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@exedraj Let me guess - you're annoyed because I took away stack manipulation, and context, and power, char, charcode, increment, and repeat - your trick of popping undefined from an empty stack was annoying me, so I figured out how to make it useless.
maybe length not
and from there it's trivial
Starts playing amogus theme
@emanresuA alphabet length not not
@exedraj It's the other way round this time - I need to go and think for a while...
length is too OP
@emanresuA ejects emanresu A
ejects user
You've already been ejected, silly
Humans can't survive in a vacuum very long, let alone telepathically (kinetically?) cause other humans to be ejected
How do you know that
Impostors aren't humans
@exedraj this is extra funny because it also serves as my reaction to the message
Ok, I'm renaming not to logicnot.
You can have a register tho
unget and get because reasons
Oh wait
Oh well
Guys, it's my birthday and I'm feeling old as f*ck; cheer me up!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Shaggy
Happy birthday to you
@emanresuA ¡Gracias, tío!
@exedraj Actually, I'ma let you keep not for now...
Oh lol
@exedraj Ah, danke :)
Q: What is my PIN?

Dude coinheringaahingMy PIN is 1077, but that's too difficult to remember. I know from muscle memory that it's a digit, followed by a different digit, then followed by two of the same digit, which is different to the other two digits before it. As a pattern, we can say it is ABCC (where each letter represents a digi...

@exedraj I;m not, I saw
@NewlyFeaturedPosts Wow that was fast
@NewlyFeaturedPosts thank you NFP
very cool
@emanresuA alphabet length alphabet length divide
@exedraj (Honestly don't remember answering that challenge! But that's par for the course for me; I've spent far too much time coming up with solutions to old challenges, only to discover that not only had I posted a solution years ago but that it's better than the solution I'd just written, years later!)
@emanresuA if I'm reading correctly, these are all I have:
add	(a: number / string, b: number / string)	a + b (addition)
alphabet	(none)	lowercase alphabet
and	(a: any, b: any)	a && b (logical)
append	(a:any, b:non-number)	b.push(a) (string b will produce list of chars and a)
bitand	(a: number, b: number)	a & b (bitwise)
divide	(a: number, b: number)	b/a
equal	(a: any, b: any)	a == b
half	(a:number)	a / 2
index	(a: number, b: any)	b[a] (index a into b)
length	(a: any)	a.length
is that right?
Oh great
I just realised I forgot to document the one thing you need
sussy baka
I was going to say - there's no way to get the quote
I can get everything else except the quote
@exedraj, was disappointed earlier on today to discover that Vyxal doesn't have a k built-in for "99 bottles". That disappointment was further compounded when I dug deeper and found there was no built-in to output the lyrics of ... that song.
@Shaggy Vyxal isn't that cheaty ;P
I only optimised for fizzbuzz, not 99bob (that's a joke)
@Shaggy Yes there is - lyxal
Oh yeah that's right
I keep forgetting about the things y'all add while I'm asleep
@emanresuA where docs?
@exedraj I'm the Japt guy and even I find Vyxal cheaty at times! :p
@Shaggy which is ironic because Japt is where I first saw flags
@exedraj And I agree that some of Japt's flags are, at best, borderline cheaty - there's 2 in particular that I refuse to use - but, as long as consensus says flags are free, I'll keep (ab)using them!
@Shaggy cheers to that!
Finally, someone else who gets it
@exedraj I just realised this is invalid because of a glitch. Give me ~half an hour to fix.
@exedraj Long's we don't venture into Metagolfscript territory, it's all good in my book.
I disagree with that
@Shaggy that's pretty much my sentiments too
A small advantage from cheating's the same as a large one in my opinion
How many bits did a byte used to have when Ben Olmstead implemented the Dis (and Malbolge) language in 1998?
Although I don't really want to get into a long argument about it right now :p
@tailsparkrabbitear 8?
I wouldn't think the definition of a byte would change over time
@RedwolfPrograms My opinions on flags are summarized here, just in case anyone's interested :p
But I am starting to get bored of Japt being dead in the water. If I knew anything about language development, I'd come up with my own derivative and there would be absolutely no flags that actually perform tasks.
If you're at all considering trying to write a golfing language, I'd really recommend it!
@exedraj thanks
It's a lot of fun, even if you totally fail at it like I did :p
+1 for doing all this on your phone. Let's HighlyRadioactive keeps the challenges coming - this is very entertaining — user Aug 12 '20 at 23:17
@user are you enjoying this years match?
One of the first things I'd implement would be methods with a fixed arity, to get rid of the need for so damned many spaces.
A more modern golfing language that transpiles to JS would be really cool, and if there's anyone on the site with the experience to do so, it's probably you :p
@exedraj Turns out it does work but doesn't work
It' socmplicated
@emanresuA what.
how does something work and workn't at the same time?
It's an unintentional easter egg
@RedwolfPrograms I'mma 'bout to blackout but we'll talk more on this soon ;)
But the current version that works
will be up soon
oen moment
I see how to get the quote now
I've theoretically cracked it
because alphabet length alphabet length divide still holds
zpake is slightly questionable name but whatever
the hardest part about cracking it is figuring out where in the alphabet each letter is
You might find a a bit tricky to get
It's sorta cheaty
can we take a moment to press F for WheatWizard's inbox ;)
all our answers
Oh lol
because that's 14 new answers in the last day
Oh I see
That's clever
direct-evaling quote
I had 34 char
That's why I added the questtionable zpake
You can get 0 by 1 half half half half half half with ~300 halfs
Maybe more
Because gloats
I'll keep that in mind
and never mind the fact that my cracks are probably all in reverse order lol
I need some time to think
I have been seriously bamboozled
my original 7th accidentally had etouq being eval'd
@exedraj Much good
also, good job on timing this so that it's almost exactly a year since my last chain ;)
oh hey aaron
@exedraj That was unintentional
â–ˆ   â–ˆ

â–ˆ   â–ˆ
That looks very wrong
And I guess you can use the time to compose some more rhymes...
I'm actually using this time for vyxal dev
That's probably more important
eh, it's just context planning
Where is hyper? They've been absent all day...
I'm just drafting a rationale for having a context so I can ask in the chatroom whether it should be implicitly passed or explicitly passed
Is this one object that contains n, variables, global array, etc?
you'll see shortly
@emanresuA what gave you that idea
You being ocmpletely silent recently
i literally answered your question on CR
I forgot about that
and have sent messages here, in JHT, and in Vyxal (including some that were directed at you and that you responded to)
My memory is horrible
very oop
granted i haven't been as active as usual but that's cuz i haven't felt a reason to be :p
class java { static main } oops
@hyper-neutrino WW's inbox must be overflowing
there has been one entire flag this whole day that i just handled and it was a community auto flag
Was it to do with Lyxal's and my epic battle?
wait, there's also a pair of spam posts that have gone unnoticed for the past three hours
@hyper-neutrino How?
unnoticed cuz they are on meta and not main
i only noticed it because i checked the flag dashboard (the flag's actually been sitting around all day but i just haven't bothered to handle it since it's a excess comment flag and those are annoying and low-priority) and noticed two meta flags, because community gave those low answer scores
@hyper-neutrino That might be the longest spam flag in meta's history
3hrs 5min was the previous longest
well, technically the spam flag lasted for 0 units of time
community just gave it automatic VLQ flags
i deleted them using spam flags, which instantly validated :p
That's just rude
spamming meta
in other news, doorknob currently has a very epic amount of reputation
the thing unrenders
@hyper-neutrino Aww, he had 69666 for a while recently :P
Also, I can't speak to mod actions, but Doorknob literally hasn't taken an action this year :/
@emanresuA just to be clear: add, append, ceil, equal, eval, half, index, zpake are all I have?
@Dudecoinheringaahing he has taken mod actions more recently than that but I don't think I can (/ should) give exact details
@hyper-neutrino He's been going round blasting commies spammers :P
@emanresuA done
1 hour later…
@exedraj I thought you'd never get that. Amazing job, and I am out of ideas for now.
ï µ kinda looks like @pxeger pfp
oh wait;; thats in the nerd font suite
@emanresuA looks good to me
Q: Obfuscate my ><>

emanresu A><>, or Fish, is a two-dimensional esoteric programming language where the instruction pointer (IP) toroidally moves around the codebox, wrapping when it hits an edge. ><> has four basic movement instructions - <, >, ^, and v, which respectively mean to change the IP's direction to left, right, u...

^ Tada!
@emanresuA Try it online!
sending it here
as it doesnt fit for the problem
i am bad at solving problems
It's ok, it'sone of my harder ones
why do my fingers always type "git stash poop" instead of "pop"
No idea
@ngn do you jitter click on the o?
@ngn or are you actually stashing poop
@PyGamer0 i'd rather not answer that question :D
@PyGamer0 ngn is secretly kayne west
should we have something like a tag?
for some abstract meaning of detecting objects that fit a particular pattern
@exedraj impossible. i'm a much better singer
his lyrics are so wise though
1 hour later…
@exedraj Today's fight is not over
I will be back
When do you think you'll stop?
Round 69?
When I run out of ideas
I feel like I should add eval-as-js but I also feel like I'll regret it.
Js can be very cursed, and I want this battle to be mostly fought in Javastack.
Give me a couple of hours
adding eval as js would definitely turn a lot of things in general from writing deliberately verbose code to writing golfed js so you don't have to write deliberately verbose code
@UnrelatedString True
For the C&R battle it could work, but...
it breaks the language
CMC: Make the Python expression ----....____ return 4
nope, the sole expression ----....____
Let me guess - something to do with overloading the variable ____s basic negation or something?
or uh
setting the ____ field of the ellipsis object
since that's kind of what you're accessing
Is that a thing?
although i'm not too sure that
's actually possible you can also fuck with attribute access or something
i clicked the execute button and it did error
Oh wait no it does
@emanresuA yeah that's a mysterious ATO bug sorry lol
pxeger why did you make it scroll so much
The screen is too big
can you show me a screenshot?
It's more that you can't see stderr scrolled all the way up
staging.ato.pxeger.com has a different layout (but it's buggy, that's why it's only on staging)
that's just defining a completely different class
closest thing I have to a lead is ....__new__(type(...)) is ..., but I suspect that's because it's literally just returning the same object instead of actually creating a new Ellipsis that is considered to be the first one, and there's probably no way to intercept any part of that anyways
This is very curse
did make me think there could be some kind of pickle hack somehow
it's not supposed to be a red herring
I actually didn't know the same thing applies to user classes
I thought you were trying to show that mappingproxy was special
but user classes can still be modified using __setattr__
but oh well
I was trying to show that the reason you can't modify it directly is because it has a mappingproxy
I don't know that much python
I'ma wait for clue 3
Or 4
i'm doing a bit of cheating like last time i saw an interesting python puzzle lmao
Asking SO?
found a library with some very complicated code that i might try to rip off
my solution is 4 lines
Is the clue that comment, or the code after that?
mainly the comment; you can read the code around it if you want but it's confusing if you don't know the internals of CPython already
i would assume the clue is that there is an underlying mapping to be accessed
hence the name mappingproxy come to think of it
@pxeger Could your code be compressed into one line with ; and stuff, or does it have to stay at four?
without changing approach it could be 3
it is obviously possible to get it on 1 line with exec("...\n...") though
That's actually quite useful information...
It tells me that you're probably implementing a class
(class ... : \n def ... : \n <code>)
Question 2: Does your approach work without the ----?
yes, the ---- was just a bit of a red herring
You should add a ++++ on the start
then it's four groups of four
I don't think it was that important in the puzzle lol
Finally, does it have to be 4, or could it be anything?
no it could be anything
that was also just a bit of a red herring
well not anything exactly, but pretty much
Can I have total memory access?
you don't need that
I know - with your challenges you never need that...
@exedraj My last one for today is a bit crazy, but whatever.
@emanresuA so then where is it?
Coming up soon
Give me a few minutes
A: Print X without X (cop's thread)

emanresu AJavastack, score 1 a So simply complex... Up-to-date copy of the interpreter

@exedraj ^
that's it?
0 0 divide "" prepend 2 index
Go type up an answer and I'll think of something cleverer tomorrow.
My intended solution was incrementing undefined, but I forgot JS has many ways to get NaN
I thought of NaN straight away because I remember seeing it in the earlier rounds when I was first experimenting with Javastack
I'll think about it while I sleep.
Just a heads up: you might want to version your modifications
because what was valid for the first few rounds isn't actually valid anymore
e.g. my third crack uses not instead of logicalnot, because that's what it was called at the time
@user hi. are you about?
@Anush 👋
@user back to my possible challenge... :)
Ah, that’s why you asked if I was herw?
Yes :)
It's all work work work
It might make a CMC if I can find a succinct way of expressing it
@pxeger … . ____ = 4?
I created a working C++ std::vector<int> in C
so I know C now :P
@user I have found quite a succinct way of doing it now myself
Nice, what is it?
@exedraj lol yeah
What in the world happened here? (10k+, sorry)
@user yes, essentially
Tried on ATO and timed out because of something lol
CMC: Most cursed way to return multiple values
@user assign them to local variables in your caller's environment (for languages that support dynamic scoping)
Very disgusting good ideas :)
@pxeger lmao wtf
@user global out params
@hyper-neutrino Python's import system is best avoided
think errno
that is also quite a bad idea
make them not thread-local for extra accursedness
to be fair though, Ruby does that with $1 .. $9
(it also provides an argument object with the same data, but let's ignore that for a sec)
that one makes some sense
it's a perlism
and on that note, perl's $_
@pxeger i remember we talked about weird perlisms in ruby earlier
@user That's very good. And true.
> People’s names fit within a certain defined amount of space
this is supposed to mean that people's names are sometimes longer than at other times, not that there are people with infinitely long names, right?
As I was going through them, I initially thought, "Eh, this is all common sense," but by the end, I was like "wtf"
@pxeger I think it's supposed to mean that no matter what limit you put (20, 50, 100), you should prepare to find someone with a longer name
'Course, it's unlikely someone with 10k letters in their name will come up :P
> People have names.
How often does this happen?
@user abandoned children?
Ah, that makes sense
Also people who've forgotten their names, I guess
@user we can't tell, because their stories were never written down
(wait, that was a joke, right?)
@user One of my rabbis had a grand child with no name. At least when I last heard of him.
@user not even really
But was the grand child a small child who simply hadn't been named yet, or were they never going to name him?
@pxeger Oh
Still no name when he was many months old…
(I can explain why, if anyone is interested.)

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