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Q: Hamiltonian levencycle of 1-dup permutations

BubblerThe word "levencycle" is inspired by cyclic levenquine challenge. Definitions A 1-dup permutation of order \$n\$ is some permutation of \$1, \cdots, n\$ plus one duplicate number in the range. For example, 1-dup permutations of order 3 include 1, 3, 2, 2 and 3, 2, 1, 3. There are 36 distinct 1-du...

@NewPosts i have 21 bytes but i'm not satisfied with that length
it also won't run for higher than 2 within the lifespan of the universe i think
Compared toa lot of submissions here, that's very efficient :P
true :p
i do brute force every permutation so that's ((n+1)!*n/2)! so uh
@cairdcoinheringaahing CMC: Take an array, generate the result of , then convert from binary (with the most significant bit at the end, not the start)
untruth, upend, unbinary :p
The three U's :P
yep :p except that only one of them is an actual U in terms of appearance
T. U B. i think
TUB: The Undecillionth Byte
(apparently it's the smallest number starting with U)
Why does this work, but this doesn't?
probably has something to do with the way jelly does tail recursion
since you're calling the second link monadically in the failing example, that causes the (only) (variadic) chain to be a monad, and I guess a dyad within a monadic chain decides it can't TCO even though it can?
It's definitely something to do with monadic vs dyadic chains: ðçḷṛ? works for the second line as a 2 line program
idk all i know is that i didn't really get how jelly was doing TCO and I think yuno's is much stronger :p
I don't actually think Jelly's dyadic chains do use TCO
i tried looking at the actor code and i didn't see anything that struck me as such
this is where monadic chain does TCO, it only works on another monadic chain
but that was a while ago
Wait, TIO-encoded "Jelly" contains literally "Nyan"? How could I miss it until today?
@Bubbler it took me a while to stop noticing it
@Bubbler lol yeah it's pretty great :p
i still notice it
This is the commit adding in TCO for monadic chains
@cairdcoinheringaahing you're right
???? tf then
The code added to monadic_chain - there isn't the same/similar in dyadic_chain
i wonder if it's something to do with
wait i should actually look at the code i don't know if this even happens
for comparison, this (monads) and this (dyads) is where yuno does TCO, and it's even able to TCO a 2,1 chain, 2,0/0,2-pairs, and certain modified functions (like @ doesn't break TCO)
this is the parsed result
yeah no i'm not going to try to figure out if this is actually what it does
don't actor quicks do something like actually insert what they refer to into the chain?
i think by adding an extra layer of indirection with the extra `ç` you're stopping it from having the chain blow up in memory before it's evaluated by inserting a line with a reference to the line instead of the line itself
i ahve no idea if that's even plausible and if it is the case then holy hell is that cursed
@UnrelatedString oh wait hang on
yeah, they do
jelly moment
Or, wait maybe they don't
Ok, so the quicks (ᇥ) all directly insert themselves into the chain
The hypers Ŀ dont I think
yeah cuz the hypers aren't always the arity they claim to be
Ŀ applied to a dyad returns a dyad that calls a link monadically
				elif token in hypers:
					x = chain.pop() if chain else chains.pop()
					chain.append(hypers[token](x, links))
my explanation here is correct as far as I can tell, from scanning the source code for each quick
Nope, the hypers also insert themselves into the chain
wait wdym insert themselves into the chain
as opposed to what?
Not inserting themselves into the chain
wait i didn't even fully register that the mystery code is using ñ instead of some kind of circle of çs
wait how else do quicks apply if they don't insert themselves into the chain
am i dumb
lol tf
		elif chain[0].arity == 2:
			ret = dyadic_link(chain[0], (ret, arg))
			chain = chain[1:]
when i actually read it i
@hyper-neutrino hang on, I think I was thinking of a different thing
monad ^ v dyad
		elif chain[0].arity == 2:
			ret = dyadic_link(chain[0], (ret, rarg))
			chain = chain[1:]
the only difference is that dyad uses rarg............... which should be the same as arg here no matter the arity of the chain since we're calling the link monadically
... wait
I was thinking that when you call e.g. Ç it gets the code from the previous line and actually inserts it into the chain, like what does
yeah that's what i thought somehow was responsible
until i actually looked at the code lmao
Luckily it doesn't do that :P
oh. no, that would be weird :p
my head is feeling so fucking weird
it would be nice if dyadic_chain and monadic_chain were next to each other so i could scroll between them
instead of having the entire file alphabetically sorted ಠ_ಠ
sure would
alright that's it i'm forking jelly
i feel like the way to structure is
use multiple files, partitioned logically
within files, order logically
if there's no logical order within a logical group, alphabetize
@hyper-neutrino The worst part is: it's not even fully alphabetised
There are some functions that are just in random places ಠ_ಠ
And output is the very last function (by necessity IIRC, I tried moving it and it broke)
i wonder if there was an auto-alphabetize feature dennis ran that ended up not running after a certain point
No, I think it's from more contributors getting invovled
reminds me i need to go back and just look at the havoc i wreaked on brachylog's transpiler when i added declarative write
> Restyled comment no longer consumes transpile
oh yeah
ok so i replaced the 5 with a 1 and printed out every single evaluation stage
and the result make no sense :p
Ooh nice, I'm only 3 answers away from the bronze tag badge
this is my output for the entirety of the failing program (before it segfaults)
-> M/D means it is entering the monadic/dyadic chain function, $M/D #,#,# indicates the chaining rule that just applied, <- M/D means it is exiting the function, and $M TCO means it has tail-call-optimized a monadic sub-chain
it seems that the infinite loop it gets stuck in is: 2,2, recurse into dyad, recurse into a moand from that dyad, recurse into a dyad from that monad, recurse into a dyad from that dyad, and recurse into a dyadic chain that calls the same 2,2, repeat
Q: Implement the Torian

caird coinheringaahingThe Torian, \$x!x\$, of a non-negative integer \$x\$ can be recursively defined as $$ x!0 = x \\ x!n = \prod^x_{i=1} i!(n-1) = 1!(n-1) \times 2!(n-1) \times \cdots \times x!(n-1) $$ The Torian is then equal to \$x!x\$ for a given \$x\$. This sequence begins \$0, 1, 2, 24, 331776, ...\$ for \$x = ...

Brownie points for beating my 11 byte Jelly answer, which may or may not have caused a great deal of discussion around recursion in Jelly in TNB :) — caird coinheringaahing 7 secs ago
@cairdcoinheringaahing Correction: 10 bytes :P
same solution @caird?
No, interesting
hmmm. this happens every time :p
what's the md5 of yours?
Never underestimate my ability to golf your FGITWs :P
This was my 10 byter
oh nice
idk why i didn't think of doing something about that weird } construct :p very often golfable
Especially when you're finding f(x,x) :P
Let me just swap all the order specific builtins, just to remove a single quick :P
I wonder if anyone will use the alternate method. Doesn't look like it'll be obviously shorter than the standard recursion, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think I'm seeing something
Q: Buzzing Bill's Newspaper: Four letter splits in C++

KidWithComputer"Buzzing" Bill is a well respected beaver hard working in his home dam. He was a strong beaver and was able to lift more logs than anyone at the dam. Unfortunately Buzzing Bill's career came to an end in a tragic accident. Being such a prominent figure in his town, the Beaver newspaper wanted to...

Okay, it's 10 bytes in APL
which means it should be much smaller in Jelly :P
@NewPosts I just realised - I rarely use the "lacks winning criteria" close reason anymore, because most of the time "Needs details" applies 'more' :P
@Bubbler Time to FGITW port my own challenge :P
damn ok 6b
wtf is this lol
I get what it's doing, but not why it does that :P
oh that's genius
this could be 8 bytes in yuno if yuno worked
since i have three call-this-link quicks and so variadicity isn't a factor
unfortunately there's the "if yuno worked" part to worry about
The is bugging me tbh :P
lol why does this not work
Because that means "repeatedly run R ×\ times"
¡ only takes last_input if the loop body is a nilad
my sleep cycle is so messed up, I have to 'get up' in like 4 hours and I woke up an hour ago from going to bed at around 7pm
At least it's much healthier than staying up until whatever AM :P
yeah true just meant that I couldn't do some stuff last night that I was planning on doing bc I was asleep :P
@Bubbler I feel very called out right now, as I post this message at 3am :P
i actually feel dead tired despite it only being 10:26
i am either really tired at like 11 or i am still up at 5
@LuisMendo I don't have an OEIS account but assume I can make one?
For collaborating on a short paper, sounds good to me, but what does that entail? Writing up a proof? I should warn you I'm on vacation now and might not have much time until a couple weeks from now.
@xnor From recent experience, so long as you can "prove" who you are (other online accounts work, I used this profile and my GitHub), it's fine to get an account
Ngl tho, it definitely felt kinda weird to have to "request" an account, rather than just sign up
Yeah, presenting GitHub and CG.SE account was also enough for me to get my OEIS account
Imagine having to verify yourself
Iirc I just provided my email
I mean, sure, it was my school email, but I'm pretty sure that's all I needed
@RedwolfPrograms you have an OEIS account. What did you have to provide for proof of identity?
isn't there a difference between a registered account and a user account tho
I assume we're talking about accounts that let you contribute sequences
also i think i am now able to compress/decompress jelly strings by hand lmao (granted, with the dictionary available, but still)
Another proof that HN is an AI
also is there any way to edit your own user page (oeis)
@Bubbler i am flattered that you would consider me an "intelligence"
@hyper-neutrino but more importantly i think i figured out a way to do left-to-right optimal string compression which means you can cache results as you type and do trailing spaces properly (though i think you could anyway, the current script just doesn't do it right)
Apparently the torian is also called super falling factorial
well that was fast
just requested an OEIS account and it got created within 20m. lol.
@lyxal I don't remember
Wasn't anything that involved any real world stuff IIRC
@Razetime ಠ_ಠ OEIS's search sucks
@cairdcoinheringaahing Protip: exclude the terms 0 and 1 when searching for numbers
@cairdcoinheringaahing welp good thing they at least recognize patterns in the middle of ranges
so far my only activity on oeis has been getting a tag addition rejected
because i don't know how to read :p
Mine's been getting an entire sequence rejected :p
Although tbf my sequence was imo much better than the one it was a near-dupe of :p
(It was a more general version of it, but the first 100k terms were identical)
mine's been not having an account
How to get a sequence accepted: post it as a code golf challenge and wait until wild Peter Kagey appears and says "Please add it to the OEIS!"
who else forgets to git push before telling everyone that they updated the repo?
i forget to push before pulling and then wonder why my code isn't updated
usually if i split my changes across multiple commits in atom and then forget to hit the push button. i usually don't forget in the console
i used to switch editors a lot for the, eh, around past 2 years
@PyGamer0 Protip: use VS Code for git repos
i started with IDLE -> Gvim -> IDLE -> Atom -> PyCharm -> IDLE -> VSCode. Then I finally settled on neovim.
Doesn't Atom have git support?
or any good git client without telemetry
@Bubbler yeah no
(i recommend git cola)
@RedwolfPrograms not nearly as simple as vscode
doesnt git come with a GitGUI
(for me it did)
i find atom's really easy to use
haven't used vscode before though
@Bubbler i do everything command line.
@hyper-neutrino You never forget to push when you see 0↓ 1↑ on the status bar :P
I don't like command line based text editors, too 20th century :p
I have fixed stuff on Vyxal and forgotten to push to pythonanywhere.
using editors is too complicated
i use a steady hand and a needle to write my files directly
still learning how to use butterflies to control air flow to refract cosmic rays - i hear it's more efficient
groans at overdone xkcd reference
@RedwolfPrograms i dont generally use neovim in the terminal; i use it in neovide
wow why did i do that
also atom's git integration is bad with branches'
i wouldn't know, hardly use branches myself
i didnt use git until last year
i switched from atom because it was slow
I hear people say Atom's slow, never had any issues with that personally
Other than that seems lots better than VS Code in terms of aesthetics, which is my main concern with an editor
i only notice it's slow when trying to load really large files but i don't really do that often first of all, and second of all if i have a large file it'll probably be too large for any editor
and thirdly if i have a file that large, i probably can't look through it myself anyway, and just use a script to process it
@hyper-neutrino not for 20th century editors
I typically use less when I'm just viewing a file, since I tend to have a terminal open when I'm using Atom anyway
CMQ: What's the largest file you hsve ever edited?
how much bytes?
Edited or just viewed?
Apparently I'm way too much used to the web version of VSCode which is the default editor on Gitpod
i said edited
jelly users: 250 bytes
I guess a few thousand sloc is probably the max for me, though I've had to open some multiple gigabyte log files (including one with 1.01 GiB of lenny faces, which was a good reminder about the importance of maximum message lengths)
The largest file edited I can remember was an 2MB binary
I do regularly work with a few gigabytes of logs, but I never edit them manually
@PyGamer0 also i had to switch between terminal emulators before settling with cmder
CMC: Write code to open a website (link given from input)
CMC: Make a program that takes a URL as input and then feeds it to TinyURL to shorten it and output the shortened url.
dealing with the csrf would be annoying for the latter
@hyper-neutrino what is csrf
cross-site request forgery
in order to prevent people from forging requests to your site from another domain, most sites nowadays include a token when the form is GET'd
then, when the user POSTs, it must have the same token, otherwise it may be forged
I just use 92 as my token
for example, let's say someone is logged in to their bank account
then, on my site, i add a button that looks innocent, but actually fills out a form and directs the your change password page (or something like that, i forget the details)
now, I didn't have your login or password, so I can't just change your password
but by redirecting you there, you change your password yourself, via me cross-site forging the request on your behalf, and now i have your bank account
this is pretty easy to prevent
but change password pages require your password
CMQ: How do you pronounce 51AC8.
My brother pronounces it as SIAC - B
@PyGamer0 ugh-doof-klunk-klunk-beep
@Ausername should include this in the README
C8 has the sound of an f-word in my native tongue, so I try to not read it
well actually it is pronounced as Stack
5->S; 1->T; AC->AC; 8->K
@PyGamer0 fifty-one Ayy-cee eight
wow github's api messages suck
> Response: {'message': 'Not Found', 'documentation_url': 'https://docs.github.com/rest'}
thank you, very cool
like it points me to a documentation page that says to use the exact api endpoint that i'm using
nvm am just stupid
1 hour later…
@Ausername you can reveal your language?
You surely mean "you can reveal your failing input" I guess?
"You must share both the challenge and your code" can be refined to "You must share the challenge, your language, and your code"
Oh true
I forgot to specify that
I don't see any other immediate problem
So good to post? Obviously I'll flesh it out a bit more for the real thing.
hi everyone
I think it's worth putting the "flesh" in while it's still in the sandbox and leaving it for a few more days
@Ausername Looks food
@wasif hi
@wasif is that a typo?
@pxeger Ok
@PyGamer0 intentional :P
i won't click
It's not a rickroll
its github
@wasif i am rewriting
you said you won't
@wasif yeah forget that
you didnt see anything
I see
and good progress
couple of commands done
let me check the repo again
where did the elements.txt go in rewrite branch
@wasif wooshed
deleted to be rewritten later
Can we allow the empty variable in loops (e.g. VAR_)?
1 message moved from Vyxal
Did anyone get rickrolled?
yes I got
btw, what 2 short phrases do you suggest for my Challenge?
Why not let them choose?
@Ausername Is that not a bit too hard for the robbers?
One previous CnR gave a list of strings to choose from
@Bubbler can you link it to me?
Btw with your example you can replace either | or [ with practically anything...
@Bubbler okay that's a good idea
@Ausername do you mean me?
@Ausername oh that example...
it was stupid
It's fine
there can bemore than oneway to crack it
Just sayin'
@Ausername that would just make it easier for the robbers then
@PyGamer0 Dyalog APL repl: ]open ⍞
@math True
So people probably won't do that
but it's fine as an example
@PyGamer0 If it could be any url (not taken from the input), it's 5 bytes in Vyxal
I won't say what the program is, though...
I'll miss a chance to do _____
@math well you cant rick roll me
also the url is from the input
Firefox DevTools, 2 keystrokes: F12 Ctrl+T
it uses the JS REPL, totally
it even prompts the user for input using a GUI!
python 38 bytes
@pxeger Why F12? By me, that closes the REPL.
@math will work when executed locally
@Adám exactly, so you focus the URL bar lol
@pxeger But you can leave it as-is, and just press Ctrl+T or F6.
Batch: start %1
@Adám Neither of those work for me with the DevTools focused
Interesting. Both work for be, with either DT or REPL focused.
CMQ: Do you use time.sleep in code golfing (sleeping for x seconds)
@PyGamer0 As opposed to?
@Adám wdym?
It is unclear what you're asking. Are you asking if we ever see a need for code golf answer to delay, or are you asking if this is the method we use when a code golf answer needs to delay?
> if we ever see a need for code golf answer to delay
yes ^^
Yes, it happens.
@Adám examples?
Q: The Random Walker Printer

MutadorDraw a program or function that will write to STDOUT n times (each for one step) a string that contains a dot . at the location of the walker. The program also needs to write a line every s seconds (or wait s seconds after each line). A random walk is a mathematical formalization of a path that ...

Q: Automate Saving the World

DJMcMayhemYou are Desmond Hume. For the last 3 years, you and your partner, Kelvin, have been slave to a computer that requires a very specific sequence to be entered into it every 108 minutes to save the world. 4 8 15 16 23 42 Your partner died 40 days ago (due to an unfortunate accident involving Kelv...

Q: Sleep for 1000 years

anatolygSome sleep commands implement a delay of an integer number of seconds. However, 232 seconds is only about 100 years. Bug! What if you need a larger delay? Make a program or a function which waits for 1000 years, with an error of less than ±10%. Because it's too time-consuming to test, please exp...

I hate animation challenges like that
CMC: Given x, y as inputs, calculate x^2 + y^2 + 2*x*y.
in vyxa;
x=>y=>(x+y)**2 in JS
It's just (x+y)^2
CMC: Given x int, y int , z 2darray as inputs; calculate flatten(z + x^2 + sqrt(y))
@PyGamer0 APL: +×+ Try it online!
@PyGamer0 What's up with the structure here? Does the shape of z actually matter?
@Adám a 2 by 2 matrix
@PyGamer0 What is a matrix plus an int?
@Adám vectorized
@PyGamer0 This?
2 hours later…
Imagine not getting a funny reply when you type !!/who is joe into chat
Made by vyxal gang
Send Vyxalbot into Charcoal HQ
And watch the chaos
@xnor You can make an OEIS account easily, yes. For now I submitted the sequence and mentioned you as contributor for one of the formulas. It's here, not sure if you can see it. If the sequence is accepted (there is a review process, which has just started) I will delete that line and you can enter it yourself, so it directly appears as your contribution in the OEIS entry. The paper should be linked too when it's done.
@Ausername I cannot think of an easier way to piss of more mods :P
@xnor As for the paper, I started writing it yesterday with the results I had before I posted the challenge: proof that restricting to the two (i,i) and (i,i+1) layouts is optimal; related results that are necessary. My idea initial idea is for you to take a look at my draft once I have a readable version, and then you write the derivation of your (very neat) formula, and of course add any other part you/we can come up with.
There are a lot of possible extensions that may be interesting: non-integer length (this seems easily tractable, and even simplifies results for the integer case, such as proving that the increments are always 1 or 2); or the inverse problem: what is the infimum length to touch M squares. A rectangular grid instead of square seems more challenging, although I haven't really given it much thought.
There is no time pressure. The timing seems very good actually: I can write a partial draft for the next two weeks and then you join whenever you can.
I see the paper as a way to substantiate the results for OEIS. Arxiv suffices for that. But also we should definitely try submitting to a journal.
@LuisMendo How are you typing so fast?
Send it in to the teachers lounge and make it attempt to have a normal conversation
Haha. I have super fingers
@LuisMendo If xnor flags for a mod after they've read it, the mod can deal with it :)
Ah, that's faster. No big deal, but I don't want my email address to remain forever in the log
@cairdcoinheringaahing tbf it’s pretty hard to make a bot
@user That depends on what you want the bot to do
Itd be easier to simply rickroll people there
The actual chat interface is generally easy to work with
Oh really?
(Or at least it is using the Python library I have)
I figured that would be just as painful as the rest of chat :p
I think Redwolf used JS for NP/SP so basically had to create a library from scratch
I'm still 90 rep away from making a "profit" this month, given that I handed out 900 rep in bounties in the first week :P
Good job
This is my markov chain attempting to have a conversation:
Hello. Card. Fished him. Care of them something very much of their yet be imputed the valley of singed locks so vastly superior excellence of his dark and in.
@Ausername please no not again
y'all know how I said generators are the polar opposite of rick astley?
well vectorisation is too
I'm sorry
Great news: My moniter is dead
actually scratch that statement
my computer is not sending drawing signals

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