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CMM: Is two days in the Sandbox enough for a simple challenge?
if it's especially simple, i almost want to say you should give it longer than normal
Huh, why?
if there's a good chance something will be closed as a dupe of it in the future, and/or you expect a lot of answers to it, you want to make sure it's the best it can be
Ah, fair enough
In that case, any feedback? (Warning: Codidact, not CGCC)
@user You do realise that this is a built-in in many languages, right?
It's a single builtin?
I thought it'd be something like {⍺⍺/⍳⍵} in APL, at least
@user But you can do sol←/ I misread.
In any case, Codidact's Code Golf is still starting and can do with some easy challenges
Oh ok
@user You can do ⎕/⍳⎕ in APL.
Ah, fair enough
Still, that's not a single built-in, and I think trivial challenges are alright for now
No, you're right.
I'll post a harder version of this once I think of a way to make the (n*"super")factorial challenge we got a few days back more interesting
@Adám for some reason, the bookmark link isn't working when I try and use it on other sites
nothing appears
@exedraj Which sites? Some prohibit XSS, and that'll block the language bar.
Code Golf
SE chat
Oh, it is indeed broken :-(
OK, found the bug.
is it that vyxal bad? ;P
No, not at all, just me being sloppy. Should work now, but you need to re-"install" the bookmarklet.
oh there it is
thank you! :)
I've attempted to make an editor theme. Not sure how it turned out:
It was more an experiment than anything, I restricted myself to only using colors that were # followed by an ordering of 0, 5, and 9
Looks fine except that you're using var and snake_case instead of camelCase
That does not have to do with the editor theme :p
I just took some random code from a project of mine
I have nothing else to say aside from that, so I'll just leave this tab open and go work on trolling Lyxal / exedraj / whatever.
You will get troller
@Adám If I wanted to add more mappings to the Vyxal language bar (because I've noticed I missed a few), would I add them to the tcs variable in vyxal.js?
Wait it works noe?
And would I need to insert them in a specific location?
Oh I see col
The only problem is o/
I'm going to end up typing ø accidentally a lot
@exedraj No, add them to pairs.txt (and update vyxal.dyalog if necessary). The APL code in vyxal.dyalog generates the tcs variable.
@emanresuA Do you usually hit Tab after typing o/?
(I personally use ○/, so it wouldn't affect me.)
@Adám you mean that it automatically updates based on the gist?
@Adám Oh
Should be fine then
@exedraj No, GitHub repos are static :-) but I (or you) can very easily regenerate the tcs variable which is then inserted into the vyxal.js file.
but I mean does it know to scrape the gist if executed?
or do I need to give it the updated gist manually?
It expects pairs.txt as a list of strings argument.
The full calling syntax to regenerate tcs and lbs is:
(tcs lbs)←1⎕JSON¨'path/to/local/pairs.txt'1Build⍥⊃⍥⎕NGET'path/to/local/elements.txt'1
@Adám Build is undefined?
@exedraj It is defined in vyxal.dyalog
You can import it before the above with 2⎕FIX'file://path/to/local/vyxal.dyalog'
oh nice
thank you
After defining tcs and lbs as per above, you can do )ed tcs lbs to open editor windows you can copy the JS code from.
So if you make a PR, include your changes to vyxal.dyalog and vyxal.js
I didn't change the apl file, so I'll just update the js
So the URL to pairs.txt didn't change?
I just manually downloaded it
But didn't you make changes to it?
I changed it
but I edited the gist, not creating a new one
Ah, OK, I thought the gist URL would change upon every edit. My bad.
@exedraj Are you ready for my next Javastack cop?
A: Print X without X (cop's thread)

emanresu AJavastack, score 11, round 10. dfhklmquvx" Game on... One more time. Up-to-date copy of the interpreter I spent all day working on this, so hopefully it holds up for at least 20 minutes...

@exedraj Here you go!
I'll make sure to time myself when I attempt it
I can now edit stuff on meta lol
@RedwolfPrograms Wait what
as in you couldn't before?
Your answer is much poggerness
@emanresuA I honestly deserve it, most of the rep I've earned on MM is from a few answer pointing out stuff everyone agrees with, before anyone else got there :p
Same here
A: Magic wand time - what does your community need? (More questions from the Community VP)

A usernameAllow more syntax highlighting HighlightJS ships a lot of useful languages, of which SO & other programming sites only use a small fraction of. Syntax highlighting is very useful for clarity and readability. If someone posts a AppleScript question, the code would be a lot easier to read, and ther...

My one answer
Mine're similar but I have three and they have twice as many upvotes
I was going to ask to remove 'people reached'
but someone did already
A: Some changes to the profile while we make it responsive

Dharmanfeature-request Please drop the "reached" metric. Previously at least it showed the number of people reached. Now it looks like I can reach 3.6 meters with my arms. What? This metric is absolutely useless. It does not convey anything, only being there for vanity.

Has anyone had the idea of 'delete reasons'?
Like when you delete your own answer?
@emanresuA possible with a combination of pop, swap, iterate and ascii
Not quite
It is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

soktinpkProve NL=coNL Description One of the achievements of complexity theory is showing that NL, the set of problems with solutions that can be verified in logarithmic space, is the same as coNL, the set of problems which can be verified to have no solution in logarithmic space (i.e. the set of problem...

How do you join it all together?
Implicit output, no?
And wrap and pair
It needs to be as one string though...
And join
It'll be annoying, but relatively trivial
But there's no way to get an empty string...
I think there isn't at least
You don't need an empty string
If you've found one, expect round 11.
@exedraj You're too good at this.
Theoretically cracked in roughly under 20 minutes
Get gamed
I have some more ideas
Go type up your solutoin then.
I won't be able to actually do the write up for a bit though
I'm on mobile and I really don't feel like doing tedious stack manipulation on a phond
So, you figured out my tricks to get arbitrary characters onto the stack and use a series of pair swap join to concatenate it all...
How did you figure it out? Like, what was your thought process?
My first thought was "how do I get 1"
And then I go through the elements and remove what's banned
That way I can focus on only relevant elements without being distracted by the banned ones
Next, I saw there was ascii, so I thought "I wonder what happens if I bitnot it"
(it gives -1 btw)
Oh lol
JS is cursed like that
So then I start thinking "negatives? How am I going to combine them?"
And I realise index is also gone
So I abandon that
Bitwise operators in JS are very sane :P
I then think "how else can I access stuff from ascii"
And I remember that iterate item splits the tos
Bitwise operators are always insane cmv
Also congrats exedraj
So then I think "I can pop stuff until I get the relevant letter...but then I have stuff still left over"
You could actually get 1 with ascii bitnot bitnot not or something, but you can't add numbers.
Emanresu, does javastack havr classrs
Or try catch
I might add `goto
but that would mean it has to be interpreted
Could be good for C&R tho
i feel like i'm within like two minutes ofa crack but what the fuck is happening holy shit
i do not understand js
Cracking my one?
Or something els
wait no i see what i did wrong
and now comes the hard part
Just test it locally!
Every change is only relevant to the deployment service, so I can't test anything locally
That is pain
A: Print X without X (robber's thread)

exedrajJavastack, cracks AUsername's tenth answer ascii iterate (pop until tos is ") (swap pop until " is the only item) ascii iterate (pop until tos is v) (swap pop until stack is "v) pair ascii iterate (pop until tos is x) (swap pop until stack is ["v] x) join ascii iterate (pop until tos is q) (swap ...

Much niceness
you should probably also post the actual code
No that is the actual code
but yeah that's pretty much what i was about to do
@UnrelatedString it'd be way too long
i'm generating it right now
That's what I was going to suggest
I'm still on mobile, so it'd be a pain to fully write out
See my comment
i'll generate it for you lol
Any feedback on this? Would it be better if I disclose which algorithms are available?
@UnrelatedString thank you
@exedraj Generator, input the string to generate
oh nice you definitely wrote that a lot faster than i did considering i'd already started
although part of the slowdown was that my crack was going to build from m outwards lol
I know the language well
The 2ẇR∑ at the start swaps all pairs of letters.
@exedraj The language bar seems to work well with the online interpreter.
that's always good to hear ;)
oh heck me when I'm learning css at uni today
It sounds like you're not really getting your money's worth
it's a long term game redwolf
a little bit of student debt now for a degree later
@exedraj I'm learning CSS at school
AKA making Pong
Because I'm bored
oof and there's an assignment where we have to make/style a site from scratch
and you can't use things like dreamweaver
@exedraj I can give you one of those for free
it's too late for that now redwolf
Add some HTML generation stuff to Vyxal
I guess this shows candidate score isn't everything...
I'm already a few thousand in debt and that's from even before I started my first semster
@RedwolfPrograms ^
in student debt that is
all to be payed starting in ~5 years time
what fun. /s
@RedwolfPrograms it's 2021 you sussy baka
What do you mean, I don't remember there being any years after 2019
I live in the future remember
Just take your Diplorma, I paid good money to print that
@RedwolfPrograms uuh that looks like you just screenshotted that
No, I printed it and mailed it to the TNB headquaters in switzerland
@RedwolfPrograms *Official Nintendo Seal
@RedwolfPrograms tnb has headquarters?
@exedraj ?
@exedraj admittedly it doesn't account for CSS, but that's okay
@PyGamer0 Where do you think we keep all the stars?
@emanresuA apparently, styling tags are just suggestions. Browsers can ignore certain stuff
so my HTML renderer ignores all tags and displays the HTML as is
I somehow don't think that counts as HTML...
@emanresuA in your house?
My house isn't that big...
@emanresuA I suppose I need to trim the tags from the input
but other than that, yes it is HTML
@emanresuA no whoever stars the message first; its in their house
tfw you forget stderr exists
@PyGamer0 I'm glad that isn't true, It'd be filled to the brim otherwise...
pirates be like: std errrrrrrr
Is the people who talk on discord cgcc tnb different from the people who talk here?
it's mostly site veterans on the discord
i left almost all of the servers on discord
Some who are active on discord aren't active on the site anymore
@emanresuA turns out it's also valid for CSS
CSS is also just a suggestion for the browser
@dzaima @Adám now that dyalog have understood the importance of total order, someone should teach them about total truth value
@Bubbler there's git push -f :)
@ngn What is that?
@Adám every object being either truthy or falsey in a boolean context (not erroring)
Everything be assigned one of truthy or falsy, I guess
just like every pair of objects is now comparable by grade
Is that really a useful thing? It would seem easy to end up with JS's mess.
@ngn Maybe something like 0⌈¯1+0 1⍸⊂ ?
That would make any number below 1 false, and any number above 1 true. All empty arrays would be false, and all other character arrays would be true.
And the truth of all non-empty arrays would be determined by the first atomic element.
Oh, and ⎕NULL would be false.
For complex numbers, the imaginary part would be ignored.
@Adám "below 1 false [..] above 1 true" - that would be very strange. usually 0 is the only falsey numeric scalar.
Shouldn't 0.75 be true ¾ of the time, randomly?
@Adám hm, "first" doesn't sound like a good idea. i think the falsey ones should be either empties or singletons of something falsey or both.
@Adám no
but anyway, my point was that there's value in being able to use any object in a boolean context, however you define it
I don't really see the value, but I'd be happy if you'd explain.
I personally find it very confusing when JS code says things like if(e.innerText){
What you really mean is if(0<e.innerText.length){
And things start to break down quickly, because if(a) is if(0<a.length) for a string, but not for an array.
@Adám take your favourite explanation for total order and replace "compare any pair" with "get the truth value of any"
@ngn But my favourite explanation doesn't include that phrase.
@Adám this reads very much like natural language: "if there's inner text"
@ngn So why not read read if(myarray) as if there is content in myarray?
@Adám yeah, why not
Well, JS doesn't. []?true:false gives true.
@Adám python does
I'd rather avoid it then. Everyone (except some BASICs, I think) agrees that 1 is true and 0 is false.
@Adám i never suggested it should be otherwise
Right, but languages disagree on other values.
(shells swap them but they have good reasons)
Right, well, do they really?
Isn't it that they have 0 mean OK and 1 mean problem?
Doesn't if 1 still run the block in bash?
the thing is that if there's an error, the user probably wants to know more about it, so it's better to use non-0 for error, as it can encode more information
1 could mean a certain kind of error, 2 another kind, and so on, while there's only one way things can be okay: 0
ok my history teaccher is taking us on a virtual tour of a famous muesum
@Adám you mean if true, bash uses the exit code of the condition
@PyGamer0 muesum:visited { /* insert css joke here idk */}
@ngn OK, really, one should use test or [], which does in fact give true (0) on 1.
But this is irrelevant. We can all agree that 1 is truthy and 0 is falsy.
@Adám yes
All other values might be problematic.
the question is what to do with non-scalars
Always consider them truthy and make programmers check for specific conditions?
But in APL, [0] and [[0]] are falsy.
@exedraj that's one option. another is to consider singletons the same as their only element and raise an error for non-singletons. another is to consider empties falsy and everything else truthy.
One more, for all the marbles...
@ngn Nobody actually takes the last route, right?
@Adám i think it's the best option of these three
@ngn Another approach is to consider some empties truthy, and others falsy. Like how in JS, {} and [] are true but "" is false.
@ngn So 0 would be true‽
@Adám right, i prefer the python way
@Adám no, we're talking about what to do with non-scalars
Oh, so to be false, scalars have to be some sort of zero, like 0 0.0 false 0j0, and non-scalars have to be empty. So [0] would be true?
anyway, i gotta go. keep thinking :)
Why? It hurts!
it's the best cure for religiosity :)
@emanresuA ur code is broken
alphabet "a" "" replace
no works
sussy baka
It uses the ES2020 replace all
Ugh, In JavaScript "" is falsy, but the empty regex is truthy :(
Oh I see
that's very clever
Next round I'm putting them out of alphabetical order
doesn't work locally either
Erm, Ruby considers 0 as true.
Check te post again correct link has been added
very good
@Adám If you cast "" to String, it suddenly becomes truthy :P
Round 12 since you've kinda got it
@Bubbler "".toString()?1:0? Seems to give 0.
@exedraj Have a crack at round 12 now...
Oh great
you'll probably post round 13 next
here's what I have so far:
"abcegiln" "a" alphabet "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace
iterate pop pop pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop replace
rinse and repeat for each letter
get gamed
I just realised, h is banned, so both your solutions are invalid
All you need to do is replace it with ascii and do some more replacements so that's ez tho
What was the hardest one so far for you? (I'm guessing the one where you had to coerce true to a string to get the r for char)
the earlier ones were
Oh because you were still figuring out the language
It's somewhat going towards JSFuck
Really, you think so?
it's the stax interpreter's post formatter
@emanresuA round 11 is now valid and horribly cursed
frick you and your trash programming
Why the octuple iterate?
not escaping regexes properly
@emanresuA because it undoes the pair pair pair pair pair pair pair
Oops ;)
It is a mediocre polyfill..
I saw
Very good job
@emanresuA meh
spelling mistakes are everywhere
@exedraj Can you walk me through how it works?
heck no
because that would assume I still remember how it works
Who is this A username
Prepare to get edit-spammed
@emanresuA agreed
@exedraj forgetting an answer you posted 8 mins ago.. brilliant.
Keep that gist open - it's not over yet...
@exedraj Can I see your inbox?
@exedraj I have one more idea - no more ascii for you!
Any languages or values I should add here?
Why is Ruby on rails separate from ruby?
Because "on Rails" allows more values to be considered Boolean.
@emanresuA ruby on rails becomes portable
and it is a train
@Adám Python has NaN: bool(float("nan")) = True, as does Ruby±{on Rails}: !!Float::NAN = true
@pxeger Added.
@Adám in the Unix shell, 0 is true and >=1 is false
and "" is false in Python
@pxeger That's there, but added that " " is true.
oh my eyes combined those columns into one lol
I've since aligned them better.
and really, space is false in RoR but empty string is true!??!
I saw that in a presentation, but it is probably a mistake.

True and False

2 hours ago, 2 hours 3 minutes total – 143 messages, 9 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by PyGamer0

@exedraj Round 13 is on.

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