Welcome to the 7th Biweekly Mini Golf. During this event, we'll post some CMCs (Chat Mini Challenges) for you all to solve. A new one will be added every 5 to 10 minutes. Feel free to keep suggesting drafts during the event. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Good luck!
Draft: Given a string, return all substrings that are palindromes. By substrings, I mean that you can also remove characters in between, e.g. fobarrbf -> brrb, bab, fof, fbf, faf, frf, bb, brb, etc. (duplicates are allowed)
Draft: Given a string containing only ASCII letters, output it 4 times: once uppercase, once lowercase, once titlecase (all lowercase, first char uppercase), once with the cases swapped. Output in any order
Ok, so we've got 2 CMCs left after this one. Should I just post them and let people be free to keep pinging me with responses over the next however long?
Draft: Check if a list of strings is a palindrome of palindromes. E.g. ["aba","otto","aba"] is, but ["aba","otto","bab"] and ["aba","otot","aba"] are not.
@Adám What U actually does is slightly more complex :P Numbers and chars have a depth of 0 in Jelly. The depth of a list is recursively defined as the maximum depth of it's elements. U finds all elements with a depth of 1 (so lists of numbers and chars) and reverses those
o/ Night
It only really has a distinction when you have lists of lists of lists or deeper
They sort of can't push ours back :P Normally, the 2rd Thursday of August is A-level Results day, when all the seniors get the uni entrance exam results. Uni then starts in a month from then. The next Thursday is GCSE results day (exams at the end of sophomore year), and schools can't start until a week after that, which is typically the last week of August/first week of September. And they can't have the first day back be a Friday, so they wait until the next week
This makes me think. We've got quite a few sequences/challenges on the site that come from user ids (Dennis numbers, Calvin numbers, DJMcMego pairs, etc.) I wonder how many of those namesakes have changed their usernames since
Calvin changed to Helka for a bit, but then went back to Calvin
@AaronMiller thank you. That means that you aren't relying on auto-closing of structures (meaning it's about stack manipulation) and that it isn't a flag that deals with the whole stack (otherwise it'd be 8 flagless because W<element>)