@AaronMiller while I appreciate the apostrophes, I only just got up for the day and went straight into a zoom lecture. I haven't the frickiest what that means.
From my school's handbook: > Anything that can harm the mental, emotional, or physical well-being of students is not permitted inside the school building
Your joke is so cringe you need a license to know it /s
Reading through the javase api docs, I noticed that pretty much all of the methods in the collections framework use angle brackets. For example:
Collection<String> c = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
To the eye they seem to serve the same ...
That's at least better than the teacher who tried to explain quantum computers by pausing the video randomly every few seconds, trying to understand what was happening in that frame (and explaining it wrong), and then giving us an assignment that had nothing to do with what was shown
@exedraj Why not celebrate code working? It rarely does (at least when I'm around) :P
CMC: Given a list containing either integers, or lists of integers or lists (and etc.), encode every list as a base n+1 integer where n is the largest element in that list. [1,[2,6,7,[8,9]],3,[[4,[10]]],5] -> 10324088012575466278494485Steps