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Just checking, are mods allowed to rickroll people?
They also taste great when you put them in a mixer and then add some salt and other stuff
@emanresuA Pretty sure hyper or someone else has done it before
Peanut liqueur is also a great substitution for orgeat if you don't like almond :P
@emanresuA No, Jeff explicitly stated that in the moderation blog post
@emanresuA Delete this
@user gotta be crunchy, smooth just sticks to the roof of your mouth
I feel like that depends on the brand
@user Smooth is easier to spread
I've had peanut butter (from the same brand because I accidentally grabbed two of different varieties) where both the crunchy and smooth were okay
@Dudecoinheringaahing True, and the texture is nicer too
Crunchy always sticks to the bread, causing it to drag up the bread when you spread it
If it weren't for that, I wouldn't care
it's dog week?
Yes :)
@Dudecoinheringaahing Doesn't happen too much when it's not cold, though, have you tried letting it go to room temperature before spreading it?
@user Yeah, I keep peanut butter in the cupboard :P
CMC: We've had 11 users serve as moderators on the site. Which user served for the longest (as either pro-tem, or elected, or both combined)?
@exedraj I mostly just chose this image because I typed "dog" and "doge" was one of the suggestions and this was the first image
okay adnan
And, cause that one's kinda easy, which retired mod has served the longest?
@Dudecoinheringaahing None, there have been no moderators named "user"
@user much clever, very wow
@Dudecoinheringaahing yes
(assuming typedef LongestServingModerator yes)
@Dudecoinheringaahing such smart
@exedraj Oh no, the C is leaking in here
no duh
I'm in a lecture on C++ right now
@exedraj SegmentationFault: TypeError
(I don;t know C)
@exedraj I pray for your soul
@Dudecoinheringaahing Segmentation fault (core dumped)
@Dudecoinheringaahing C++
Meh, C++ is just C with a few extra features /s
and it wouldn't have a Segmentation fault if LongestServingModerator is defined
@exedraj Don't know that either :P
C++ is just C incremented.
No, C++ is C, but it's incremented afterwards
Oh true
@exedraj I amn’t YAMLingablen’t anymore
I had a stroke reading that
@AaronMiller while I appreciate the apostrophes, I only just got up for the day and went straight into a zoom lecture. I haven't the frickiest what that means.
I am no longer unable to perform the act of YAMLing.
I think
TIL c++ templates simplify code golf grinders
Well, time to write an email to the school people
you really gonna report my joke to the school people? /s
From my school's handbook:
> Anything that can harm the mental, emotional, or physical well-being of students is not permitted inside the school building
Your joke is so cringe you need a license to know it /s
I hate it when people harm my physical
Or my emotional
Aw, you fixed it
w...why is there a .hpp file?!?
like i get .h and .cpp
HPP sounds like it would be an STD
but why do we have to merge them?
Like headers, but better
Isn't that a C++ header file?
@BrowncatPrograms Sounds like HPV too
@Dudecoinheringaahing template file
and it gets included at the end of the file
@BrowncatPrograms Remember to use protection when coding in C++ or else you'll get HPP
Don't want to end up using namespace std
But the best way to avoid HPP is by abstaining from coding in C++
@BrowncatPrograms Never use std::cin directly, folks
TIL why angle brackets for things like Lists in C++ and Java
like if you want an ArrayList of string you'd write ArrayList<String>
because templates
But why do they use angle brackets?
syntax choice
but I learnt why you need it like that
⍨ I thought you'd found some historical reason for them
Oh wait, did you think ArrayLists were special because they had the <>? (because I did for the longest time when learning Java)
Q: Why did language designers use angle brackets instead of parenthesis?

Steve the MakerReading through the javase api docs, I noticed that pretty much all of the methods in the collections framework use angle brackets. For example: Collection<String> c = new HashSet<String>(); or Map<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); To the eye they seem to serve the same ...

I never realised that you were kinda passing the data type as an argument to the template
ooh we're implementing stacks from linkedlists
You ain't a real programmer until you've made a DoublyLinkedCircularList that takes up 2 files and spans over 500 lines of code :P
That just sounds like taking the Doubly Linked List I've already implemented over 4 files and making tail point to head with extra steps
Imagine using lists instead of representing lists of integers as a single base-n+1 number, where n is the largest element in that list
@user also, mines only 355, including comments
because I'm a code golfer
Real golfers don't use comments or indentation
They use clubs
"I don't know what this example does or if it even works"
~ My Data Structures Lecturer 2021
"Let's see if it works...ooh it does! Awesome!"
~ Also my Data Structures Lecturer 2021
That's at least better than the teacher who tried to explain quantum computers by pausing the video randomly every few seconds, trying to understand what was happening in that frame (and explaining it wrong), and then giving us an assignment that had nothing to do with what was shown
@exedraj Why not celebrate code working? It rarely does (at least when I'm around) :P
"I suppose you guys are in lockdown and in your late teens. [Lyxal] must be feeling a bit lonely"
~ My lecturer commenting on my choice of 69 as a number
I got roasted in zoom class
And it was recorded too
extra frick
Well, the only thing left for you to do is to destroy Zoom and any downloads of the recording
Well, email sent. It's a month past the deadline to switch classes but maybe I can convince them to make an exception.
@user CMC: Come and commit arson with me ;p
Trying to find the SMBC where a guy destroys the Internet because his friend asked him to delete his porn before dying
SMBC is a lot harder to search for than xkcd
> plagiarism off the shower wall
> "how did this code come to you?" "it came to me when the shower was all steamy"
Zoom lecture out of context
I can't imagine a context in which that makes sense
CMC: Given a list containing either integers, or lists of integers or lists (and etc.), encode every list as a base n+1 integer where n is the largest element in that list. [1,[2,6,7,[8,9]],3,[[4,[10]]],5] -> 10324088012575466278494485 Steps
@user when you're in the shower and you think of how to fix a bug
@Dudecoinheringaahing I have 13 bytes in Jelly
> plagiarism off the shower wall
because there was a meme "when you're sleeping and you remember how to fix bug"
@user Someone went to the extreme of saying that happened in their shower
and the lecturer said "ez use the steam from the shower to write it"
how does 10 become 10 in base 11?
@exedraj I've solved math problems that way :P
@rak1507 The same way that 5 is 5 in base 10
and someone said "roomate goes have a shower, sees whole entire Linked List implementation"
which led to plagirism
If the base is larger than the value, the value is unchanged
@Dudecoinheringaahing Wouldn't 10 be 11 in base 11?
oh right, each number is a place value
10 would be A in base 11
I'm talking about sane base systems where you represent a number with a list of digits, not by using random symbols :P
[1,0] in base 11 is 11, but [10] is 10 :P
Imagine thinking of anything in the shower. This post made by focusing-on-not-getting-wet-in-the-shower gang
> not getting wet in the shower
I've got some bad news for you :P
Yes, I know it's impossible, but I hate it anyway
You sure you aren't a cat? :P

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