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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@AaronMiller C'mon! :P
@user since when do I use "Lol"?
@WheatWizard And what is that?
@Wezl So you do need them?
@AviFS Does this help?
@ngn i tried reading the source for ngn/k and, it is very golfed
@tjjfvi Isn't the poet supposed to be the one chasing the lions?
@Adám shakes fist
@Adám But that's far too verbose, isn't it?
@ArtOfCode Nice, good to know
@Dudecoinheringaahing I approve of this message
@user Sure, which is why I'd go for "residue"
"residue" sounds a bit icky though don't you think?
Mmm, that feels more like leftovers than a remainder
@ChrisJester-Young Dew it
Don't reply to users just to keep chains going, if that's what you're doing
The chain's broken already
I just wanted to encourage CJY in case he ever comes back
how does ngn even understand the code he writes lol. I can't understand anything except the preprocessors.
Is there anyone who actually thinks this markdown theme is good?
It's the default on Text
Well, he's the one writing that code, so he's probably used to it
@BrowncatPrograms Too much blue, and the list items are painful to read
Should be darker for better contrast with the background
the header blue is too bluey as well
Here it is with my improved theme:
@BrowncatPrograms thats not a dark theme
Indeed it's not
Text's dark theme is so bad it's painful
@BrowncatPrograms That grey is not nice, and the list item blue is even worse now
Unfortunately those are the two colors I can't fix
Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer both to be darker
The gray has to be the same color as comments
And the blue has to be the same color as variable names
Well that's annoying
I actually like it, because nested list items are green and then purple
Is it possible for you to write your own syntax highlighter instead of simply changing the CSS?
It is, and I plan to
I bid you luck on your quest to tame Text
This is why I like the blue though:
Is it not possible to just use a different editor?
Oh yeah, that is nice
VS Code could work on a Chromebook, surely
What I plan to do doesn't actually involve changing the way it's parsed, I just need to change what CSS classes it uses and make it not have so many that are reused in weird places
@pxeger It's slow
Text is a chrome app so it runs natively
ah ok
Plus I kind of like the fun of having to mod it myself :p
You'd make a good Arch user :P
@BrowncatPrograms AFACIT, Text is no more native than any web app, and VS Code is a web app
One that I'm really curious on is how y'all like the HTML syntax highlighting.
@user nope, Arch just works. Maybe Gentoo, where you have to build everything yourself
@pxeger Oh, I'd heard there were always problems because of the rolling releases
@pxeger Chrome apps work like apps on chromebooks, and since they're optimized to run chrome (and chrome apps) it's way faster
@BrowncatPrograms Looks okay, but everything could do with some darkening imo
@BrowncatPrograms why do you feel that much meta is necessary?
It's good practice
@BrowncatPrograms hey, stop competing with my project!!1
@BrowncatPrograms if it was good practice they'd recommend it in my Web tech course which covers all sorts of good practices
Instead the only meta they require is encoding
Viewport is important
(and IMO charset should go at the top of <head> so the title can be decoded correctly)
Charset can be anywhere in the first 1024 bytes
It's not like "everything above the charset is default encoding"
oh that's weird
It's just "if your charset is too far down everything burns and we all die"
@PyGamer0 thank you. many people would use the word "unreadable" :)
@BrowncatPrograms does your theme have xml support?
XML support?
It seems it does, yes
Syntax highlighting
For xml
@BrowncatPrograms very cool
I didn't write the JS part, I'm just overwriting the CSS for now
@BrowncatPrograms have you ever had to write a doctype definition?
Yep, <!DOCTYPE html> :p
A document type definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language (GML, SGML, XML, HTML). A DTD defines the valid building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of validated elements and attributes. A DTD can be declared inline inside an XML document, or as an external reference.XML uses a subset of SGML DTD. As of 2009, newer XML namespace-aware schema languages (such as W3C XML Schema and ISO RELAX NG) have largely superseded DTDs. A namespace-aware version of DTDs is being developed as Part 9 of...
@BrowncatPrograms one of ^
I think I've copied and pasted one from an RSS feed before
Well once you've had to deal with one, you really learn to hate xml
I already know to do that :p
Imagine not hating XML from the start
Xml bad but visual basic.net worse amiright?
idk, never tried it, but I am not doing Maven again, at any cost
My commit messages and comments are surprisingly tame
As compared to some of my commit messages from other assignments I did
Ugh, CM's JS is minified and single-file-ified
Code Mirror?
Text, I mean
But CM's JS is minified with it >:|
@exedraj Why does VB have so many weird keywords lol
@exedraj I can't tell if that's meant to be a programming language or a microsoft dev screaming into the void for help
VB looks awful
End Class
End Sub
End If
End It All Please
> Documentation is like s*x, when it’s good, it’s very, very good; when it’s bad, it’s better than nothing.
@user Documentation is like saxophones? Yeah, I can see that.
if i were a sports person i'd say something about sox but i can't even remember what sport that's a team in
@UnrelatedString Baseball if you're talking about the Red Sox
@AaronMiller I was talking about the number 6, but that works too :P
@user Oh, of course. I should've realized. :P
Gotta love when google docs autocomplete starts filling in the correct answers to your assignment
But Google's sure not helping:
in before it's seeded by the wrong answers by the teacher
TIL Werner Heisenberg died at 6 years old :p
Actually, that's just the last time they knew his exact whereabouts, after that, he invented Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle to elude the police :P
Just wait, I know he'll need to rest one day and then we know his momentum
When driving, did Heisenberg avoid looking at the speedometer, so he wouldn't get lost?
Legend says it that when he was riding the Autobahn, police once tried to stop him.
"Do you know how fast have you been driving, sir"
"I don't, but on the other hand I know exactly where I am"
"you were driving at 150km/h"
"now i'm lost.."
A: List of bounties with no deadline

Wheat Wizard500 rep for a shorter Hello, World in Lost Last month the Hello, World record in lost dropped to 37 bytes. Since then I have been trying to get it lower. I've found a number of different ways to do it in 37 bytes and I think 36 may very well be possible. I'm willing to give 500 reputation to a...

Well, I've been looking for a reason to learn Lost.
> Make sure that you have declared two private instance (non-static) int variables to hold the numerator and denominator, and one static int variable to hold the number of fractions.
  int n;
  int d;

  static int nf = 0;
And for some reason that's counted incorrect >:|
> If your answer is particularly impressive or inventive I will
@WheatWizard The suspense is killing me
Yayyy, finally learning about arrays
Such a complicated subject, glad they waited until halfway through the class to even mention they exist
@BrowncatPrograms Because it is incorrect lol
Although whatever problem it's from appears weird too
What's incorrect about it
They're not private
They aren't by default?
Why do you need to hold the number of instances of this class? (which I assume is a Fraction class)
@BrowncatPrograms They're package-private (which is an absolutely useless default but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@user I guess to show that I know how to use static :p
@user Ah, ok. I'm (slightly) used to JS where it defaults to private.
Reject static, return to companion
@BrowncatPrograms Oh, that's interesting, I thought everything was public in JS unless you had an underscore like Python
Ew gross
Variable names should not affect anything
If you use the class syntactic sugar, it is public by default IIRC
@BrowncatPrograms *FORTRAN has entered the chat*
And you need to prefix a # for private
But I prefer pre-ES6 style OOJS, honestly
Even though it's totally awful
Oh nice (although I don't like single-character "keywords")
yeah, I don't know why they don't just use private
Nim uses an asterisk to make things public and it's very difficult to tell what's public and what's private
I like how in JS to access them you have to do this.xyz, since it means you can use the same variable names in the class and in the constructor
I hate having things like num = n where it's inconsistent
@user better than Elixir, which has def and defp
completely missable
Sure, but it'd get annoying when you have long method or field names (which, in Java, you invariably do) and you have to do this. each time
and p? how should I know whether that's public or private without memorising it?
@pxeger Ah, Clojure has defn for public functions and defn- for private functions, because that's so readable
@user I like Ruby's @name syntax, although I wish they used a less noisy character than @
.name seems like it would make perfect sense
Like hidden files? . isn't too visible though, I feel like that'd be hard to miss
(although actually . in Ruby implies a method call, and @name is a variable not a method)
Did chat stop working for y'all for a minute?
public static boolean allNegative(double[] rick_astley) {
  for (int i = 0; i < rick_astley.length; i++) // How long is rick astley?
    if (rick_astley[i] >= 0.0) return false; // Check risk astley's eye

  return true; // Rick astley is pessimistic
I spent that time making this masterpiece
Oh, I had a comment on the first line that didn't get copied: // double the rick astley
Camels are gross
And you prefer danger noodles?
@user It makes it clear enough that it's an instance variable not a local variable, don't you think? Instead of (Python) self.foo you just do .foo
You can have syntax highlighting to make it more obvious
Oh, I thought you meant using at the call site, not at the use site, that makes more sense
@pxeger Is deleted
I know
> Did chat just die? (again)
Is there a flag or smth in Lost that will tell you the starting point/direction of the IP?
You mean like for debugging so you can test various starting positions?
There is -d for debug mode
Does that not work on TIO?
looks like there's no field for interpreter options, no
git clone time!
I am now halfway done with the year long computer science class I started two weeks ago :p
@Redwolf have this Java code to help you with your assignment:
It's full of cursed code code that shows the beautiful parts of Java
(I spent way too much time on that)
@user -1 not enough Booleans
Can you put it in a gist, TIO's blocked here :/
thx 4 teh codes
I used the brand-new Stream feature released in Java 8 (which came out recently in 2014) to make the code more concise
Anonymous classes and lambdas are such a boon!
That is some very helpful code. It could use some abstraction though.
True, there's only one real class
Need an IsNegative interface
@user Yeah, but it went wrong halfway through the poem
Q: Interpreter for dead lan

Eternal StudentYour job is to write an interpreter for an esolang. It accepts a total of 6 commands. Now lets talk about the language (we'll call it dead_lan) You can an accumulator which cycles between 0 and 256 (if it hits 256 it simply stops and gives an error. Similarly if it falls below 0 it simply stops a...

New Posts is still cat
You're also still a cat
Is there any way to make a Lost program error?
Find it
A first answer popped up in the queues that wasn't valid, so I left a comment explaining why. I don't want to do "looks good" or "edit", and I don't want to do one of the canned responses, since I left a comment, so how do I specify that I left feedback, in order to make the review count?
I'd just do Looks Good
I don't know why there's not a way to indicate you left feedback that isn't one of those options
Thx, I'll do that next time.
These new features seem to be directed at SO reviewing, I think
Where throughput's more important than quality
That would make sense
Agreed that this is a good idea. I'm going to be working on adding this option back in. Might take a few days, but I'll mark this as status-planned. Thanks for the feedback. — kristinalustig ♦ 8 hours ago
They're going to be re-adding the "I'm Done" option for after you flag/VTx/comment
I've noticed SE seems to be kind of off-and-on with community feedback recently
There's a whole lot of status-planned and status-review in that post, and yet we still get stuff like the profile page "improvements"
@emanresuA Why are your messages so often scrambled these days?
It's not, just rotated 180 degrees.
Ooh, didn't notice that
Did you know that the QWERTY keyboard was designed specifically so that typing with an upside down keyboard types what you're writing upside down? Try it!
@emanresuA Nice pfp
Tree wearing sunglasses
The meaning's in the transcript somewhere
But it's user and pygamer's fault
Pygamer for the tree, user for the sunglasszes.
24 hours ago, by user
@emanresuA You'd look better with glasses
23 hours ago, by emanresu A
puts sunglasses on
yesterday, by PyGamer0
so @emanresuA you are the tree?
yesterday, by emanresu A
Best response to star abuse I've seen:
Apr 2 '15 at 18:41, by Geobits
I leave for 40 minutes and you guys trash the place. I'm calling all your parents.
It has 12 stars of course
as is expected of the TTNB :P
The average starred message here has nearly three stars, surprisingly
I'd expect lots more single star messages
For a long period of time, anything funny that got starred would easily get 10+ stars :P
Back when TNB was the most active, starred messages either had 1 or 2 stars, or 15+ :P
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
126 stars
The most starred message in any room
Oh wow
12042438902 You can just do this
If anyone stars that, I'll clear it :P
posted on August 27, 2021 by Moshi

Challenge A simple challenge: Given a two-dimensional matrix (an array of arrays) of real numbers, compute the determinant. The determinant of a matrix is a mathematical constr...

@emanresuA 127 now
Aw man, I thought I figured out something cool by using a handwritten POST request to star that, but you can do it from the transcripts :/
You can star from the transcript, but can't clear stars :/
If someone ever clears the stars on that message I will save up for a plane ticket and hunt them down and make them create 127 alt accounts to restore it :p
Why is chat so weird?
i dum
Oh nvm
@user Because it was created by balpha over a weekend, likely powered by waffles and Red Bull, and since then, no-one's touched it
@BrowncatPrograms I don't think you can
Sure you can, with a handwritten POST request
You can only clear stars from the starboard, not from the transcript or the /starred page, and that is never going onto the starboard again
ooh, what's the starboard algorithm?
Each message is assigned a weight based on age, # of stars and time since last star, then ranked on those weights
@user they're prescribed if that's what you're asking. And sure, it is important for my health to be able to fully appreciate trees
What the heck
I'm trying to copy a folder
And the percentage copied is going down
@BrowncatPrograms let me guess. you're using windows?
It was at 98% and now it's at 94%
@ngn No, rsync on linux
@ngn If it was Windows, it wouldn't go down, it'd go down, then up, then down, then up, then crash :P
It's doing it again >:|
I was at 99% now it's 97%
Are you writing more files into the folder?
/ could something be doing that?
I doubt it
@BrowncatPrograms That's just the NSA stealing the Ash source code :P
Uhh...why's it telling me it's 99% done when there's 405MB and it's at 50MB
I conclude that rsync's just broken :p
@Dudecoinheringaahing Probably the Risky source code, it's a matter of national security
@BrowncatPrograms I guess the approximation just isn't that good
Maybe it hasn't recursed into folders to calculate their size?
I dunno, stealing that would be pretty
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
Probably a tradeoff between performance and accuracy
@BrowncatPrograms from "man rsync": In an incremental recursion scan,rsync won’t know the total number of files in the file-list until it reaches the ends of the scan,but since it starts to transfer files during the scan,it will display a line with the text "ir-chk" (for incremental recursion check) instead of "to-chk" until the point that it knows the full size of the list
^^this sounds like it wouldn't know the total size to transfer either
>:| why the heck does Text Dev have the whole 361 MB material design icon library when it uses three of them
Why am I wearing sunglasses?
Is this a trick question?
Are we playing the questions game?
Honestly I should probably just write my own code editor at this point
Redwolf was never seen again...
CMC: write a code editor
data:text/html,<html contenteditable><body style="font-family:monospace">
data:text/html,<body contenteditable>
Both of those allow way more that just code
so you think a code editor should not allow that?
data:text/html,<html contenteditable><body style="font-family:monospace" onchange='eval(this.value)'>
Brain-flak: 0 bytes.
You enter the code you would like and it gives it to you.
@emanresuA No .value on a contenteditable
@tjjfvi Minimum requirements?
@WheatWizard Does ([)] annoy you?
Mismatched brakets
What about them?
That's just the minified version of ([()]) :P
@tjjfvi ruby, $>.map{puts _1}, enter code on stdin, outputs on stdout
@user Navigation, insertion/deletion of text at cursor
:( you ruined the challenge
What, by making it more than "write a cat program"?
Well, then in APL should do
@Wezl Really, @user ruined the challenge by asking for minimum requirements :P
Vim, 0 bytes. Input is taken appended to the end of the program
@emanresuA ([)] is the minified form of ([()])
@tjjfvi Don't blame me for a poorly specified challenge 😡. VTC as unclear :P
You're just jealous that I beat your APL answer
Polyglot with Vxyal an d Javastack, among others
I doubt those do "navigation" and "deletion of text at cursor" :P
@tjjfvi Of course, saying you're creating a new code editor by literally just using a code editor is totally valid :P
Y'all are lazy, I'm over here writing the boilerplate for an actual code editor :p
@user I mean, @BrowncatPrograms and @emanresuA started it
@BrowncatPrograms Why bother though? If it's not a native app like Text, you might as well use Vim or Sublime or somethiing
It will be
I can write chrome apps
vim or sublime would have to go through linux
Oh cool
What are Chrome apps written in? JS or C/C++/something low-level?
Oh, so JS
@exedraj What Vyxal was this monstrosity?
@emanresuA v1.something
@BrowncatPrograms are you learning Java?
Because if so, very cool
@emanresuA did you forgor to add exmample?
@emanresuA Related
@emanresuA Why couldn't an answer just get the random integer and normalise it to the 0 ... m-1 range based on the 0 ... n-1 range?
Also, can the ranges use 1 .. n instead if we so choose?
@Dudecoinheringaahing Wdym>
Wait, I didn't see m > n
Ok, any other problems?
I've edited in a bit of stuff from my discussion with Wheat Wizard
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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