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i recommedn tf2 for improving 3d aim
is there any reason to use tf2 to improve aim over just playing the game itself and getting good
is tf2 simpler and therefore more aim heavy or smth like that
honestly any quakelike is great for aim
cause it makes you go to weird places at high speeds and shoot accurately from those weird place to stay alive
tf2 is a lot less forgiving with its buffs and its playerbase is scary dedicated
Guys, does TIO ever output as it's running?
Or does it only ever output when done
Ah, so then I can't do what I was hoping anyway
it only runs once it's done, whether that's normally, via 60s termination, via output size terminatino, or via requested cancellation
mischeivous grin
I run a bunch of parallel requests...
And I cancel each one at .1 second intervals, hehehehe
But that'd be wayyy evil
Poor Dennis' pocket
But srsly, why doesn't it?
probably to avoid the need for websockets?
@pxeger ATO better stream output as it goes
that's coming in 0.2.0 ;)
@hyper-neutrino Wow, that's an exhaustive list!!
@pxeger yayyy!
if TIO outputted result while writing code it would be a great misery
haha, nooo
while running
instead of waiting until it's done
oh you meant while running?
yeah, haha
is there some rep where it stops having a timer on sending too many messages?
poor me I thought output will be resulted while writing code
@AviFS no
not a bad idea :P
nope, I hit it even as a mod
mods often complain about this (ninja'd)
but i can spam so easily even with the timer...
where is the spam
ouch... i just got 8 seconds. i must be talking a lot
@AviFS Please don't post noise.
can message interval be adjusted by ROs?
use the sandbox if you want to post noise
@wasif doubt it
I wasn't even aware there was a timeout for posting too quickly--I've never run into it. What you need to do is put all of your thoughts in one message. That way you can type a lot of stuff, but because it's all one message, you won't get limited. :P
@wasif No.
@Adám Ouch, I really wasn't trying to... Just joking about the spam timer
@DLosc It can be a problem if you want to post formatted text interspersed with code blocks.
I sometimes get a spam timer if I try to edit a message several times in quick succession
but that's it
is spam timer 8 seconds?
Maybe I'm just naturally slow :)
@DLosc I think I better get in the habit; I do take up a big portion of the wall when I talk due to the layout. I got used to chat interfaces where you're encouraged to keep sending; quickly in small chunks
I used to type paragraphs and I'd get avalanched. By the time I sent, conversation moved on
it is interesting that sandbox chat has an APL execution bot
Or friends would get impatient waiting. I suppose hitting 'return' when I'd otherwise hit a period has become a habit, (initially just one to stay above water) which I can try and work on for here
@wasif yeah i never took it out of that room cuz testing
@hyper-neutrino I think it should stay there too.
@pxeger Yeah, that's the worst for perfectionism...
agreed, better than spamming the orchard
are there any list of available online interpreters of APL
Spoken like a proper Snoopy avatar
@Adám ok
@Adám Also this is still the primary source of social interaction for some of us, haha. I was under the impression that off-topic was okay until on-topic came up, no? I do realize spam/noise is always bad ofc, but it felt more like having fun/off-topic to me, personally.
⍤/ Hey Jo King
(Perhaps there's tension between those of us who use TNB for socializing and those who'd prefer it stay more on topic and not amass messages unnecessarily? Or is that inaccurate/not the point?)
well there's still a difference between off-topic socialization and noise
i do my part by lurking
We can agree on that. I just didn't feel like that was noise.
And often lots of what other people say feels like noise, haha
But I guess I don't really say anything unless they're interfering with something I feel is more on topic
Happy to start a new room though for more aimless, and occasionally on-topic, chatting? And then come here when it feels like something more people should see. Would that be a useful addition, or just more cruft?
I suspect that such a room would quickly die out.
I sort of do, too, which is why I asked first. Might be worth a shot, though.
We can also revive The Tarpit, where we chatted a lot last summer when TNB was super inactive
@AviFS sandbox chat
In Trash room you can theoretically continue off topic discussions
if there are off-topic discussions that are clutter here but not straight up noise, i will be happy to migrate them to a separate room to continue
e.g. i have migrated many conversations here to like, the discussion about redwolf's synesthesia, gaming, sandbox, etc. but if it's just noise i will just send it to the bakery
Why's it called the bakery, btw?
@hyper-neutrino Or the timeout corner
@AviFS there's been a long running joke about bots and butter - i'm not sure why or when it started, but mods editing bot messages to include butter has been a recurring joke
10 hours ago, by A username
@rak1507 Ok, yjsnkd, fkoixed.
so when i edited a "messages moved" message to "butter" i also edited the room link to say "The Nineteenth Bakery" (cuz it's also "TNB") and then we decided to rename the trash room to that
I do not look at my leopard when typing.
> leopard
See what I mean?
Honestly, that was intentional, but it was too perfect to miss.
@hyper-neutrino That's pretty good!
Though not as good as TNB: The 19th Butter
nah, that doesn't work as well
you can move sticks of butter to a bakery
I suppose
CMC find the median of 5 integers in any language without a built in sort function
@Anush Define "sort function".
@Anush dupe?
is grade considered a built-in sort function?
Last time, the answer was yes
@Anush You probably mean "without using a built in sort function", but it is easy to read your task as requiring a language that doesn't have a sort function.
@Adám no because this restricts the language
Oh, so you do mean the latter. OK :-)
@Adám a function that sorts?
@Anush What about a function that grades?
I.e. finds the permutation that would sort.
@Adám the latter :)
@Adám are there any languages like that?
APL doesn't have a sort function, does it? only a grade up / down
All has no sort function???
@hyper-neutrino Mainstream APLs don't.
since grade -> sort is trivial but sort -> grade isn't really a thing
ah, okay
Extended Dyalog APL, dzaima/APL, and BQN have sorting functions.
CMQ which languages have no built in sort function?
just open TIO and look at like half the recreational languages :)
Most esolangs, probably.
@Anush Those are recreational languages, right?
A grade function seems tricky for rules. I hope not many languages have this
Generally, challenges are problematic, unless restricted to a single (family of) programming languages (which itself is problematic).
@Adám isn’t that a little different?
this restricts the language choice only
def f(l):
for i,x in enumerate(zip(l,l[1:])):
if x>y:
if len(l)%2:
return l[i]
return (l[i]+l[i+1])/2
@wasif I like it!
Bubble sort, then calculate median
@wasif Did you intend to answer something else than that?
But python would be banned
@Adám yes
sorry pinged the wrong CMC
Python has a built in sort
@Anush Exactly: "do median-of-5-ints without languages-with-builtin-sort".
@Adám you think that’s not good?
if python were allowed, def f(a):exec('a.remove(%s(a));'*4%(('min','max')*2));return a[0]
@Anush The problem is consistently to define the set of forbidden things. People tend to make assumptions about programming languages based on the languages they know, and make up rules that are too vague for many other languages they don't know.
I code in python and don’t understand it!
Ok. Let’s test the current restriction
@Anush Are APL-family languages allowed?
@Adám only the ones without a sort function
@hyper-neutrino No need to remove both min and max. Just remove min twice, then take the min.
oh, nice
@Anush How about a sort-by function?
What is the %s doing?
substituting in the min / max with format-string operator
to exec instead of looping which would take more bytes
@Adám does apl have sort by but not sort?
@Anush No, but J does.
as adam points out, def f(a):exec('a.remove(min(a));'*2);return min(a)
@Adám crazy :)
lambda a:exec('a.remove(min(a));'*2)or min(a) works too
@Anush Not really, as f~ applies a 2-argument function on a single argument, using that argument twice, so f~ is sort if f is sort-by, so why add a separate sort function.
Can anyone do it in C?
APL, 6 bytes: ⊢⊃⍨3⊃⍋ Try it online!
from the argument ⊃⍨ pick 3⊃⍋ the third-smallest.
CMC find median of 5 ints in C
This chat is a pain on an iPad
@Anush So the J solution is 2{/:~
@Adám cool
2{ element 2 from /: sort-by ~ self
Let’s restrict to languages without sort or sort by
OK, then my best is the 6-byter APL function above.
The point is to exercise the brain :)
@Adám cool
what about a language with a built-in that checks if a list is sorted, just as a hypothetical
Nice one.
@hyper-neutrino I guess that would be ok
If slow :)
So then you can random-permute until sorted :-)
@Adám :)
CMC: Implement BogoSort.
What do you think about a challenge that excludes sort and sort by languages?W
VTC as unclear because of unobservable requirements
Would anyone here downvote?
@Anush I wouldn't downvote, just VTC.
@Adám even worse!
@hyper-neutrino why unobservable?.
@hyper-neutrino Did you comment on Anush's idea, or my CMC?
How about a challenge just for C then?
@Adám Jelly: ¹Ẋß$ṢƑ?
ironically, uses the "sort" built-in to check if the list is sorted
You are forcing me to C :)
@Anush You'd have to inspect the code to see how it works.
¹Ẋß$ṢƑ?  Main Link
      ?  If the list
     Ƒ   is the same when
    Ṣ    sorted
¹        return it
 Ẋ       shuffle it
  ß      and recurse
@Adám downvote?
@Adám just the language not the code
@Anush CMC: Given a programming language, determine if it has any built-in sort or sort-by function.
> Note that challenges that require the answers to be in a specific language are generally discouraged.
to avoid the sort built-in, Ẋß$¹>2\S$?
@hyper-neutrino VTC + answer… shame on you! :-P
@Adám so how can I do this? I just want to make the exercise interesting and non trivial
Ẋß$¹>2\S$?  Main Link
         ?  If
       S    the sum of
    >2\     whether or not the first item is greater than the second for each (overlapping) pair
Ẋ           shuffle
 ß          and recurse
   ¹        otherwise it's sorted so just return the list itself
@Anush The eternal codegolf challenge writer's dilemma.
@Adám i was replying to anush with the vtc :p
this is a cmc, it doesn't really need to be that well specified
oh wait Ẋß$¹>ƝS$? works since Ɲ is a shortcut for 2\
5 mins ago, by hyper-neutrino
@Anush Which one are you looking at?
@Adám should've sent that as a reply lol
*I should've
@hyper-neutrino Huh, you're a mod. Why didn't you edit your msg?
@Adám ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ avoid the re-ping, I guess
@Anush That's a question.
Q: Compare two integers in C or C++ without comparison operators

groveProduce the shortest program which takes two signed integers as input (through stdin or as arguments) and displays 3 different outputs depending upon whether the first number is (1) greater than, (2) smaller than, or (3) equal to the second number. The Catch You cannot use any of the following ...

@hyper-neutrino For the record, I don't mind.
More votes
note how these questions are all old
just because a question is highly voted doesn't mean that type of challenge is good especially if it's old
used to be prominent until we banished it
Challenges about a specific programming language are fine. Challenges for a specific programming language, not so much.
But I am old too!
Older than me?
:) no idea
I just turned 36.
We need a zero knowledge proof
@Anush Of my age?
@Adám of whose age is bigger
CMC: Implement counting sort
@pxeger how about a TIO-like colorscheme for ATO
eww no
ability to chage fonts?
I'm working on font consistency
@pxeger current colorscheme is too blue (for me)
too bad
TIO colour scheme is far too grey for me
sorry lol
you can use a userscript if you like
@PyGamer0 It is fairly easy to remove the colour. Much harder to add it.
wait @pxeger syntax highlighting for only comments?
or autoindent
@PyGamer0 Userscript: document.body.style="filter:grayscale(1)"
good idea
@Adám thanks
@pxeger How are you doing sandboxing?
+ cgroups for resource limits
+ some custom C to implement 60s timeout
@pxeger so syntax highlighting or / and autoindent?
Combination of using lots of weird languages + abusing lots of weird syntax for golfing would make that more of a curse than a blessing I think
You can always write in your own editor and copy-and-paste it there if you like
@pxeger Let me know if you want to add APL, and I'll get you a free license for perpetual updates.
@Adám would require some fiddling around to add, because the whole system is based on the assumption that everything is open-source and I would have to add at the very least some mechanism to conceal the licence key
@pxeger No, Dyalog license keys are not a secret.
(or is there no licence key and/or do licences only work on a legal basis?)
@Adám I would delete that image
@Anush Why? Nothing secret there.
@Adám id fraud etc
But hello Denmark!
My full name, place of birth, and photo are already available online. The validity of my passport isn't especially interesting.
I am surprised you were allowed to wear glasses in the photo
@Adám why??
@Anush My might notice my face is tilted down. This it to avoid reflections. Without glasses, I get this dead look (since I can barely see then).
@Anush I've seen enough dishonesty in my life. Either I show my true face, or I don't participate.
@Adám some countries don't allow glasses in passport photos
@Anush Some countries don't allow glasses in their passport photos. Important difference.
Oh I see
No one did my CMC in C :(
Maybe programming in C isn't fun.
I'm just speculating.
Programming in C++ isn't very fun
C is fine
But C is just C++--, no?
@Razetime then there is my CMC in C :)
C++ is a read-only language in the same way Perl is write-only
where would APL go in that spectrum
@Anush link
@Razetime Ask Adám; I'm sure he'll give you an entirely unbiased answer :þ
Production code tends to be easier to read than golf code, no matter which language you write in.
@EliteDaMyth lvalue rwquired
@Adám can you show some APL production code
@EliteDaMyth This is used by TryAPL.org
to be completely honest, isnt very readable
i could probably read a language like rust or something which i dont know, and still understand it
> ⎕TKILL kid ⍝ Kill the assassin
who's employing kids as assassins??
@Razetime it's the CMC. given 5 ints return the median.
uh ok
lemme try
@hyper-neutrino :-) "Kill ID"
@Razetime thanks!
@EliteDaMyth My father taught me that one should be able to reconstruct code from its comments. See example.
im assuming not everyone writes comments
If you neither write comments, nor use meaningful names, then it'll be hard to read your code no matter which language it is written in.
@EliteDaMyth those are naughty people
One might think they understand, but they are actually just reading unimportant built-in words. That doesn't tell you what the code does, only how it does it.
A nice think about purely symbolic languages like APL/J/K is that your eyes are drawn to the programmer's identifiers rather than the language built-ins. Those are the words that set this code apart from any other generic code.
@Adám No offence, but you look slightly evil in that photo
Compared to your avatar
> The only program which stands a chance of being correct is a short one.
-Arthur Whitney
possibly at the time of the quote, he had not seen golfed perl
Tip for golfing anything: Generate random programs until you find one that works!
if you have a programming language that achieves sufficiently high entropy, that would actually work
I mean, it might work in Unary, if you're doing something extremely simple...
@Razetime any luck?
Q: What's your favorite video about code golfing?

AndrewTheCodegolferI know someone has asked this before but he has -2 votes so I aim to ask it again in a way that will be more clear. What is your favorite video which either has code golfing as a main subject or features it extensively in one of its parts? (A programmer showing their most clever golf, or a video ...

Pet peeve: When someone goes textarea.style.backgroundColor = rgb(1,2,3)
Note the lack of quotes
@Anush no
@Razetime :( that's why it needs to be a challenge!
But I am told it would be closed :(
yes most likely
unless you have existing code you'd like to improve
which would be more suited to code review rather than a tips question
Is codereview popular?
I have never used it
codereview is good
Does anyone have an editor that makes it easy to rename a variable?
vscode has "change all occurrences"
@Ausername I've done that for APL on multiple occasions.
in vim you just visual select the results of a find operation
1 hour ago, by Adám
@Anush My might notice my face is tilted down. This it to avoid reflections. Without glasses, I get this dead look (since I can barely see then).
@Adám But have you done that to create a program that does it for you because you've forgotten what the original task is?
@Ausername No, and I'm not really sure how that could work. I just run all possible programs against some test cases…
@Razetime cool. I was trying to get Emacs to do it
@Razetime if the variable is called t that could be a pain
regex search
@Anush there's a flag to make vim ask you to confirm each replacement (the c in :%s/\<t\>/whatever/gc)
@ngn cool. I was more hoping for something that knew what was a variable and what wasn't
I assume that must exist
@Anush that's complicated and language-specific
@ngn yes but editors often have language specific modes
@hyper-neutrino I'm almost the reverse of you, only 2 good questions but 20 good answers... mind you, that's a question hit rate of ~28.57% and an answer hit rate of ~0.48%
@Anush JetBrains IDEs have this
@Anush for python, there used to be a library called "bicycle repair man" that could do such refactorings and could integrate with vim
and visual studio
@Razetime nice
@Razetime cool
but those are very heavyweight and i really do not enjoy programming on them
@ngn interesting. I think Emacs has a mode for this for python but it needs melpa which for some reason doesn't work for me
they have really specific refactoring mode and bloat that isn't always needed
I wonder if vim has something
(for Emacs)
@ngn great name!
Last updated in 2003???
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PyGamer0Find all paths Information Given a non-negative non-zero odd integer (let's call it \$n\$), find the number of all possible paths which covers all squares and get from the start to end on a grid. The grid is of size \$n\$. The start of the path is the top left corner and the end is the bottom ri...

@SandboxPosts any feedback?
how come emacs lets you code in butterflies but has no refactoring extension for python
@Razetime I think there are refactoring options for Emacs
The median of 3 ints is easier and still fun
CMQ which languages need at least 12 bytes to compute the median of 3 integers?
C,C++,assembly... Any others?
@Anush yes :) it was named after the monty python sketch
@Anush Whitespace. BF.
I'd imagine
@Anush basic (probably)
@ngn that's 4
Zsh: <<<${${(n)@}[2]}
@Adám two more
there ought to be a shorter way to get the second element of an array in a scalar substitution, but I don't think there is
@Anush java can't even do a nop program in 12 bytes :)
@ngn /*12345678*/
that will error because no class is defined
@Ausername where's public static void main and the class around it?
Oh nvm
> prepending was a bit of a sussy baka, so I ejected it and got a new crewmate instead. (btw it still does prepend)
(Quoting Lyxal)

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