone
post.body.replace(/\n\r?/g, "¶").replace(/“[^”»‘’]*.?/g, "").replace(/”.?|[⁽⁾].?.?/g, "") is my code to remove strings, does that look right?
@BrowncatPrograms I get 5375
@BrowncatPrograms I use the Jelly string regex to ignore content in strings: strings = re.findall(r'((?:“[^”»‘’]*(?:[”»‘’]|$))|(?:[⁽⁾]..)|(?:”.))', jelly)
@BrowncatPrograms I first read this as drinks, and I was quite concerned about your tolerance
If you can;t drink 5000+ pints in an evening, don't even talk to me :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I heard my name; what did I do now?!
Hi, Your Intoxicatedness!
I'm trying to convince these Americans that drinking can lead to some good times :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Some?! Drinking has lead to all the best times in my life.
all of the /.* has lead to all the best times in my life/ statements are true :P
@Shaggy Including hangovers?
I'm heading off to uni in a week, and I just had the last drinking session with my mates tonight :P As awful as it is for your health, pub crawls and nights out drinking lead to the best and most nostalgic moments :D
@user Hangovers are the price to pay for those nights out
@user Quit them almost 20 years ago. They're a complete waste of time and, ultimately, only get in the way of more drinking.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Good luck at uni in a week!
Q: Minimally prepend numbers to get a symmetric Young diagram

BubblerBackground A Young diagram is a diagram that represents a nonincreasing sequence of positive integers using left-justified rows of squares. As an example, 5, 4, 1 is drawn as OOOOO OOOO O A Young diagram is said to be symmetric if it is identical to its transpose (reflection along the NW-SE diag...

Good luck! Please report back with tips on committing academic dishonesty
@Shaggy Quit them?!
Something I suspect y'all yanks may not approve of: the first week of uni in the UK is called "freshers week", and it essentially involves you and your flatmates drinking enough alcohol to kill @Shaggy every night
@user Ay
@user Best cure for a hangover is a beer
@cairdcoinheringaahing Enough alcohol to kill Shaggy? Impossible!
i think shaggy would sooner die from exploding from ingesting too much fluid than the alcohol itself
Shaggy is to beer what a blackbody is to radiation :P
That said, I don't know @Shaggy's opinion on the harder alcohols :P
@hyper-neutrino Modern medicine can fix that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Drinking doesn't cause hangovers, stopping does ;)
@user He emits more energetic beer the higher temperature he is?
That doesn't sound like the right analogy but ok :p
@Shaggy Can't argue with that :P
@BrowncatPrograms It's true; I do sweat alcohol.
@Shaggy OTOH, I'll suffer a hangover for the divine taste of a beer at 10am while hungover
@BrowncatPrograms Well, I meant that he could absorb any and all alcohol, I bad at physik :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing Therefore the cure for hangovers is not to stop.
Fight fire with fire amirite
I suspect that, compared to most TNBers, I drink waaaay too much
Compared to Shaggy, I drink nothing :P
@user Are you sure you wanna fight a drunk Irishman?! :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing considering 'most' tnbers are probably under the legal drinking age, I would agree
@cairdcoinheringaahing Considering the ages of many TNBers, that's probably right :P
@Shaggy lol
Age doesn't matter :P
I had my first beer at 13
Very American of you, if I may say so myself
trying alcohol != getting drunk
@Shaggy If I'm ever in Dublin, remind me to hit you up and spend the night drinking w/ you :P
Beginning to feel the need to back away outta here before all you pricks start making me feel old again!
@rak1507 Yeah, one involves ingesting a liquid, the other involves being turned into a liquid and being ingested by something else
@Shaggy ok boomer
@Shaggy How many beers have you had today? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Deal! There are disclaimers that will need signing, though!
the number of beers i have had throughout my life might total like 1 or 2
@Shaggy No no no, can't have you working! Got to go out for a proper night out drinking, no holds barred :P
@hyper-neutrino I suspect I've had more beers tonight than you've ever had :P
granted it's been 2 months since i've been of legal drinking age and obviously i've spent all of that during the pandemic, and i just do not drink :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing On me 6th can of the night but if we count the fact that last night rolled past midnight then I'm on #9.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think Shaggy wants the disclaimers for your benefit, you wouldn't survive otherwise :P
@Shaggy 6th is ok, I'm on my 8th personally :P
i suspect my alcohol tolerance might be low but i have no real reason to believe that given that i probably haven't even had enough at once to get a baby drunk :P
@hyper-neutrino how do you consume water
@user Exactly that!
@user osmosis
@user If I'm going to go out, drinking myself to death in a competition against a fellow code golfer sounds like a solid way to go :D
The biggest thing I'd be worried about would be the cost of a pint
@hyper-neutrino That is a respectable way to do it, I thought you simply inserted ice shards into yourself
@hyper-neutrino You're easily young enough to start building up that tolerance level.
@Shaggy He's in Canada, he'd be better off building up a weed tolerance :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, we do have a game called pub golf over here.
@Shaggy Please elaborate :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Even their flag looks like weed
I'm sure that's what it was meant to look like :p
@Shaggy I can't imagine any game that encourages you to drink less?
We're onto you, Mr. George Stanley
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, you drink more to golf your lifespan
golfing his liver function
@cairdcoinheringaahing 18 pubs, 18 pints; each sip of each pint counts as a point, lowest score wins.
@user First one to keel over wins
@Shaggy oh fuck
I don't think I'm that good :P
wait, lowest score?
I think I could do a par 3 on that, but anything less is pushing it
@hyper-neutrino Can you down 18 pints?
@cairdcoinheringaahing there's a variant where the winner of each "hole" sets the "par" for the next "hole".
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh nvm i figured it out
@Shaggy If we do that, I suspect you'll fuck me up very quickly :P
(pardon my language y'all, feel free to let me know if I'm crossing any lines for you)
bye TNB
@cairdcoinheringaahing As a first time player, I would graciously allow you to set all the "pars" :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fuck no, you're not!
I might need it :P
@Wezl gn
@Shaggy Perhaps not for us, but it doesn't hurt to be respectful for those less foul-mouthed than us :P
@Wezl \o
a pint is like a bit over half a litre right
18 pints is more than two gallons of beer lol
ok how tf can one consume 10 litres of like anything lmao
@Shaggy How do you balance golfing/interacting with us against interacting with your drinking buddies? I always feel a bit weird when I check my phone/drop in on CGCCC while drinking
@hyper-neutrino Practice
that's an interesting twitter handle
> FemboyPhysics
@Shaggy D:
You had my attention, now you have my curiosity
@cairdcoinheringaahing We're in the middle of a global plague so, right now, you guys are my drinking buddies!
That chart does overcomplicate imperial volume units though :p
I think the most I've ever had is ~20 pints, and I was still drunk at 5pm the next day when I started drinking again
@hyper-neutrino unironically quite a good youtube channel
@Shaggy Fair enough, how about in normal times?
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's the dream!
Gallon = 4 quarts
Quart = 2 pints
Pint = 2 cups
Cup = 16 tablespoons
Tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
Gallon = 4*2*2*16*3 teaspoons
I support redefining the cup as exactly a quarter liter
ok but converting across multiple layers of that rapidly gets confusing
Nobody actually converts gallon -> quart -> pint -> cup -> tablespoon or anything like that
especially when you factor in all of the other dimensions as well and your dimensional analysis quickly becomes completely absurd
@BrowncatPrograms It's probably my most controversial opinion on any subject
Gallon = 768 teaspoons
granted, it's probably convenient for everyday usage and not science
@Shaggy Cricket matches are solid. I went to a full 5 day test match before. The drinking starts at 11am each day, and ends (at the stadium) at 6:30pm. You then go back to my house (5 min walk), and keep drinking until 1/2am, then repeat the next day
Y'all ever been drunk 5 days in a row? It's an experience
I feel like there's the beginnings of a challenge in this!
@hyper-neutrino Exactly. Imperial volume units are great for things like recipes
i actually have a better grasp on body weight in imperial units
@cairdcoinheringaahing 13 is my record.
@Shaggy days?
Holy fuck
@BrowncatPrograms Complaining about their viability for accurate and scientific measurements is like complaining that an easy bake oven is an objectively bad toy for children because it doesn't get as hot as a normal one
We need to go drinking together :D
i just find it more convenient to only need to know one set of units :p
@Shaggy Do you have an email address listed somewhere? I'd love to organise a meetup/night out? (If you post and immediately delete, only I an other ROs/mods can see, or you can create another room for the two of us)
now in terms of fahrenheit and celsius... i can't really deny that fahrenheit is definitely better for common usage
@hyper-neutrino See, that's why I think redefining the cup to be a quarter liter and the pound to be a half kilogram is a good idea
it gets more precise if you only use whole numbers than celsius is
@hyper-neutrino Wait what?
and nobody cares how water feels lol
@hyper-neutrino You're wrong
I love celsius, it's way more practical for everyday stuff imo
And I've grown up surrounded by °F
Right, me fridge is nearly out of cans and me phone's nearly out of juice so I shall bid you all adieu. Good night and good luck!
@cairdcoinheringaahing We'll pick that up tomorrow.
That's no excuse :P
granted, I don't really use F, and I always have to convert it back into C before I can understand it lol
@Shaggy Sounds good :)
maybe if i actually used it i'd realize it's bad if that's the case :p
actually now that i think about it
@hyper-neutrino At least to me, the multiples of ten in celsius are really conveniently aligned with "cold, cool, room temp, warm, hot"
positive = not freezing, negative = freezing is kinda nice
oh that's fair enough
"70 degrees" doesn'y mean anything to me
With fahrenheit I still have no intuition for how 70° or 80° feels
70/100 isn't really a good temp rating, I only know what that feels like because I understand fahrenheit
well 80 F is just slightly above room temp lol (although then again, wtf does that mean :P)
I live with C
not F
the main argument i've heard for F is just that 0F - 100F is like quite cold - quite hot whereas 0C - 100C is like cold but not even really that cold - you are dead
Hey @lyxal, ignore everything before this, it's just drunk people being drunk :P
imagine living with Kelvin unit
imagine living with Rankine
all the downsides of all of them
@hyper-neutrino 0-10 = very cold. 10-20 = cold. 20=30 = normal. 30-40 = hot. 40+ = wtf boiling
@rak1507 oh not for the night, I mean more permanently. These past few months the activity, immaturity, and starring levels have gone way up and the thought-provoking discussions of food have been drowned. Besides, school just started for me. email btw
Yo today's temperature is 300k
Are there exponential temperature units?
It could actually be really useful IMO
0 would be freezing, negative numbers would approach absolute zero
you can make it and name it E
@Wezl That's a shame to hear
@Niko Ew gross
E is a very ugly letter :p
@BrowncatPrograms I quite like it
it's a shame to experience, but the internet has lots of space :P
@BrowncatPrograms that's it's full name
@BrowncatPrograms hey I take personal offence at that
Because my twitch account totally isn't geared towards liking E
(there are no specific people or anything)
Before you leave, is there anything you think we can work on to improve the site? We'll never be a perfect site, but we'd like to retain as many users as possible
not that I can think of. I'm just leaving the TTNB, I'll try to keep code golfing when I have time
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerSimulate my pill box code-golf array-manipulation Task I have a small pill box of \$n\$ slots. (Think of it as a linear one like the image below, but not necessarily having 7 slots) Each slot has at most one pill. Every day, I take one of two actions: take one pill from the pill box, or refill t...

Additionally, the "immaturity", could that be fixed with more hands-on moderation? I feel like we're fairly strong with moderation here, is it more chat or main?
@Wezl If you ever miss the TTTNB, come back any time and we can discuss peanut butter in great depth.
^ You - and everyone - always have a place for discussion here :)
mostly the immaturity is just starring/repeating offtopic (occasionally inappropriate) stuff
@BrowncatPrograms someday I'm going to dig a peanut butter ocean of great depth
@Wezl If you have any examples, that'd be helpful. Anything that makes someone here feel uncomfortable and/or unwelcome, even just a little, likely shouldn't be here
Has anyone else recently got a CAPTCHA without anything to solve (no checkbox or any other kind of challenge)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I like the jokes, but as an RO, my first priority is making sure people are comfortable here, and if people are making jokes that make others uncomfortable (even if that person is me), I'd rather make an effort to stop that

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