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They're missing d
They don't have i
But they should have d
But are missing d
1 min ago, by lyxal
But they should have d
fix plz
I'm on mobile
So no
Am computerlezs
I can do
Where are the constants kept now?
Back in my day...
@Ausername hehe even I get lost in the file layout
Takes me a few bits of searching to find everything now
But that's okay
I disclaim all responsibility for this
100% not my fault
46 secs ago, by lyxal
But that's okay
It's better cleaned up
CMQ: Did you have a sandbox post that's older than 2 weeks, no votes, and you just forgot about it?
I had a bad idea about some adjectives and stuff once..
new electroboom video
new Matt parker video
@math *math parker
yeah well
Do you think my Cops and robbers challenge is ready to post?
@PyGamer0 Extended or dzaima's APL: ⊢×15√⊢+×⍨
Potental KoTH.
What does the community think?
What game is it?
Century: Spice Road.
Scroll up to see the rules (link I posted).
@user ...
My bad.
@Who looking at the amount of cards involved, it'd be best to use a simplified version of the game
@lyxal How is random choice from a generator meant to work?
@Ausername your Icon somehow always looks as if it was tilted:)
@flawr Agreed
Yours - wait a minute, is that a freehand circle?
Sorry I don't think I have circles:)
ok that might qualify
Funeraly someone in chat =D
Q: Which character to change (Cops)

mathCops, your task is to chose a program that prints a string (you can choose). Although, if you change 1 character in your code, it should print an other string. But there's a twist: You should make your code hard to read, so that the robbers can't find your "changeable" character. The winner cop i...

Q: Which character to change (Robbers)

mathCops thread Robbers, your task is to crack a cops answer. Reveal the character that should be changed and what it should be changed to too. Please notify the cop if you cracked their challenge. The robber winner is the user with the most cracks. I will declare the winner cop and robber a week aft...

@NewPosts I can still participate as a robber, can't I?
Or a cop
Either or
It's a quite obscure hack tho, you have been warned
@Ausername Not that obscure if someone who's never touched Vyxal was able to crack it! :p
See my explanation.
I suppose not knowing the language makes it easier in some ways.
@Ausername Quite possibly; I was just trying random things. Firstly changing the letters, then the arrow and finally the bracket.
@Ausername nice
I've been slightly evil with my latest one...
huh, Luis is a professor? we need to be careful, we all know what happens to professors around here...
Dun dun dun...
@cairdcoinheringaahing even "11 please" is 1 too short
eleven please?
eleven plz
Turn it up to eleven please
Aww, I'd forgotten about this old thing (arrow keys)
wrong link, probably
I'm very good at that. And I've also put my math homework in here several times.
@pxeger Kinda both.
Also use rot13.com
There's a solution that's not a rickroll
cyberchef is great though
@Ausername what
It's complicated.
I probably shouldn't say any more.
@Ausername So close!
almost there
Thought if truth-machine in Dis could be golfed off more.
@Ausername closer
I was close
Go link it then
Did any of you get to see our good friend Rick?
@Ausername what? Evpx nfgyrl makes rick astley but what do you mean?
lyxal was a valid solution, it just rickrolled you afterwards.
@Ausername before it was a list or something...
Don't do much C&R, what's our etiquette on people coming up with identical cracks at the same time? Leave both as we do in golf? Or delete the one that was posted later?
@math empty list, yeag
@Shaggy Idk, you both came to it independently
@Shaggy I asked it in puzzling before
@lyxal This is actually quite clever, nice job! Now to figure out what it's all meant to do...
What time is it? It's new cops answer to Guess My Password CnR o'clock!
Nope, it's beer o'clock. It's always beer o'clock!
@pxeger No idea.
@Shaggy Arent you underage? No adult beveragino for you!
@N3buchadnezzar they don't look underage on their GitHub profile picture
Fine you can has smol beer
@tailsparkrabbitear That is the truth
Just a friendly reminder that this exists:


Oct 26 '20 at 10:01, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked 37 secs ago by lyxal

@lyxal What?
I ask that you don't question my sense of humour from around 9 months ago
Oh man the starred messages in that chat room are extremely questionable out of context
@lyxal Humor?
@hyper-neutrino lol
@Ausername ???
@N3buchadnezzar The feck did you get that idea from?! I'm one of the oldest here!
@Shaggy Thats it, no more beer!
Good luck with that :P
> No, I don't have a good explanation for why I used katakana as my codepage. Yes, you can use hiragana as well. If you call me a weeb I will 11 you. That is all. — hyper-neutrino May 6 at 21:52
@hyper-neutrino weeb /s
you should head over to your fridge and get yourself a nice snack
What fridge? someone blew it up!
CMC output your own CodeGolf user ID (can be found in the url of your profile page), without using any numbers in your code. And before you ask ³ counts as a number :P
@N3buchadnezzar Vyxal, 4 bytes: »ƛė!
@N3buchadnezzar Jelly, 5 bytes: “¡ðḂ’ (Try It Online!)
python, 18 bytes: print(ord('𐰇'))
our id's are pretty close
ah both our accounts are 4 years and 2 months old
oh yeah
i remember now haha
retroactively deleted your account because you were too young when you made it
or rather because i was being dumb and made a mod think i was still underage at the time :p
@N3buchadnezzar Given that it's got some pattern to it (66833), I thought there might be a short way to use that: Try it online!
@hyper-neutrino Look at me, I am the mod now
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hey, what are all those numbers i see in the arguments? :p
It'd be hilarious if HN kicked the other mod :P
I wondered why the hyperlink was so long - I had the Arguments tab collapsed :P
@user You mean Catija, the CM who works for the company and could nuke us all with an email if we annoy her? :P
22 mins ago, by N3buchadnezzar
CMC output your own CodeGolf user ID (can be found in the url of your profile page), without using any numbers in your code. And before you ask ³ counts as a number :P
> without using any numbers in your code
ngl, I didn't read that bit :P
My default with numbers in Jelly is to compress them :P
my compressor picks the simplest option so i had to use the standard compressor coded in jelly to get it to compress :p
or i could've done it by hand
I always love going back to this "question" on MSE :P
> That's right, you'll need to make hats that exist in the physical realm, from materials that aren't generally thought of as being choking hazards, suitable for developers ages 3 and above.
@Catija I was going to go with carvings but the thought of all of you holding knives frightened me too much. — Tim Post Dec 14 '17 at 15:30
is there a compression algorithm that jelly uses?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't think HN or any of us are ready to challenge that boss just yet :P
@PyGamer0 For numbers or dictionary strings?
@cairdcoinheringaahing strings
ooh is someone asking about jelly compression :D
if you want to know how jelly decompresses compressed strings into expanded form I will happily oblige
i still dont get it?
the recompression algorithm caird linked is a right-to-left DP and the algorithm I use is a left-to-right memoized recursive algorithm
the former is more logical as jelly compressed strings are little-endian, but the latter is cacheable so it can live-compress strings as you type without being inefficient
what does it do with the codepage
i still think my explanation is better :p but yours is more thorough/formal tho
@PyGamer0 converts it from base 250
Basically, when you get something like “3ḅaė;œ», the 3ḅaė;œ is treated as the base digits (think 0123456789abcdef for hex) of a base-250 number
As an integer list, that's [51, 212, 97, 234, 59, 30], which is 51614827202531 when converted from base 250
do note that the first item in the codepage is 1, not 0, because having a 0 digit isn't helpful (which i have pointed out to lyxal, but it is too late to change that for vyxal)
Why not?
It uses bijective base conversion
because then you can have leading zeroes
which carry no entropy
and if your compression algorithm has two representations for the same thing it's obviously suboptimal
Of course, having leading zeros isn't suboptimal for jelly
Leading zeroes are trailing spaces
Oh ok
which is rather unfortunate
It's why you can't compress a string with trailing spaces
jelly's algorithm technically also has multiple representations for strings in compressed form
elif ' ' <= c <= '~':
			o = ord(c)-32
I wonder how different the compressor would be if it was -31 instead
cuz you can insert ascii characters arbitrarily so instead of “½ċṭ6 Ỵ» for caird coinheringaahing you could do “ÐḄṇ^V)/ḷƝẏcƒ⁻aÑrĊ:^ỴƑPJ» but like, why
and yes, i also can type caird's compressed form from memory
That's impressive
@hyper-neutrino But that does not really feel compressed. Like is it really shorter?
it was one of the examples i used during testing
cuz your name requires the long dict :p
@N3buchadnezzar no, the latter is longer, because i inserted each ascii character individually
inserting ascii characters costs 1.026 bytes each
short words cost 2.122 unless you want to toggle prepend-space or swap-case in which case it's 2.321
It's 2 bytes shorter to do “caird coinheringaahing if you can, otherwise it's 1 byte shorter
long words cost 2.559 unless you want to toggle stuff in which case it's 2.758
I'm going to add "Works in CPython 3.9.6" on every cops answer I post just to confuse people into thinking I've done some awful wizardry even if I haven't
"Should theoretically work in CPython 5.3"
@pxeger That's why I added explanations to my answers :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing not on a cops answer, surely?
oh, but they have :p like the ";# interpreter" in jelly one
So why string compress if it is longer?
well caird's name is “½ċṭ6 Ỵ»
so you can compress it to be shorter
i was just intentionally showing that there are multiple representations
fun fact: “½ċṭ6 Ỵ» is not caird's name compressed, caird's name is “½ċṭ6 Ỵ» decompressed
and also if you remove the space you get "Code Golf"
A: The many users of CGCC

caird coinheringaahing"caird coinheringaahing" comes from this Jelly answer. Given that the answer is written in Jelly (my primary language on the site), and the challenge is very much about the site, I thought that it'd be a fun, unique username that references the site. And it should be pronounced "cared co-in-hear-...

@cairdcoinheringaahing "Dude coinheringaahing" when :p
oh I see, you meant caird's name originated from there, I knew that
I thought you meant if you tried to compress caird's name it would give you some other output
oh lol. nah, it's the optimal representation
@pxeger Yes :P
The explanations may not have been entirely accurate :P
@hyper-neutrino When I can be sure no important events will be happening for at least a month :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing why not just 11 the name back again before a month?
@pxeger Seems like a hassle :P
I don't exactly want to change to "Dude coinheringaahing", then they announce another mod election :P
Or, maybe I do :P
I hope they wait until 2024 :p
Legal issues? :P
That's when I turn 18, yeah :p
So far, we've had one every 2 years since graduation, so I predict the next one will be in 2022, then again in 2024
I doubt we'll actually have a need for one in 2022, unless hyper decided to resign for some reason
unfortunately for y'all, I'm not planning on going anywhere soon :D
@RedwolfPrograms the main reasons for elections are 1) someone stepping down, or 2) an increase in site activity and the team wants additional help
Although I expect the site to grow, I doubt we'll need more than four mods any time soon
Flags get handled pretty quickly rn, but all it takes is for hyper to get a bit too busy IRL for that to drop off :P
@RedwolfPrograms We had 5 mods in 2018 :P
At one point, we had 6 (but that was between Mego and Dj winning and Alex stepping down)
the condition for mods is basically flag counts
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hopefully there won't be any more 2019s in this site's future, though
windows phone won't be going anywhere soon because the mods there are handling all of the flags (... i.e. zero), but CGCC had a point where shutdown was mentioned (not really considered / "threatened" IMO but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) because we had started accumulating a lot of unhandled flags
@hyper-neutrino IIRC, doesn't the team reach out every year or so to ask you guys how you feel about the current number of mods?
@hyper-neutrino How many flags do they even get?
Given that there's been spam on the front page before, I doubt its a lot
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh, maybe? idk, I've never heard about that but I've only been here for just under 10 months
@cairdcoinheringaahing i imagine most of them are handled independently by CHQ anyway
but idk
@hyper-neutrino Only 2 more months until a nice shiny gold badge :P
always love me some shiny badges :D
Any final feedback before I post?
@user Looks good to me

userFlavortext So...this is awkward. It seems I accidentally returned to monke last night after eating one too many banana sundaes. This has made many things inconvenient, especially typing. You see, monkeys only need the following characters: uppercase letters (A-Z), space, comma (,), exclamation ma...

I love how everything in the character changing CnR so far is in Vyxal
return to monke
I removed the "returned to monke" part at the beginning
why? it was funni jok
Fear not, one of the test cases is "REJECT MODERNITY, RETURN TO MONKE! EAT BANANA!"
hmmmm 30! brute-force time
Brute force is the solution to all problems
@cairdcoinheringaahing It would be a better compressor :/
Mainly because it would handle trailing spaces for no increase in length in strings without trailing spaces
handling trailing spaces would be really convenient
well it'd be a minimal increase no?
of like 1 byte in like 1% of cases
Yeah, if there's a lot of non-words
CMC: How many ways are the to copy the character under the cursor to the clipboard (leaving it there) in vim using 2 characters? I have thought of 5.
yeah cuz instead of ×3×96 you get ×3×97 for the base at that value
@WheatWizard vim register, not system clipboard right?
If they are different then the vim register.
Mine are the same.
So technically speaking, Jelly is a lossy compressor :P
@WheatWizard Specifically the unnamed register, or any register?
This is so unclear, you cant be like do this challenge using my vimrc
The challenge should be given from a clear vimrc file
My vimrc is empty.
@N3buchadnezzar if you use something like gvim or vscode-vim or whatever then it will sync with the system clipboard I think
Thats just bonkers
Huh. For some reason, hyper and Catija both have 2 diamonds for me, but WW only has one
what if you refresh
who uses vimrc's? I just have a file full of configuration commands that I paste in whenever I open vim
@AaronMiller Bonus points for other registers, but real points for the unnamed register.
or did you already do that
Already done that
@cairdcoinheringaahing Userscript problems?
xp, yl are the obvious ones
potentially due to name length?
I think it's the Pronoun Helper script, WW doesn't have any pronouns listed, but you and Cat both do
@pxeger Well I hadn't thought of xp, so not obvious to me. :P
s<C-r>" But that is 3 characters
guess you just need more experience (sorry)
@WheatWizard what are your other 5 then? I can't think of any lol
@WheatWizard xp only works if the character is at the end of the line, otherwise you have to use xP
Ah yeah, but I din't think of xP either.
yl, yh, y , vy, xu
yh copies the character before the cursor, not under the cursor
^ that
..why is Zaire in Jelly's dictionary? :P
why is the whole name of llanfair in jelly's dictionary :p
there's also y<right-arrow>
Zaire is the old-fashioned name for what is now the DRC
@WheatWizard :let @" = strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1, 1, v:true)
Oh yeah. hmm I thought it would, but I tested it and I thought it didn't. Ok well then I only thought of 4.
@hyper-neutrino Apparently, the longest word in the dictionary is 58 chars long O.o
@pxeger I know that, but how often is that going to come up in code golf :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing tio.run/…
@AaronMiller That's second :P
then supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lmao
dont forget antidisestablishmentarianism
i am not sure this dictionary is that good
I'd say there's a lot of overintellectualization going on over the contents of Jelly's dictionary here
@hyper-neutrino why include dictionary.short?
all of its words are <=5 lmao
@WheatWizard This sets the default register @" to the current character. getline being the current line and col being the current column. Very useful for actually not messing with the registers
that is shorter than i thought
or hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
yeah this dictionary feels not great like when the fuck will i need Andrianampoinimerina
@AaronMiller The phobia of long words?
also there is both antidisestablishmentarianism and antidisestablishmentarianisms
...why is Python faster at sorting the combined dictionaries than just dictionary.long?
inserting the s yourself only costs another 1.088 bytes anyway
@hyper-neutrino just in case
You should have made your language out of buckminsterfullerene, then it would be a lot more structurally stable
Eh, I kinda like this word in Norwegian: Saueøyeeieren it is the word with the most vocals in a row in our language. It means the man who owns the sheep eye
Ok so in total we ruled out one of mine and found a new one. The total remains 5.
@pxeger It's showing to be consistently 0.050 seconds faster with the combined one for me
@N3buchadnezzar Ah yes, that man
Are you sorting one before the other?
No, just adding and removing the + dictionary.short

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