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it ran instantly
faster then bait webs
@exedraj Challenge: Calculate triangle numbers in 0 bytes (Vyxal)
Vyxal sR, 0 bytes: `` (Try It Online!)
or Try it Online! if you prefer the syntax highlighting of an empty program ;)
i thought i was getting rolled again
there's only one program that does that
every other link to lyxal.pythonanywhere.com is just a normal program
oh hey @Razetime
lyxal as a program is my fault.
I only just noticed - new Flowey!
What does it say next?
it's a custom textbox I generated
@exedraj I get email notifications too :-)
@Adám I have a question: how do I make it so that digraphs are matched with their corresponding character in the language bar?
E.g. Q in Jelly has it's standalone, but also ØQ and ŒQ associated with it
the digraphs are separately documented in elements.txt
so how do I modify the APL part to recognise them?
@exedraj Ah, I see, I filtered them out, not realising how I had included them for Jelly. As you can see, it is a bit involved, but I'll get around to adding them.
It would be half funny and half sad if this was tagged with :p
Why do complex stuff?
because I like my parallel apply
If you think about it, stack manip + structures in Vyxal is equivalent to chaining in Jelly
@emanresuA why didn't you tell me codemirror has things like ctrl + <click> to have multiple cursors?
because you should read codemirror docs yourself?
but I mean on the online interpreter
I just thought it was only colours
I didn't realise it was the whole entire editor
yeah codemirror has a lot of good things built in
the entire editor component is chunky
tbf i think a lot of modules can be removed
would speed up the page
I didn't realise the vyxal online interpreter could do that much
I suppose that explains why there's a lot of JS involved with it
and why I had some troubles properly integrating it ;)
I have a idea for a very simple challenge
given 3 2D vector a,b,c , find a*n + b*m + c*r=0
and n,m,r is just number
are we given n, m, r?
no you have to find them such that they make 0, right?
a,b,c is given
and find n,m,r
n,m,r > 0?
because n=m=r=0 is a trivial universal solution
yea probably > 0
i think it's 1 to 1 test-answer?
you can just solve simultaneously
using the inverse of the 3x3 matrix {a,b,c}
wait but there are infinitely many solutions
and also if they're integers only that's NP-complete I think?
smallest a+b+c?
that more confusing then my life
which is very
The solution space is integer coordinates on an infinite line
so smallest a+b+c has 100% chance to be minus infinity
but a+b+c > 0
smallest absolute value, presumably
That might actually work then
wait will a,b,c>0 make some test no answer?
For some very specific kind of inputs, yes
You can say "you may assume an answer exists"
(0, 0, 1) is a solution to ^
if you mean a>0 and b>0 and c>0 then no solution
i could just say that 3 vectors do not parallel
yea a,b,c>0 i think
or we just a,b,c not equal 0
and get the closest answer to 0
@okie In that case there is no answer 75% of the time
have we just renamed n,m,r to a,b,c?
i think so
Yeah, nonzero solution with smallest magnitude sounds good
ok let the vectors be p,q,s then lol
btw it's a number theory problem
I surely can't make test case, but anyway, I'll try
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

okieSum of 3 Vectors code-golfnumber-theory Question Given 3 vectors a, b, c Find integer n, m, r where a*n+b*m+c*r = 0 and n,m,r are all not equal to 0 You can presume that 3 vector do not parallel Test case work in progress Rules no Standard loopholes any I/O case allowed, as long as it's clear an...

It has been fricking long since i last posted a sandbox or somethin
I am literal inactive for over 2 month
I have yet another idea, which is chaining program, but I treat it like a for-fun idea instead of real idea
@Dudecoinheringaahing Retina 0.8.2, 38 bytes
@okie "closest" should be accompanied by a measure. Euclidean distance or Taxicab distance (essentially sum of absolute values)?
@Bubbler fixed :D
Another idea:You make a code shaped like 0 and output a valid program shaped 1, which when ran, produce 2, and so goes on
score by how much number you can chain until your program produce something other then it should be
@Dudecoinheringaahing Retina, 27 bytes
so that (shape) 1 produce 2, 2 produce 3 ...
But i don't know how to specify how numbers should looks like
@Dudecoinheringaahing Charcoal, 6 bytes: I⌕Aθ⌈θ
@Dudecoinheringaahing Charcoal, 24 bytes: NθNηI⟦÷θη﹪θη⁺θη⁻θη×θηXθη
have a list of strings. Is there a fast algorithm to find the most commonly occurring substring of length 4?
commonly occurring as in, present in the most strings, or as in, present the most times overall over all of the strings?
@Dudecoinheringaahing Charcoal, 11 bytes: ∧⁼θ⮌θ⬤θ⁼ι⮌ι
@pxeger whichever is easier to do quickly
There is a painful quadratic time hash method of course
I can think of a simple O(n) algorithm... with O(n^4) memory complexity
If you mean contiguous substrings, it is simple to collect all length-4 segments and count them, no?
yeah that's what I was thinking of
That is obviously linear time/space in total size
oh hang on yeah that's linear memory as well oops
Also, if all strings are alphabetic, another option is to keep counts in int a[26][26][26][26]. 26^4 is less than a million and you don't need to keep entire list of strings in memory
CMM: I am creating a language where input types must be specified as command-line flags (e.g. code is a.repeat(b) and flags are -i string -i int. This is allowed, right? (it seems like an extension of consensuses codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/11223 and codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/14337)
(by allowed I mean without adding to the byte count)
Yes. There are already some existing languages that require something similar
e.g. Flurry requires a three-char flag to specify how to take input and how to format output and return value
Brain-Flak also has some flags to switch between ascii and numeric I/O
Thanks all
just discover that i am marked as bot in popcat lol
was testing on it
what's popcat?
a no-propose website
does that count as advertising
well there goes my afternoon
it have a non-obfuscated bot checking system
How does it detect a bot
consistency in clicking?
they should make you complete a captcha on every click
I do guess a good enough autoclicker will bypass any kind of check though
unless it blocks all humans too
also some humans are good at consistently clicking
not 24 hours a day
perhaps I underestimate some humans
certainly not 168 hours a week
@Bubbler It have a therhold of 800, and breaking it 10 times without lowering speed
will get you marked as bot
it does not tell you
just simply not submitted click
That's enough to mark many humans as bots :P
it's also client side
while being not obfuscated
it may well be server-side too
Solution: Clear cache or cookie or localstorage?
it might be
but the bot tag is also on client side
and it have a very weird reset mechanic
which is not activated normally
lol i think i just reseted my bot tag, and de-bot myself
CMC: bijection between positive integers and pairs of positive integers
@pxeger Cantor
Too lazy to code
@pxeger Yeah that zigzag they use to enumerate fractions
There are a lot of elegant tree... with a hyphen-german-twonames
And Calkin-Wilf, too
I asked the same CMC about a month ago and got no answers
Not totally the same, because Stern-Brocot shows each reduced fraction once
So (1,2) will appear
But never (4,8) or (3,6)
I knew Bubbler would give me some info lol
time for me to disappear again
until tomorrow
Have more to say, but gtg
Oh, but so I meant to relate to the related problem here:
Again, each reduced pair shows up once, so it's not an enumeration of all of them
Bit interleaving also works for golfing purposes
@pxeger You might like the New Order Series
@Razetime See CM 6
it is baby
@okie but what if I'm just really good at keyboard mashing?
I noticed that pressing any key is equivalent to clicking
Was spamming popcat and switched tabs
@emanresuA baby editor? cool
edit babies
2 hours later…
58699102: Retina 0.8.2, 3 bytes
posted on August 11, 2021 by Razetime

Challenge Given a list of integers >= 0 , check if all of them are equal. Tests [1,1,1,1,1] -> true [0,1,1,6,7] -> false [1] -> true ...

Gotta love it when the link to the thing you're supposed to be writing about isn't actually a link
@RedwolfPrograms actually a rickroll?
No, it's just ordinary text colored blue and underlined
you ever see a link on a printed out document and feel inexplicably sad?
Far too often
Sometimes it’s a pdf that you think you can copy from but since it’s scanned it doesn’t work properly
@JoKing I just tap the links with my finger and a new piece of paper magically appears next to it, don't you? :p
@RedwolfPrograms and it isn't just underlined text without explicit colour? ;p
@exedraj no it has no explicit colour, only an explicit color
frick you with your american spelling
I dunno, seems pretty ambiguous as to whether that's intended to be a link :p
well done for missing the obvious joke
I didn't miss the joke lol
I missed it
I just wanted to point out how obviously this was supposed to be a link
Apr 13 at 23:26, by Redwolf Programs
I have synesthesia and see words and letters as colors :p
this is crucial TNB lore
how don't you know this?
I did know that lore
but I didn't make the connection
Actually I didn't either
in other news, I just tried to from sympy import sympy when I wanted to from sympy import Rational
I thought Lyxal was just joking that I was trying to click on underlined text like an idiot :p
3 mins ago, by exedraj
well done for missing the obvious joke
APL users may find this interesting: mlajtos.mu/posts/new-kind-of-paper-2
@exedraj Isn't "frick" in that context skirting on "not nice" language?
to whom?
@Adám I have some very "not nice" opinions on American spelling at 11:34pm
@pxeger You.
@Adám Since it's clearly a joke, not really imo
1. I'm not American, so I'm not offended
2. If I were American, or if it were an insult to British spelling, I wouldn't be offended
3. ...because it looks like it's, at worst, a minor insult to American spelling, which (I'm fairly sure) is not a person
4. It was a harmless joke
It would take too long to make an account named "American Spelling" just for the joke, wouldn't it :/
brb, going to hijack my existing sockpuppet account
You could rename one of your sock's accounts, then change the parent
@user out of context that sounds very wrong
Hi, I'm Troy McClure
Hi, Troy McClure!
Might we know you from instructional guides such as "mothballing your battleship" and "dig your own grave and save"?
Who was that guy?
dammit it seems to have got all messed up
._. it seems like I'm stuck being Troy McClure until {cache_clear_o'clock}
that'll teach me
@TroyMcClure this recently came up in the matrix chatroom.
@TroyMcClure Not so bad of a punishment :p
the creator of BQN posted it
@Razetime I do love me some bacon
@TroyMcClure Thanks. Cross-posted to apl.chat
could someone register something like 19.chat so I can type it equally quickly?
Why not use your own server?
19.pxeger.com or something?
I just type the letter "c" and the rest autocompletes lol
that's not as cool as apl.chat
@RedwolfPrograms only in the URL bar (besides, that's not a problem - I have it bookmarked anyway). What if I want to type it in the chat box of TNB or somewhere else
@TroyMcClure just use a url shortener: tinyurl.com/tnbroom
1 min ago, by Troy McClure
that's not as cool as apl.chat
it's just as cool
if not cooler
@exedraj That looks like tn broom lol
@user well the suffix cgccse wasn't avaliable
so that's what I came up with
@TroyMcClure That's taken, but 19b.chat is available and pretty cheap too ($8.22 / year, renews at $22.64).
cgcc.se is available too.
cgcc.chat is same price as 19b
cgcc.chat is a lot nicer
Is tnb.chat available?
cgcc.se feels like it should go to the main site instead of chat
Or a swedish code golf site
All we have to do is create a custom URL protocol, get major browsers to add it, pay $300k for the tnb TLD, then register tnb.tnb
Time for a tnb protocol: you compress a message as much as possible and it's up to the receiver to figure out what happened
@RedwolfPrograms tnb+tnb://tnb:[email protected]/tnb.tnb?tnb=tnb&tnb=tnb#tnb
-1 not enough tnb
@user those are all the available components in URLs; would you like me to petition the IETF to add more?
Why did you add a .tnb file extension, but not a .tnb subdomain?
@TroyMcClure Yes please
@RedwolfPrograms I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. waves Men In Black magic wand
phew, I'm back to pxeger
Who are you and what did you do to Troy?
@RedwolfPrograms Yes, but a bit more pricey.
@user who's Troy? I don't remember him from such nature films as Earwigs: Eww! and Man vs. Nature: The Road to Victory...
Looks like it's Embargo Lift time lmao:
@RedwolfPrograms Well, I've tried for an hour and concluded it's a bit difficult to answer questions about something you're supposed to have read if you can't actually read it
If it wasn't the day before it was due I'd just email one of the teachers about it, but I'm sure since it's a thing you do over the summer other people will forget anyway
I'm fine with a zero if a bunch of other people get one too I guess
^ lol
Imagine doing your summer packets
This post made by having-teachers-who-forget-to-collect-them-unless-you-remind-them-and-you-then-get-death-stares-from-the-rest-of-the-class gang
I've got a lot of work to do on RTO, so that takes precedence over school until it actually starts lol
Only like two weeks left :(
School starts tomorrow for me :D
I'm so sorry for your loss :P
I like school, actually :p
Ah, you've been indoctrinated by them
I couldn't care less about the learning part, though
Don't worry, kid, you'll soon hate it
@RedwolfPrograms Um, what else do you do at school?
Interact with humans I know, and spend all of class doing CGCC stuff
It's my senior year now, so I can probably actually get away with goofing off now
I'm planning on knowing everything for most classes beforehand, which has worked with about a 70% success rate so far :p
Big brain
CMQ: What's the worst you've ever screwed up your grades?
Not realizing there was a separate tab with a whole bunch of additional assignments for one class...so I didn't do any of them
I miscounted the number of essays I wrote / had to write for a course and ended up submitting only 2 instead of 3.
In 6th grade, a bunch of kids started calling me a nerd for whatever reason. Being the big brain 500 IQ genius I believed myself to be, I decided to tank my grades just a little and get a B or high C for all my classes. I'd overestimated myself and instead got D's in most of them
@user last year (like in march final exams)
technically this year march
@user 2020 march I did like zero assignments for math. I'm sure there's an excuse, but I still can't find it. It was the beginning of covid so it didn't cause any lasting problems
@user lol I have 4 weeks left (MD,US), sorry for your loss :P
@RedwolfPrograms I enjoyed the last 2 years of school the most, and I didn't mind the 5 years of high school before that (our "high schools" go from your year 6 to year 12). Now that I'm out of school, I realise how much I miss the structure tho
Freshman year was the best, sophomore was okay but not too bad, and the only good thing about junior year was that I didn't have to go to school in person
@Dudecoinheringaahing Being free to do what you want is a bad thing?
Yes and no. You sort of don't know what to do with yourself :P
The paradox of choice definitely becomes more of a thing :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Easy answer to that: Golf :P
It's no coincidence that I went from 14k in mid-2020 to 40k now :P
Oh wow
This year alone, I've gotten 18.9k, which is 6k clear of everyone except Arnauld. That's literally because I've had very little to do over the past 18 months :P
Dennis is on that page lol
I swear he'd repcap every day if CGCC were as active as SO despite not posting anymore
how has he gotten more rep this year than Unrelated? They post fairly regularly, with high voted answers O.o
Same with Shaggy
Do y'all think I should implement GoL in Vim?
If you want a ton of upvotes, then yes :p
okay I upvoted you multiple times using my upgraded version of SEchat that has upvotes, but unfortunately it is incompatible with all other versions so 68% of the time it flags your message and 62% of the time it does nothing
68 + 62 = 130.
40% of the time, it changes the fabric of reality to make 68 + 62 + 40 add up to 100
A: Shortest Game of Life

Aaron MillerVim, 549 bytes Go0<Esc>mmo"cyl'm:if "<C-v><C-r>c"=="@"||"<C-v><C-r>c"=="o"<C-v> norm <C-v><C-v><C-v><c-a><C-v> en<C-v> <Esc>^"id$i'm"myl`cyl:if "<C-v><C-r>""==" "&&<C-v><C-r>m==3<C-v> norm r+<C-v> elsei "<C-v><C-r>""=="@"&&<C-v><C-r>m<2<C-v> norm ro<C-v> elsei "<C-v><C-r>""=="@"&&<C-v><C-r>m>3<C-v>...

Odd, the gradscript tells me that's 825 UTF-8 bytes, 825 chars even though it's just 549
Of all the different ways to quote there are, that has to be one of the ugliest
@user In my Vim answers, I replace unprintables with things like <Esc> or <C-r> to make them more readable [citation-needed], which increases the apparent byte count, but the TIO code has the actual unprintables.
Ah, makes sense
@user `string' would like to speak to you
@pxeger ''string'' would like to speak to you
(It's not ugly so much as cursed, but still)
Don't even talk to me if you aren't using “"”string'`‘’
@user IMO `print 1 + 3` is about as bad
it certainly depends on the typeface. monospace fonts are more likely to support 'text' and `text' because of ASCII and programming reasons
@Dudecoinheringaahing “«"”string'»`‘’
just press the buttons
string string string, where the first and third strings are the actual characters string and the second being the string (e.g. string Hello, World! string)
string string string, where the first and third string are the string, and the second being the actual characters string (e.g. Hello, World! string Hello, World!)
^ that's what I originally misread Dude's message as
idea: the first character is the delimiter delimiter, then it scans until it sees the delimiter delimiter and everything between those is the delimiter, and then it scans until it sees that for the string
so ebcehellobc is "hello" because the e is the delimiter delimiter which makes bc the delimiter, then e can re-appear in the string perfectly fine, and bc closes the string
wait! but you need something to tell you whether there is a string
and it must be customizable ofc
ok the first character in the program is the delimiter delimiter delimiter, and then it reads until it finds the delimiter delimiter delimiter which tells you what the string delimiter is
so if your program is abcahellobcdefbcabcdef then you have a..a as the delimiter^3 which makes bc the delimiter^2, so hello is normal code, bc...bc makes def the delimiter, and then abc is a string closed by def again
Delimiters all the way down.
@hyper-neutrino this would be reasonable if the delimiter-delimiter were constant (like """ or something?)
yeah lua has something like this [(=*)[string]\1]
stasoid has no gold badges but has earned the silver Necromancer badge 111 times O.O
110 of those are for Add a language to a polyglot
I wouldn't be surprised if 111 is the most Necromancer badges of anybody on the site. I checked a few top users and the most I saw was 60-something.
Yeah it almost certainly is.
Who had the 60-something?
Martin Ender is close behind with 58, you've got 52, and Jo King has 47.
It's also interesting to see the high-rep users who hardly have any: Arnauld has 5, Neil 4, and Luis Mendo 3. I suspect it's because they usually just answer new questions.
Fun fact: all my SQL knowledge comes from SEDE queries :P
Haha--the only two names I didn't recognize on that list (Potato44 and Chance) got essentially all of their Necromancer badges from... Add a language to a polyglot. What a surprise. :D
2 hours later…
Does anyone understand how W loops work in Gol><>?
2 hours later…
Totally not a suspicious link: suspicious.link

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