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@hyper-neutrino That's a nightmare
it somehow made sense for the use case though i do not remember that either
Dream stuff always makes sense within the dream, but not outside
I had a dream where I found a way to factor quartic equations using triangles and then I woke up, wrote it down, and realized it was utter bogus
I once had a dream that my alarm clock didn't show the right time.
Sounds fine, until I woke up at 2:30 AM and forgot I had dreamed that
So I thought I was late and got dressed and ran downstairs
i vaguely remembering there being some thing about an attack-defense-environment-someotherstuff... cycle so this might have been for video game stuff or smth??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I remember having a dream where I thought to myself, "Is this a dream? Nah, too realistic" and it involved a flood where I double jumped my way out of the water
I've had dreams where I've dreamed that I've overslept and woke myself up from the panic :/
I always get dreams where I think I'm falling from somewhere and I wake up, still thinking I'm moving even though I'm right there
my absolute favorite is when i have some stressful event the next day and then enact it in my dream so i wake up and realize "damn i haven't even actually done this yet" so my brain just gives me free stress
@user About half of my dreams involve me realising its a dream halfway through :P
I'll almost always start making minor corrections to my own dreams, deciding the plot's too boring and revising them, etc.
@Dudecoinheringaahing I am not that aware lol, I've only realized that a few times
@RedwolfPrograms Hey, me too!
@hyper-neutrino I dreamt I was sitting my math exam the day before I actually sat it (standard stuff) but managed to basically guess what one of the questions was in the dream on the actual exam :P
The exact numbers were off, but the problem was the same :P
That's amazing, dude
Real shock of deja vu when I was sitting the exam :P
i don't actually even dream all that often (well, ik you always have dreams, i just don't recall them) and i rarely manage to realize it's a dream during it
I can lucid dream by choice once I realise I'm dreaming. It's quite cool tbh
if i could lucid dream i would write a program that works correctly first-try because that's an experience i'll never get
I've had dreams where, toward the end, I'm half aware it's a dream, and I start drawing it out by turning it scary and stuff (like if I'm at a picnic, everyone turns into zombies and stuff like that)
in Jelly Hypertraining, Jul 1 at 22:40, by caird coinheringaahing
The nightmares are when you start dreaming of ways to golf your Jelly answers :P
@hyper-neutrino Not even Hello World?
I actually dreamt a golf to my Enigma machine, then woke up and it (basically) worked :P
Imagine having useful dreams
Dreams are a really interesting thing to me :P
@user I mean, I've had a handful of interesting/useful dreams in my entire life, so they aren't that common :P
One of my dreams was an idea to make a robot whose wheels were like a ferris wheel, so they'd pick up balls as they turned. It was a JS idea
@user That could be useful for driving ranges
my dreams frequently end up having a suspiciously high amount of video-game related things incorporated into it which is a reflection of the fact that i have no life and play video games way too much
I think I remember dreaming about Dennis coming back and doing a "TIO update crunch" and just adding all the new languages/updates all at once
@Dudecoinheringaahing Well, the ball containers would hit the ground at some point, making it harder to turn. It might work slightly better on a soft golf course than on the thin carpets used for robotics competitions, but it's still a lot worse than having a ball picker-upper at the front or something that spins balls inwards, uses a conveyor belt, or vacuums them up
@hyper-neutrino That sounds almost like the title of an r/shittymoviedetails post for some reason
@user Well, if you had the wheels deposit the balls into a separate storage place at the "top" of their revolution so that they're empty at the group
Then the robot would have to go backwards or smth
@user "In HN's dreams, you can see a lot of video game references. This is a suble nod to the fact that HN has no life and plays video games too much" :P
Q: Take a square integer matrix A. Will the maximum absolute element of A^2 always be greater than or equal to the maximum absolute element of A?
What if you had some sort of gear thing to make one wheel between the front ones spin backward and be slightly smaller
@Dudecoinheringaahing the square of [1 -1 ; 1 -1] is the zero matrix
a different question is, for any sq int matrix A such that there exists some sq int matrix B for which B^2=A, will there always exist one such sq int matrix whose maximum absolute element is <= A's max abs element
since the zero matrix also has [0 0 ; 0 0] as a square root
@RedwolfPrograms Hmm, how would that work?
@user What if you made it so the scoop was sort of "spring loaded" so it'd move into the wheel, deposit the ball into some mechanism inside, and pop back out?
That'd be a ton of work though
@hyper-neutrino Hmm, that's interesting. I'm trying to verify my brute force answer to this, which generates all nxn matrices with elements chosen from -absmax(A) to absmax(A) (where absmax is the largest absolute element), and it still works for [0 0; 0 0] because it is its own square root
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah lol
We only have 6 weeks to make our robot, it's too hard
it isn't too hard to make the scoop deposit the ball at the top of the wheel
Just put a machine gun on it and play to win
Wait, the scoop could actually be on the side of the wheel and not protrude beyond the wheel
@RedwolfPrograms I'm afraid we're only allowed to shoot balls and bunnies, not bullets
Yeah, I'm confused about why you're making this so complicated? There kind of wheel scoopers already exist :P
I guess my dream just made a worse version of them then :P
just have the scoop run between a track made of two rods at the top, so the scoop passes through and the ball gets pushed onto the track
Have a giant spike and impale the balls
just attach a vacuum to your robot ez
Make the balls magnetic and have a giant electromagnet hovering above the range :P
@RedwolfPrograms Like this? :P
Yes, exactly
Maybe an EMP could work too
Or a giant spring loaded hammer
That would kill the robot too
borrowing dude's idea, just get a really strong electromagnet and just make your robot have minimal metallic parts and use it to yeet the other robots
Plastic robots are the way of the future :P
When in doubt, yeet them out
or just attach a bunch of blenders to the side of your bot and do the mega speed
@hyper-neutrino Why would you want to do a bunch of rendering?
Have it drive up alongside the others and steal their balls, so they're basically working for you
Have it disassmeble the competition and build one really big robot that grabs all the balls and delivers them to you
Have a really long telescoping arm on it, then make it move to the center of the arena and spin really fast
We're overcomplicated it, just send a person out onto the range with body armour and a bucket to collect the balls :P
Put blades on the edge of the arm
@Dudecoinheringaahing Mechanical Turk style!
@RedwolfPrograms I'd disassmeble the competition, but idk what that is
Use GPT-3 to learn what components the competition uses, how to disassemble them, and how to use them to make a really cool robot thing
Like a master builder from the lego movie
@RedwolfPrograms Pretty sure all their code is usually open source
And we mostly use the same basic motors
Okay, I promise this is my last drawing
2 hours later…
tfw when you are about to file a bug report only to discover someone else filed and fixed it 2 days ago
Anyone know where to ask a question about software licenses?
FOSS.SE probably
or whatever it's called
the open source one
(specifically, I want to ask about the difference between not having a license and using the WTFPL license)
Not having a license means proprietary
So nobody can do anything at all with it
@RedwolfPrograms Thanks, found it (Open Source.SE)
The difference is that one is objectively better.
@RedwolfPrograms Oh, didn't know that
@user I wouldn't recommend using WTFPL unless it's for a totally throwaway project
I have lots of those :P
Is there any problem with just using MIT?
IIRC it can cause trademark/patent issues
@RedwolfPrograms Nah, I was asking mostly out of academic curiousity
and its wording is not very legal so it might cause all manner of other ones
@RedwolfPrograms yes: BSD is better
oh btw @pxeger i've added a license to vyxal bot
forgot cuz I created an empty repo to commit local code initially
made it MIT as you suggested to match vyxal (also I usually use MIT anyway)
Q: Output 2015 as QR code

Hannes KarppilaMission is simple. Just output number 2015 as QR code and write it to file named newyear.png in PNG format. Code must be valid any day, so maybe you shall not use current year. QR code as text looks like this: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #...

@hyper-neutrino haha np, the BSD comment was in jest anyway
Too restrictive for small simple projects
I prefer to use the "Do whatever you want with this code, so long as you credit me as the original creator" license :P
Isn't that basically MIT? :p
I prefer to use the "Do whatever you want with this code, so long as you credit me as the original creator, waive all rights to your code, give me any money you earn from it, and name your firstborn after me" :P
@RedwolfPrograms Original creator?
MIT does require a notice in the code, right?
I don't remember off the top of my head but it seems like that was part of it
Whoops *goes off to check code*
Personally, I don't really care about money that people might make from my code. Programming is a hobby of mine, and I'm not interested in monetising my hobbies
No Jelly company then? :/
I'd like to make money off my hobbies, but anyone who can find a way to make money off an interpreter for some garbage esolang I wrote three years ago fully deserves it :p
@user In all seriousness, no :P
I'd like to make money off my hobbies, but anyone who can find a way to make money off an interpreter for some garbage esolang I wrote three years ago fully deserves it :p
@RedwolfPrograms brb, gonna put invasive advertising on ATO
I've found that monetising my hobbies is the easiest way to stop them from being my hobbies
@pxeger Joke's on you, I'll just use block them with uBlock
@Dudecoinheringaahing words of wisdom
@Dudecoinheringaahing Imagine being able to monetize anything
@Dudecoinheringaahing That said, I would rather work doing something I enjoy rather than something I dislike. It's a fine line between a hobby and something I'd enjoy doing for work
Q: If a question is answered by a collective's article then what action should be taken?

PaceNone of the choices that jump to mind seem great: You could close the question as a duplicate (I suspect this may be the correct action but it is unintuitive to me) You could post a link to the article (though this would become a link-only answer) You could copy/paste the article content into an...

Articles are so weird
wait you can do that?
oh, unfortunately that doesn't let you overwrite how operators work on built-in types :c
no, even changing operator methods on user classes doesn't work after class creation because they're cached somewhere
@hyper-neutrino oh I think it's because operators on builtin types are not class members; they're slots in a C struct somewhere
You could probably use ctypes to overwrite the pointer to the add operator's real C implementation, but that would be awful
@dzaima and another 30% speedup for gcc and 10% for clang by using computed gotos instead of a switch
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

aeh5040Pinpoint the typo! Task Write a program that finds the location of an error in its own code! The program itself must output either nothing or an empty string (or an appropriate equivalent in your language). Let n be the length of the program in bytes, which must be at least 2. For an integer k w...

in CGCC Blog Chat, 1 min ago, by Dude coinheringaahing
First draft of "The history of PPCG and CGCC", only about halfway done
If anyone has any feedback on it so far, I welcome it :)
Very interesting so far, can't wait to hear the rest
One minor typo: You said Goflscript instead of Golfscript
Did you not know that we weren't originally a Code Golf site - we were supposed to be for Code Gofl, but people kept misspelling it as "Golf" so we switched :P
except muh pr plz
Although that's reminded me that I should be better with my linking formatting :P
Yeah, the numbers are a bit confusing
Plus they make it more difficult to add links into the middle
I'm replacing them with [text][link-thing] and [link-thing]: url now
I'm working on it rn, gimme a few minutes :)
Oh ok
Wait, why are there two Chris Jester-Young accounts?
I find it crazy that user 3 on most SE sites is an SE employee (typically balpha or David) except for here, where it's CJY :P
Seriously, go to any SE site's home page and add /u/3 to the end of the link. How many aren't SE employees/former employees? :P
I guess because CGCC was smaller and not that important
No, u/2, u/4 and u/5 are all employees, CJY was just that quick
u/1 is deleted tho
CJY is a former employee
IIRC he got hired after CGCC launched
He wouldn't have been appointed mod if he was employed at SE
ಠ_ಠ I can't type this evening
What's so special about this evening?
good point
guess he is just very fast then :p
@user Worst weather we've had all year here :P
That's saying something, considering the fact that you're in the UK :P
Yeah, it's that bad :P
Although I do like heavy rain when I'm inside and warm
yeah CJY was employed from march 2015 to december 2015 (source)
That was...short
@hyper-neutrino ..how did you get that source? :P
Mod powers or just I-have-no-life powers? :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Oh nice
someone linked it in TL lol.
now how they found it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> I decided not to run in the election
@user the first is a subset of the latter
if you search "chris jester young" you can find his linkedin, SO CV, etc
@Dudecoinheringaahing I know for a fact that CJY nominated himself in the 2016 mod election
Wait actually, hang on
I can't remember if the deleted nominations were actually deleted after the nominees changed their mind or if they were saved and abandoned drafts
oh are drafts public even if never posted?
i mean, i suppose there is a reason SO warns me that content may become public even if never post, before i ask questions to SO itself
Cause there were 11 candidates shown (including Mego's now removed one and 3 withdrawn nominations), but 19 posts in the SE database that are PostTypeId = 6 (mod nominations) from 2016
@hyper-neutrino I can't remember if there was a reported bug about that or not
What does it mean for a string to partially match a regex vs fully match?
It means that it only matches a substring, and not the entire string iirc
ohh, so if i wanted to check if a string fully matched another string, i could do "^" + regex + "$"?
Actually no
You would have to do ^(regex)$ because of |
Here's a poem about me:
@Dudecoinheringaahing considering the domain no longer works I'm assuming it didn't go to plan :(
@user That hurts my head...it's just close enough to rhyming (and having a consistent rhyme scheme) and/or having a good meter that it throws you off
@rak1507 From his CV, looks like it only lasted 5 months
> just close enough to rhyming
> And to make this poem rhyme, I called up some guy named Lloyd
> Definitely not aided by his collection of shanks
I think @user has a collection of shanks guys :P
Shhhh! :P
CMC: Write a limerick involving code golf in some way
posted on August 05, 2021 by Mark Giraffe

This is a test release of the challenge onto the main category. If this doesn't feel like enough, we could always talk in the s...

i am disgusted in myself
i just wrote a 60 byte vyxal bruteforce
what challenge
Q: Give the minimum Levenshtein distance to a string that matches the regex

Ymte Jan BroekhuizenYour task, at the moment that you choose to accept it, is to write a program that, when given a string and a PCRE-regex, calculates the minimum Levenshtein distance to another string that matches the regex (fully). All strings, as well as the regexes, should be in the Latin-1 character set. This ...

i can def golf it by a lot
it just is awful the way i solved it
Vyxal has PCRE regex?
good question
does it make that much of a difference?
The question specifies PCRE
well, then i just wont post the answer anyways
why specify the regex tho :(
What makes it 60 bytes? Does Vyxal not have levenshtein distance?
@Underslash Because either you specify an existing regex flavour, or you list the exact regex operations that need to be handled
i mean, basically everything except lookaheads and lookbehinds are supported in every flavor right?
The original version didn't limit it to PCRE, and got closed as lacking details
@RedwolfPrograms it does, but basically you have to have some manner of increasing the "difference" until you find a working thing, and the way I did it made that a pain
I can think of a way that would do it without too much work (or bytes), but it's a horrible double nested brute force that would almost certainly never finish for inputs higher than like three characters :p
Although I don't know that much Vyxal so it might be longer than I'd imagine
Are Brendan and Emma's flairs right aligned for anyone else here (scroll down to the list of members in the PubPlat team)?
And are they the only right-aligned ones, if so?
Nope, all left aligned here
wtf, the profile just changed:
Are you talking about the badge thing from yesterday?
Oh wait, the stuff under the name
Yeah, it all got moved about
It's hard to tell what there's from the gradscript lol
I don't think I like it tbh
I think only the green banner is there from the gradscript
It's different for me too, it's not just the gradscript: i.sstatic.net/g4h62.png
> We got rid of the “Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them”, instead showing no biography. If it’s your profile and you don’t have a biography, we have show a call to action to add one.
> We got rid of the “Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them”
Oh, that looks weirdly blank now
@Dudecoinheringaahing So many users' profiles' jokes are messed up now :/
#s 6 and 7 I kind of disagree with
I liked the profile views and consecutive days things
@Dudecoinheringaahing Yeah, I wish they added something or at least moved up the badges
@RedwolfPrograms Moi aussi, I don't like this
@user Does that translate to "my australian"?
They kept "People Reached" - a metric that essentially means nothing - but removed "Profile Views"? ಠ_ಠ
Non, ca c'est "mon Aussie" :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing You should ask them to remove that and add Profile Views back in then
@RedwolfPrograms (it means me too)
@user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Feel free to. Apparently, a lot of people think it's a useful metric
If someone hasn't filled in their profile information, it just looks blank. Would it be feasible to move other information up instead? — user 18 mins ago
@user Post as an answer and get some free MSE rep :P
Wait...they removed last seen and account age?
Those are both very important and useful things to have on the profile page imo
Downvote time I think
@RedwolfPrograms if it does, then frick.
Because that means I haven't been using it correctly lol
I doubt anyone who chooses the MIT license is going to care either way on that though :p
Well we sure haven't
Dang i need to go update Vyxal's license - it has the wrong year and my old username
Oh and yes: "
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software." (taken from the actual text)
@Dudecoinheringaahing +7/-10 rip
That's a 4:1 views:downvotes ratio lol
If they hadn't removed/made private some of the stats that were on the right, I'd have no real issues with it, as UI always changes. But I disagree with their reasoning for removing certain things and keeping others
I dislike the appearance of the new one, but yeah the main thing I dislike is definitely the removal of some of those stats
I usually have the opinion that UI changes will always piss established users off, until they get used to it. Then the next change will piss them off, until they get used to that. And so on, ad infinitum
Removing/hiding useful stats tho, that's something that is actually something that I can see a justified argument against
Well, people cannot test the new UI until the dev rolls it out anyway
So in some sense they have to piss people off in order to find possible improvements
They could post some pictures on meta and ask for feedback
No, it's not sufficient
As in, we need testing it on all sorts of users' profiles and across all sites
For some things maybe, but for rearranging the profile pages a few examples is a lot better than nothing
@Dudecoinheringaahing Done :)

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