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@user because we haven't gotten around to that yet
True, it's not very old
I could very easily go through the list of users and saying something great about each of you (most likely an anecdote about some crazy golf tbh) :P
I envision it having all sorts of users, prominent and minor, RO/mod and standard
@user ^
i have all the current ROs and mods already (without much info on each page though)
Also a very long article on the evils of JavaScript, cats, and SQL :P
obtw how do you upload pfps? I tried to add mine but it isn't showing up, will probably delete my page entirely
Conspiracy theory: I'm actually user and the three of us never switched back after the great profile swap
@user Just write the binary of the RBG pixels :P
@BrowncatPrograms Finally, I can be my true self!
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ruth Bader Ginsburg pixels?
Frick Scala, frick SQL, frick JS, frick Java
JavaScript is love, JavaScript is life
@BrowncatPrograms No, we're all user(s) :P
@BrowncatPrograms Red Blue Green :P
Any feedback on my Hunter-Gatherer KotH?
I think it needs more scala
Frick JVM languages
@user FTFY
Ooh thanks!
if you upload it you only need to include the filename itself
not the full URL
also you used spaces, not underscores, so your reference needs to use spaces as well, lol
im dumb
No, you're user.
No, I'm Redwolf
I use Chromebooks and say "howdy" and "y'all"
@user uh that's me who says howdy and y'all
Redwolf doesn't come up in the search history for howdy
I also say y'all :P
Y'all should know this :P
Redwolf also says y'all, but doesn't live in the part of Texas where "howdy" is common :p
@BrowncatPrograms You telling me that Redwolf isn't a rough-and-tumble cattle rancher? :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Of course not, he's a rough-and-tumble cowboy :P
@BrowncatPrograms When was the last time you said "Yeehaw!"?
@BrowncatPrograms the one problem I have with this statement is that when you change your username back to normal, it'll look like you're talking about yourself in the third person
Wdym, I'm user
Wait no I'm not
That's right
(looks around to make sure people believed me)
So I'm working on a userscript to add reactions to chat, any suggestions? (the reactions will be stored using PythonAnywhere)
Use websockets
Websockets are cool
Thanks, but how do you know about them, user?
The user I remember was an idiot who didn't know anything about web development
Scala has this cool feature where if you use a variable name called @*&!^#&^*@* it automatically spawns a websocket in the JVM template multiplexer
With a trampoline
Very abstractly, I might add
With lots of immutables and function programs, I'm sure :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing not trying to sound arrogant, but that ><> answer in the underappreciated posts wasn't very golfy in the end
@JoKing Yeah, I saw your answer :P
Added a page on TNBakery to the wiki
Someone nominated that answer as underappreciated, and I didn't want to go through the hassle of having a poll for some more, so I just tried to write a couple of sentences about each nomination :P
I'm watching the latest CaptainSparklez video on the new 1.18 updates to Minecraft, and holy crap, I love what the future of Minecraft is going to look like :P
@emanresuA Hi!
Is blog?
@Dudecoinheringaahing i mean, i think it's good for someone who i don't think has much experience with ><>, especially since even most people don't use the stack stack much
@Dudecoinheringaahing I don't, but I probably don't want to start this discussion again lol
Is blog!
We should probably pin a message with th eblog
@BrowncatPrograms I'd be happy to (for a bit), but maybe in the CGCC gaming room :P
@emanresuA Review queue changes are , not sure we need that pined, so sure :P
@BrowncatPrograms Maybe edit that to be more coherent? :P
@mods feel free to 11 that into something readable :p
I have to go now so I don't have time to
I wish I had mod powers, but I might just repost and cancel the stars/pin instead :P
Q: Community ♦ has gained sentience and is posting bad comments, what should I do?

PeilonrayzOn Thursday the review queues changed. Whilst the change is hopefully for the better in the long term. In, hopefully, the short term, the release has a number of issues. [1] There are a few I'd like to highlight: Community ♦ is posting comments which are good for Stack Overflow, but are bad on C...

Watch me commit 12 :P
Oh dear
@emanresuA The review auto-comments need some work, its been posted on MM :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing What's 12?
11 = mod abuse. 12 = RO abuse :P
Mmm, this makes me wonder what 0-10 are
And if there are fractional abuses
Is 10 flag abuse?
flag, vote, star are 10, 9 and 8 :P
CMQ: What are abuses 0-7?
That's unluky, iet's skip it
May 11 at 1:24, by hyper-neutrino
omg ro abuse !12
I don't think there's that many ways to abuse the system :P
Ok, I'm saying 13ing is Vyxal flag abuse.
14ing is Japt flag abuse
15ing is Zsh flag abuse
and so on
Zsh has flags?
Look at pxegers answers
@Dudecoinheringaahing Do we add to blog posts? Last one did, so I guess so?
@BrowncatPrograms Right about now, a link to your nodeJS SE chat library would be awesome!!
@Dudecoinheringaahing Absolutely, positively, why not?!
If anyone wants the free meta flag, feel free :P
I'll raise it if it doesn't have the tag by the time I wake up in ~8 hours, otherwise, anyone who wants it can have it :P
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Tic-Tac Clock
@Dudecoinheringaahing On it!
@Dudecoinheringaahing Wait, I don't get it.
Do I flag it for mod attention to add the tag?
Because when I hit edit, it doesn't let me
@AviFS I think so. I think only a mod can add that tag.
@AviFS Unfortunately it's not finished and is currently in the "functioning but not very nice to look at" stage, so you probably don't want to base any Go libraries on it :p
I can make a gist with the relevant part to logging in though, since that's working now
Also make sure whatever library you use for requests handles cookies correctly, Node's does not so I had to rewrite my own from scratch
Nice XD
Thinking about Tweetable Mathematical Art and AviFS's recently posted link to a JS1K submission, I'm wondering if there's a way to write a fun, on-topic challenge where you have a given limit on the size of your code and you're trying to optimize some kind of score within that limitation.
I think we have ones like that, right?
The "biggest number in ten bytes" challenge is an example I guess
I couldn't think of one off the top of my head, but I wouldn't be surprised.
I'm open to customizations if y'all want them
time to see if there's an easy way to change themes
@BrowncatPrograms do you know where I could get a high res copy of the site logo?
I'm working on that right now actually :p
@Dudecoinheringaahing i've added
Looks like you'd need to put it on a black background yourself though
I need png
Does anyone here have photoshop or some sort of tool where they can paste that over a black background and pngify it?
I might be able to with a JS canvas hack, hold on
@BrowncatPrograms I couldn't find one exactly matching that description, but I did find several other challenges that amount to the same idea. It's not a challenge type that I'm particularly interested in, but it's something.
@BrowncatPrograms what bg colour should articles have?
Maybe the gray color of messages here?
@BrowncatPrograms i havé thought abouti cats and decided that i dislike them
@BrowncatPrograms #f5f5f5
Might be ugly though, idk
You'd have to try it I guess
I have the header as a png now, I just need to fill in the background
nvm i got it
it's kind of SE to provide it automatically in the css
Wait really? All I could find was the SVG :/
background-image of the header
That doesn't look right
Are you sure you're not using the gradscript or something?
The normal one's an SVG and it has a dark gray background
looks like I was
well it looks good on the wiki anyway
Please don't use that
I changed it ages ago
The text's hard to read and using an unofficial one would be kinda weird
I have the official one
@DLosc Ah, here's one that's more like what I'm thinking of. 512-byte limit, score = number of tasks solved.
@BrowncatPrograms now to find the themes page again
what bg for light mode do you reccomend?
No idea
But the green links are definitely looking good
@BrowncatPrograms I'll keep it white for now
Aw man, the official CGCC header gets all pixely
I wonder if I can scale it up, since it's an SVG
ping me if you want any more changes
Aw man, apparently the SVG is a liar and a fraud and it's not scalable
The result is quite blurry
Hi agian
I'm not agian, but hi :)
@emanresuA Who is this agian you speak of?
@emanresuA what's updog?
The opposite of a yoga pose called down dog, which is purported to cure ligma
@emanresuA The one who lives in Sugon?
I just skimmed through over 100 pages of CMCs painstakingly noting minor formatting differences
Oh dear
Well at least now there’s a near comprehensive list right
CMQ: Should there be more admins for the wikia?
@user no, that's Candice you're thinking of
The Joe emanresu is referring to lives with Kid Amogus
@exedraj Yes
@exedraj I think Ben and Hugh live there too
CMP: Who wants to be an admin for the wiki?
@exedraj Do you have people in mind? ^
Can someone, uh, 7 my wikia page name to Emanresu
You can do it urself
@emanresuA no
No, but because of the way it works you need to delete my wiki page and create a new one called Emanresu
Because the wikia is for usual names
Request denied
It's probably gonna stay because this
@exedraj Yes
@JoKing No, I can just rename the question — emanresu A Aug 10 at 19:27
@user I do
@exedraj 'username' numbers? Nah.
@BrowncatPrograms :p
@BrowncatPrograms I'll add you when I'm next at my computer
Yay, thanks!
@emanresuA then ur a sussy baka
@BrowncatPrograms Inb4 it takes me a while and I do it incorrectly
Ooh, great idea, sussy baka numbers!
Redwolf, why are thou 10105 not programs? :p
Because I made this account a while ago for Minecraft Wiki stuff :p
Also, how is Risky's codepage 4-bit?
What's essentially arity overloading
I count 32 distinct characters
Nope, just 16
Oh I see
So niladic / represents 8
and stuff
I think + is 8 though :p
It looks like + is 0x0b = 11.
It's not by position in code page
There's a nilads table somewhere in the docs
@BrowncatPrograms So they're overloaded over 100 ways, when you count arity and type overloading
Ok wow
And that's with just two types :p
@BrowncatPrograms check your wikia account
Yay, I'm an admin!
can i haz admin too
Not if I 7 your account first
@hyper-neutrino yes
poggers. ty
@BrowncatPrograms Specifically, the background color is #2b2b2b
(just inspected the css to see)
@AviFS 2b or not 2b? That is the question.
and the answer seems to be "yes"
Can't believe I missed that!
Takes a certain Lyxal to see such things
Wait, it just occurred to me, back in the good ol' tarpit days, wasn't there another aussie?
I'm practically always on the hunt for puns
so it's only natural that I find the joke
@AviFS JoKing?
No no, an equally random one :p
Could it have been 2x-1 I'm thinking of? Maybe I'm wrong about the Australia part?
2x-1 isn't in Australia I don't think
But what was their name before?
Was it ASCII-only maybe?
oh boy time to jog my memory
Was I thinking of sporeball?
@AviFS petStorm, ThirdParty'Chef', A__ to name a few
@AviFS spore is american
That's it!!!
2x-1 is petStorm?
and a whole bunch of other usernames
I haven't seen them around in forever... I don't think
Yes yes yes yes, of course
Thanks Lyxal!
@AviFS then you need to go engage in silliness
Can you all please change your names back? Please?!!
This is unacceptable.
Not until the 3rd of september
because you can only change it once every 30 days
We need caird back. We need Redwolf back. We need Lyxal back. We need petStorm back.
And we need to not make the list of lost souls longer :p
@exedraj They're around in other rooms?
That room is still active?!!!
I'm mindblown. And slightly flattered :p
it was active long after the main room froze
It kept freezing. It froze like a million times.
When I left at the end of last year it was ice cold.
I don't understand, though. I only used that room for a few months and I have twice as many messages in there as petStorm
in The Tarpit's Silliness, Oct 28 '20 at 8:29, by Lyxal
Do their messages keep getting trashed or something?
But look, it's super weird!
@AviFS weren't you the one who requested that I unfreeze that room lol
Razetime: 23.9k
user: 19.3k
Lyxal: 16.9k
AviFS: 1.9k
petStorm: 986
@hyper-neutrino That was The Tarpit, without the silliness piece. Totally the same, yet totally different :p
@exedraj Isn't that breakdown weird?
Also surprised that Raze more than you. Wouldn't have expected that
Must've been busy with Vyxal :p
... Lyxal, you have exactly as many messages in Silliness as you have in TNB
at least, down to the tenth of a thousand (16.9k)
Guys... something's really fishy. Sandbox Posts has "71" messages in TNB
@AviFS i mean, someone had to have specifically asked me to unfreeze it. unless i asked if someone wanted that room unfrozen. i'm not sure when i knew about that room in the first place
@AviFS i think you are confusing the reputation indicator for messages sent
@hyper-neutrino Right, I'm just saying I didn't request it unfrozen, and I didn't know it ever had been
@hyper-neutrino ...
Welp welp
This begs the question of where Sandbox Posts got 71 rep :p
a better question is how NMP got 221 rep
@AviFS Through my newfound clarity, this was quite a silly observation.
@hyper-neutrino xkcd koth
That one everyone answered and upvoted
well i know which post and why (because massive new user and HNQ influx = unpredictable voting) it was a rhetorical question
@AviFS also that user profile page isn't room specific so there's no way it would show message count relating to a specific room lol
well, that number is on the profile, it's with the room cards for rooms they're currently/frequently in
lyxal has 17.7k here and 1.2k in TTS
@hyper-neutrino I was totally looking there, but I read the big number instead of the little one.
wait wdym
the only other number on the profile-specific room card is the last message time indicator
@AviFS that's...that's my total network rep
48 mins ago, by hyper-neutrino
@AviFS i think you are confusing the reputation indicator for messages sent
CMQ: When's your birthday? (surprise party time)
today, I want a party!
@emanresuA check the bookmarks
I know cairds and Shaggy's
@emanresuA You'll know it when you see it
Bookmarked conversations?
June 29? Oh, sorry I missed it
Sussy baka :p
Jun 29 at 3:11, by hyper-neutrino
Or sad birthday, whatever you're into.
Happy belated birthday :p
Btw are we going to do something about this? WW's answer is what we're deciding, the question is no.
CMC: Determine if this is actually a CMC, or just a piece of text designed to waste your time and bring you a few seconds closer to dying.
@emanresuA The former latter both.
I never said it wasn't both...
@emanresuA yes
@exedraj our birthdays are kinda close
not in the same year obviously :p
When's yours?
@emanresuA before his
(No leprechauns, I promise - last time did go slightly off my plan...)
@emanresuA Marchtember oneteenth, at 2:65
@Dudecoinheringaahing July 17th, you mean.
@BrowncatPrograms GRT is being overzealous with opening new tabs for new reviews again, I've got like 20 tabs opened for the same task
Click for some very high quality™ content
Why not?
@emanresuA on the other hand, once you're dead, each cmc will be taking you away from dying by a few seconds
this is very random
I think I google transalted it a lot
It never soekks caird right
And redwolf is 'Red Wolf Project','Red Wolf Software', 'Radolph','Red Wolf', 'The Red Wolf Project', 'Red Wolf Posts' and more
These two posts are confusing me. They're exact copies of each other, but one's older and deleted.
@emanresuA where's the original?
Somewhere in the war
Search up 'goto hell'
@BrowncatPrograms have you had any more surveys for us after last time you didn't let us take your survey?

Redwolf didn't let us take his survey. This is so sad.

May 28 at 0:48, 11 minutes total – 22 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked May 28 at 9:25 by exedraj

^ context
Aw man
I know right!
So unfair.
Like even Adam wanted to take it
And redwolf still said no
Well, you can have this one.
So, do you have Lyxalitis?
I suppose I do
I'm pretty sure I do as well :p
I kinda want to get more responses
1 hour later…
@emanresuA that is a CMQ
@AviFS Isn't that reputation?
@emanresuA This isn't going to bring me a few seconds closer to dying even if it wastes my time, unless it magically pulled me out of reality for a few seconds, let me age, and then put me back in
@user Because I definitely haven't sent seventeen thousand messages in the eTarpit's Silliness
Slow today, anyone feel like playing skribbl?
9 hours ago, by hyper-neutrino
@AviFS i think you are confusing the reputation indicator for messages sent
2 hours later…
@UnrelatedString Nice job beating J :P
i was about to say "granted half the credit should go to dennis for adding in the intervening years" because dylnan's answer looks like it's sort of on the track to mine but then i looked it up and was added like a month before then lol
I always get the time frames confused with Jelly builtins tbh :P
i don't even bother trying to remember
sometimes i forget is an alias for Ѐ because it's weird to think you ever needed two bytes for something like that
i don't know but this is reminding me about good old \ in brachylog
i can't actually remember what it is that it can't do compared to z₂ (i think it can't handle non-integers or something like that) but i do feel silly for adding z₂ instead of patching that functionality into \
@UnrelatedString *don't know how/why
Q: Code golf edit distance up to 3

AnushThe edit distance between two strings is the minimum number of single character insertions, deletions and substitutions needed to transform one string into the other. This task is simply to write code that determines if two strings have edit distance at most 3 from each other. The twist is that ...

posted at last!
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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