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@Dudecoinheringaahing Most likely a bug with the change I made to add support for other sites
Make sure you're on the current one, I'd made a very slight tweak to fix one cause of that issue and forgot to update the version number
@BrowncatPrograms I think I'm on 1.2, is that the most current one?
Go to line 135, does it include "GRT." + site_name + "_" +?
That will indicate whether you're on the old or new 1.2, since I forgot to update the version number when I added that
"GRT." + site_name + "_" + on line 135
Hmm :/
I guess I'll take a look at that later
Yeah no rush :P
I just got yelled at this morning because my computer made beeping noises every 30 seconds whenever it opened a new tab for the review :P
Oh cool, I'm currently the only one on the site who's done a first questions review
So I was the last to ever do an FP review, and the first to ever do an FQ
I got that question, but in the CV review queue IIRC :(
I just did big brain :P I'm doing a "Minecraft, but you can't break any blocks" (like, using a tool) challenge, and in order to get sand for tnt, I traded with a wandering trader for it. Might be the only time I've ever done that :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ and them immediately wasted those blocks by towering up to see my surroundings. I'm not smart :P
Good job :p
oh wait new review queues?
all i've heard about the new review thing is people in TL complaining about the comments
apparently community is spamming comments not useful for most sites except SO that can't be flagged by users
Yeah, if you click "share feedback", the stock comment is done by Community, but they've only made stock comments applicable to SO :/
i only have 83 on FP so at least i didn't lose much progress on the badge lol
doubt i'll even end up getting any stewards
@Dudecoinheringaahing I don't think I can repro the a-bunch-of-tabs-are-opening issue
@Dudecoinheringaahing well that's unpleasant
@hyper-neutrino I was at 192 :(
and I can't even edit those comments?
@BrowncatPrograms It's only happening for me when there's a review task. On Chrome on Windows
I'm simulating review tasks, yeah
@Dudecoinheringaahing Why isn't there an option to have the stock comment made by the user themself?
There is, that's called commenting :P
Aug 26 at 15:40, by Dude coinheringaahing
@Catija @Slate For the new review changes, do you know if it's at all possible for specific sites to customise the canned responses in the FA/FQ queues?
I'd definitely use these types of canned comment for the welcome stuff tbh
time to make a bot under my account to auto-delete all of the community stock comments
I already use a userscript for quick comments
I even added a feature which should allow review task tabs to close themselves after 10 minutes, which makes that really strange
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah, that's happening
@Dudecoinheringaahing Userscripts aren't always available if you're using a public laptop/phone/whatever, and it's handier to have it built-in
@user Yeah exactly, I don't leave the welcome message when reviewing from my phone because it's from my userscript. Having a auto-comment + template feature builtin would be great
I'd want it to be so that the reviewer can edit the comment tho
Yeah, maybe it should show you the stock comment before Community actually posts it
The problem with that is that you can make Community say stuff like "I AM BOT FEED ME BUTTER"
@Dudecoinheringaahing Can you open codegolf.stackexchange.com/review/close and look at the console?
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
If a whole bunch of errors show up or codegolf_review_close isn't commented, that's the issue
> codegolf_review_close
Those two are both showing up in the console (I think the 404 is from something else tho)
The 404's not relevant, yeah
No other errors though?
If you want, try closing any review task tabs you have open (if you still have the one I linked open), then edit the script to add setInterval(async () => console.log(Date.now() - (await GM.getValue("GRT." + site_name + "_review_close") || 0)), 1000); after line 155.
If you then open the close votes queue in a new tab, it should reset the counter being logged to a number below 1000. If it doesn't, or the number looks really big and starts with 16, there's something wrong.
Wait not after 155
After the setInterval that's probably near 155
Above var timeout = -1;
It hasn't output anything, even after reopening the tab and reloading
It outputs on the main tab, not the queue one
If it's not outputting anything on either then I'm not really sure what's happening
Outputs 776
And then keeps outputting numbers (is currently at 33970)
Even with the close votes tab still open?
It should stay under a thousand while it's open
Nope, if I have the tab open it stays below 1000
Okay, that's intended behavior then
Not sure why it's opening tasks multiple times
I'm thinking of a problem about creating "better Ceaser Ciphers" - mapping 'a'-'z' to a-z (but semi-randomised). It's possible to simply ROR the letter in a CC but can it be more convoluted? I wanted to write a hash map thing and test it loads of time to see if it maps a-z one to one.
There can be other ways of making a bijection of a-z than just rotating them, if that's what you're asking
An example would be b becomes a and a becomes b, c becomes d and d becomes c, etc.
Another would be a is z, b is y, c is x, etc.
There are 26-factorial bijections on a-z, in fact
Any permutation (i.e. ordering) of a-z is a bijection of a-z
e.g. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
thanks for 'bijection'!
(specifically, you're looking for a permutation, which is a bijection from a set to itself)
It's not gonna be a very good cipher for English text though btw, because some basic letter and word frequency analysis will let you reverse it quickly
You might want to google "substitution cipher"
@BrowncatPrograms hm I hadn't thought of these. I wanted to do one of those awesome interactive cops and robbers style events, try to break a cipher vs try to write a good mapping
You could make it not limited to any cipher
You just have to include the source code (of input->output) and a few examples of output
Then the robbers have to figure out the inputs for the outputs
it's surely possible there are magic numbers which can be used to map one for one where the distance between plain character and cipher character is a. unique? b. random-ish?
@tjjfvi as in rebuild the cops' functions? hmm
I think they mean you're given the function, and have to decode some outputs
Yeah, what redwolf said
sounds easy to make impossible ones using proper cryptographic ciphers
Well, you have to give the function
Which means that the private key would have to be in there somewhere
oh ok
But then it essentially devolves into "obfuscate this string"
@tjjfvi not for asymmetric ciphers
Oh, true, duh
in RSA you can encrypt with only the public key, but you need the private key to decrypt
It's against a standard loophole to use real crypto functions
Using a scheme which is actually close to impossible impossible to break would just be like using metagolfscript, you'd get lots of downvotes and it may or may not actually be allowed
"real" crypto functions take more into account when encrypting each character than the character itself right? They look at the stuff they've already done and have internal stuff?
Block ciphers
Yeah, but any simple bijection of one character to another would likely be trivially breakable so you'd probably have to generalize it a bit for a CnR
It has to be deterministic to be fair then
What do you mean by "deterministic"?
@Dudecoinheringaahing Not necessarily
Well, yes, but I'm not sure that narrows it as much as they're looking for. RSA is deterministic, for example
I was think deterministic as in "a" always equals "k" in whatever function. Is that too restrictive?
I think it is
You could just put all 26 letters into the function, then you've broken the cipher
you only need to put in 25 technically :p (if it's bijective)
okay I need to do more thinking, seems it's hard (for me) to write a function but trival to break
Does this have a dupe-target?
It doesn't for me - repro please
yes, it's this
it says right in the question body
> Possible Duplicate:
Ternary conditional operator in Python
That's the old way of closing as a dupe
That's why
Oh I se
I didn't even see the possible duplicate thing
2 hours later…
Are the Community Ads still featured for anyone else?
Oh no
They're still featured for me
Featuring seems very broken :p
Featuring + locking is the issue
Get hyper to 11 it then
Problem is that it was locked by a CM, I think hyper's not wanted to 11 it before because it might mess things up for them somehow?
@emanresuA I'd make it clearer that OP can choose \$a\$
Aside from that?
You haven't given any size/scale for the borders
What do you mean?
Oh wait, \$a\$ is the border width
Anything else?
You have star and wedge mixed up in the table (the images)
II do
Also, personally, I'd go with 6a instead of 5.75a. I doubt it'll change the shapes too much, and it simplifies the golfing
But that's up to you :P
Aww, no empty layers? :(
The thing is, 5.75a is the right amount to make the borders not quite overlap on wedges and stars.
How does 5.5 look?
@Dudecoinheringaahing I haven't tested anything, but it's quite close, as you can see, and I want to make it look as close to the original as possible.
Which means preferably no border overlaps
Yeah, that's fine. I'm just thinking about simplifying the golfing, that's all :P
Ok, so good to post?
I suspect you'll get a few clarification comments, given that its , but I don't see any big issues with it
Anything aside from ?
Actually, are you requiring the input format to be like that?
Especially the "joined by :"? I think allowing answers to take a list of 4 layers would be a better idea
Ok sure
@emanresuA Maybe if that's a tag?
> 330 questions
Ok, guess it is :P
Q: Draw me a shape

emanresu AThe game shapez.io has a lot of shapes. In my previous challenge, the object was to generate a random code for a shape. Now, your challenge is to render a shape. Specs Shapes Each shape has a unique shortcode, for example: is CrWgRuSp - clockwise from top right, red circle, green wedge, uncolore...

Here you go!
@NewPosts @BrowncatPrograms why the woof?
lol, for dog week I assume
There needs to be a lang like Charcoal but for challenges
No one's a dog except dlosc :p
@Dudecoinheringaahing Oh, the identicon
@Dudecoinheringaahing You could do something like Jelly+SVG
Can you do that?
That "woof" icon took me quite a while to perfect, glad someone finally noticed it :p
I think Jelly + BPM is the standard for Jelly answers to
The first answer's probably gonna be JS
First cat ears, now woofing? Y'all, I think New Posts is a furry :P
You are a cat - you have fur
Having fur != being a furry
Being furry and being a furry are also different
@BrowncatPrograms There is no dog week
and I'm a tree because user and Pygamer's fault
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm not denying it
CMC: Worst name for TNB?
Lyxal's meme room
The golf Room (officla) (18+) (gone wrong) (gone sexual)
Unfortunately, all but the (18+) is accurate, and even that's not a bad suggestion :P
But we'd lose the best person in the room if it was 18+
I'm 19, dw :P
I think I'm going to move this all over to CGCC gaming, it's sort of taken over the room
Yeah that's another reason I don't, because I'll just keep talking about it :p
@Dudecoinheringaahing I think this is a great name
@Allxy and I agree with this sentiment
@exedraj very cool lyxal
@Allxy Thank you for that independent and unbiased opinion :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing as redwolf once said:
May 4 at 3:49, by Redwolf Programs
@Lyxal This is the kind of hard hitting journalism we need in these desperate times
@Dudecoinheringaahing Lyxal's Juicy Meme Stash
@BrowncatPrograms Who, New Posts?
> But we'd lose the best person in the room if it was 18+
Since when are you a person? You're either a wolf, a cat, or a bot
Or all of them, idk
Or a Programs
Yes, anything but a person
@Dudecoinheringaahing clearly they are several JavaScript files stored in a private github repository somewhere
Hence the programs part of redwolf programs
rm redwolf.js
Several JavaScript files
cd redwolf
rm -f
Clearly, we must take a page out of Redwolf's own book and run rm -rf / --no-preserve-root to completely purge the virus
Okay but seriously though who is vyxal cookie?
They now have a youtube account as well as a github account
That's what happens when you click "Accept All Cookies" too many times :P
@exedraj has to be user
@Dudecoinheringaahing and when you click invite as organisation owner instead of invite as member :p
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