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@Bubbler Probably, but that does make it more difficult to consider fixed points/fixed cycles, as they asymptotically approach such points, and rational numbers can be weird to compare within a margin
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: (untitled), Sum of 3 Vectors
lol, is there even a list anywhere? and is the next blog post ever going to exist even?
Maybe not
I'm working on it
Got up to 2018, so only got a bit more to write. Should probably have a final draft during the week, and if a couple of people are willing to proof read it, I might be able to post it on the weekend
@emanresuA Stick it in the blog room, helps me keep track
@Dudecoinheringaahing One possible method is to extract the common prefix of continued fractions, but its cost would blow up quickly, yeah (and converting back to decimals is another problem)
@Dudecoinheringaahing Btw, how's the history of CGCC going?
@user ^^^^
@hyper-neutrino I'm working on a KotH related post
Maybe a two part series
By "working on" I mean "I'm wanting to work on" :p
@Bubbler Oh im dumb
I do love ello, World! programs
That's the Australian/NZ version of Hello, World
how tf can ><> be esoteric when it already is?
The HW program is:
v>                                                                      x.
v>                                                                                                   x.
v>                                                                                                          x.
v>                                                                                                          x.
v>                                                                                                             x.
Only sliightly cursed riight?
The only cursed thing is the README file which I fixed in a PR
I'm still working on the docs, slow down!
When you try to use sys.stdout.write in JS
i've tried to use console.log in C++ before
@emanresuA merge pr pls
In Java I quite often confuse myself into writing String.out.print
welp I've got a Web tech mid-semester exam now
should be fun
and as usual, I'll be TNBing during the exam
because I'm a gamer
Imagine having a course about web
@exedraj so is it online exam?
well we gotta learn html/css/js/xml and about HTTP/routers/internet stuff somehow ;p
worse, imagine being a certified HTML programmer
@PyGamer0 correct
@JohnDvorak html doesnt even have loops lol
CSS is Turing-complete
I had a course about web development. I learned you need a strong framework of normal web between two objects a few inches apart, then concentric rings of stickier silk to catch insects. Location is also really important; you don't want your careful work to go into making a cobweb tbat sits uselessly in a corner.
@BrowncatPrograms excuse me, cobwebs are awesome - especially for confined spaces. A dense sheet in the middle is great for traversal, while vertical strands are pretty much guaranteed to surprise any passing insect. You just have to reel it in... and even if it doesn't get stuck, it's going to bump into more and more strands until you catch up with it.
ugh me when I have to wait 8 minutes for exam start
because the lecture (which is online) starts at 2, but the exam starts at 2:15
Plus it's more resilient to damage. An orb web as you've described is extremely susceptible to damage - break one of the supporting strands and the whole structure collapses. A cobweb has no weak points - only a wide area suppression an sensory effect. Every part can support itself.
And orb webs can work perfectly fine in a corner, too. It even gets you more attachment points so that you don't have to create a single point of failure.
ighto here we go
exam time
CMC: Print the first 10 natural numbers separated by newlines.
brownie points if the answer is in html
can I have a dot after each number?
define natural number
@hyper-neutrino go to 1st standard
in CG&CC-gaming, 2 mins ago, by PyGamer0
@Razetime Python 3.8: import creditapi as c;import winapi as w;s=w.open_app("store");s.cmd("open", "Minecraft for Windows 10");s.buy(c.pay_amt(s.price));s.download();
@hyper-neutrino or kindergarten
@PyGamer0 sad. I was going to use list items
are you not aware that "natural number" is ambiguous
@hyper-neutrino int > 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
this is why i always say positive integer / non-negative integer
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
@hyper-neutrino no
idk bout that lol
some define natural numbers to start at 0, some at 1, hence why i asked
@hyper-neutrino oh
for i in range(1,11):print(i)
@PyGamer0 who even learns what the definition of a natural number is in kindergarten
@JoKing well kids count: wan, too, tree, faur, fyv, six, sevan
yes and did you learn the term "natural number" then
starting from wan not zilo
@hyper-neutrino natulal nambar
ok 1st standards (what ever)
sure, they learn numbers, but I certainly didn't know they were called "natural numbers" until later
@JoKing until first standard
CMC: Output the first ten integers above 0 separated by newlines.
brownie points if its in html
@PyGamer0 i don't know what that is either, but I assume it's the year after kindergarten
i still don't think the average six year old can define "natural numbers"
@JoKing here its like: Pre nursery,LKG (lower kindergarten), UKG, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9(i am here), 10, 11, 12, idk
@JoKing why are we talking about this lol
because you told me to go back to kindergarten for asking a clarifying question
it just seemed like a weird timeframe for someone to know a mathematical term
especially as they're more likely to call them "counting numbers" or just positive numbers
The definition of "natural number" is different across the fields of mathematics. In most parts of number theory 0 is excluded by default, but the theory of proofs uses Peano axioms as one of its bases, which defines "zero is a natural number" in the first line.
i heard of natural numbers in 5th grade
I think I heard of the term pretty late in school, at least not until 7th grade
In my language, the translation of the term "natural number" is considered a technical term
does chat.stackexchange have an api?
Not that I'm aware of, but you can build chatbots and ask hyper/redwolf nicely to host them.
@emanresuA i dont want to make a chatbot
What then?
i want to try to make a native application for windows that connects with this site.
idk if thats possible
you can find chatbot.py somewhere in vyxal se bot; it's a modified version of the file i took from caird's OSP and it has some stuff
@PyGamer0 That's called a web browser
@PyGamer0 Use an iframe with Electron / nwjs
@Bubbler why not a chat client?
In other words wrap it in a browser
@emanresuA actually i would like to do it in python
Sorry, not a chance
I'd reccoment nwjs - It's really simple to use, no JS involved
@PyGamer0 To my knowledge, Python is simply not recommended for native GUI stuff
some gui in python; connects with this site and can do the same things that this site can do
honestly it's probably easiest to just code a normal website and then just either use that site or use a userscript to overwrite chat.stackexchange.com with your design
@Bubbler ok i will do it in C++
All you need is a html file with <iframe src=https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/240/the-nineteenth-byte >, an appropriate package.json file (google how to make one), and nw installed
the point is that chatbot.py contains the endpoints and formats you need to do things like send messages, etc
and then you just need to connect to the socket
@PyGamer0 To me that's an even worse choice, given what kind of libraries are used here
@Bubbler why cant i use js from C++
Q: How to execute Javascript function in C++

user323337Please tell me, how to include a javascript header file or javascript function in C++ code. The C++ code is written in Linux(UBUNTU)? Although i need to perform the above action only, but let me tell u my purpose of doing it, as i am intending to implement CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) op...

or from python
sounds rather overcomplicated
cant i do web scraping to get the messages and do something else to send them
similarly i can do the same for replies and stars
and for switching rooms
@PyGamer0 C++ doesn't have a JS engine. Same for Python
but i dont know how to do guis properly
@Bubbler seleniunm?
Q: How to execute a Javascript function in python with selenium

Jose_SunstriderI have a function called 'checkdata(code)' in javascript, which, as you can see, takes an argument called 'code' to run and returns a 15-char string. So, I found out (and tested) how to call no-argument functions in javascript, but my problem is that when I call checkdata(code), I always get a '...

@PyGamer0 That's basically running Firefox, just without a window
@Bubbler uh ok
If you really want Python and GUI, you could try out PyQt
Client for chat.stackexchange:
- Figure out how to get messages from rooms and display them
- Send messages somehow
@PyGamer0 That's a solved problem, since we have chat bots :-)
@PyGamer0 and once you overcome the GUI part then the rest shouldn't be too hard, since Vyxal bot already handles them
@Bubbler pretty sure there is also an dear-imgui port to python
@Adám yes but not from a bot; from my account?
Well, if you have a specific lib in mind you can always use that instead
@PyGamer0 A bot is simply an account, everything should work the same
@Bubbler so the hard part is to make the gui
Especially to make the gui look like what you want
@hyper-neutrino difference between chatbot.py and bot.py in VyxalBotSE?
bot.py is a Flask server I think
chatbot.py handles actual interaction with chatrooms
Search up 'how to remove' on Bing
@Bubbler for what?
@emanresuA ?
it shows remove virus
and remove IE / chrome
chatbot.py is an API wrapper that I copied from caird and modified a bit for certain things
@hyper-neutrino so the flask app in app.py?
also what does CORS( do?
bot.py is a flask server that implements the tasks and calls chatbot.py to send/receive messages, and forwards incoming messages to and receives signals from the webhook server
github's webhooks go to my webhook server which sends a request to my bot server for it to send a message
@PyGamer0 something about enabling cross origin requests so i can make requests from another domain or smth? idk all i know is sometimes my websites break if i don't do that
i probably don't need it here i just do it out of habit
@PyGamer0 That's weird
I have a simple way to determine if anyone here is a bot: (
@hyper-neutrino i asked because vyxal's tio also copied it
like, lyxal.pythonanywhere?
@hyper-neutrino yes
i wouldn't say copied
it's not like I came up with the line of code CORS(app)
>  I honestly don't know
I found it in hyper's repo
And I copied it over just in case
^ by @exedraj in 51AC8 Room
lol tf
lyxal you should not place this much trust in me
@exedraj Btw feel free to have a look at tarfish.
It actually has a file thing now
Just go node run.js [file] inputs
> Dude, or His/Her/Their Dudeness or Duder or El Duderino
duder? and el duderino?
@hyper-neutrino it was just the session handling stuff
@exedraj how's your exam going / went?
@PyGamer0 it finished 2 hours ago
So I played minecraft once I finished
@exedraj how did your exam go?
Don't know the mark yet
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerDraw constraint system #18762389 code-golf grid array-manipulation Background Page 219 of A New Kind of Science (a book by Shephen Wolfram, the creator of Mathematica) shows an interesting 2D pattern generated by constraints. The relevant section in the book starts at page 210; you can browse oth...

i copied the thing from a yt vid
Ideas for 51AC8: Vyxal's variables and Clike structs
@PyGamer0 looks like it, cool
@user People keep doing this annoying thing, where they keep interacting with the site and so making more histor :P
Historians are so bad at their jobs, like how have you not finished history yet?
one historian tried to end it but it turned out he was wrong
@emanresuA )?
CMC: Bitwise AND of two floating-point or double-precision (your choice) numbers. e.g. 3.5 AND 1.75 equals 1.5
(in binary, 11.10 AND 01.11 equals 01.10, but I/O must be in decimal or native floating-point or double-precision type)
APL: m×2⊥2∧/⍤(⊥⍣¯1),÷m←1⌊/⍤∨, (I think this works but I'm not 100% sure)
also TIL you can use assignment in tacit functions
I suppose it does make sense, m just gets assigned the rightmost tacit function
what should we do if the number has an infinite number of binary decimal places?
presumably the number is given to some limited precision, not as an arbitrary-sized rational
yeah fair enough
> floating-point
Great, pxeger has an autocomplete...
@rak1507 explain? is that a monadic v?
@ngn no, dyadic, gcd(1, x)
This is worrying
the problem is that only works if it is n/(2^...)
@rak1507 why not m←⌊/1∨, then?
oh true
@rak1507 so what is gcd(1,x) in simple words?
if x is 9/8, 1 is 8/8, gcd is 1/8
How is APL iinterpreted/transpiled?
@emanresuA in many ways. dyalog apl is interpreted by an interpreter written in c.
@rak1507 you seem to like ⍤ too much
guilty as charged
what's the point of the other ⍤?
∧/2⊥⍣¯1... in a tacit way
∧/⍤(⊥⍣¯1) -> (∧/⊥⍣¯1)
but i still don't understand the gcd trick
∧/⍤f -> oops doesn't work -> ∧/⍤(f) -> forget about (∧/f)
@ngn what's the greatest common divisor of 1 and 1.125?
@rak1507 1/8 ?
so, gcd(a/2^n, b/2^n) is gcd(a,b)/2^n ?
yep think so
and how does that help solve the challenge?
if your number is x/2^n, gcd(1, x) will be 1/2^n, if it isn't, it doesn't work which is why I asked about if it can't be represented finitely
so I'm not sure if it would be counted as valid, probably not
ah, so it's like isolating the least significant 1bit?
yeah, so it can scale up to integers, do the bitwise and, and then scale back down
i think i get it. thanks.
@Adám does that mean that any golfing language with automatic vectorisation of commands is an array language?
it's probably not a valid answer because it needs to be exactly x/2^n but I'm not sure how to do it otherwise
@exedraj hard to define exactly what an array language is (same with any paradigm really) but I'd say there's more to that, vectorisation is probably required so 1 + 1 2 3 = 2 3 4, but it has to 'feel' a bit 'array-y' too
@rak1507 so how about something stack based like 05ab1e or Stax?
it's tough, maybe?
A stack based lang can be perfectly an arraylang
definitely, but are 05ab1e and stax? not sure...
@exedraj (Plenty of good answers above.)
oh another thing is having booleans be 0 and 1 not False and True... that's something that R doesn't do iirc which makes it less nice
I suppose that if numpy can be considered an array language, then golfing languages are fair game
In computer science, array programming refers to solutions which allow the application of operations to an entire set of values at once. Such solutions are commonly used in scientific and engineering settings. Modern programming languages that support array programming (also known as vector or multidimensional languages) have been engineered specifically to generalize operations on scalars to apply transparently to vectors, matrices, and higher-dimensional arrays. These include APL, J, Fortran 90, Mata, MATLAB, Analytica, TK Solver (as lists), Octave, R, Cilk Plus, Julia, Perl Data Language...
@NewPosts butter?
Seriously, that adds a comment? I don't want a comment...
@pxeger what is butter?
@NewPosts who uh vtcd?
Oh oops
I forgot
Should flag?
As spam
is that advertisment?
@PyGamer0 it's an in-joke: when the feeds bots post spam, we ask for the message to be "butterised" so it doesn't clog up the transcript, and the messages are moved to another room
Wow, -11! That has to be some sort of record.
They usually only get to ~-8
@emanresuA and 404
100g of butter added to the mixing bowl, mix with flour
Sticks of butter!!!
Sorry, I got confused because I thought it was asking a question.
also the one who made the question joined today :/
Yeah, that's normal
If smokey picks it up, then there's a good chance it's spam
@Dudecoinheringaahing that too on Politics.stackexhange too
ok imma off to play minecraft
@Dudecoinheringaahing Next we need some eggs.
@Dudecoinheringaahing wow lol
lol just noticed the cat ears on the new posts bot
but not on @SandboxPosts :(
Blame <s>Redwolf</s> Browncat for that
does anybody understand the transformation matrix described here?
i want to know what matrix i should use to animate flipping a canvas around its diagonal
which diagonal? top-right to bottom-left, or top-left to bottom-right?
@pxeger the main one: top-left to bottom-right
a full reflection is [[0, -1], [-1, 0]]
@ngn [[1-a, a, 0], [a, 1-a, 0], [0, 0, 1]], tween a from 0 to 1
@Bubbler thanks! i'll try that
@ngn that looks right to me
oh but it isn't using a proper transformation, I see
@pxeger yeah, but it's made by hand, not using the canvas transform, so the characters don't skew while turning
Protip: when in doubt, just solve a system of equations
lmao, that was the method I started using too
find all matrices that under which y=-x is invariant
Much easier is to plug in four corners of a square and see what you expect
yeah that's simpler lol
:58961113 This message replies to itself, I think.
Moar quetin ned hlp plaze
@emanresuA yeh well we're in quarantine too
Yet you don't see me complaining about boredom
but no queeton
Tf is queeton
Like I can piece together most misspelling
But genuinely tf is queeton
much better. thanks @Bubbler and @pxeger
@exedraj question?
I was typing up a regex
"Grammar: The grammars of H are more complex than the grammars of L-variety. They have more complex tense systems, gender systems, agreement, syntax than L-variety." (from sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/messeas/diglossia/node3.html) does this mean there is an inherent notion of how complex a language is?
@emanresuA Wdym no question?
@emanresuA fun idea: Vyxal parser test case writing
No thanks
I'm not that bored
my understanding from linguistics.stackexchange.com/q/315 was that it was a cycle, loss of complexity in something (fx. case system) results in gain in complexity in something else (syntax)
The last easily answerable quetin (aside from pxeger's thing, which I've already answered) was caird's 'Collatz Tree' thing, which was five days ago!!!
@emanresuA I figured you'd say that
@exedraj I figured you'd say that
@user41805 small grammar = simple. big grammar = complex. no? (btw, you were right about vowels in arabic)
Then how about brainstorming ways to make vyxal site better?
@emanresuA ^
Polyfilling lb to work with the CM textareas would be poggers
And actually shouldn't be too hard
Do that then and be boredn't
All I have to do is assign the getter of the underlying textarea's value to setting the CM textarea's value...
Wait no it uses keypress events
@ngn i guess i misunderstood from linguistics.stackexchange.com/a/318 that languages typically have similar grammar complexities, "That's the tradeoff you usually find between an analytic language like English -- where syntax does most of the grammatical work -- and a synthetic one like PIE -- where morphology does the heavy lifting."
@ngn i don't remember, was that about alif being used as a consonant and a vowel?
@user41805 yep
Gotta love signal crossbleed.
@Dudecoinheringaahing !

We're no strangers to chatrolling

12 mins ago, 11 minutes total – 60 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 14 secs ago by emanresu A

Classic Vyxal
@PyGamer0 The term originated from before we had the bakery, when messages would usually just be edited by a mod to say "i want butter" or similar
Dec 22 '15 at 22:34, by New Sandboxed Posts
May 23 at 23:26, by New Posts
I am bot. I want butter.
(Those are the two most starred ones I could find, the classic example and one of the newer ones)
in Vyxal, 9 secs ago, by Vyxal Bot
@user Here you go: 🍪
'night y'all. (I hope this throws a parsing error for all the bots here ] { > . '` " \" ?$ <
@emanresuA ???
@pxeger :P
it's empty because it was only just created (duh)
I'll add twenty pages as soon as I get home and it's not blocked :p
Can I do the one on butter?
do as many as you like
do you have an existing wikia account?
same thing
Don't think so
This is actually a pretty cool idea
I only added you, caird and myself just to get it started
I intend on documenting the whole nineteenth byte in terms of the current generation of users
As well as any in jokes we have
Huh, how'd you find my first day here?
Oh right, "chat user since"
I just realised that the day on the chat profile isn't necessarily the day you started TNBing
But it's close enough
@Dudecoinheringaahing correct
It's probably wildly off for me
I'd say it's accurate for all intensive purposes
Surely "intensive purposes" would require a more precise and accurate date?
Is there a SEDE query for first day in TNB?
Also, I'm off to bed for the night
Have fun with the wiki :p
@exedraj SEDE doesn't cover chat
I believe this is my first message in chat, but it wasn't in TNB
Of course your first chat message is about complicated KOTHs :P
Uhh...so apparently at one point I made an awful area 51 proposal for a site called "Facts and Trivia" and spammed the link in a bunch of rooms >:|

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