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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

woah vs code with bracket colouring looks so weird
wo ah vs code with bracket colouring looks so weird
- Me when learning "real programming" after doing Scratch
I would say it looked nicer, but I don't like the choice of colors
CMP: Bracket colours or no bracket colours?
Why are the brackets multicolored
I'd get it if they were always gray or blue or something
@BrowncatPrograms well there's a lot of brackets, and it shows which match
Oh, that's interesting
the only reason to color curly braces would be if you're using them as a more general kind of bracket
If it didn't look so ugly I'd say go with that
but even then it seems weird
@exedraj Yes, but only if they are good
It's in the latest vs code update
I haven't tried using bracket colors since I haven't had much problem with many brackets
I no like these bracket colors
@Bubbler It's harder for those with lisps
@user I don't like them either
@exedraj take a page out of Cursed‘s book and make the brackets rainbow /s
@AaronMiller I do not control the colour at which brackets are highlighted
You can reduce the problem in lisps by using multiple lines and consistent indentation
rainbow brackets would actually be interesting though
also in the list case on what basis would you even decide paren colors
would you just rainbow them
@exedraj Edit the binary program of the editor to allow you to do it
not list lmoa
I guess I can try if it's a vscode builtin (I haven't opened vscode locally for a while)
Aug 27 at 21:03, by emanresu A
12042438902 You can just do this
^ starred
Get gamed on caird
@AaronMiller I see your mindset has become cursed too
The language is changing you, AMiller
I fear what you will become
SE chat on internet explorer feels so weird
Like it isn't that much different
it just looks and feels wrong
Imagine using IE
I only switched to it for the memes
ugh why are tabs separate windows?
It looks identical
that's what it looks like in edge
notice how IE doesn't auto-zoom
do you see how in edge, everything looks bigger
while in IE everything looks smaller
You didn't set the scaling in edge/windows settings?
I barely use edge
but Vivaldi (hence chromium) also makes it bigger
meaning IE just makes it smaller
Huh. I'm surprised chat supports IE and it looks (nearly) the same, no wonder it's so weird if the devs had to endure supporting IE
okay there we go
I present to you, the homepage of code golf on internet explorer
On that looks beautiful
There's no javascript support for some reason
> for some reason
Other than the fact that IE only understands the JS equivalent of baby talk :p
Well at least I can still star messages
The some reason is that the main JS code borked in IE
I can't even upvote in IE
plus, it doesn't render monospace correctly
IE doesn't understand SE's new font CSS, presumably
So it's all that wonderful default serif
Event handlers run independently when you send the event, and it might run if the JS is simple enough (and doesn't depend on global definitions)
jQuery might mess that up though
Does jquery work in IE?
Probably, but it might cause errors in one handler to mess others up
@emanresuA If you use a version that works
yet TIO still looks normal
or use a transpiler on jquery itself
wow TIO works 99% right in IE
DSO only works on ES2019+ due to dynamically importing language modules
The 1% of TIO that doesn't work on IE is that the run button doesn't get reset after each run
AFAIK Babel and TS compiler supports compilation target down to ES3, but not sure if it is enough to support IE
so it's just stuck semi-rotated
If anyone out there uses IE by choice and has any understanding of technology, I hate you :p
TIB just supports latest Chrome and Firefox, not even Safari
RTO will probably support safari, idk
I'll do stuff for compatiblity to a degree, but IE's off the table
Not being able to support Safari is related to using SharedArrayBuffer for communication with web worker
@JoKing Sure, we can compare. If they're different enough, it doesn't hurt to post both of them.
@BrowncatPrograms If you don't plan to use SharedArrayBuffer then Safari should be fine (it's disabled by default for security reasons; it was also the case for Chrome and Firefox for a while, but they re-added it with a server-side restriction)
which also made me to move from GitHub Pages to Netlify, which supports custom response headers
@DLosc Indeed, the EsotericIDE Quipu interpreter does use unbounded integers, and computes 125! with ease. So for code golf submissions that require BigInts, "Quipu (EsotericIDE)" is a valid language. However, note that EsotericIDE doesn't let you remove the spaces between threads, so the bytecount will be higher.
Oh, that's clean.
oddly satisfying in how each column is one shorter than the previous
Indeed. Not even oddly, just plain satisfying.
Yeah, yours is both shorter and more elegant--I say post it.
@exedraj R A I N B O W
@DLosc done
@JoKing Follow-up question: do you want to post that solution as the factorial example program on Esolangs.org? It's much more straightforward than the current factorial program there, IMO.
sure, why not
i just need to remember my username for logging in lol
Just wanted to bring attention to this post! I think it deserves the one box:
A: Counting and so on

gsitciaPython 3, infinity points exec('exec("N=2%F=@@@%Q=chr' '(39)*3%def?magic(s,N,W,H=N' 'one):%?if?H?is?None:%??H?=' '?W//2%?L=[%?@###,#,###,###' ',#?#,###,###,###,###,###@.' ...

[Try it online](https://tio.run/##nVdtb@I4EP7eX3FsFMUuKctLt1XRWZNPVZFWSGhXqlSETogm3RBIUJJq70D89t7YBI8TaoQ2KIA9b48fT8aTzX/lrywdfHyE/4YL5nl/HS5PDb@MRa8/uP12d//Q7bpa9iiCIHAnYvErZ4MHfj1wX8kugvVcj97iBSv0yB/7z/6TGGdpyIcuxBE8aRnEBUgBzsMTCHj@@lXL@i58F1MXAsdxfPzgt5apKThMVjfFqyaCTrFZxSUL/EDLuC/9SUMf4HAfZVeemidogBFAqTiHm9yQZ@2QoJ2CqcOuboBTzaDuWMsqyEc8JmzvCND4Jbsm0Fq8JhSTCjlLIbSadkhuAj5z4QVzw4VCFJ083GjZar4ImR6pvKHd5b6cuBtwLm2kqpYxpXp70BgoDco0pcqqJFQaWnZ3S86URq9r7Lwyuedc4owCzHRCxnaVv716AFq7gqjYt9DlcVi/vBrshozVoQ0QgB7JYH2Cxv8owtl4g5N4t5/H8z6h3iSUvFwpNw8WoBcvogn0vgGU9uwkAt8tLqKihtPjex5QFYORMGoavGLx0SPxOF9
+5It is pretty poggers
yea, I checked it's answer, abslutely amazing
@AviFS Re your comment, IIRC there's no deadlineless bounty that awards answers to new challenges, however impressive it is (unless it is written in some specific languages). But you'll be able to nominate it for annual Best Of in a few months, where winners get +500 bounties.
@Bubbler I tried to find it, but couldn't. I thought there was one or two for generally great & unexpected answers. Maybe it was just false hope, though
I am now expecting Jelly infinity score
Jelly suffers in 2D layouts
also thinking of 2D BF as it ignores spaces
@Niko Even 1d bf would work
Yes, 10K bytes limit
But would be painful
generate a program with BF is already hell
not the spaces please
@AviFS Just checked (including deleted posts) and there's nothing like that. (Btw, are you aware that you can give out a bounty yourself?)
isn't the rep requirement like
though putting bounties at that low rep would make you lose other privileges quickly
oh huh
but yeah ^^
but Avi has well over 1000 rep so it shouldn't matter much
@Bubbler did you see my question from yesterday
@Razetime Was it about the "integers in binary" pattern in the constraint thing?
It's kinda hard to explain, but if you start at the lower right side of the antidiagonal line and ignore every other one (and squint very hard at it), you might be able to see the antidiagonals marking ...000, ...001, ...010, ...011, ...100, ...101, etc (the dots marking the bits on a single line are also one dot apart from each other)
Negative numbers are in 2's complement, so -1 is infinite stream of 1 bits, -2 is ...11110, -3 is ...11101, etc
@Bubbler yes, yes it was
But actually that information is not enough to draw the entire lower-left half plane (because it leaves out how to draw certain lines between those number-representing diagonals)
Initially thought this'd be a cellular automaton but it's definitely harder than that
it would a strategy in matl to generate all the images and check the constraints
It might qualify as a special kind of cellular automaton that has three states with two dots black and the rest of the plane gray, and gray cells are gradually converted to black or white based on the constraints, but I'm not sure if the constraints allow a straightforward propagation rule like that
I'll try asking around on conway life
do you know any reference implementations(outside of CGCC)
No, the only reference I know of is the book
which doesn't give any code on the image
@Bubbler Thanks, I'd totally forgotten. I had 10k in my head, but of course that's only because people don't want to lose privileges... which is probably a good idea.
I don't even have 2k yet
Ugh the new community comments are worse than useless
And you can't flag them
Because I'd like to see these new comments
The only site they make sense on is SO
Please provide additional details in your answer. As it's currently written, it's hard to understand your solution. — Community ♦ 13 hours ago
I've heard of them but never seen them in the wild
(That one's not as bad as most)
All they do is give the answerer useless and vague feedback, with no way for them to ask for help or clarification
Should there be an option to disable auto comments?
It's a cool idea, but I don't think it fits with SE's moderation style
Or better yet, opt in to auto comments
Is it from First Answers review or something?
@exedraj Who? The post author, or the reviewer, or the site?
@Bubbler Yeah
@BrowncatPrograms reviewer
Although making it site specific could be good too
I don't think anonymous review comments really fit with SE's moderation principles
I like SE because the moderation is fairly transparent and human, but this just makes it one step more removed
Time to go to MSE once again
@BrowncatPrograms maybe SE just wanted to simplify MSE rep grinders
It's nice being greeted by an actual human, and even if they're pointing out problems being able to ask them for more details or where to look for more info is very good
Maybe that's what all of their recent bad decisions are...MSE rep grinders
Getting a bunch of seemingly automated or robot comments on your post will just further solidify the idea that SO's moderation is unfriendly
I really don't know who thought this was a good idea honestly
oh no
CMP: beepbox or jummbox? (provided you use these)
I haven't heard of either
@PyGamer0 they look pretty much the same
@exedraj except jummbox has a ton of features
like what?
1 hour later…
@lyxal like modulator, more themes, custom chiptune instrument
Hello therw
CMQ: Favourite meme for this week?
As in, what memes have you been enjoying this week
none of them
life's that bland?
Also Jelly's kinda fun
@lyxal well not really
just that I haven't found much joy in newer memes
some of the ones from past year are still goign strong
and obviously domain specific memes are as great as usual
@Razetime they don't have to be new
they can be of any age
I'm just wondering what this week's meme taste has been like for everyone
CMC: guess the top 25 constants used in Python code
Number 16 will shock you!
not all of them are integers
.5, 1/3
not all of them are numbers
"Hello World"
those are all the integers
and there's only one float
#16 is the string "foo", interestingly
Presumably True/False is up there?
yes, True is #4 and False is #6
Empty string?
yup, that's #11
I'm surprised it's that low tbh
I think there might be some bias in this dataset tbh, because #12 is ("dtype",) (???)
lol what? is a string with a single space higher at least?
@pxeger what data is this sampled on?
nope that's #44 for some reason
@lyxal the 100 most popular PyPI packages
and this is done line-by-line, with no weighting for how frequently each constant is used
empty list?
oh, None right
empty list isn't a constant, because it's mutable
yep None is #1
GPT3 agrees
because None is used a lot implicitly, for functions that don't return or whatever
@lyxal what does it say?
oh you're back to lyxal
@pxeger None
what was the question? lol
Most common python constant
what if you ask it for the top 25?
# Most common python constant\nprint(
@pxeger I'll do that later
I use the codex model
@pxeger Lol
Wired that 5 is more conmom than 4
You have 5 cent coins, but not 4
5 is tied to the real world in incredibly many ways, most of which are due to base 10 number system
> wired
@lyxal Pytos, Kaoy?
I only just noticed you
Yes very
wait lyxal's back?
Have been for 3 hours
i am going throught my old projects and deleting them
am about to -rf Java; ok done
i should be real careful when i do rm -rf
1 hour later…
When vscode autocorrects 'match' to 'mathematical'
And 'head' to 'hexadecimal'
Code bowling has escalated further
and score 3 on that challenge is likely optimal across all languages barring Lenguage family I guess
@emanresuA my phone constantly wants to autocorrect English & Spanish to Japt! Time to purge its dictionary, I think!
@Shaggy Lol
@lyx How should I document indexing, since it's overloaded not just by type?
CMQ: If Dennis came back, what would be the first thing you'd say?
@emanresuA let me think about tgat
@emanresuA a certain aspect of apioformicness is tolerable given the user who asked the question
They're from (and I think actually run) GEORGE
Although I might be wrong about the running GEORGE part
@Razetime is les-citrons actually citrons or heav?
Or some else?
I've just gone lst-[x], lst-[x,y], etc
Oh frick twitch has a category for software development now
@emanresuA uh i dont know him.............
@lyxal Also, is there some way to make x outside a function recurse the whole program?
is it possible to add tooltips to an existing pdf?
@lyxal wow
@emanresuA that'll take some thinking time
@Anush just an idea (which might not necessarily work for you): open it in Word and add the tool tips that way
At least, that's if I've understood your definition of tool tip correctly
And then re-export as pdf
Actually no
It doesn't add the tool tips properly
Nevermind my horrible suggestion
@lyxal What if it's just 'evaluate whole program'?
Also 1200 lines of YAML have been written, deploying soonish...
@emanresuA well I guess I already will be compiling X differently based on structural context
Doing the same with x shouldn't be too much of a stretch
@lyxal You could just do the same thing with , but instead of popping from the stack do with the whole program.
A: Review queue workflows - Final release

Thomas Markovfeature-request status-planned Yaakov: Please read about our plans to fix this here. Please do not abandon progress toward the First Posts Steward badge. Noticing "First answers" and "First questions" were now separate, I checked "First posts": Slowly but surely, I was working toward the Stewa...

@lyxal it's citrons
@emanresuA Welcome to the site!
@Adám done
@lyxal thanks anyway!
@BrowncatPrograms Guess I'll die then :P
" is ugly, all my homies use '
heh; i use `
in k, ' is map :P
but in APL, " doesn't work!
it's very annoying
@lyxal Get gamed on yourself, 2 stars ruins the joke :P
@lyxal This is the current plan going forwards. Reviewers will have the option of commenting under their own username or under Community
'"' does look a bit like a face, which makes it slightly less bad, but not enough to be good
Wait what, is it allowed to draw something similar to a character as graphic output, in a challenge asking for text output?
Specifically, this
The question specifically states:
> In a language of your choosing, write the shortest program or function to output an infinite random sequence of \ and / characters, where each character has an equal probability of being chosen.
And before that it even clarifies the character codes of those two characters
@BrowncatPrograms no, it just explains the example program
Yeah true, but that does sort of indicate that the author intended for text to be used I guess
But drawing diagonal lines on the screen doesn't seem like a valid alternative to outputting text, when the challenge is asking for specific characters
It is tagged after all
Is that for or against the answer
A point against
So that makes this confuse me a bit:
But here's a point for the answer: what exactly constitutes text...does a screenshot of text still count at text?
@lyxal I'd say no, if you're outputting an image that is not text :p
If you start allowing graphic output in ascii art, where do you draw the line? (haha pun)
What if you're using something like the canvas in HTML though
You can write text to it, but it's still sort of an image
I don't think that'd be allowed anyway, but the method name fillText does pretty clearly indicate it's text
If you drew the letters as individual pixels I'd say it's invalid
In this instance, I'd lean more towards the answer being invalid than valid
Anyhow it's sleep time
Bye y'all
Oh hey, lyxal's finally lyxal
@NewPosts Hey look, a baked good ingredient!
@AviFS do add your answers to the LoTM thread
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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