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Flags have been around for a long while. And it seems just fine.
Flags aren't shown to every user because in the situations where they are intended to be used, such a thing could and would cause flame wars and increased arguments/insults. Flags are shown to non-mod users, because it's very intimidating to have a wave of diamonds crash into the room, put it in timeout and start handing out suspensions. Flags are not a way to "tattle anonymously behind your back", they are a way to indicate that someone in the room finds something inappropriate, and they'd like other users to take a second look.
And I think it;s best to leave this at that
@WheatWizard Lots of things seem fine until you're the one behind the stocks
@AviFS Having interacted with you, I know you to be the kind of user who wouldn't go around posting spam and insults. Therefore, you don't have to worry about being "the one behind the stocks"
@AviFS Who's being put into stocks?
Now please, can we stop talking about this before I have to put the room in timeout?
It takes multiple users to vote on flags, so it's not as if a rogue user can go around deleting other people's messages
Sorry for dragging it on!
@Dudecoinheringaahing Good idea, let's switch the topic to S-words :)
What's wrong with this conversation?
@WheatWizard I'm finding it quite tiresome
Most things in life are quite tiresome :p
And it's Streisanding the flag, which was handled 45 minutes ago with nothing actually happening from it
@pxeger Sadly, it's sapping my spirit
@AviFS Most things in life the TTNB are quite tiresome :p :P
Haha, I actually find TNB to be one of the few things which isn't... sometimes
Now, let's subside this substandard subtopic
and the suchlike
supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies
ಠ_ಠ I'm so close to finishing the blog post, but I can't
@pxeger sensational suggestion
Noone here is allowed to use S words except me, because I'm the only one with the alphabetical list of available usernames streaming down my terminal
@pxeger xure
Do you need supervision?
OK, I think we should stop this before it gets out of hand.
So, some subtle secret starfish start sending sailboats south, searching secretly? Say some sink, should sailors start singing? Sadly, some say "sure". Such scoundrels should suffer. Safe sailing should seldom seek song.
Chinese (pinyin) wins:

Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī.

Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.

Shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.

Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.

Shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shìshì.

Shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shíshì.

Shíshì shī, Shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.

Shíshì shì, Shì shǐ shì shí shì shí shī.

Shí shí, shǐ shí shì shí shī shī, shí shí shí shī shī.

Shì shì shì shì.
Hey, I've heard of that one!
Mr. Shi gets eaten by a lion or something, right?
No, I think Mr. Shi, the poet, eats the lion
10 lions, in fact
Oh wow
Mr. Shi must be very hungry
Shi should subsume some salad instead
cat dictionary.txt | egrep "^s" | awk '{system("sleep .5");print}'
@pxeger now I can use S-words too!
@tjjfvi If you read this poem rapidly, it sounds like you're being chased by 10 lions
@tjjfvi You are amazing.
That question was unanswered for seven. years before you came along.
@emanresuA They also answered the aLL1en language question last month
tjjfvi definitely seems to be going for the unanswered questions :P
Ok, wow.
(I also have an answer to Totally Cubular, I'm just finishing up the explanation)
By the time you've finished, every question on the site is going to have been answered.
Oh, @AviFS, in case you missed it, Learn You A Lang For Great Good is now a scheduled event, with the first one taking place on Wednesday
@tjjfvi Wait seriously?!
Dude, why did you even write ^? 2^81 bruteforce time... It's going to require huge growth in modern computing.
@BrowncatPrograms Yup!
@emanresuA Because brute-force isn't the only way to solve it, it's just the easiest
@Dudecoinheringaahing Thanks caird!!
Who's caird? Never heard of them
caird? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time
Of course I know him. She's me :P
CMQ: Favorite color?
Bonus CMQ: RBG or HSL? Or are you into CMYK or RYB or HSB?
@BrowncatPrograms And RGB
@BrowncatPrograms Monochromatic magenta.
@BrowncatPrograms #a85
@BrowncatPrograms I'm partial to a nice #151820
Slightly bluish black, right?
@BrowncatPrograms RGB with the #[0-9a-f]{3} notation
I definitely like HSL more
@Wezl darker or lighter depending on the situation
@Wezl Yesthatwhatimeanmtthtr'randalsomyspacekeyisbad
The only time I like the #xxx notation is for syntax highlighting
With #xxx notation it's much easier to get a general sense of the colour.
It's even easier with HSL
Fun fact: Not only can you make multiple pythonanywhere accounts from the same email address, it's not unintended. If you have multiple accounts and try to sign in with the address instead of the username, that's one of the possible reasons it mentions as to why it doesn't work.
the only time I like the rgb(,,) notation is when making colors from JS
I don't think any humans prefer the rgb(,,) notation over hex :p
@BrowncatPrograms I guess that makes sense, if you're used to it
@BrowncatPrograms A like saturated ≈510 nm. Not sure how to express that in any of those formats.
You can really quickly figure out roughly what the color will look like in HSL just from the hue, then you can figure out how grayish it is and how dark it is just as quickly
I hate how the chrome(os?) color picker doesn't allow 3 hex digit codes
@BrowncatPrograms what about LAB
Forgot about that one
There's also some others I think
quite a few others
@BrowncatPrograms so something like hsl(120,120%,50%), I guess.
I don't think saturation higher than 100% does anything
hsl(120, 100%, 50%) is just pure green #00ff00
Yeah, that, but a bit greener.
Idk about your monitor, but it's pretty green for me already :p
Sure, but there exists much more green than your computer can tell your monitor to display.
@BrowncatPrograms I require all colors to be descriptions of things I can see at the time :P
e.g. "red" is "the color of the Doritos bag next to me" :P
My eyes've just evolved to only see the exact colors of my screen's red, green, and blue subpixels :p
Every other wavelength is just meaningless noise
@Dudecoinheringaahing On the other hand, if you're my friend, I ask that you describe colors with the wavelength of the light :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Uh, what wavelength does #FF00FF have?
@Adám You are no longer Dude's friend :P
I have no idea what FF00FF is, could you describe it in the context of the colours I can see atm? :P
@Adám who wants to tell him that's still in rgb
The colour in the circle on adam's image
@Dudecoinheringaahing It's the purple of...the cloak of the witch standing behind you?
Precisely, #08E547, in fact
@user Oh you mean Claudia? That helps, thanks :P
Also, she prefers the term "magic user" rather than the gendered term "witch" :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Sure, imagine a light switching back and forth between 440 nm and 660 nm at 200 Hz.
Fair enough
@BrowncatPrograms #000
I think Harry Potter's the only place where "witch" isn't an insult
How does Claudia feel about the word "sorcerer"?
@Adám Ah, that color
Sorcerer's still gendered
Is it?
@user Not a fan, sorcerer implies (at least in DND) that her magic is genetic
if you compare it with sorceress
@AviFS The colours in the image are not representative of actual values.
@Dudecoinheringaahing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't play DND but aight
@Wezl so, sorcerer-sorceress => moderator-moderatress?
@Wezl True, although I wouldn't say "actor" or "host" are gendered because of "actress" or "hostess"
@user Wizard = nerd, cleric = god, sorcerer = genetic, warlock = sugar baby
I'm not sure what that means but okay :P
@user I mean yeah, I don't think of any of those words (including sorceror) as gendered usually
@Dudecoinheringaahing or describe colors based on the response levels of the 3 different cone cell types :)
@user Wizards get their magic through study, Clerics through worship, Sorcerers have innate magic abilities from their bloodline, Warlocks get it through pacts with otherworldly creatures
@att Won't that differ from person to person? That's a whole new level of cursed
(at least in dnd 5e)
> sugar baby
> pacts
better, it differs within a single person
Oh yeah, two eyes
Solution: poke out an eye
@Wezl You got me yjrtr.
@user Sugar babies are just people who made pacts to do sexual stuff for money :P
CMC: If you poked out one of your eyeballs, which one would it be
@Dudecoinheringaahing Sorry, correction: clerics = bible camp dweebs :P
My third one, I dont' really need an extra :p
@Dudecoinheringaahing Oh ok
the top one or the bottom one
@Wezl My left one, it's worse than the right
@Wezl Probably the one I keep in my freezer
@Wezl The one with the number three written on it, of course. Don't you label your eyes?
my right eye's a lot worse than my left
@Dudecoinheringaahing safe choice
@att Wanna trade eyes? :P
I think my left is better than my right, but it's not by a significant amount
I'd poke out both my eyes and wear glasses instead :P
...that's not how glasses work :P
trust me I wear them IRL
You know the expression "four eyes"? 2 of those eyes have to come from somewhere :P
@Wezl So do I :P
Same :p
I'm not sure if the :Ps cancel out in this case
CMP: Do you regularly wear glasses?
I wear them when I go outside
:p * :p = ::P
so, no :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing never (except sunglasses)
I don't need them but they make trees look much better
I am a tree
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm going to have to when I start going outside now
I've been spending so much time on my laptop during the pandemic that I'm getting nearsighted :/
@emanresuA You'd look better with glasses
@user my right for yours? :)
I was thinking the other way around :P
inb4 minecraft adds another useless metal and another useless gem just to make glasses :P
next: trading teeth
(eye for an eye..)
@att Or we could steal ngn's eyes (no offence), since they don't seem to wear glasses :P
sounds like a plan
@Wezl Well, the 1.18 experimental snapshots haven't introduced any new items/blocks I believe
So, @ngn, I see you live in Ruse. Could you be a bit more specific about your address? :P
I'm brand new to the world of web servers/backends and I'm trying to find my way
@user i don't, but i have other issues that glasses can't fix. sometimes i see spiky brightly-coloured flickering shapes that aren't there
Just learned how to do it in Go, but now switching to Python I can't even figure out what to look up to find the right resuls
@ngn Oh that's just a hologram of me :P
I'm getting either the trivial built in simplehttpserver or full-fledged things like flask & django
Why not go for simple first?
What would you look up to find simple libraries/examples in Python for get/post/etc requests
Bottle is easy to learn afaik
@AviFS I would look up simple libraries/examples in Python for get/post/etc requests :P
Not so easy though
@Dudecoinheringaahing Nope, Sculk sensors and Bundles have both been added to 1.18
I think I don't have the right words. [web backend, web server, http requests, ...]?
@user if i was more gullible i might have thought it's a message from god (you?), but no, it's something in my brain. luckily, it hasn't shown up for years
If you're new to a language, what do you look up to find this stuff?
@AviFS its.. documentation?
no no, the web servery stuff
Should I just be using django/flask maybe?
I thought that was for fullstack, rather than backend
Flask seems simple enough, at least based on this example
I mostly use node.js, where the de-facto library is express. Searching for python express equivalent gives flask, so I'd try that
puts sunglasses on
@user I'm really liking Bottle actually
Still don't feel like I have the language for this, but this'll work, I think!
@Dudecoinheringaahing very
Do you mean "very regularly", or are you just living up to your username?
i'd say the lenses are so old that i may as well not wear them but without glasses i can't read text on my laptop screen without leaning in to like a foot away
so they suck but they're still considerably better than nothing
@Dudecoinheringaahing I used to wear glasses if I went to a movie theater or a play
But that's not really a thing anymore, so...
i have never done this but i feel like i might actually work backwards
find a good framework, then learn the language :P
i have never bothered to learn any kind of network or web dev stuff because every time i think of stuff to do with it i think "but i don't have a server" and every time i remember free hosting exists i think "but what would i do with it"
I just finished a solution to one of the top 5 unanswered questions. But I'm to exhausted to golf it down into a "competative" solution.
Is it the brainflak one that just got bumped?
Maybe ...
> I'm posting this and deleting it so I can golf it down later. It does work though.
Fair enough :P
> 2770 UTF-8 bytes
Uh It's longer than that.
That's ungolfed, so I'm expecting maybe 1000 to 1500 bytes golfed
I have a massive header.
4722 bytes total.
Oh right. Just the code posted is 2770 bytes
I originally wanted to do an answer in hgl and everything in the header is in hgl. (except compose which I meant to implement but haven't yet)
@WheatWizard nooooo :P
@ngn Oh, that sucks
(btw I'm not god, because:
Aug 22 at 13:28, by user
@pxeger I AM GOD
posted on August 26, 2021 by Mark Giraffe

This challenge is currently on the beta release. If enough positivity is given to the challenge, then it will remain here. If not, please head over to the

@user no, it's beautiful :) and i'm lucky to not be experiencing migraines with it (though i did have bad migraines when i was a child)
Ah, the Wikipedia page made it seem annoying
@tjjfvi Your solution inspired me to actually finish what I've been working on and off again on for a long time.
The artist's rendering does look interesting though
@user it just blocks your vision for about half an hour while it lasts, that's all
and the first time, when you don't know what it is, it's quite scary
In that case, those eyes are looking pretty good :P
@user yep, my eyes as organs are fine for trading, just make sure to use proper visual nerves and a visual cortex with them :)
That part of my brain/nervous system's pretty decent, at least :P
(dear tnb, i'm sorry you have to read conversations like this)
Honestly, trading organs isn't the weirdest thing we've talked about here :P
true :D
lol, TNB literally had a whole conversation about ⍴○rn○gr⍺⍴hy
Yes, one whole conversation, and only one
And even worse, there are people here who think JS is good (including one of the ROs!) /s
Jan 9 '16 at 0:01, by Alex A.
They have a bot that autoposts softcore porn.
"They" here refers to Anime.SE's chat room, The Maid Cafe
Oh no, the site full of weebs /s
Jan 9 '16 at 0:04, by quartata
I wish chat moderation didn't suck
Is it looking like chat will get any improvements in the near future?
Well, this was the most recent post
oes Codidact have repcats?
But this search (, , ) shows that the last one was in 2018 :/
my organs are crap, you can have them if you want :P
would not recommend
yeah my organs tend to have the keys chipped and the pipes are leaky
Feature Request: You can edit other people's profiles, like tag wikis :p
@Wezl lol
I'd hate having any kind of organs with leaky pipes
only ever played a fake electric-y organ, never got to play a proper one in a church, would be fun
I went to an organ workshop event thingy but I don't remember actually playing there
@BrowncatPrograms Only if they go into the SE review queue for users with <20k rep :P
more review queues <-> more better
D: wiktionary says queue is not pronounced keweyewey
yes, the 'ueue' is silent :P
I pronouce it "kwee-wee"
@emanresuA What is the ou supposed to sound like?
No queue.
Huh, HSB actually looks better than HSL
Speaking of sound, deque is worse than queue
how do you make a group of brits stand in place forever?
you make a circular q
Isn't that just a Q? :P
CMQ: Favorite color selector from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hsl-hsv-colorpickers.svg?
A looks really cool with the hexagon
G is probably the most practical, though
No wait, A has a way to specify numeric values, so I like it even more
has to be F, it's the classic
I don't like it, it looks hard to get the right color
If you're putting HSL on a square you're doing it wrong
C then
a > g > c > e > d > b > f
@BrowncatPrograms don't give me an infinity of continuous choices, give me no more than 8 discrete choices
@ngn 8?! That's a lot for a k programmer :P
@rak1507 hehe :) k funcs can have up to 8 args
oh yeah
need more than that? - you're probably missing some
that reminds me: I was looking at words ending -ad and -adic to see if they're valid in scrabble, monad dyad... octad are all valid, and monadic dyadic ... octadic are all valid... apart from 'heptadic'! where's the logic in that, very annoying
What about septadic?
Frick 7, all my homies hate 7 :P
inconsistencies are really frustrating because for more common things you have to remember what isn't allowed for arbitrary reasons :/
@rak1507 heptadic appears to be a word
yeah, but it's not in the scrabble dictionary
even though all the others from 1-8 are
@rak1507 btw, do you know what a function with 0 args should be called?
@ngn well APL calls it a nilad, but I don't know if that's a good name or not
A constant, or a nilad :P
@rak1507 @Dudecoinheringaahing no, because "nil" is latin and "adic" is greek :)
"niladic" is a mongrel just like "television"
@Dudecoinheringaahing close!
in the k tree, Mar 18 '20 at 21:24, by beagle3
@ktye Unrelated, but a pet peeve of mine - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:English_arities_and_adicities - niladic is term, medadic is supposedly the real word for "zero-sided relation"
I doubt anyone else would know what that means, unless they know the greek. It's interesting that words like 'tetrahedron' are obviously common knowledge but the greek for zero is pretty unknown
@BrowncatPrograms Having thought about this some more, I've come to the conclusion that a stack-based paradigm would be best. That way you don't really have to worry about parse errors (if there's some kind of nesting structure, it could auto-close unbalanced delimiters), and anything that isn't a valid command could just be a no-op.
@DLosc What about tacit?
If you have nilads, monads and dyads, the only "pattern" that doesn't make sense is nilads without dyads. If you then do something with that nilad, you've got a well defined program for any structure
@BrowncatPrograms Factor without syntax words and stack effect checker is exactly this
and it is stack based (aka concatenative)
For example, Jelly never has syntax errors - all it's errors are type based IIRC
@BrowncatPrograms Somewhere in the vicinity of #090. The color of leaves in spring.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Yes, pretty much always.
@Dudecoinheringaahing I reckon that's another possibility, just not one that I'm very familiar with.
@BrowncatPrograms #beedab
Because funny name and nice shade of green
@user I gave my favourite toy the starboard before y'all went crazy with it
@exedraj Oh yes...
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm surprised no one said 05ab1e was their favourite
Idk why, but that just ...fits with how I see 05ab1e :P
Like, if 05ab1e was a color, it'd be that :P
You can blame the Codidact Code Golf chat for this one: tio.run/…
@WheatWizard This inspired me to look at the challenge, and I'm afraid I got a little carried away...

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