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I have finished my first draft of my "History of PPCG and CGCC" blog post. Feel free to criticise my spelling and grammar errors, and I'd love to hear what you think of it :D
"Code Golf, PPCG and CGCC"
Consider oxford comma
@Dudecoinheringaahing "Unfortuantely" on the first line
implying this isn't a stealth announcement that the new site name is PPCG and CGCC
I'm very inconsistent on Oxford commas, I suspect I've used them a decent amount in the actual blog post :P
@ngn That's my calling card of typos, I cannot type "unfortunately" correctly without auto-correct :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing "thought'd" :)
What happend to #2?
We don't talk about #2
> old feeds replaced with sleek new bots, powered entirely by butter.
Pretty poggers
Although I'd rename it to #2
@emanresuA I think Razetime was working on #2, but yes, I'm going to rename this one as #2
@emanresuA i don't think there's anything mego can do about that anyway
like, i could poke a CM to destroy it (assuming they can), but like, why
@hyper-neutrino True
Caird said they owuld be annoyed (omewhere in transcript) but whatever
So, is this good to post?
@hyper-neutrino Btw I kinda gave up on shapez.io - I got to the point where I had to make more and more MAMs to keep up with the demand, making my computer laggier and laggier, until I just couldn't handle it anymore.
@emanresuA well, I could ask Mego, but he'd probably still be annoyed with me. regardless of my opinion of him, it's probably better for me to leave him alone
@emanresuA you can use storage cells to hold the MAM output and then dump it all at once
you don't actually need 16 MAMs; i have 4 but you could do it with just one MAM and still get 200/s
I didn't even think of that :P. What level are you on? (182)
@BrowncatPrograms Oh, the idea that was nibbling at the back of my brain finally made it to the front: for any word that's not defined as a function, just treat it as a string. Inspired by: "Suddenly, Ruby supports barewords!"
@emanresuA 620
Also, when you define new types/classes/whatever, you can define literal syntax for them. E.g. if the language didn't originally support rational numbers, you could define a Rational type and tell it to recognize & parse any token matching \d+/\d+ as a Rational. That's a feature that would be dangerous but cool to have in a practical-type language.
I think there's some vague similarity to Rebol here, although I don't know Rebol.
@hyper-neutrino I'd argue they aren't complying by GDPR by leaving it
@Dudecoinheringaahing That's true. hardly the first GDPR violation probably but yes, that is a good point. should I go poke someone in TL then?
Mego specifically requested the deletion of all his accounts, as well as dissociation of his content. Leaving the profile violates that request
@hyper-neutrino Probably best
@hyper-neutrino Why's he still annoyed at you? For running in the election?
@Dudecoinheringaahing well, last interaction i had with him was in the gaming server and he just gave me a role. otherwise I haven't had any interaction with him since he was here, so I don't know if he'd dislike me over running or if he's gotten over that
@DLosc I think some languages have overloaded numeric literals, but this is something else entirely
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

IsaacRoan SisonMultiplying Symmetry Input: Number, positive or negative Output: Array and a number (positive or negative) Background Your job is to input a number (or a N for this example), then it goes from every number from 1 to N and puts it on a array. Then if N is even, all numbers goes to its reverse po...

So is this good to post then:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AAdaptive randomisation Given a number \$n ≥ 2\$, a blackbox function \$f\$ that takes no arguments and returns a random integer in the range 0...n-1 inclusive, and a number \$m ≥ n\$, your challenge is to generate a random integer in the range 0...m-1 inclusive. You may not use any nondeterminist...

If no one says anything after an hour, I'll post this.
anything after an hour
looks like y'ain't posting it
Is it good to post?
(let me quess, you've already sandbox sniped it :p)
I actually haven't
and I still think you need to provide an example of what you fully mean
Ok, wone moment.
I added a code example with comments, does that help>
I still need an example of f
like just give me a vyxal example here so I understand
f would be something like λ3℅;, where 3 is replaced with n, and hardcoded.
Is that good?
So then why can't I just call f until the result is <= m?
Actually no it makes sense
I think it's good
It'll just take a few rereads for some people
One moment
Q: Adaptive randomisation

emanresu AGiven a number \$n ≥ 2\$, a blackbox function \$f\$ that takes no arguments and returns a random integer in the range 0...n-1 inclusive, and a number \$m ≥ n\$, your challenge is to generate a random integer in the range 0...m-1 inclusive. You may not use any nondeterministic builtins or behaviou...

Have fun!
Oh NMP, why...
Wanted to share this impressive golfathon for one of the JS1K competitions: marijnhaverbeke.nl/js1k
@emanresuA I'm really starting to appreciate the effort it took from Google to make the artistic swimming game's chart
because mapping arrows to beats isn't as easy as it seems
even when you're trying to make it as hard as possible
oh yeah i forgot about that
53145 on the mania challenge (first attempt); is that good or bad lol
You mean the first level?
that's 10k off perfect
so that's pretty good
I'm pretty sure my first attempt was also 50 something
@PyGamer0 136 just now according to monkeytype.com (60s test)
@exedraj oh pog lol
wait you're supposed to shoot those fan things?
i am stupid
yes you are
(that's the answer to both)
@exedraj your thumbnails are the best :P
first try scores :p
also the archer one is easy
spam spacebar and go right and left
very effective
@hyper-neutrino imagine not being team kappa
the only one i'd played something similar to before (at least recently) is the mania game but i am not really good at mania games (or any rhythm games i just play them a lot but am not good lol)
@hyper-neutrino hey same
I enjoy watching Clone Hero/playing easy charts, but I'm horrible once I start trying medium difficulty charts
@exedraj this is actually a banger as well as a good song for this game
it's got polyrhythms!
@hyper-neutrino no way is that your first try synchro swimming score
oh wait, you play osu
maybe it is lol
I'm yet to get anything > 30000 :(
@pxeger how long have you been grinding for?
like 5 tries
but HN apparently got 53k first try >:
@exedraj wow
although one of the links dont work :(
does this make it more believable
(i'm not even good at osu!mania you should see bubbler lmao)
osu is weird
Yellow team ftw
@hyper-neutrino 50-60
id repends
@hyper-neutrino lol imagine playing osu
Made by quaver gang
Lol imagine not playing rickroll roulette
1 hour later…
Conquering Australia is hard.
Who summoned osu
Africa? Europe? Easy. Australia...
I was hoping github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/RecipesForJelly would be actual jelly recipes :(
@emanresuA well duh
I'm not about to let you conquer me
What if I let you have Tasmania?
@user do you use Scala 3?
@emanresuA you can have none of Australia
Can I have Tasmania?
Tasmania is in Australia
@emanresuA no.
and exedraj said you can't have any of australia
which means you can't have tasmania
It may be our smallest state and it may not be attached to the mainland, but it's still part of us
So heck off
the fact aus has distinct states and territories always confuses me
What about Perth? I'll give you pxeger's password for it!
@emanresuA I suspect you don't have the means, because my password is $1,000,000,000
haxks pxeger I'll give you pxeger's bank account details for it!
Maybe I don't want pxeger's money for Australia
Because maybe I'm never gonna give you Australia
also technoblade uploaded
Never gonna give you Australia
Never gonna let you Australia
Never gonna run around and Australia
replace("Australia", "up")
Never gonna make you Australia
although Australia means "southern place" which is more like "down"
Never gonna say Australia
Never gonna run around and Australia
We've known each other for Australia
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to Australia
Inside we both know what's Australia
We know the game and we're gonna Australia
And if you ask me how Australia
Don't tell me you're too blind to Australia
@emanresuA Dammit, I contradicted myself
enamresu.exe has crashed
1 hour later…
A: "Hello, World!"

Eternal Studentabcn, 92 bytes aaaac018gxnaaaaac020agxaaaaaaagxgxaaagxnaaaac008gxbbc004bgxbbbbbbbbgxaaagxbbbbbbgxbbbbbbbbgx Obviously not the shortest answer by a mile but for me its fine. Now how does this work aaaac018gxn H --> 72 aaaaac020agx E --> 101 aaaaaaagx L --> 108 gx L --> 108 aaagxn ...

@Hello,World! @BrowncatPrograms is this gonna be interesting enough for you?
@pxeger <sidenote> evidently, Feeds users can have more special characters (e.g. here ,) in their usernames than normal users </sidenote>
@pxeger Feeds' usernames are mod changed, I suspect that mods can edit usernames to have any characters in them
really? that sounds like a bad idea tbh
Feeds users don't exist on the main site, so I'd assume their naming system is different to normal users'
@pxeger what part confuses you?
@JoKing well like when lyxal said Tasmania is the smallest state I instinctively thought "that's wrong, what about ACT?" but... that's not a state
basically, just why?
i mean, i don't really know either. plenty of countries have both states and territories though
did you know that the 5 stars on the back of the US flag represent their five territories?
the USA's territories are more like colonial posessions and are much smaller
NT and ACT make up like 20% of the whole country and seem like they should be main bits of the country
@pxeger Yes, why do you ask?
@user Have you used the indentation / optional braces feature?
What do you think of it?
It’s quite nice
What does the community think?
Some want it under a flag, some want to burn it and chuck into a void, some are meh about it, some absolutely love it
Are there any good criticisms of it, or is it just blind hatred of the off-side rule?
Well, many don’t like the fact that there’s essentially two syntaxes, although the compiler does warn you if your indentation is wack
@pxeger NT is technically a colonial possession too, of Southern Australia, and ACT is more akin to Washington DC
@user the documentation makes it look very complicated, but is it actually quite intuitive?
If you have what’s supposed to be a one liner method but you indent an extra statement below it, it becomes part of that method, which might be an issue occasionally
@pxeger I think it is
@JoKing (DC should also be a state)
@user hmm that sounds ... funky
As long as you don’t alternate between braces and indentation and indent your braced code in weird ways, it’ll be fine
github.com/ysthakur/StackExchange Here’s a Scala 3 example
Oh, and the compiler has a few flags to rewrite the code and switch between the old and new syntax so you don’t have to worry about being inconsistent
I keep debating over whether indentation syntax is a good idea, and I just stumbled on Scala's system so I wanted to gather some opinions
My main concern now is consistency with []/() structures
But based on my experience with Python it isn't really a problem I think
@exedraj i've played a bit of quaver too it just doesn't have as many songs and also i'm just more used to osu (and also i can switch between the osu modes a lot more easily)
4 hours later…
@pxeger I'd suggest not using indentation personally, because some whitespace here or there could mess things up (I find copying Python code annoying but that might just be me), and it's just easier to write a parser for if you're making your own language
@pxeger I don't think you change your chat username without changing your main username, so any restrictions on main apply to chat. However, mods can change any user's username, including in chat, and it wouldn't surprise me if, when creating chat, they didn't bother to have validation of the username changes (given it exists via main)
@Dudecoinheringaahing You know, Chat.SE is a lot like JavaScript
Both of them involve JavaScript
And no one really understands how either of them work, anything that involves them is just bits and pieces duct-taped together to get a result that vaguely resembles something similar to what was intended :P
I bet you the creator of chat saw JS and was like "Hey, look at how quickly they made JS and how beautiful a language it turned out to be! I want to do exactly that, but with less of an impact!"
(/s no offence, creators of chat and JS)
The creator of chat would be balpha (iirc) :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing no, we can only change feeds users' names
we can't directly edit normal users' usernames, but we can swap their parent site and of course edit their username like that if they have an account on a site we moderate
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, but normal users are just extra clever Feeds :P
Shh, don't expose us! :P
(also, not all of us are extra clever :/)
@user Don't put yourself down, I'm sure you're more capable than a bot. For example, can you post a link to a comment, rather than to the post the comment is made on?
If so, then you're better than the SE feeds :P
@hyper-neutrino Is TL room 4 or 5? Both are private rooms, and I can't see :(
well i can't access room 5
so that should answer your question :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Wow, those are quite high standards :P
I just remembered that I have this link (links to Riker and Picard wearing hats the transcript in TL that lead to Monica's firing), and I have no idea why
Holy Unicorns and Waffles, Batman! (random comment so I don't lose reputation). — George Stocker Sep 29 '10 at 13:12
Q: Should we "enrich" or "pimp" Scala libraries?

CharlesSo, apparently there's a Scala design pattern called "pimping" a library by some and "enriching" a library by others, but mainly Stack Overflow. It therefore follows that the tag chosen to represent the design pattern on Stack Overflow is enrich-my-library. The popular question "How can I chain...

lol, people get so worked about random words
Ngl, "pimping a Scala library" brings some very funny and inappropriate images to mind :P
Nothing too explicit, I hope :P
I am sad to report that does not exist anymore (and neither do its variants)
Time to write a sandbox proposal where that fits :P
Any final feedback? (I'll post it in a bit)
@Dudecoinheringaahing the Community Ads section seems like it could do with some more elaboration
like explaining what the TIO, Sandbox, and KHTV ads are
> The first prominent "loss" was Alex A., who [handed in his diamond] in February 2018
broken link
> Monica Cellio, a well respected moderator on 6 Stack Exchange sites - including [Meta Stack Exchange]
another one
Instead of ${}^1$, can you use <sup>1</sup> instead?
Any particular reason why?
it loads faster
Also, can the footnote be moved up? I personally dislike scrolling all the way down
(and it works outside SE markdown)
@Dudecoinheringaahing What pxeger said, and sometimes it doesn't load at all for me
Plus, I think you should be able to see it in Github too
@user Maybe move them to the end of the sections they're referenced in?
looks well-written though :)
@Dudecoinheringaahing Sounds like a good idea
And ^^ this is great work
Ugh, given how many <sup> -> \$ edits I've made, going the other way feels wrong :P
It's time to say "'sup" to <sup> :P ducks
Minor thing: "We couldn't have asked for 2 better community moderators." -> "We couldn't have asked for two better community moderators." and other similar changes for small numbers because I'm being a pedant for no reason :P
but... but.. that's more bytes :P
i don't think you've quite understood the point of the site :P
Oh right, better to stay with the spirit of golf :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm sorry, I'm quite a new user :P
@user I think I'll leave the "dagger means deleted" at the end, simply because its used across the page, rather than in one specific section
But I'll move the 1, 2 and 3 around
> old feeds replaced with sleek new bots, powered entirely by butter
"Scientists find butter to be an efficient new renewable energy source"
That;s 1000% factual and proprietary knowledge, obtained by sneaking into Redwolf's house and looking at the source code of New Posts/New Sandbox Posts :P
what's wrong with unicode subscripts/daggers/whatever?
I've found that ¹ generally doesn't look as good as either <sup>1</sup> or \${}^1\$
Not sure if you can get a dagger that's specifically superscript, but I've used <sup>†</sup> instead of \${}^\dagger\$ in the edit I'm doing now
unicode superscripts do not tend to look very good in a lot of fonts, but if you use superscript formatting you're just rendering the characters normally but with adjustments to look like a nice superscript
i'd imagine there isn't a ton of effort put into making both work just as well because superscript formatting is probably the more common case by a large margin to begin with
@Dudecoinheringaahing (fyi, in case anyone was wondering why 80% of the links don't work, it's cause they're relative links to CGCC meta, so they'll work when on meta)
@pxeger : added some clarification about what Community Ads are, plus a bit of explanation (and a TIO link) for the ads
Hey @WheatWizard!!
I'm starting to learn D, and it looks like a really cool language, would recommend
McAfee's being awfully protective, though, it literally deleted the package manager when I installed it and kept flagging it as sus
Okay, it just said Excel was trying to establish a bad connection or something, I might have an actual virus :/
> Body is limited to 30000 characters; you entered 30364.
Is this the bloog
Try shortening links
@Dudecoinheringaahing tim fr glf
@emanresuA Already pretty short, guess it's time to remove the /66833 from them :/
Like bit.ly or something
@Dudecoinheringaahing That might do it actually
But then I might not get the Announcer badge :P
There are a few links where the name of the question is kept ([10 years]: https://stackoverflow.blog/2021/08/19/celebrating-the-stack-exchange-sites-that-turned-10-years-old/)
That's the overflow blog
@Dudecoinheringaahing Seriously? Fine :P
Removing the title doesn't work for some reason
@Dudecoinheringaahing Oh
If you give me the full draft I can shorten it
[Monica Cellio]: https://stackexchange.com/users/505925/monica-cellio, https://data.stackexchange.com/codegolf/query/1433757/users-stopped-being-active-per-year#graph maybe
Time for http links :P
I suppose link names could be shortened (or inlined, although that would not be nice)
Might shift the Unappreciated Answers into an answer
Q: CGCC Blog Post #2: The history of PPCG and CGCC

Dude coinheringaahingWe recently turned 10 years old. Unfortunately, we didn't really realise and therefore didn't really celebrate or even mark the occasion. But, it got me thinking about the history of the site, and now that the site blog is a thing, I thought I'd write up a brief (or rather, not so brief) history ...

@user I think that https://data.stackexchange.com/codegolf/query/1433757/#graph would work, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did I miss anything in the last 24 hours?
I finally finished the next blog post :P
@pxeger Probably not, looks a lot like deadfish
@BrowncatPrograms I ate lunch
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah I lost my appetite for lunch after seeing that
@user Really? Most fish that I've had for lunch are dead :P
Except Gerald. That cod deserved to suffer :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Exactly
@Dudecoinheringaahing Exactly
I prefer my fish live
Also my waffles
didn't we originally plan our blog to be weekly lmfao
it's been over 10 weeks
I thought it was monthly :P
July doesn't really count as a month anyway :P
well i mean
Feb 28 at 1:17, by caird coinheringaahing
idk the physics behind it, but time has been on some hardcore drugs for the past 18 months
it's basically been a week since post #1 :P
Honestly, it still feels like June 2020
Speaking of the blog, if anyone wants to write the next one, feel free :P
I'd offer to write the next one about how cool Scala is, but for some reason I suspect that won't go over too well :P
i feel like i should at least help cuz i sort of stopped actually doing things after the meta tag backlog
i haven't even really been in chat or doing anything for vyxal my activity's been exceedingly low lately lol
If you aren't posting 3 answers every day, you're basically inactive :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Thanks caird, that was a really fascinating post. I can't remember the last time I read something so slowly-- I really wanted to soak it all in. Plus I took loads of hyperlink detours. And no, I don't just think everything is great :p For instance, I never finished reading the last blogpost you guys wrote. This one, though, was super enlightening and filled all sorts of gaps I didn't even know I had.
@AviFS Thanks, it was really fun to write and research, and I'm glad people find it interesting :D
Okay codemirror looks very difficult to work with. I'm sticking with Text for now :P
Also, there's all these names that I've seen around the site and feel I know so well. It was really interesting to see them referenced in the context of what they did for the site and when in CGCC's history they joined. I realized I knew next to nothing about any of these people relative to each other, and just how much history I've missed.
Which honestly makes me pretty sad! I can't believe you've been here since 2017; I just barely got here and even then am rarely around!
@BrowncatPrograms For what use case?
@hyper-neutrino Wow! Weekly is ever so slightly ambitious, if I do say so myself.
I was going to try making my own code editor, but after reading the docs for codemirror 6 it doesn't look like that's happening :p
@BrowncatPrograms Make your own from scratch, or use code mirror to make one?
And for what langs?
Is it for the RTO front-end?
Well I'd use the core parts of CM, but I'd write most of it myself
Not for RTO, just a personal thing
@AviFS I have also spent ~18 months not active on the site. If you look at my rep graph, you'll see that I essentially didn't post for a year in 2018/19, then again after Monica's firing for 6 months
@AviFS Speaking of RTO, I was thinking maybe we could start on that again soon
@Dudecoinheringaahing 2017 is a lot of history though! I never met any of the older gen, you guys are all I know!
Since Jan 2021, I've earned close to half my total rep :P
Jealous of you all that met Dennis, Martin Ender and all the other guys you mentioned
Oh yeah, Alex A, Mego, etc.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Woah ⍤⍥⍤
@Dudecoinheringaahing Well I earned 95% of my rep in a single week :p
i'm sad that i wasn't more active cuz i have few to no memories of interacting with those people
I've chatted with (I think) all of the elected mods, except for Doorknob, and honestly, they were some of the best people I've talked to on here. I can 100% see why they got elected (yes, this includes HN, WW and Jo King)
@BrowncatPrograms That'd be great, I've been pretty deflated again lately, so that'd be really ncie!
or maybe i did get the chance and just forgot sometime ago :/
That's not to say anything negative about the rest of y'all :P
lmao, sorry
I'd lurked on CGCC (then PPCG) like five years ago, but never actually interacted with anyone :/
Then that account got deleted for sockpuppeting lol
i mostly lurk in chat
And get referenced whenever someone makes a joke :P
I'm a bit surprised Adám never came up. I'll bet there could be a blogpost just for the history of APL/orchard/cultivation/seeds/everything on the site
Wonder if Bubbler or Adám would be up to writing it
what's strange is i don't really have any recollection of jo king until after the election
other than that time someone called us both virgins in the same post
lol, i remember that
Speaking of, I was also surprised Bubbler & xnor didn't appear. We should have one on The Faces of CGCC, or something like that
@hyper-neutrino I kind of get that as well. Especially when looking at meta posts form 2020, and seeing really insightful comments by Jo King, that I don't remember seeing before :P
Can't think of any reasonable criteria for that where I'd be featured, unfortunately. But something like all users with 10k+ rep could have a little brief thing
@AviFS There are 5 non-mod CGCC users that I mentioned: Dlosc (LOTM), myself (the status tag edits), Peter Taylor (a founding member of the site), Geobits (one of the biggest community leaders in 2016) and Rainbolt (who was one of the bigger proponents/curators of the memes)
With avatar picture, link to most upvoted question, link to most upvoted answer, and something else small
we have 164 10k+ users
Or 10k+ with 30+ Q/A
There are countless other users I could've mentioned, but I mainly tried to mention users as they came up, rather than "forcing" in a mention
@AviFS Very few 10k+ users have <50 posts
@Dudecoinheringaahing Of course! Understood
Hmm, I'm not sure how to do it, then
no offense to anyone but listing a bunch of users based on rep sounds not very interesting or meaningful
No it doesn't
I thought if there was something interesting we could write about each person
Re: their history, some cool things they've done and stuff
But that sounds like a nightmare
we could maybe highlight a particular user (or a couple) each time sort of like underappreciated posts, i guess?
But that sounds like a nightmare
the nice thing about each blog post being its own question is we can tag additions as answers
@AviFS if it's the who's who of TNB you want, we have a wiki for it here
It's incomplete and lacking detail for some users (mostly because I can't creative write)
@exedraj Yeah, true. You are missing a tad few though :p
But it aims to be comprehensive enough
But that's a good point
@hyper-neutrino Yes, and since I'm the only active user around, I should be highlighted each time! :P
Just to list a few here that I wanted to add but had to cut short: xnor for basically revolutionising Python golf; Bubbler for consistently posting new and inventive challenges, even throughout the "dark days"; Shaggy for still finding new ways to be creative with Japt, a golfing language that dates back to Pyth; lyxal, Redwolf and user for reviving chat; Adám for keeping a part of programming history alive on the site; Arnauld for always amazing us with his crazy short JS answers, and so, so many more that I can't list
@AviFS tbf it's only a few days old
@exedraj But that wiki includes minor players like me, emanresu, Aaron Miller, etc. and doesn't include big players like Arnauld and Tim

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