I wasn't even aware there was a timeout for posting too quickly--I've never run into it. What you need to do is put all of your thoughts in one message. That way you can type a lot of stuff, but because it's all one message, you won't get limited. :P
@DLosc I think I better get in the habit; I do take up a big portion of the wall when I talk due to the layout. I got used to chat interfaces where you're encouraged to keep sending; quickly in small chunks
I used to type paragraphs and I'd get avalanched. By the time I sent, conversation moved on
Or friends would get impatient waiting. I suppose hitting 'return' when I'd otherwise hit a period has become a habit, (initially just one to stay above water) which I can try and work on for here
@Adám Also this is still the primary source of social interaction for some of us, haha. I was under the impression that off-topic was okay until on-topic came up, no? I do realize spam/noise is always bad ofc, but it felt more like having fun/off-topic to me, personally.
⍤/ Hey Jo King
(Perhaps there's tension between those of us who use TNB for socializing and those who'd prefer it stay more on topic and not amass messages unnecessarily? Or is that inaccurate/not the point?)
We can agree on that. I just didn't feel like that was noise.
And often lots of what other people say feels like noise, haha
But I guess I don't really say anything unless they're interfering with something I feel is more on topic
Happy to start a new room though for more aimless, and occasionally on-topic, chatting? And then come here when it feels like something more people should see. Would that be a useful addition, or just more cruft?
e.g. i have migrated many conversations here to like, the discussion about redwolf's synesthesia, gaming, sandbox, etc. but if it's just noise i will just send it to the bakery
@AviFS there's been a long running joke about bots and butter - i'm not sure why or when it started, but mods editing bot messages to include butter has been a recurring joke
so when i edited a "messages moved" message to "butter" i also edited the room link to say "The Nineteenth Bakery" (cuz it's also "TNB") and then we decided to rename the trash room to that
@Anush You probably mean "without using a built in sort function", but it is easy to read your task as requiring a language that doesn't have a sort function.
def f(l): for i,x in enumerate(zip(l,l[1:])): x,y=x if x>y: l[i],l[i+1]=l[i+1],l[i] i=(len(l)-1)/2 if len(l)%2: return l[i] else: return (l[i]+l[i+1])/2
@Anush The problem is consistently to define the set of forbidden things. People tend to make assumptions about programming languages based on the languages they know, and make up rules that are too vague for many other languages they don't know.
@Anush Not really, as f~ applies a 2-argument function on a single argument, using that argument twice, so f~ is sort if f is sort-by, so why add a separate sort function.
Ẋß$¹>2\S$? Main Link
? If
S the sum of
>2\ whether or not the first item is greater than the second for each (overlapping) pair
Ẋ shuffle
ß and recurse
¹ otherwise it's sorted so just return the list itself
Produce the shortest program which takes two signed integers as input (through stdin or as arguments) and displays 3 different outputs depending upon whether the first number is (1) greater than, (2) smaller than, or (3) equal to the second number.
The Catch
You cannot use any of the following ...
@Adám would require some fiddling around to add, because the whole system is based on the assumption that everything is open-source and I would have to add at the very least some mechanism to conceal the licence key
One might think they understand, but they are actually just reading unimportant built-in words. That doesn't tell you what the code does, only how it does it.
A nice think about purely symbolic languages like APL/J/K is that your eyes are drawn to the programmer's identifiers rather than the language built-ins. Those are the words that set this code apart from any other generic code.
I know someone has asked this before but he has -2 votes so I aim to ask it again in a way that will be more clear.
What is your favorite video which either has code golfing as a main subject or features it extensively in one of its parts? (A programmer showing their most clever golf, or a video ...
@hyper-neutrino I'm almost the reverse of you, only 2 good questions but 20 good answers... mind you, that's a question hit rate of ~28.57% and an answer hit rate of ~0.48%
Find all paths
Given a non-negative non-zero odd integer (let's call it \$n\$), find the number of all possible paths which covers all squares and get from the start to end on a grid.
The grid is of size \$n\$.
The start of the path is the top left corner and the end is the bottom ri...