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Welcome to the 7th Biweekly Mini Golf. During this event, we'll post some CMCs (Chat Mini Challenges) for you all to solve. A new one will be added every 5 to 10 minutes. Feel free to keep suggesting drafts during the event. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Good luck!
in BMG Drafts, 8 mins ago, by Dude coinheringaahing
Draft: Given a fibonacci number, output the next one. 1 should output 2
in BMG Drafts, 4 mins ago, by user
Draft: Given a string, return all substrings that are palindromes. By substrings, I mean that you can also remove characters in between, e.g. fobarrbf -> brrb, bab, fof, fbf, faf, frf, bb, brb, etc. (duplicates are allowed)
@Dudecoinheringaahing That's not "mini".
Isn't it just "powerset, filter palindromes"?
@Dudecoinheringaahing No, they have to be non-consecutive substrings too.
Powerset includes non-consecutive substrings
Yes, but it also includes non-substrings, no?
I don't think so
Try it online! (Jelly, 6 bytes) should work
in BMG Drafts, 9 mins ago, by user
Draft: Flip a matrix over its antidiagonal (basically transpose it the other way)
@Dudecoinheringaahing APL, 13: ⌊.5+⊢×≢+∘÷⍣=≢ Try it online!
Using phi? Nice
Yeah, simply [phi×x]
@Dudecoinheringaahing Jelly, 3 bytes (I think)
feels like it should be more than that but also not
maybe that fails for nonsquare
yeah probably
Do we have to handle non-square (@user)?
@Dudecoinheringaahing APL (dzaima or Extended Dyalog), 3: ⌽⍢⍉ Try it online!
@Adám Transpose under reverse?
come to think of it i'm not entirely sure what the main antidiagonal is in a nonsquare matrix lmao
(works on non-square too)
@Dudecoinheringaahing Yes.
Nice :P
@UnrelatedString Starts in top right and goes southwest.
makes sense
so in that case yeah it should be fine for nonsquare because reversing each row maps that to the main non-anti-diagonal
@Dudecoinheringaahing Handling 1 is ಠ_ಠ
@Dudecoinheringaahing yep
Hey, nobody cared to check that it did the right thing. Typo. Shoulda been ⍉⍢⌽ Try it online!
@Dudecoinheringaahing Jelly, 11 bytes ḤRÆḞi¹‘ÆḞ+Ị, which is blegh
yeah handling 1 really kills it
in BMG Drafts, 17 mins ago, by Dude coinheringaahing
Draft: Given a string containing only ASCII letters, output it 4 times: once uppercase, once lowercase, once titlecase (all lowercase, first char uppercase), once with the cases swapped. Output in any order
@Dudecoinheringaahing Smash-printing OK?
@Dudecoinheringaahing i almost wondered if using eval for digraphs could save bytes in jelly here but then i remembered it'd need two quotes
@Dudecoinheringaahing Vyxal, 8 bytes: ₍⇧⇩?₍ǐNJ
@Adám Yeah, that's fine
@Dudecoinheringaahing What is input? All-lower?
@Adám Input will be only ascii letters, of either case
@Dudecoinheringaahing So for the titlecase, we have to lower all trailing?
@UnrelatedString I've got 11 bytes just using the atoms themselves, but there needs to be a better way to apply multiple atoms to the same argument
@Adám Uppercase the first element, lowercase everything else
@Dudecoinheringaahing idk, do whatever you want lol
e.g. hecK -> ⟨`HECK`|`heck`|`Heck`|`HECk`⟩
@exedraj Heck yes :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing there really does
@Dudecoinheringaahing Extended Dyalog APL, 10: ⌈@1⌊,⌈,⌊,- Try it online!
Wait, negating a string is swapcase? Huh
hey Vyxal does that too! ;)
interesting, I was kind of expecting one of those dyadic selector things but I don't actually know APL builtins
@Dudecoinheringaahing Vyxal J, 7 bytes: ₌ǐN~⇧~⇩
(like the circle for trig stuff)
@UnrelatedString That's in vanilla. This one is with my extensions.
Similarly, I've overloaded floor and ceiling to casing.
@AaronMiller clever
Also, monadic ÷ (normally reciprocal) converts letters to titlecase.
@Adám Floor and ceil sort of make immediate sense, but negate being swapcase made me think for a second
@Dudecoinheringaahing Even floor and ceil don't quite make sense, since casing isn't idempotent.
i'd say negate being swapcase is a bit more intuitive
@Adám They don't make logical sense, but they seem naturally intuitive to me for some reason
in terms of the actual function, even though the floor and ceil symbols are quite suggestive
Yes, negation is actually better, since that isn't idempotent.
in BMG Drafts, 17 mins ago, by user
Draft: Group elements in a list by their count, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5] -> {2: [1, 2], 3: [4], 1: [3, 5]}
Monadic × (sign, for numbers) queries the letter case.
@Adám 0 for lower, 1 for upper; or -1 for lower?
@Dudecoinheringaahing -1 for lower, 0 for title and no-case.
@Dudecoinheringaahing I was about to submit ċⱮQƙ until I realized the output also contains the counts themselves
@Dudecoinheringaahing Extended Dyalog APL, 7: ≢⍤⊢⌸⍮⌸∪ Try it online!
pops in, waves, then hides again in the shadows
@UnrelatedString ƙ seems useful here for once :P
@user That was a very nice one.
@ThomasWard Hey Thomas :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing ...and now I'm wishing it could also accept dyads, and pass the value identifying the group to the right
@Dudecoinheringaahing yo. forgive me for just stopping in and saying hey, i sometimes lurk here ;)
I suppose that ƙ is like APL's key (), but APL's does take a dyad and passes the value identifying the group to the left.
I feel like we've dug up the origin of ƙ at least twice on JHT
@Dudecoinheringaahing Jelly, 10 bytes ṢQɓQż¹ƙµĠẈ How does APL beat Jelly? ಠ_ಠ
but I cannot remember how it ended up as weird as it is
Seems it was taken verbatim from J.
Pretty sure it was, yeah
in BMG Drafts, 30 mins ago, by Dude coinheringaahing
Draft: Output the indices of the maximal elements of a list. [1,2,3,2,1,2,3,3] -> [3,7,8] (1-indexed)
(Yes, I know about the Jelly builtin :P)
Should be 2 bytes without the builtin tho
@Dudecoinheringaahing APL 5: ⍸⌈/=⊢ Try it online!
@Dudecoinheringaahing ẹṀ?
@UnrelatedString Either that or Ṁẹ, I always forget the argument order of
Literally reads as indices where ⌈/ maximal element = equals the argument.
I was thinking of something like JịÐṀ until I remembered exists
@Adám I'm practicing just reading APL programs (to get a hang of how they work), and that's exactly how I read it :D
> ŒQÆm
it gets the count being grouped on as the reciprocal of the average of the ŒQ
Generate a unique mask, then calculate the mean? What the what??? :P
such a stunningly jank idea that i simply had to execute it
in BMG Drafts, 50 mins ago, by Dude coinheringaahing
Draft: Given a fibonacci number, output the corresponding Lucas number. You may choose whether to output 2 or 1 given 1
@Dudecoinheringaahing I take it this means "the Lucas number at the same index in the sequence"
@Dudecoinheringaahing I have 8 bytes in Jelly
Outputs 1 for 1
It's crazy that it takes 5 (sometimes 6) bytes to get a Fib number's "index" O.o
Ok, so we've got 2 CMCs left after this one. Should I just post them and let people be free to keep pinging me with responses over the next however long?
I think so. Hour is almost up.
(And I really should go to sleep…)
in BMG Drafts, 20 mins ago, by Adám
Draft: Check if a list of strings is a palindrome of palindromes. E.g. ["aba","otto","aba"] is, but ["aba","otto","bab"] and ["aba","otot","aba"] are not.
in BMG Drafts, 12 mins ago, by user
Draft: Divmodplusdiffmultexp: Given a and b, output a/b, a%b, a+b, a-b, a*b, and a^b
(/ can be either float or int division, ^ is power. user hasn't responded, but I think it should be ok to assume a, b are ints)
@Dudecoinheringaahing ÷,|⍨,+,-,×,* in APL.
Assuming % is division remainder when a is divided by b.
@Dudecoinheringaahing just a thought but if b is 0 won't that break things :P
@ThomasWard Why?
(just a thought)
@ThomasWard Jelly outputs inf for div by zero, so not always :P
good point
@Adám (not all langs handle div-by-zero in a \way that won't explode)
Besides, I think it's fair to assume b won't equal 0, given that it makes most of the operations either borked or boring
@ThomasWard "proper".
@Dudecoinheringaahing ḋ??₍+-??eJJ in Vyxal
Jelly is almost ascii-only :/
Just needs × for multiplication (my Jelly solution)
@Adám that was an autocomplete problem. typing on my tablet at the moment
oh yeah brachylog can pull it off nicely with a generator ÷|%|+|-|×|^
which really means "div or mod or ..." but we just do all of them
@exedraj ḋ??₍+-??₍e*JJ: [a / b, a % b] + [a + b, a - b] + [a * b, a ** b]
@Dudecoinheringaahing oh yeah, you can actually use ; unlike with the case one because you're working with scalars
Nobody for my palindromic palindrome?
Oh right, yeah, divmod is a thing. 9 bytes in Jelly then
i'm doing it rn
@Dudecoinheringaahing oh yeah lmao
I'd guess 4 in Jelly.
I was thinking 2
But it doesn't quite work :/
what did you think the 2 was
well that's half of it
That's a very weird "digraph", with some really interesting behaviours actually :P
I thought this was one of them, but it's not quite
brachylog should be ↔?↔ᵐ? for 5, and the best i can think of for jelly atm is also 5
Wouldn't U€⁼U or U⁼U€ work in Jelly? (I don't know how to call it using TIO.)
@Adám No, but U€⁼Ṛ would
I was also aboutt os ay that lmao
TFW school starts in two days and you have an assignment you were supposed to do over summer
Two days? wth
I think you pretty much have to check the overall palindromeness and palindromeness-of-each separately
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ah, so U is Ṛ€?
And you're also almost done with RTO and it takes precedence over school :p
Jelly, 6 bytes ṭ`ŒḂ€Ạ is a stupid one :P
@Adám Basically, yes
Oh wait this is BMG isn't it, I totally forgot
For 2D arrays.
...I think it's recur-until-depth-1-then-reverse-that but I'm not actually sure
@UnrelatedString You might want underdot R, otherwise you're just printing it :P
So U is APL's and is APL's
yeah think so
if U isn't exactly it's probably meant to be at least analogous
Right, if input was a 2D array, then ⌽≡⊖ would work in APL too.
oh yeah and it wouldn't otherwise because no ragged arrays
And on that note, I'll bid y'all g'nite. Happy golfing!
@Adám What U actually does is slightly more complex :P Numbers and chars have a depth of 0 in Jelly. The depth of a list is recursively defined as the maximum depth of it's elements. U finds all elements with a depth of 1 (so lists of numbers and chars) and reverses those
o/ Night
It only really has a distinction when you have lists of lists of lists or deeper
@Dudecoinheringaahing So very much like in that it also reverses the leaf rank-1 subarrays.
The real equivalent in APL would be ⌽⍥1 which is reverse depth 1.
@Adám I'd imagine so, yes
@RedwolfPrograms Why does your school start half-way through August?
Well 'cause that's about when summer ends, but they start a little early for some reason
When does it start over there?
Start of september
Then again, we end in the middle of July
We used to start school around then as well, though they've slowly pushed it back
Blame Austin ISD, I think our schedule's just changing to be closer to theirs
They sort of can't push ours back :P Normally, the 2rd Thursday of August is A-level Results day, when all the seniors get the uni entrance exam results. Uni then starts in a month from then. The next Thursday is GCSE results day (exams at the end of sophomore year), and schools can't start until a week after that, which is typically the last week of August/first week of September. And they can't have the first day back be a Friday, so they wait until the next week
Our first day back is a Thursday, for some reason
@Dudecoinheringaahing Vyxal, 5 bytes: R⁼[Ṙ⁼ Returns 1 for a palindrome of palindromes, otherwise it returns 0 or the inputted list.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Can they be in any order?
@AaronMiller Sure, I don't see why not
@Dudecoinheringaahing Vyxal W, 7 bytes: ₌ḋe□₌Π∑
Oh wait I forgot subtraction
just a sec
@RedwolfPrograms well did you find a good way to spend those 104 days of summer vacation?
Did you discover something that doesn't exist?
I know what that's a reference too, but not enough about it to respond with something funny D:
Phineas and Ferb opening theme :P
Yeah :p
I didn't watch that as a kid so I don't know anything to counter-reference with :p
Neither did I lol
Me neither :P
I just know it from the memes :P
The most I've watched is a 1 hour compilation of every doofenshmirtz -inator
This makes me think. We've got quite a few sequences/challenges on the site that come from user ids (Dennis numbers, Calvin numbers, DJMcMego pairs, etc.) I wonder how many of those namesakes have changed their usernames since
Calvin changed to Helka for a bit, but then went back to Calvin
Easy solution: replace the names with their user id
From my tally: DJMcMego pairs, Neil numbers, Bubbler numbers, Dennis and Dennis 2.0 numbers, sporeball numbers, Calvin numbers, Emanresu numbers
Of those, Calvin is the only one to change (and not for long), and Mego deleted their account
DJMcMayhem -> James
Oh yeah, forgot about that one
@AaronMiller Unfortunately, I can’t figure out any goofier way to do it than ₌ḋe□₌Π∑??-
It's interesting that some sites do this, and others don't
I think we've mainly done it in chat tbh
^^^ I just realized that autocorrect changed golfier to goofier lol
Oh, I just thought that was the intended word. It is Vyxal after all :P
in Vyxal, 13 hours ago, by exedraj
@user maturity in this chatroom? Impossible.
@AaronMiller deltas?
Like that
ಥ_ಥ Me when outgolfed
I've had an extra year of vyxal experience than you tho :p
@exedraj @emanresuA I’m curious if you guys can find/tie/beat my answer to this
@exedraj On the other hand, and I'm speaking from experience here, there's something about being the language creator that makes you worse at it :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing the joke is that Aaron joined a year after Vyxal's creation
@Dudecoinheringaahing Can’t be worse if you’re the only one who uses it. *cries in Grok*
@AaronMiller may I have a hint?
The input is 3 separate numbers. Also, there is a single flag.
(The part about the flag isn’t a hint, I just figured I should mention that.)
Could you provide a test case?
@AaronMiller how many bytes would it be without the flag?
@exedraj f(2,4,6) == 10, f(4,4,6) == 6, f(6,4,6) == 4
@exedraj 7 bytes flagless
@AaronMiller thank you. That means that you aren't relying on auto-closing of structures (meaning it's about stack manipulation) and that it isn't a flag that deals with the whole stack (otherwise it'd be 8 flagless because W<element>)
Hence the chances are that it's the s or d flag
g or G don't make sense in this context, and everything else is just kc stuff or stuff that would make it longer than 7
(although it could be r somehow)
Actually, the flag is B /s
Unless of course you're using a /s
I still don't got it
@AaronMiller a 3rd hint?
It uses .
Can I take z y x instead?
Actually better question: if there was a vectorising not-equals, would you have 5 with s/6 flagless?
(1) I didn’t, but I guess you can if you want, and (2) no
Sussy baka I've 5 with a flag, input as list
Which is 6 using the square
Oooh and it's different to yours
Md5 of my 6+flag (three numbers): bfca869b197d7e19cfb6d2deb468c0db | Md5 of my 5+flag (as list): 5a81548869e45c9daa1a79ea562df07f
@AaronMiller I beat you kekw get good
I tried taking input as [z,y,x], and got 4 bytes with flag. I got good.
I took the input as [x, y, z]
Proper order and everything
Here’s my 6+flag (three numbers)
lol I found a 4+flag with input as [x,y,z]
I can’t seem to figure out the 5+flag, though
4+flag (list) is 230d4b686a6939686f2b6cd1a59e14a0
Being super productive for six days in a row (not counting weekends). This is an epic record
I'd probably be pretty productive if I didn't keep checking TNB and/or CGCC every 10s lol
I've noticed sometimes I'll close the CGCC homepage, open it again in a new tab, and repeat a few times before I realize I'm in a loop lol
where productive = working on my hobby project for hours, not working for work
Also I really learned Rust a lot. I now hate some small dark corners of it
For TIB, I'm guessing?
@exedraj Is the input supposed to be a list?
@AaronMiller yes
@AaronMiller Try it Online!
I was trying stuff but implicit input is cursed...
My idea was lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=s&code=_%22v%E2%89%A0%E2%88%…*&inputs=2%0A2%0A3&header=&footer= but it bad
ur link bad
Append a *
I can't be bothered fixing it
Protip: Base64-encode your permalink
@Bubbler How?
is there a better option?
What option?
URL-safe ASCII chars are almost precisely the ones used in base64, except that +/ need to be replaced with -_ respectively and = stripped
Or encodeURI everything, but apparently it doesn't handle *
You can manually replace * by %2A
base64url is definitely the best option IMO
It's even an RFC standard, IIRC
The only problem is that it's not JS built-in :P
in Langjam, 50 mins ago, by PyGamer0
also lets name the language LoopLoL
^ inspired by @RedwolfPrograms
oh hey @okie
long time no see :)
*rickrolls cat*
get rickrolled
I got 9 stars on that last time I said it
i actually clicked that link
although I looked at the link first
You have been chatrolled
@emanresuA no, this is a chatroll
That is... a mes.s.
current cure for rick roll
@exedraj You animated that yourself?
on a phone too
@okie It's not a rickroll unless it's the original video
it's used in case you are rick rolled
use it as anti-rickroll
Sometihng is wrong with this
dang, turns out I missed even more mappings on the vyxal language bar
I'll update it and send another PR later
Idea: Language flags for Vyxal
I don't know how I missed so many of them
I coulda sworn I had a file with all the pairs
Your brain gave you up, let you down, ran around and deserted you.
You missed a function that plays lyxroll
@okie no we have that

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