@UnrelatedString For your Jelly tip: Specifically, if the links grouped together are an LCC without the leading constant (aka, if they are monads, dyad-nilad pairs or nilad-dyad pairs) then it'll ignore the right argument passed to it when making it dyadic (so if the chain looks like 2,¹,(1|2,0|0,2)$ƊƲ it can become 2,(1|2,0|0,2)¥ɗʋ)
@Jonah I know close to nothing about bash, but I think that just looping over each line and applying an if is likely to be the shortest, barring some crazy clever trick
My PIN number is 1077, but that's too difficult to remember. I know from muscle memory that it's a digit, followed by a different digit, then followed by two of the same digit, which is different to the other two digits before it. As a pattern, we can say it is ABCC (where each letter represents...
what do you think of ⍺⍺ and ⍵⍵ to mean the right and left operand but of a 'tacit operator' if outside of an operator? so you could do (⍺⍺⍤¯1⍤2) to mean {⍺⍺⍤¯1⍤¯2⊢⍵}
Huh, interesting. I've always associated calling things "porn" (in a non-sexual way) as being elegant/beautiful examples, and I wouldn't say "hard to read code" falls under that
@Adám Clicked links are very close to black for me, I genuinely thought you'd forgotten the link to here on aplwiki.com/wiki/Code_golf until I hovered over it and saw the underline
I think considering ⍞ exists it is mostly ok to use rather than an entirely new thing, just that it was designed 'interestingly' from the start. I'm not going to necessarily say wrongly because I know back then when it was designed people liked to do all sorts of crazy things :P
APL+ had some magic incantation, ⎕ARBOUT ⍬ or something, that would "reset" the cursor position so ⍞ didn't allow backspacing, and the value didn't include the prompt.