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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Counting and so on
I think the name could use some work, probably
@BrowncatPrograms I'm not that familiar with JS, but does it really not have x in y as a builtin?
x in y do index not thing
I though that it had something like .contains? If so, why isn't f=a=>g=n=>a.contains(n) a winning solution?
includes yes
True lol
What's the name of the function that turns something like [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] into [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]?
I usually call it overlapping pairs, but I suppose there's terminology more accurate/mathematically correct
adjacent pairs?
essentially, ,/ in APL
e.g. 2 ,/ 1 2 3 4
APLcart calls is subvectors
Pip doesn't have exactly that function, but there's an operator called Map Pairs that maps a function to each pair... so I guess I'd call them pairs.
Admittedly that doesn't distinguish very well between [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6]] and [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
05AB1E calls it the "pairwise command"
ü‚ or ü2
But that's a prefix operator, not a stand alone element
@exedraj 2l
'Cumulative grouping/pairing'
That what Vyxal doc xay
Yeah but I don't know if that's accurate
I also wanted to know what it's called because I wanted the right term for a comment in my linked list assignment
@user Okay, it looks like if the line of input is all digits, it's treated as a number, otherwise it's treated as a string.
that's pretty much husk's rules
and pip doesn't necessarily distingiush between strings and numbers much, no?
jelly's out here just using python's eval and defaulting to a string if that errors
no wonder jelly is the greatest
@user jokes on you I have 2
it's made to be haphazardly golfed, written in a haphazardly golfy and impressively spaghetti way
All this talk about Windows Phone SE and I just realised I actually could have a legitimate interest
At least I definitely could have a few years ago when I actually still used my Nokia Lumia 520 and Microsoft Lumia 640
(i think it was a 640, I don't really remember)
CMC: Gain reputation on windowsphone
(plz don't vtc as impossible)
Do y'all want to see my windows phones?
Also how's Aaron?
He's good
Diid you wash him gently with soap and warm water?
Such phone much phone
On the far left is my first windows phone
In the middle is my second
And on the far right is my LG Q6 which is Android (it's there for comparison)
@emanresuA does gaining reputation on Stack Overflow on a Windows phone count?
I was going to say that back in 2018 I did that
@emanresuA cringeeeee
@emanresuA I don't have dishwashing liquid because I haven't been bothered to get some more yet
But he's fine with that
What about user?
I only use user of a night time
@Razetime That's right. Not at all, really.
1 hour later…
      1 ⌽ 'AUS' ⍝ TRALIA
Untied states of Ausmerica?
      1⌽'SAU' ⍝ DI ARABIA
all 3 are related
@exedraj Untied
that's the joke
5 hours ago, by exedraj
@user Joe Obama, the 69th presidank of the untied states
@PyGamer0 Do you know how to produce all 3 in one go?
@Adám is there a way to do it without dfns?
@Adám no
i am getting rank error with what ever i try
@exedraj Absolutely.
@Adám welp back to tryapl i go ;p
^ @Adám Iosevka's alternative APL glyphs
looks better than before
@PyGamer0 Wow, these are nice.
I saw that, but it doesn't show how the overstruck glyphs look.
Maybe I'll make my own Iosevka and try it out.
@Adám ⌽/¨((1 'AUS')(2 'AUS')(3 'AUS'))
I was unable to figure out how best to generate ((1 'AUS')(2 'AUS')(3 'AUS')) though
I tried things like 'AUS',¨1 2 3 and 'AUS',1 3⍴⍳3 to no avail
@exedraj Try first generating 1 2 3 from 'AUS'
@Adám ⍳⍴'AUS'
Very good. Now Do you know how to combine and into a single function?
Wrap in parentheses, no?
Sure, that's one way to do it. Next step is that you want to pair up each element of that with the entire string.
Hmm this'll take something thinking and wiki diving
In python what is a golfed way to get the rounded up integer square root of an integer?
@Anush int(x**0.5)¿?
@PyGamer0 that truncates instead of rounds
@exedraj round(x**.5)
I would like to get 3 if the input is 7
I would like to get 3 if the input s 5 also
@exedraj I kind of hinted at the solution with my italics.
@PyGamer0 the problem is the rounding up
Does Python not have a ceiling function?
it's tucked away in the math library
And int truncates instead of rounding down?
@Anush so you want the round( to be shorter?
integer divide rounds down
There is math.isqrt but that rounds down
Oh, then negate, int-divide by 1, negate.
@Adám int( = floor, int()+1 = ceil (i am pretty sure)
@PyGamer0 Not for 42, as it'd give 43
@Anush x**.5//1+1?
@exedraj Fails on 25
@exedraj what does that give for 4?
But maybe -x**.5//-1?
@Anush it'll give 3, so it doesn't wrok
@Adám ah yes
or 0--x**.5//1 is one shorter
That's some crazy order of operations Python has there.
The 0– is confusing
@Adám isnt that just TMN?
@Anush subtract from 0
@Adám ??
0-x**.5//-1 should be the same and less confusing
@PyGamer0 Why is -x**.5//1 different from -(x**.5//1)? Surely power and division go before minus!
unary minus vs binary, i guess
Why do we need the 0?
To switch to binary -!!!!
Oh binary minus
This is nonsense. Who came up with this‽
it makes sense to have unary minus have the same precedence as multiplication
@Adám dennis Richie probably
I am pleased I asked now :)
since it's just (-1)*...
i don't actually know the precedence of python's, though
Precedence rules are only any good if people can remember them.
11 bytes
That’s quite a lot
@Anush Just for the ceiling of the square root? ⌈√ in APL.
@Adám want to see the mathematica operator precedence table? :^)
@Adám nice
in jelly?
@att No, please.
@Anush Probably the same, just with different symbols, and in reversed order.
At least the code is readable in APL
) in boring python I guess int(ceil (sqrt(x))
Yeah, it is exactly like TMN's ⌈√x̅⌉, except the ceiling has been harmonised from omnifix to prefix.
@Anush You don't need int there.
@Anush traditional math notation
this assuming x is already defined yeah?
mathematica ⌈√x⌉ :)
@Adám hmm…quite close to 11 then
@att Yeah, I guess it should be f(x)=⌈√x̅⌉ to be fully specified.
gamy is marriage; origamy is ori marriage - my brother
CMP: Cygwin or MSYS2?
CMQ: What's a good lightweight terminal emulator for windows?
@PyGamer0 WSL.
@PyGamer0 Define "good".
@Adám doesnt have a trillion billion bugs
I've been happy with the default "cmd"-style one. That's what I use for WSL.
and functional with support for color; ncurses stuff
Yeah, that all seems to work.
with ligatures
You keep adding requirements. I just use a language that uses proper Unicode symbols instead of relying on ligatures ¯\_(⍨)_/¯
@Adám apl reference
@PyGamer0 Are you saying that's a reference to APL, or are you asking me for an APL reference?
@Adám thats an apl reference right?
@PyGamer0 cmder lite
works like a charm
no installation
fits on a usb
@Razetime lol thats what i am using
ligatures are bees
@PyGamer0 Indeed.
@Adám I did it!
@Razetime but the problem is i changed some setting (idk which) and nvim is behaving very weird
man that feels so good to have got it
I don't bother with terminal for nvim or emacs, only use GUI version
@Razetime but the gui i use has bugs
@exedraj Nice. But you can actually reuse a single 'AUS'
@Adám by storing it in a variable?
No, as a train like you did.
i have a 6 byte train
@Razetime Me too.
I don't think I know enough to get that 6 byte train
Think about how you'd do it in Vyxal
then try porting it
:ż$vǔ doesn't exactly translate nicely
because it's using stack stuff
Also, Vyxal vectorisation is a tad bit different to APL vectorisation
@emanresuA 1 2 3 ⌽¨ 'AUS' and ⟨1|2|3⟩ `AUS` vǔ don't do the same
Is it like Jelly vectorisation?
actually I think is a bit broken
so idk why it works
no wait it isn't
Because strings are objects in vyxal
unlike Jelly and APL which have them as lists of characters
See one of the ussies
#205 specifically\
the problem with that though is that how do you vectorise something which acts differently based on type patterns
Do you make 3 ⟨1|2|3⟩ vǓ rotate everything 3 times, or only rotate everything once?
It should rotate every digit of 3, aka just 3, by 1, 2, and 3 positions which of course does nothing resulting in ⟨3|3|3⟩.
Honestly, the issue is more to do with the way the element is implemented, rather than vectorisation
I tagged it as vectorisation anyway
I removed the tag
Also can we have is_vowel? (behaves like C on multichar strings)
add that to #160
@exedraj BTW edited out structural stuff from your implementation issue
Modifiers, loops, structures, strings etc are gone
And I grouped all the constants
And I'll add all the digraphs soonish
very cool
1 hour later…
I'm cool? No, you're just saying that to be nice.
Can anyone understand js? What is codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/233856/98590 doing in plain English?
Tsh is a genius who usually doesn't explain themselves, and I sure don't understand it :p
isnt a=>blahblah just javascript lambdas?
Yeah, but as to how it works I have no idea
Can anyone translate the code into python?
You think that's gonna make it more understandable?
It might do for me
First I can't read it and then if I can read it I need to understand it
So we would be 50 percent of the way there :)
I do know the main ways to solve the problem so if it is one of those then it will be clear
Well, I don't know Python well enough to translate it, so here's a pixel art wheel
@emanresuA and i dont know javascript
I think this is it:`import itertools
lambda a: lambda b: itertools.accumulate(enumerate(a),
lambda t, ic: list(map(lambda jn: (p:=min(jn[1] - (ic[1] == b[ic[0]+jn[0]-2]), p, t[jn[0]+1] or 4)+1), (p:=4) and enumerate(t)))
, initial=[4,4,1,2,3])[len(b)-len(a)+2]==3`
i don't know what it's doing, but it looks like it is O(n)
Is this linear?
no, that's O(n^2)
Also schould I change PFP to:
@emanresuA the nested for loop
@JoKing Sorry, I was saying Why in response to pygamer
So, jq is going to be LoTM, but the problem is no one here has any idea how to use it.
@emanresuA make it either pink or light gray
That way you can also live in my cupboard
I'll go with pink
@m90 thanks. I will try to make sense of it later. Does it run for you?
@Anush I haven't tried.
@m90 I will try in a bit
@exedraj ^
@emanresuA very nice
Welcome to my cupboard
1 hour later…
now emanresu am plate?
they've joined the cupboard
brb, going to change my profile pic break into lyxal's house and paint an orange light bulb on the plates
@pxeger that'll never work
SSH keys can be pretty annoying sometimes :/
thank you SE chat for returning no chat results for itertool but returning the message I was looking for when searching itertools
very cool
Gonna have to put my SSH private key on a github gist, very cool
@BrowncatPrograms apparently codex leaked some PGP keys lol
different key type, but same sort of principle
so make sure the gist is private
Yes! SFTP'd from my phone
SFTP is a protocol for copying files between servers using SSH
welp i'm off to bed
bye y'all
don't go changing my plates while I sleep
because that wouldn't be very epic at all
Wow, turns out I was able to reduce the jankness of one of my userscripts by about 1000% with a single line of CSS. :/
@AaronMiller So now your script has 9 times as much jankness, just in the opposite direction?
@Anush My previous attempt at that had several problems. Here's a fixed version: tio.run/…
@Adám It has negative jankness :P
CMP: which is uglier: {\ foo } or \{ foo }?
@pxeger Depends a lot on what it means.
It means { this block of code is not a separate lexical scope; foo }
@m90 thanks!
(or are you gonna tell me there should be a more explicit syntax?)
@pxeger Hm, it could be seen as escaping {} or as a flag…
Any idea what the 4,4,1,2,3 is about?
The former favouring \{ and the latter {\
@pxeger Does \ mean something similar in other places?
@Adám Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought; that's why I wanted opinions on pure aesthetics lol
@Adám \​ is used for escapes here yes, but in a more literal sense of escaping bits of syntax, so giving it more semantic meaning for { might be inconsistent...
@pxeger maybe this was the better idea
@pxeger Maybe something like {)(}?
or :{ ... }:
could also have a keyword or such for "leaking" individual bindings into the next scope up rather than having a syntax for non-scope blocks
@exedraj Jelly uses "neighbours" as the name for the quick that does that
@Adám I don't think mismatched brackets are a good idea, because it breaks what would otherwise be universal editor semantics
(e.g. vim's ci()
and tbh it's kinda ugly lol
@UnrelatedString I specifically want to avoid that; that's why I'm looking for some other syntax
so yeah my vote is for :{ ... }: or some such; the colon is both a visually "open" character and having one after the block suggests that the stuff after the block follows from it in some sense
looks a bit too much like a weird face to me lol
fair enough
considering your initial proposition, i assume matching alterations to both braces are not important, so... ^{ ... }?
or {^ ... }
hmm maybe {' ... }
if you have a "splat" syntax for function calls like python's * or js's ... you could also use the same character you use for that
that's a good one too
I already allow ' in identifiers so it could be like "codeblock-prime"
@Adám heh, that reminds me of the recent ELL post on 600% reductions
I was reading a post by Python's creator Guido van Rossum about Why Operators Are Useful--his basic point being that a * b + c is more readable than add(mul(a, b), c)--and then he slips in this dig: "Of course, it's definitely possible to overdo this -- then you get Perl."
Which is funny to me, because Pip is the epitome of "overusing operators for everything," and I've often thought of it as Perl but golfier. (Not a perfect comparison, but there are a lot of similarities.)
@pxeger I'm very much in favor of \{ foo }, which means my answer is that {\ foo } is uglier. Backslash as a modifier in other languages modifies the thing that comes after it. You're using it to indicate a different kind of block, which means it should be shown as modifying the block, rather than modifying the first statement/expression in the block.
@emanresuA CMC: Output this image
I get that people aren't happy that Last Seen was removed - I also would've preferred it to stay. But what exactly does mentioning it on every single do that the existing, highly upvoted answers and comments don't already? I'm sure Aaron and SE as a whole are more than aware of how people feel about it, yet another answer isn't going to do anything besides be an easy way to get rep from users who are annoyed at SE
I have a slight suspicion the company intends to ignore this issue until it goes away by itself because others will eventually get tired of posting the same thing over and over again, so the chances to get an official response are quite low. — Oleg Valter Aug 23 at 14:27
@Dudecoinheringaahing I upvoted that, because I don't want to let them get away with "ignoring it until it goes away by itself"
But they will
Just look at what happened with Monica: they ignored it for as long as they could, then settled any legal issues that arose, then continued to ignore everything else
"That is a horrible and unwelcoming attitude to have towards it." - literally someone at SE in response to "restore the last seen indicator!"
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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