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It's the fault of keeping the sequence "lyx"
xylal (kill-all)
so it pronounces [whatever]-licks
Get licked
lylax (somewhat like Gygax)
That sounds like some sort of drug
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

okieCounting and so on code-generation Content You count numbers every day (I think), and most of you know how to count properly, the one next to 1 is 2, and the next is 3, so go on, no matter what number you receive, you can easily know what next number is. Anyway, the program doesn't know, they are...

@user That sounds like some chemical
@Bubbler That's how I pronounce "lilacs" :P
@all This should ping you
@emanresuA "Presenting laxyl, the only chemical that can get rid of acne, you lose weight, and cure cancer. *Please consult your doctor before taking laxyl"
Q: Boustrophedon transform

BubblerRelated: Boustrophedonise, Output the Euler Numbers (Maybe a new golfing opportunity?) Background Boustrophedon transform (OEIS Wiki) is a kind of transformation on integer sequences. Given a sequence \$a_n\$, a triangular grid of numbers \$T_{n,k}\$ is formed through the following procedure, gen...

@user We should make that a site ads
drake-no: committing mod abuse via doing bad things to other users
drake-yes: committing mod abuse by saying you like cats in the Vyxal chat room, since I am immune to being kicked
*ignore this user*
So you can ignore mods?
Jul 28 at 3:49, by Redwolf Programs
I took Lyxal and after just four weeks, I lost 40 pounds, remembered every event which has ever happened to me, my skin started literally glowing, and every microbe within ten feet of me dies when I look at it.
@hyper-neutrino That's overkill, vyxal must be crying rn
@Bubbler Yoo can ignore anyone
@hyper-neutrino proceeds to remove you from the github organisation
not like i actually contribute anything... lol
oh you actually did it. madlad
Oddly enough, you can see messages from ignored users in other rooms in the preview thingy to the right
(It's a big image, so you'll have to click on it to see the whole thing)
Q: Rows of the Collatz tree

Dude coinheringaahingConsider a binary tree built the following way: The root node is \$1\$ For a given node \$n\$: If \$n\$ is odd, its only child is \$2n\$ If \$n\$ is even, one of its children is \$2n\$. If \$\frac {n-1} 3\$ is an integer, its right child is \$\frac {n-1} 3\$ Recursively and infinitely define ...

@Dudecoinheringaahing thanks, I applied your suggestions. I think I'll be posting the challenge tomorrow morning, then: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/23793/55934
@user The cat team is literally all ignored
You can't ping me anymore @okie (the only reason I saw your message was because I was in Vyxal and I saw TNB's preview)
@user Oh no, this is a one-way chat DOS attack, i am getting pinged to death
I should really stop ignoring everyone lol
Anyway, gtg to go sleep, please don't nuke each other, cats and identicons o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fgeorgatosImplement the LC-3 VM [1] using 16-bit subneg4 [2] only. Challenge This code golfing exercise should be appealing to those who love minimalistic languages and seek a coding challenge writing a 16 command VM using their bare hands on a single instruction machine. Overview and scoring It is OK to ...

@ngn You have joined the cat side! Welcome, and can I have some help golfing this?
@emanresuA thanks :) sure: you can write a x instead of a[x]
that's niec
@emanresuA the innermost lambda could be shortened like this: { .. }[x;x] -> { .. }/2#x because x is an atom
Ok, cool!
Oh frick I just realised I meant to make my username allxy because x comes before y in the alphabet
Big brain time
@emanresuA then we can eliminate the middle { } like this: {[a]{$[y;o[x;y-1]+o[x-1;x-y];a x]}/'2#'!#a} or like this: {[a]i{$[y;o[x;y-1]+o[x-1;x-y];a x]}/'i:!#a} (same byte count)
Oh, that's very nice.
BTW When you map a function over a list, what is y inside the function?
In JS it's index
@emanresuA if you have a y (i.e. your function is dyadic) and are using each, then you're probably mapping over two lists
And this works because ' is a primitive, not a function, right?
@emanresuA that was actually a good question. the / is unnecessary :)
{[a]i{$[y;o[x;y-1]+o[x-1;x-y];a x]}'i:!#a}
Slow down, I'm still typing up the explanation! :)
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Radiation hardening up to order \$n\$
@OldSandboxPosts Oh I forgot to ignore you
new mission: get user to ignore everyone so they just get to sit here in silence :p
Well, they're already ignoring you and I...
@hyper-neutrino lol I'm already ignoring everyone
Imagine needing a builtin feature to ignore people when you can just ignore them :P
Just go coinheringaah - problem solvedQ!
Hint to all: Boustrophedon transform can be solved in 10 bytes of ngn/K. This should tell something to all of you APL/J/K/Jelly-ers :P
@Bubbler ??????????? (I need more ?s)
ಠ_ಠ It's 2 am here, I've had 5 beers, I can't halve my byte count :P
Does it include the construction !#x?
(I had 11 bytes when test-solving, I lost it while doing the Collatz stuff, and I found a golf while re-solving)
No, it doesn't have x or {}
the recurrence is similar to the number of ways to construct a length-k non-decreasing sequence summing to n
If someone wants to find the K version, I'll happily port it to Jelly :P
except that one is T_{n-1,k-1}+T_{n-k,k}
Otherwise, I suspect I'm about to get heavily outgolfed by @hyper-neutrino :P
Let's see how it ports to Jelly...
time to visit the whiteboard i guess
CMQ: If I make a sock, should I name it 'Emanresu rehtona'?
name it yeltsa kcir
@Bubbler There's almost definitely something to do with a cumulative sum in there
Beyond that, my brain has stopped working. Night y'all o/
Don't have the final cat vs identicon battle without me
Cats have sharp claws and are fun to pet. Identicons are all spiky and weird looking, but don't seem like they could manage to propel themselves in a way that makes them dangerous projectiles.
So they're basically weird colored land denial things
Identicons are better than cats
I'm thinking maybe we should do this diplomatically this time.
We could have cats and identicons, hand in hand dancing in a weird jagged square shape
Vyxal Corp™ officially supports identicons and not cats
@exedraj Lies, I announce wars against identicons
Well, if there is a cats vs. identicons war, I will work hard to negotiate for a ceasefire with the identicons
We can settle our differences with a friendly golfing battle
@BrowncatPrograms Ah, yes. Diplomacy.
I think us cats should focus on the real enemies, mice and dogs
@BrowncatPrograms We'll only accept a ceasefire if you agree to a) say "Vyxal good" in chat and then b) say "Vyxal flags good" in chat
We have more to bargain with than you
@BrowncatPrograms Vyxal is the official representative of the identicon side though
If there's someone I missed, let me know
so any negotiations happen with us
found 9 bytes pog
Is vyxal cute or fun to pet? Does vyxal like to roll around in the sun or curl up into a tiny ball and hide under piles of blankets? Does vyxal have an addiction to catnip but it can really quit at any time?
Does your cat have 52 github stars or an organisation with 18 members?
I support identicons insofar as to remain a part of Vyxal Corp™ⓊⒸ. Other than that, I support plates as a semi-neutral 3rd party with a leaning towards identicons.
@BrowncatPrograms Says who?
@exedraj Saying this as redwolf and not browncat, can you please not make this about vyxal
It takes a lot of the fun out of it
Example: The RO testing room
How about Vyxal as a ficticious corporate entity rather than the actual language
It's not the language that renamed a room to "frick", kicked out all of the people legitimately using it, and got it frozen for being unfriendly
@BrowncatPrograms well that's how you win wars my friend
@hyper-neutrino Extremely close. My 7 is two easy golfs away from yours
yeah, i know i don't need +\; give me a sec to stop being dumb :P
CMQ: Good format to store data when you have multiple models, the parameters for them, and their results?
@exedraj for reasons, this is now Yxal Corp™ⓊⒸ®
If you want to reply please let me know so I can un-ignore you :P
@user What kind of models?
@user { "parameters": {"name": "data", "name2": "data2", ...}, "result": "xyz" } :p
If it is neural network models and params and trained result, why not use the format the library (tensorflow, keras...) offers?
Oh wow, would you look at that. My crappy Jelly answer got outgolfed. I'm shocked. :P
And it's about to get outgolfed by the factor of 3, not 2 :P
Closer to pi, actually
Jelly really needs a one byte alternative to ;@
That and ;€ come up so much
I'm sure you can Jam them in somewhere in your fork
@Bubbler i can guess the 10 bytes but i won't post, to avoid spoiling the fun
What does ; do?
Concatenate two lists
@exedraj They're both added to my fork, but that isn't Jelly proper :P
Ah, so would ;@ concatenate in reverse order?
Yep. Essentially prepend
@Dudecoinheringaahing don't you mean ;@
@exedraj My bad ;€
@Dudecoinheringaahing wait Jelly doesn't have explicit prepend?
;@ is really scary looking as an emoticon :p
@exedraj Even if it did (idk if it does), it might prepend the list itself
Ash had that, for example
@exedraj It sort of does. It has "tack" which is "append x to y". 1,2 ṭ 3 gives 3,[1,2] and 1 ṭ 2 is 2,1
Oh cool, I was right :p
Essential array ops: <list> append <atom>, <list> prepend <atom> (optionally with swapped counterparts), <list> concat <list>, <list> revconcat <list>
Concat with args flipped
a revconcat b <=> b concat a
[1, 2] and [4, 8] is [4, 8, 1, 2]
@AaronMiller sorry for not cleaning you last night...I accidentally left you in my room with crumbs from my cheese sandwich from yesterday.
Until I got to the ... that was quite worrying to read :p
But dw you're in the sink now
Was it a good sandwich, at least?
It was a very good sandwich
All is forgiven, then
When y'all say "cheese sandwich", do you just mean bread with cold cheese in between, or grilled cheese?
@Bubbler I'd also argue <list> unify <atom> which concatenates atom to each element of list
Is...does that taste good?
What sort of cheese?
@BrowncatPrograms yes
@BrowncatPrograms cheddar
Add some Branston Pickle and it's even better
Okay James may.
Is this a british/australian thing, or am I just weird, or are you two just weird? :p
Hey, it's not true British food without some brown goop!
@BrowncatPrograms You're weird
Although, American cheese is awful, I'd never use it in a sandwich
@BrowncatPrograms (I'm talking about the cheese sandwiches not whatever pickle thing here)
@Dudecoinheringaahing The really cheap american cheese is the only good stuff
@BrowncatPrograms The plastic shit?
No, the stuff that comes in a giant pre-sliced block for like $0.50
Yeah, that's the plastic shit
It's so cheap and generic tasting, with such a cheap texture, that it's actually good, although that might just be nostalgia
Stuff like cheddar and swiss just has too much flavor sometimes imo
It's so bad :P
@BrowncatPrograms ...
It's so good :P
And I thought British food was bland
I don't usually want the cheese to be the focus of what I'm eating, but then again I usually don't eat cheese sandwiches :p
I just use the processed stuff
Works just as well as anything else
If cheddar has too much flavour, what's your normal food like? Plain white bread with a side of water?
@Dudecoinheringaahing The cheap american cheese is good because it's all bland and a bit rubbery
I just leave a bottle of milk for a month or two
The cheap american cheese of the few types of cheese that I'm willing to eat by itself. I'll eat pretty much any cheese in a sandwich or something, but I don't like eating really strong cheeses on their own.
Other way around for me
@emanresuA We must all unite to defeat this :P
Y'all forgetting that this is all inferior to the one true snack
Cookie. 🍪
@Dudecoinheringaahing No, my normal food has flavor and the cheese is just there to make it look nice
That's what it's good for
When you need cheese for a tiny bit of cheese-ish flavor and the look, but you don't actually want the cheese flavor
But cheese adds flavour (or flavor for you)
Otherwise it's just bland and miserable
TBF I think we have different uses in mind for the cheap american cheese
Cheesy ramen is amazing, using cheddar and 99p (99¢ for you) ramen :P
I should go do somethgning productive. o/
@Allxy Cookies with cheese on top are great
Leave. Now.
We don't need your kind :p
Cheese works surprisingly well with sweet stuff (such as chocolate)
Not sure if I can agree with that :p
Have you ever had cheese with Nutella?
Cheese and ice cream works very well.
Actually, I'd imagine real cheese (not the type I usually use) actually would be good with sweet stuff
The $0.50 american cheese probably wouldn't though
Here's a controversial food opinion that I will 100% stand by: put jam/fruit preserves/jelly (not Jello) on a burger
@Dudecoinheringaahing No. Just no.
I don't think it's controversial if literally nobody would agree with you
I can understand the first two, but jelly?
@Bubbler I'm referring to the same thing with all 3
Same reaction for that too
I'm specifically not meaning the gelatin based dessert, but the fruit based sweet preserves :P
Wait, are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches a thing outside the US? If so, are they still called that?
And, I have Science™️ to back me up. Sweet stuff mixed with meaty umami flavours are supposed to taste nice :P
@BrowncatPrograms Yes and yes (at least, I call them that)
It's the only time I call jam jelly
But "peanut butter and jam" just sounds ..wrong
@Dudecoinheringaahing therefore pineapple on pizza is scientifically correct
The whole jelly vs. jam thing is extra confusing because it's not just like the chips vs. crisps thing, because both of them are meaningful over here
@hyper-neutrino No, pineapple on a meat lover's pizza is scientifically correct :P
My only problem with pineapple on pizza is usually it's cut really cheaply and some of the core is in it, so some pineapple pieces have tougher parts
Uhh... both English and food tastes are hard
Acid and spice also work well together, so a pepperoni and pineapple pizza is amazing (if you like pineapple/pepperoni)
Here's a controversial food opinion that I will 100% stand by: pineapple on pizza
Woo I can finally get my first covid vaccination
Oh no...I just self rickrolled
@BrowncatPrograms That's definitely pizza maker's problem
I clicked the address bar and accidentally clicked one of my bookmarks that showed up
Without that, pineapple on pizza has zero problems
@exedraj I won't be getting it until mid October because that's the earliest appointment available, but that's still good
Laughs in american so I already got vaccinated months ago :p
Today is the first day I've actually been allowed to book in for it
Because I previously haven't been in a "priority group"
Imagine not living in a country where everyone is apparently a "priority"
Fun fact: I've eaten an entire lemon (and a lime), segment by segment :P
Including the peel?
No, just the flesh
Hi Everyone,
In case you didn't see, [my school district] has announced a temporary mask mandate starting tomorrow, so please don't forget your masks!
Finally something responsible
Fun fact: Our governor, who got rid of the state's mask mandate, just got covid :p
Imagine not living in a country that has been responsible the whole time
My mom is a research scientist around taste, which means we almost always have miraculin lying around the house, which makes sour and bitter things taste sweet :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Fun fact: I enjoy doing that and do it often, as well as simply drink shots of the juice.
@AaronMiller I'm not quite that extreme, though I do love sour drinks :P
A lemon's worth of juice, diluted with water, is a surprisingly good hangover cure
One time my brother tried to prank me by waking me up and handing me a bottle of "soda" (it was just lime juice), but then he had to stop me from drinking the whole thing.
Imagine being pranked by siblings
@AaronMiller What does lime juice taste like to you?
Kind of bitter, kind of sour, kind of lime-y.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Does it taste different to different people?
I also drink shots of vinegar, so I'm probably just weird.
CMQ: Favorite hot sauce?
@AaronMiller Sriracha
@BrowncatPrograms Yes
Huh, how much different? What changes?
Typically the intensity of the sourness/bitterness
My favorite hot sauce would have to be Crystal hot sauce.
Not sure about the actual "taste", because what one person describes as "tastes like lime" could be completely different and would require a lot of work to identify
1. Remove person's tongue
2. Replace yours with theirs
3. Hope you don't lose your original one
@Dudecoinheringaahing Lemon/Lime juice is pretty sour to me, but I've also never been too affected by sour stuff and the like. It wasn't until I was ~14 or so that I learned that pineapple is acidic, and I only learned that because someone told me. Even though I eat a lot of pineapple, I've just never felt that acidity.
4. ???
5. Profit
@AaronMiller Of course, your "pretty sour" may not be the same as my "pretty sour" :P
Especially given that you can apparently just drink the juice like it's nothing :P
At least to me, lime juice isn't super sour, much more bitter
Lemon juice is sour enough to be deifnitely sour, but not enough that I don't like it
My first thought was to look for Jelly related pages
But then I realised that I couldn't use code golf as a way of getting there
This is the one of the most cursed things I have ever seen. Since I'm using a contenteditable div, if you copy text from inside your web browser and paste it in, it retains all of its html.
Also it occurs to me that I don't remember why I'm using a contenteditable div instead of a textarea. I'm sure there was a reason, but I've changed so much that I don't know if that reason is still applicable. :/
Well, I figured out why. The thing to make the text overflow doesn't work in textareas. Apparently removing the cursedness of retaining html prevents the addition of the cursedness of overflowing text.
Although I could probably get rid of the foreign html if I parsed it with some regex ;P
Parse regex with HTML, genius!
@AaronMiller You should use the Risky interpreter's method of adding overflow to textareas
@BrowncatPrograms O.o What's that?
It's like three lines of CSS, ten bytes of JS (which don't break the page and fail reasonably if disabled), and a wrapper div
You use grid formatting on the outer div, which makes the inner textarea expand to fill it
You then just copy the value of the textarea into an attribute of the div when it's updated
Which is used as its ::after, invisibly filling it with a copy of the textarea's contents, causing it to have the same height as the input
Here's a site that seems to show off the same method
Or you could just be a gamer and use code mirror + whatever we do for our interpreter
That's pretty much the opposite of what I'm doing. I need the text to be able to overflow past the textarea, without expanding the textarea.
@exedraj The codemirror thing has complicated handwritten resizes.
@AaronMiller That's the default behavior, right?
If you don't want scrolling, make it overflow-y: hidden
@BrowncatPrograms I need overflow: visible, which acts really strange on textareas
I've just about got it figured out, so I'll finish up what I'm doing and push it so you can see what I mean
@AaronMiller is this for Grok?
No, it's for Cursed
That makes sense then
I was about to ask why anyone'd ever want an overflow: visible textarea, but you've answered my question :p
Honestly allowing pasting HTML into the interpreter doesn't seem like a bad idea for cursed
I love it
's beaut
You should wrap the moving input in more moving divs, so it's less predictable where it goes next
E.g., the parent changes direction sometimes, but at a different rate than the children, so it sort of randomly walks around
oh lol, I didn't realize that user changed the background on the master, I though it was on their fork
Hey wait why can't I enter text?
You can it's just black
Keep the non-monospace font.
What happened to the unicorns!
@BrowncatPrograms I've finished updating the site, so you can see what I was talking about as far as the overflow.
@emanresuA I'm trying to decide which one I like better
Idea: Code changes color
And the boxes move around the screen
@emanresuA Did you overflow the code box?
Oh I see
But I mean like constantly changing color
You should animate a hue shift for the whole site :p
Oh god, that would hurt so much.
IIRC CSS can animate colors...
I know
@emanresuA I like the unicorns, but after looking at them for about 2 hours while working on the site, I like them marginally less, so I think I'll stick with the blue background for the time being, if for no other reason than to give my eyes a break, but if you or user or anyone wants to put that in a fork or a branch or something, I'm down.
@AaronMiller Paste the following into your stylesheet, add animation: textbox 5s infinite to the CSS for the textarea, and see what you think:
@keyframes textbox{0%{padding-left:0;color:green;line-height:20px:font-size:20px}50%{padding-left:40px;color:gold;line-height:30px;font-size:30px}100%{padding-left:40px;color:pink;line-height:20px}}
hello again everyone
@Allxy howdy stranger!

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