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Some more common codes to use (These are the ones that I most often use): Esc:  <Ctrl-R>:  <Ctrl-V>:  <Ctrl-A>:  <Ctrl-X>:  <Ctrl-O>: 
No idea if you'll be able to copy those from here, though.
@cairdcoinheringaahing If you look at any of my Vim answers, you'll see that that is what I do; just copy the byte. I made a list of all of them in Notepad++, since they all render uniquely, and put them next to the corresponding Ctrl code, and just copy and paste them as needed.
You can also insert the actual characters into code blocks on CGCC
If you use <pre><code> blocks, you can insert e.g. escape with &#33;
@lyxal Have you tested that? It doesn't work: Try it online!
Plus, by the comments, it looks like it never worked
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's great!
Because then the winner is actually codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/230740/78850
Which is Vyxal
Very cool caird
@AaronMiller Ooh, you're right, thanks! Good to know, though I like the <esc> in -v verbose mode, I think, for reading clarity
And so there's no doubt that I'm cheating. Though it does affect TIO's byte count
Which brings to other question: For counting vim, does a chord/combo like <C-R> count as one keystroke or 2?
@AviFS As far as readability, I typically use  in the TIO and <Esc> in the submission.
@AaronMiller But on SE it doesn't render... of course it doesn't, haha
@AviFS 1
@AaronMiller Makes sense, thanks!
@ngn Yay!
@lyxal I'm trying to fix textarea resizing.
@AviFS Use <pre><code> tags and &#33;
@Ausername I suppose I should stop my own edits to main.html for a bit then
Its fine, were doing different things./
Q: How should vim answers be scored?

DJMcMayhemI like vim a lot. I've been golfing with it a lot recently. We already have clearly established that vim is a programming language, but there aren't any clear rules on how to score vim answers. The main things that I want to clarify are: Do modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl, etc.) count as an extra k...

And is it odd/okay then to put 'n keystrokes' in header instead of the usual 'n bytes'?
@Ausername fixing #113 won't interfere with what you're doing?
@AaronMiller Thanks... I did consider looking
Ah, "Internally, every keystroke corresponds to a single ascii byte." Perhaps then putting "bytes" next to the Vim answer is fine
@hyper-neutrino There's already an amazing lang for complex and expressive unit-conversion calculations like this, see Frink
But here's the idea:
A DSL for calculating the ABV of your mixed drink
Actually, in the the units dictionary they have units as obscure (and alcohol-related) as:
// Modern US Beer capacity
beerbarrel := 31 gallons     // A full beer barrel
keg        := 1/2 beerbarrel // The standard "keg" is a half barrel
beerkeg    := keg
ponykeg    := 1/2 keg
case       := 24 12 floz     // Why not?
beercase   := case
// English wine capacity measures (Winchester measures)

winegallon := 231 britishinch^3 // Sometimes called the Winchester Wine Gallon,
                             // it was legalized in 1707 by Queen Anne, and
                             // given the definition of 231 cubic inches.  It
                             // had been in use for a while as 8 pounds of wine
                             // using a merchant's pound of 7200 grains or
                             // 15 troy ounces.  (The old mercantile pound had
That stuff goes on for pages and pages. But they don't have eg. whiskey := 40 ABV. I suppose that's not always true, but anyway, for convenience the DSL/esolang could have all of those built in
I don't know about the US, but no one uses those UK measurements :P
Of course not, hence useless obscure, haha
And then to do mathematical calculutations in the esolang, you'd have to manipulate and mix alcohols to get you the right number
@AviFS let me propose a toast for the continued alcoholic theme in tnb tonight
Personally, I measure everything in amount of liquid I can soak up in a single 50cm x 50cm towel :P
Might be pretty cool actually!! Wait! Imagine, you'd have to write a program (recipe) that would mix a drink whose ABV would approximate pi
tonight? It's noon...
.. tonight (modulo timezone)
@ngn A toast to you, fine Sir!
So perhaps the esolang would look a bit like Chef
@Ausername Sounds like a good time for a lunch pint :P
In that they'd sort of look like recipes for mixing drinks, but the alcohols would all be constants for different ABVs
I suppose it could be used for
Y'all should go to sleep.
You could make a Chef version but as cocktail recipes
I'm not even tired, actually I am. But still, sounds fun
@Ausername they say it's always 5pm somewhere :p
(except Lyxal, and possible Avi)
@Ausername 10 in the morning here
I go to bed at 5am, not 5pm :p
@lyxal Yeah, and it's always April Fool's somewhere.
Given that someone made a Hello, World cake recipes in Chef that is edible, I wonder if you could make a similar one is a Chef-but-cocktails language
The name should be Bartender, of course
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait what? Define edible...
@cairdcoinheringaahing I like that! I'm down!
Imperial could be a modifier for alcohols that meant 'double' I suppose
Inspired by imperial beers that are usually somewhere around double the alcohol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Trust me, I spent much too long playing with that language
@AviFS Imperial units are never used in mixology :P
The interpreter is painful and in Java...
Vylight's nice, but a plethora of bugs have come with it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing haha true
Either jiggers or 30ml measurements is standard
Alright, I'm starting the chat room for it, we'll see if we actually do it!
@hyper-neutrino Bartender
@lyxal according to the comments, that submission is invalid
Then you need to update it to my (Lyxal's) one
ninja'd both of you :P
I only just came back and saw pings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
or I could just unaccept :thinking:
Ping pong.
this challenge is so old lol
Imagine accepting an answer to a vanilla challenge, cringe
yeah I am considering unaccepting
I probably did it to get my rep to a multiple of 10 but i have since stopped caring
how the hell do you output the value of an environmental variable in batch
nvm I figured it out apparently i just don't have JAVA_HOME specified and when it doesn't detect a variable it just pretends it doesn't exist???
god i hate everything about windows
@hyper-neutrino echo %VARIABLE% ?
yeah I was trying that but it didn't do anything
but the problem was that the variable didn't exist but you know, descriptive output would be too much to ask for
so it just outputs %VARIABLE% directly instead of saying anything
I really wish whoever made furASM bothered to leave any instructions on how to make this thing run
NP/SP are almost certainly down
Apparently within hours of me leaving town there was a power outage across half the city and my UPS probably didn't last long enough
@RedwolfPrograms what a gamer of a UPS
I swear I've never experienced a power outage more than 20m until I actually depend on having power
Also I'm an hour off from my normal timezone for the next four days or so, and probably won't be able to talk much.
My cousin is going to feed my cats some time in the next few days, I'll see if I can have them power my server on again
@RedwolfPrograms still on vacation?
They're back!
What did you do redwolf?
... I have a copy of the bots on my server lol.
Nice hyper
@RedwolfPrograms let me know if your copy goes back up
@lyxal No, was home for less than a week and now I'm in New Mexico for something else
what about Old Mexico?
what's so terrible about Old Mexico that you decided to go to New Mexico?
@hyper-neutrino Will do. I'm really sorry for having to make you start your copy all the time, hopefully once I get home from this I can do a better job of keeping things running :p
I mean, I could always just run it on my server permanently :P but I don't mind, it takes me very little time to start/stop it.
Anyway Greg for a while
Hi Greg.
I'm lyxal
Uh gtg not Greg lol
What's wrong with my phone
Who's Greg? (Greg mama)
Hi everyone
@lyxal What's your PB for RR% Wikipedia speedrunning? It's surprisingly addicting
29 seconds
Nice, I guess that's my time to beat. I just got 35.
@AaronMiller why else do you think that's what I was doing in class with a friend instead of preparing essays for a major examination?
@lyxal 'Cause skool is for foolz
RR% Wikipedia speedrunning?
Random page to random page
Fastest time
Oh. I'm terrible at that.
How to calculate the speedrun
@lyxal Can you use Ctrl+F?
@Ausername of course
@wasif the video Aaron linked describes it
I'm on mobile currently, so speedrunning isn't exactly optimal for me rn
1:40 with 4 clicks
Wait no 6
Oh, there's a discord btw discord.gg/xBVj7jQ
@Ausername clicks don't matter, time does
My best is 29.17 seconds
Bing Yeh > Taiwan > Japan > Buddhism in Japan > Japanese New Year > Kōhaku Uta Gassen
so 5
how long does it take you to go from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deze to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuts!
@rak1507 in worst case number of all articles in wikipedia (linear time)
But hope we can reach there before half
oh the nuts page is a list of pages, I didn't even check it
3 minutes this time
It took me ages to get from Kansas City Chiefs to 1995 Kansas City Chiefs season.
I have to go for a bit
Enjoy speedrunning
Imma go for the night. o/
wow i just spent a few hours debugging and turns out the error was a line of code was indented by one place too far to the right :/
Jelly, obviously:P
The central feature of a golfing Lang is significant whitespace
JS actually can error depending on whitespace in some rare situations, due to semicolon insertion
see like
i was about to say this one of those instances where i actually prefer JS because python depends on whitespace and copy-pasting sometimes fucks up indenting because text editor things but like
at least python's indents messing up are, fundamentally, still cuz the code i wrote is wrong, but semicolon insertion breaking code arbitrarily and inconsistently is.......
Also intentional whitespace checking using Function.prototype.toString, but anyone who does that is evil
I thought that was newline not enter
Can you do multiline messages on mobile?
@RedwolfPrograms i don't think so
A workaround maybe copy a newline from elsewhere
Multiline message from mobile
Use Sandbox chat
For testing
Q: Is this a complete Boolean function?

l4m2A complete Boolean function is a function can be used to express any Boolean function. For example, NAND \$\left[\begin{matrix}\text{input1}&0&0&1&1\\\text{input2}&0&1&0&1\\\text{output}&1&1&1&0\end{matrix}\right]\$ is complete. Given a Boolean Function with input, check whether it's complete, no...

2 hours later…
CMC (vyxal only): Create the largest number possible using only the characters in ₇E-N∑Sŀβ›. Each character can only be used once. Not all characters have to be used.
340282366920938463463374607431768211456. ₇E-N
my best is 680564733841876926926749214863536422912
@pxeger the -N there is a no-op lol
huh I could swear it wasn't a second ago lol
@lyxal does the code need to push a number to the stack or just output a digit string
@hyper-neutrino just output a number/string of digits
₇E› then gives 3402823669209384634633746074317682114561
well then ₇ES› gives me pxeger's number but with a 1 appended to the end, so I beat both of you by one order of magnitude :p
@Ausername no it doesn't
incrementing a number does not append 1 to it
you have to be correct if you want to ninja me :p
@hyper-neutrino what a gamer
That's what I meant but I forgot the S
CMC: What is the biggest number you can create with one more character of your choice?
can we take one of the current characters and use it again, or do we have to pick a different character
Reusing is allowed
No crashing the iterpreter tho
factorial, probably
yeah just put a factorial after that giant number and ez. won't terminate though
my idea was 10 ** (2 ** 128) but that doesn't terminate either
@hyper-neutrino yes it will, with probability 1 in fact
ok like i meant it'll take unreasonably long
but i don't think it crashes the interpreter tho
it will only require on the order of 3e41 bytes of memory
My new favourite bash one liner
grep -Em1 "^.{$(wc -L <file.txt)}\$" file.txt
Can anyone work it out?
get the longest line (tiebreaker: first) in the file
Very nice!
that would've been my guess but I looked up wc to confirm that's what -L did and got ninja'd :(
I am impressed
grep -xEm1 ".{`wc -L<file.txt`}" file.txt
that's shorter
Nice use of x
How about if your file has three columns and you want the line with the longest first column?
what's the column separator? tab?
One space
something like grep -Em1 "^.{`cut -d\\ -f1<file.txt|wc -L`}( |$)" file.txt?
Can you explain the ( |$) part?
either followed by a space, or the end of the line, because the file might have only 1 column
I love it
it should probably be [^ ] not .
I wonder if there is shorter Perl one liner
Or even python?
max(map(lambda s:s.split(" ")[0],open("file.txt")),key=len)
how cursed is this python code:
return attrdict(arity = 2, call = (lambda f: f(f))(lambda f: lambda x, y: map(lambda a: f(f)(a, y), x) if isinstance(x, (list, sequence)) else ut(link.call)(x, y)))
I like combinators, so I don't think I can say it's too cursed
cant read
@hyper-neutrino you are doomed
No one does Perl one-liners any more :(
@EliteDaMyth lambda f: f(f) is a pretty standard combination (Y, I think?) that calls f on itself
useful in combination with the latter part, lambda f: lambda x: ...
basically, it lets you do in-line recursion without needing to name a variable for a reference
f = lambda x: ... f(x) ... is equivalent to (lambda f: f(f))(lambda f: lambda x: ... f(f)(x) ...)
@hyper-neutrino i get that part, following through after the x, y: gets messy
well if x is a list or sequence, then it maps lambda a: f(f)(a, y) (recursively call f with a, y) on x (basically, map over left argument)
and otherwise just calls the link (function parameter) on the arguments (ut is short for untrampoline which just means that this function cannot tail-call-optimize so it discards the trampoline state and just directly evaluates it)
see the thing is this code is objectively abhorrent and unreadable to a sane human but a) making it look "nicer" would actually involve more code and b) i can read it fine because the (lambda f: f(f))(lambda f: lambda x: ...) / (lambda f: lambda x: f(f, x))(lambda f, x: ...) combination is familiar and also mapping over weird lambdas made to act as partial functions is also familiar
tl;dr coding style sucks but it's still readable because my coding style is consistently bad :)
why not at least name the combinators
Y = lambda f: f(f)
eh good point. i don't really use it much atm but i probably will end up using it more eventually
Can this be shortened with the right flags?
perl -e 'while(<>){
$l>$m && do {$c=$_; $m=$l}
} print $c' file.txt
-n to replace while(<>){}
put the print $c in a END{} block
@pxeger can you show how to do that?
perl -ne '$l=length;
$l>$m && do {$c=$_; $m=$l}
END{print $c}' file.txt
I wonder if it is shorter in any other language
CMCnR: shorten this Python code to produce an equivalent iterable in g given c:
def f(c):
 while 1:yield c()
How does Area 51 rep work?
what is area 51
area 51 is SE's site staging place where you can propose and launch new stack exchange sites
i think association is 150 there but i have no idea really
there's yet another cryptocurrency proposal? sigh
hmm what about the one which other people talk about
they say its somewhere in us
oh the military testing zone?
yeah it's government property somewhere in the us that they do stuff with. idk exactly what
CMC (vyxal only, again): Create the longest output possible using only the characters in 447u∇ṡ∴nq. Each character can only be used once. Not all characters have to be used.
@pxeger CMSafe: g=iter(c,object())
1 hour later…
oh nice the sun is coming up very soon. i should probably go to sleep then
My reputation is 1 less on main than it is on meta
but why
I got 1 rep for my first flag
At least I think that's what it was...
that's not a thing
well I already know why my reputation went down to 6999: because I downvoted an answer
do you think Christian Sievers has left ccgc too?
he is a genius
@pxeger oh, I guess we don't get to see those in your reputation record
but why is it still 7000 on meta? caching? But it's been several hours
this is the last thing he did codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/205914/98590
@pxeger @pxeger I'll upvote you twice, and you give me a 50 rep bounty.
well given that he was last seen like a year ago I'd say he's inactive
@Ausername christian sievers already beat you to the funny number
@Anush maybe they left because their reputation is really nice and they didn't want to ruin it
@pxeger maybe.. but I doubt it :)
we should have a running total of the average IQ of recent CCGC users
ah yes, IQ, the famously entirely unbiased way of measuring people's intelligence
Anyone here played Baba Is You?
IQ is the perfect metric of how good you are at solving IQ tests :)
and very little else
1 hour later…
@pxeger I am attempting it, but it is so difficult. I think I got to level 6 or 7
Just started over again to see if it goes better this time around
Currently on 4-1
It just becomes so gosh darn difficult
I think my favorite one is the second or third level in the entire game
Where I solved it by turning into the wall
that's the whole shtick of the game
@Ausername Here is a video of someone playing through the first few levels youtube.com/watch?v=QUOJrZpz07A Be warned spoilers ahead
a fellow CarlSagan42 viewer?
how cultured
I'm watching his VOD of Baba right now
I've yet to watch it =) But yeah, usually his streams is a feelgood place to be
i've spent way too much money on games
@NewPosts OP really needs to start using the Sandbox again
Every single one of their most recent challenges have been posted, been closed, then maybe edited and reopened
git rebase is op
I only wish it could leave the commit dates untouched so it's less obvious I went back and fixed all my fuckups
@pxeger see git-shift
@hyper-neutrino Does this link take you to a specific nomination , or does it just show the election page?
Also, any non-mod is welcome to answer ^ as well :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing just the election page
Same for me
I suspect that for a mod, it shows the actual nomination that it links to
Graph: shows the number of "posts" on the site, for the 8 different types of posts according to SE, switchable on an input field
@cairdcoinheringaahing just the election page
are you sure 75943 is even the right number
this link takes me to Dennis's nomination even when logged out
@hyper-neutrino that works for me too
@hyper-neutrino Yes, take a look at this SEDE query
6 is the PostTypeId for mod nominations. That query says the CJY nominated himself (or, posted a nomination) in the 2016 election, but the link (above) doesn't go anywhere
@cairdcoinheringaahing codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/75945 is, um, interesting
that's weird
i don't think riker has run for mod either?
In fact, there are multiple such links for the first 2 elections. They aren't comments, as cat posted a comment but isn't in the query, and they aren't all nominations, as CJY, Blue, Neil, Oliver Ni, Addison Crump etc. never nominated themselves
maybe they started writing one, or something, but it wasn't published?
but that shouldn't be in the database
Is that the same Neil as the current active Neil? If so, we can ask them what they think might have happened
@pxeger No, or else I'd be in there fore the 2018 one
I considered nominating myself, then realised that I had like 5k and had been around for about a year and thought better of it :P
Also @hyper-neutrino are you able to see the history of the tour page? For example, can you see when the example question was changed and what it was before?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can see the history of the top excerpt and the "ask about" and "don't ask about" boxes in the "get answers to practical, detailed questions" section
Should this be red-flagged?
I don't think so
I don't think it matters much because it's not technically particularly R/A and also doesn't really advertise something / promote anything, but it's also not like I care about protecting this user's non-existent rep or account.
looks like failed / incorrectly executed spam TBH
I'd consider it as rude and/or abusive under this definition - "everything that would be out of place in polite discourse is rude or abusive"
In any case, it should be deleted
okay I've gone ahead and red flagged it more or less for the explicit purpose of feeding the IP to spamram
i should've done that through review
SE's internal spam crunching system. I don't know too much about it and probably couldn't say that much even if I did, but basically if IPs generate spam SE will throttle / block them.
Was Downgoat ever a mod here?
scratches head
How would I test if something is done in sublinear time? My thought was I could time my function for different outputs and somehow compare em. My thought was somewhat
time f(x) and f(y) and then do log(f(y))/log(f(x)) given y > x, would that work?
time complexity is usually done with analysis, not testing timing
Oh I know, the algorithm is supposed to be sublinear, I just want to see if I can verify it
@N3buchadnezzar not easily
@hyper-neutrino laughs in extreme laziness
@hyper-neutrino What if the IP belongs to a public computer?
@user then rip that public computer
@pxeger Cant I just time X and 2X and check if the new time is less than double of the old time?

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