Sum of 3 Vectors
Given 3 vectors a, b, c
Find integer n, m, r where a*n+b*m+c*r = 0 and n,m,r are all not equal to 0
You can presume that 3 vector do not parallel
Test case
work in progress
no Standard loopholes
any I/O case allowed, as long as it's clear an...
Also, if all strings are alphabetic, another option is to keep counts in int a[26][26][26][26]. 26^4 is less than a million and you don't need to keep entire list of strings in memory
1. I'm not American, so I'm not offended 2. If I were American, or if it were an insult to British spelling, I wouldn't be offended 3. ...because it looks like it's, at worst, a minor insult to American spelling, which (I'm fairly sure) is not a person 4. It was a harmless joke
@RedwolfPrograms only in the URL bar (besides, that's not a problem - I have it bookmarked anyway). What if I want to type it in the chat box of TNB or somewhere else
@RedwolfPrograms Well, I've tried for an hour and concluded it's a bit difficult to answer questions about something you're supposed to have read if you can't actually read it
If it wasn't the day before it was due I'd just email one of the teachers about it, but I'm sure since it's a thing you do over the summer other people will forget anyway
I'm fine with a zero if a bunch of other people get one too I guess
In 6th grade, a bunch of kids started calling me a nerd for whatever reason. Being the big brain 500 IQ genius I believed myself to be, I decided to tank my grades just a little and get a B or high C for all my classes. I'd overestimated myself and instead got D's in most of them
@user 2020 march I did like zero assignments for math. I'm sure there's an excuse, but I still can't find it. It was the beginning of covid so it didn't cause any lasting problems
@user lol I have 4 weeks left (MD,US), sorry for your loss :P
@RedwolfPrograms I enjoyed the last 2 years of school the most, and I didn't mind the 5 years of high school before that (our "high schools" go from your year 6 to year 12). Now that I'm out of school, I realise how much I miss the structure tho
Freshman year was the best, sophomore was okay but not too bad, and the only good thing about junior year was that I didn't have to go to school in person
@Dudecoinheringaahing Being free to do what you want is a bad thing?
This year alone, I've gotten 18.9k, which is 6k clear of everyone except Arnauld. That's literally because I've had very little to do over the past 18 months :P
okay I upvoted you multiple times using my upgraded version of SEchat that has upvotes, but unfortunately it is incompatible with all other versions so 68% of the time it flags your message and 62% of the time it does nothing
@user In my Vim answers, I replace unprintables with things like <Esc> or <C-r> to make them more readable [citation-needed], which increases the apparent byte count, but the TIO code has the actual unprintables.
string string string, where the first and third strings are the actual characters string and the second being the string (e.g. string Hello, World! string)
string string string, where the first and third string are the string, and the second being the actual characters string (e.g. Hello, World! string Hello, World!)
idea: the first character is the delimiter delimiter, then it scans until it sees the delimiter delimiter and everything between those is the delimiter, and then it scans until it sees that for the string
so ebcehellobc is "hello" because the e is the delimiter delimiter which makes bc the delimiter, then e can re-appear in the string perfectly fine, and bc closes the string
ok the first character in the program is the delimiter delimiter delimiter, and then it reads until it finds the delimiter delimiter delimiter which tells you what the string delimiter is
so if your program is abcahellobcdefbcabcdef then you have a..a as the delimiter^3 which makes bc the delimiter^2, so hello is normal code, bc...bc makes def the delimiter, and then abc is a string closed by def again
Martin Ender is close behind with 58, you've got 52, and Jo King has 47.
It's also interesting to see the high-rep users who hardly have any: Arnauld has 5, Neil 4, and Luis Mendo 3. I suspect it's because they usually just answer new questions.
Haha--the only two names I didn't recognize on that list (Potato44 and Chance) got essentially all of their Necromancer badges from... Add a language to a polyglot. What a surprise. :D