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crap what's that timing program called that speedrunners use?
sounds right
okay yeah it is
> Tips for golfing in Python
@lyxal Someone used a rubix cube stackmat
@Bubbler That's OP for linked questions :P
Yeah :P
@Bubbler it has 287 linked questions. ofc I'mma use it
Q: Is this an ordinal transform?

BubblerRelated: What's my telephone number? which asks to calculate the terms of A000085, the number of possible ordinal transforms of length n. Background Ordinal transform is a transformation on an integer sequence. For a sequence \$a=(a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots)\$, the \$n\$-th term of the ordinal transfo...

My first OEIS entry \o/
@NewPosts i have a 20 byter but again, dissatisfied with the size, so i will think about this one while i go for a walk :p
I'm trying to get Vyxal to work
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

2 -Your challenge is to write a small compiler/interpreter to a small language. This language can be of any level. Example: brainf*ck or Turing. Example submission: languageName : “name” WhatItWasWritenIn : “Lang” GitHub : “https/GitHub.com/Lang” a language is valid if it contains the folowing sy...

Oh dear
Oh no
And it's a different personl..
I don't know where I should start criticizing that one
Me neith
Oh boy, that sandbox challenge is a lot of things but good is not one of them
That is a very valid flag jeez
Ugh, it's in a Math.SE room :/
Getting chat flags is weird
@Bubbler Are you going to do something with ^^?
Okay so looking a bit deeper at the context it's not as bad as I first thought since the user had pinged them multiple times and appeared to not put much effort in, but still too rude of a tone I think
Ooh nice, courier new has font support for macron letters
I've seen a lot of fonts that don't, which seems a bit lazy
A FRACTAN interpreter is enough to imply TCness, right?
Or a simulator (for a given FRACTRAN program, it is sufficient to have an equivalent program of it)
like what I did here
In which case, I can prove Jelly is TC in 14 bytes :P
INTL keyboard layouts seem to vary slightly between OSes, which is very annoying for code page design :p
FRACTRAN interpreter in Jelly. Takes the initial value on the left, and a list of fraction pairs on the right
oh you found a sort-invariant solution
my original garbage 20-byter was ŒQ¬x@¹ßµ0µQŻIỊẠµ?1¹?
oh the idea i came up with on my walk doesn't work :c
was trying to do smth like this
@cairdcoinheringaahing I believe this might actually be the first "proof" that Jelly is TC
There hasn't been a BF interpreter written with it before, ever?
At least there's no Jelly answer on this question
@RedwolfPrograms Not as far as I can tell
though Jelly sucks with old challenges so I guess no one bothered
Everytime we have a question around TCness, Jelly doesn't show up
@Bubbler I tried, but it's tough
and Jelly also sucks with imperative stuff (anything interpreter-related)
Tacitness doesn't lend itself well to while loops, meaning that the standard approach of transpiling is more tough than unusual
Plus, you have to keep track of 3 things: the current command, the tape and the tape head
but a FRACTRAN program is simple enough to simulate in J even with limited chars (and by extension Jelly), so it's a nice TC proof target
Wasif was trying to do it in Vyxal.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is it simple in Jelly to compute a sequence that satisfies a predicate joined with all previous terms? e.g. a specific kind of number that is coprime to all previous terms.
Nothing obvious comes to mind
You can use ¡ and ; in the loop body, but I don't know how good that'll be
Or maybe # combined with register?
Possibly, but you can't access the results of # in the body, so I'm not sure hoe doable that would be
You can assume the nth "specific kind of number" is easy to calculate using just n as input
So for example, a program to find the 5th square number that is coprime to all previous terms?
Yeah, something like that
barring number-theoretic optimizations
¿ doesn't work for some reason :/
The condition is before the ð, the register has the output
Looks quite convoluted, but nice :P
I think it works, I'm still testing :P
The trick is so cursed :P
Aw man, I thought of a math pun that would've been great in the chain earlier :/
It was a bit derivative though :D
The problem with math puns is that we use the same group every time. We should distribute them more, maybe sort them into categories
Maybe we can even associate them with other puns
Doesn't seem like it'd function very well, there's absolutely no value
(Hopefully those were actual math puns and I'm not just hearing everything as math puns now)
(every noun you can think of refers to some mathematical term :P)
@RedwolfPrograms I suppose we could measure them
Is MSE really this slow to close/migrate/delete stuff?
I guess I'm just used to CGCC's policy of "we've failed if we haven't nuked it in less time than it takes to open the link" :p
@Bubbler I'm very tempted to hammer :/
@RedwolfPrograms 15 minutes is normal, can range up to an hour
After I managed to use jQuery as a vector to intercept keyboard events for my escape key handling userscript, I'm wondering if I could potentially use that to attack the issue of insecure image loading
I can probably catch the images early with @run-at and remove them from the DOM entirely, except in chat or where they're dynamically loaded, which is where jQuery might be a possible way to intercept them
@RedwolfPrograms i only consider it a success if spam is gone by the time smokey even catches it :p
How;s progress on Blog Post #2?
Looks like the room is fairly dead
Was that the one Razetime was working on?
I think so
About explanations
If that one's dead at the moment we could start a third one to post first to give the writers of post #2 some more time
Although that might get confusing
ngl, I'd be happy to write a post about this history of golfing langs over the next week to give the other post some time
@cairdcoinheringaahing No problem. It's just that it's exceedingly hard to find duplicates when people make up words to describe the task :/
Also it turned out somewhat easier than expected
idea: categorize every single challenge by keywords, known formulas/algorithms/OEIS entries, and test cases /s
Lol, it would be handy for tasks related to some OEIS sequence
That's one of the reasons I like posting challenges. They're relatively easy to dupe find, as they have mostly unique keywords, and you can search for A123456
it would be very nice and also take us like 14 years
I try to deviate from posting the sequence in exact form
Interestingly, if I'd solved Bubbler's challenge in the sandbox, then used my analyser to dupe-find, I would've found it
Leaky's answer also has Ṭ€+\
that's one of the good things about golfing languages
no backslashes at the end of codeblocks btw
@cairdcoinheringaahing Please do on all my other sandbox challenges /s
similar challenges will almost always have optimal solutions with similar patterns or identical substrings in golfing languages whereas practical languages have too much fluff and variability :p
@Bubbler I normally do tbh whenever I follow an "Any feedback?" link
therefore, golfing languages are good for dupe finding :p
Haven't done it lately as I've been a bit too busy for Sandbox reviewing
this is a very important use case obviously and solves the whole "are golfing langauges good for cgcc" debate
Except that the golfing language in question has to be mature and have been already in use for a few years
Jelly is surprisingly good for that tbh
It's old enough that there is a large database to look through, and concise enough that it stays in use for 5+ years
That statement is probably also true for 05AB1E, but somehow it's under-represented in this chatroom :P
If a golfing lang isn't Jelly, it's bad :P
Is INTERCAL a golfing lang?
Maybe not
maaaaaaaybe not
honestly i feel like golflangs could make some use of intercal's select operator
like that could add some serious extra depth to bit twiddling
@RedwolfPrograms That was a very clever cop - I wasn't using Object.defineProperty...
Or returning a generator function
You were trying to delete or redefine Symbol.iterator in some way, right?
But setting it didn't work
And setting Symbol undefined it but still worked somehow...
I think the way symbols work means that Symbol.iterator is just a reference to the symbol, but it still exists even when that reference is destroyed (and things like ... would use the actual symbol, not the Symbol.iterator reference)
I'm just assuming that's how it works though
JS is confusing
I'm going to try Vyxal, which has far more exploitable bugs.
Do not mention vectorisation or generators around Lyxal.
@L​yx​al So, what's your opinion on vectorizing generators?
(Not a real ping, I used ZWSPs :p)
@RedwolfPrograms There’s a reason this tag exists
I think it is Nevermind :P
@red does this ping you?
got to love case insensitivity
@CaIrDcOiNhErInGaAhInG :p
@cai You've been pinged, you've been pinged, have a nice day.
/ \
You've been pinged by,
You've been mentioned by,
A smooth golfer
Learning about integration for the first time
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, how?
@RedwolfPrograms I can assure you, it's painful
Especially when you get to trigonometric integrals
Those are fun :P
Then again, I may be biased, I'm doing a masters in math :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, so what's the integral of √(x^2-16) / x^3 (totally not my homework)
@Ausername 7
It's always 7
What if it's 8?
I "officially" start in September, but they've already sent us reading material :/
@Ausername Then it;s actually 7
@Ausername Then you're not doing real math
@Ausername ಠ_ಠ Now I have to solve that
It's almost that
but not quite
That's cursed notation
@cairdcoinheringaahing On the other hand, it's 5am and I've had too much to drink to actually do calculus :P
5am? gobackto sleep;
I wish
My sleep schedule has gotten so fucked in the past few weeks that my only hope is to pull an all nighter and reset it :/
Gosh, you're a lot nicer than hyper - they sent me a pack of velociraptors when I told them to sleep
in Vyxal, Jul 3 at 9:08, by hyper-neutrino
A username has been mauled by velociraptors
I think control over dinosaurs is a mod-only ability
30k is "Control over small mammals" tho
Wait, you get that? Now I want to be a mod...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh no
in Jelly, Jun 17 '16 at 16:29, by Dennis
The next quick I implement with definitely be x mdQ y -> m(x) d m(y). Can't count the times I've needed that.
Is this a thing?
don't think so?
yeah wait isn't that just over
which we do not quite have
Doesn't over use inverses?
Or is that under?
that's under
J had it since long before, APL got it recently, I don't hear Jelly actually got it
under as well would of course be, as we call it in the business, hella based
@cairdcoinheringaahing A certain minecraft speedrunner would be worried by this
Might add it to my fork tbh
> "I'm worried I might get bodied by a rabbit."
- Couriway, 2021
Oh, I thought you meant dream
@Ausername that's just cuz you used gotos, not cuz you told me to go to sleep
because as we all know i also have an exceptionally healthy sleep schedule, just like caird
pretty much every day near midnight my time i'll be like "wait caird tf are you still doing being awake" and then caird comes back online at like 5am my time and i'm like "wait hyper tf are you still doing being awake"
its not my fault that I hate sleep :P
sleep is such a waste of time smh
Unless I am asleep, in which case it is the greatest thign ever
I have to hide my phone every night, otherwise I manage to turn off my alarm. Without waking up.
ಠ_ಠ I have a tab open with the title for a sandbox draft and it's taunting me :P
I set like ten alarms and wake up an hour after with all of them disabled.
@RedwolfPrograms I hide my alarm clock
Really fucking annoying, but it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Could do with some more votes/discussion
My thoughts haven't changed since I posted the answer
@Ausername Synonymizing is better
I almost wrote "sus" instead of the first part of "synonym" because of muscle memory...what have I become
@RedwolfPrograms You are the lyxal
@Ausername Wow, Peter joined earlier than I thought
But how?
How does that appear?
I guess the dupe target got deleted?
Do you have a link?
Q: Brainf*** interpreter

ACarter Possible Duplicate: Interpret Brainfuck As the name suggests, the challenge is to create the smallest brainf** interpreter, in the language of your choice. It can either accept input from the user, or get the code it parses from a string stored in the program. It can print the output...

Huh, looks the same to me
So it's not a 10k+ thing
Someone add the tag so I can fix it
Who else confuses lyxal with vyxal
@PyGamer0 Everytime I give lyxal a flag, he just gets confused
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean this, someone please edit in the tag
@PyGamer0 Nah, I usually confuse Vyxal with Lyxal :p
I'd do it myself but that breaks what I'm trying to do :/
Ah, nice
because the post is really old and i think the dupe UI was different back then
Lol that was actually my first tag edit
Yeah, it actually used to edit in the dupe message
you can edit the dupe target i think @cairdcoinheringaahing
Aw, I think question reception broke :(
@hyper-neutrino Do I need to?
> > **Possible Duplicate:**
> [Interpret Brainfuck](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/84/interpret-brainfuck)

<!-- End of automatically inserted text -->
nah, closing and reopening works fine :p
That used to be manually inserted, blegh
I wonder why Roomba hasn't removed it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh
I didn't edit
Turns out tape-based is very similar to stack-based
With Vyxal at leasy
Answer coming in a few minutes
@hyper-neutrino Mind nuking it? I don;t think it serves any purpose sticking around
A: Interpret brainf***

A usernameVyxal DO, 60 bytes `><+-[].,`£¥↔¥`‟„›‹{}:¼`Ŀ\¼‛_¼V\:`:C₴`V\{`{:|`V?Ṙ(nC⅛)₈(0)„Ė Try it Online!

I'm working on the explanation - it's just substituting a few things - Vyxal is perfect for this.
I guess Vyxal DO is officially TC :P
Vyxal DO be tc :P
Any Vyxal be TC
DO is for convenience
roomba forecaster seems dead?
Same bug that hit QR
Front end changed
I can append a Q to get rid of O and construct some strings manually to get rid of D
very nice
@RedwolfPrograms Still isn't displaying for me
@hyper-neutrino Works for me
QR works for me but RF doesn't
@cairdcoinheringaahing Try a hard refresh, that's weird
Seems like you're on the old HTML or something
> Uncaught (in promise) Error: Layout has changed; tell Redwolf to fix it
at eval
I get that after updating it
And I just realised I forgot to mod 256
And this:
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'link' of undefined
at eval (userscript.html?name=PPCG%20Graduation%20Script.user.js&id=2c005aa0-dd73-4bb9-bdcf-99e07647947f:1269)
at eval (userscript.html?name=PPCG%20Graduation%20Script.user.js&id=2c005aa0-dd73-4bb9-bdcf-99e07647947f:1239)
at XMLHttpRequest.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange
But I think that's the gradscript
Grad script will break, yeah
Gradscript mostly works
That's definitely grad script, you can tell from name=PPCG%20Graduation%20Script.user.js :p
Probably minor though
It's a shame that "nuke plz" is 2 characters too short for flag messages :P
@Ausername If you can rotate (or reverse) the entire stack, it's essentially a wrapping tape
I think the roomba script is interfering with QR for you, caird
And I can do that
so it is
I don’t think that’s 30000 cells either
Wait it says 30k
Una momento
It must be simple to fix though
I just push more 0s
Can I have 32768 instead of 30000?
No, if the challenge says 30k then 30k :p
I don't think so, old challenges are pretty strict in that kind of parameters
that would be the ₈(0) part, right?
@RedwolfPrograms I think we've discussed this before
you could change it to k23*(0)
That's what I did
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not sure what the conclusion on that was
Oh wait overflow is undefined
Apr 8 at 13:28, by Redwolf Programs
Find line 39 and delete || text_container[0].children.length != 3
@RedwolfPrograms This is what I previously had
I think you'd said ^^ worked before
@Ausername Alternatively, you could use a list instead of the stack, with Ǔǔ instead of „‟, and initialize the tape with k23*ɾ† to save a byte
That would make incrementing and decrementing more painful tho
@RedwolfPrograms Yep, fixed (line 47 now)
i can't read vyxal without referring to the elements page so... how do you do shifting and +/- anyway?
does the challenge guarantee no boundary exceptions?
also having a while construct must be really nice; i was gonna do this in jelly but the [] has convinced me otherwise :p
@hyper-neutrino I've started then abandoned so many brainfuck attempts in Jelly :/
I thought of a really elegant change to my language's code page while brushing my teeth and now I forgot it
Shifting the stack, incrementing and decrementing
@RedwolfPrograms we don't talk about those
They are the herobrine of vyxal
Did that ping you?
@lyx Does this ping you?
@RedwolfPrograms yesnt
@Ausername yes
lyxal reads the transcript remember
So do I
I do and don't
I dynamite
I usually do
@user Roti -> Leeward Islands -> Fishing Industry in the Caribbean -> Trinity, Newfoundland and Labrador
That's a long tmie for 3 clicks ;P
Try Katakana to Five Finger
i forgot i bruteforced it and only just noticed cuz i'm cleaning up the like 15 screens on my server
@Ausername five finger is ambiguous
pseudopanax arboreus
@cai What is ø7 or whatever, actually?
Laughs in
oh i have a random 200M file on my server
^ making a bitmap font
@Ausername you can shorten the brainfuck interpreter by two bytes by using the K flag. Try it Online! The bf program has to go in the header so that it doesn’t get affected by the K flag.
That's... confusing and I'm not sure it;s valid.
in Vyxal, 16 secs ago, by Vyxal Bot
@Ausername I am doing nothing except answering your requests.
How come Windows Phone is out of beta but politics isn't?
Their last question was three months ago!
because politics sucks
windows phone is forever
Politics is consistently showing up on HNQ...
Oh no
must've been caching
CMC: Given a int find the (15th root of the (square added to the number)) multiplied by the number
root(x^2 + x, 15) × x
@PyGamer0 Vyxal, 7 bytes: Try it Online!
i made a transpiled language in python
@lyxal Since when do we have consonants? Because we don't.
@Ausername it has classes support and it can do whatever python can
So basic transpialtion
i will put the code on github later
its less than 30 lines
@Ausername we do though
k⁰ and ... Aren't.
Those are consonants
Those are consonants

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