@cairdcoinheringaahing (Lost power for the last 18 hours; pardon me while I catch up, and sorry for the abrupt departure.) No, Codidact doesn't have a rep cap.
@MonicaCellio Do you mind if I ask about the motivation behind that? I find the cap is a really good way at preventing power users from heavily outpacing regular users and helps level the reputation-based playing field
@cairdcoinheringaahing we haven't actually discussed it. I think the general feeling has been that since rep doesn't lead to privileges, we didn't need to restrict it. We haven't really thought about poser users creating large disparities in the number.
@hyper-neutrino thank you! I appreciate your participation. And yes, one of the frustrations from SE -- not the big obnoxious one that broke the camel's back, but a frustration nonetheless -- has been that SE is "one size fits all" + "smaller sites can stay if they don't get in our way". Codidact set out to be community-driven from the start. Most things are customizable, and we'll do our best to support needs we didn't know about. (The answer TOC is because of CG, for instance.)
The dev team is small so we can't always do everything right away, but we aspire to be as supportive as possible. We also welcome contributors, either for one PR to fix that one annoying thing or for longer term.
On October 27th, I decided that the following requirements must be met by November 1st for my continued involvement with the Stack Exchange network:
The forced relicensing from CC-BY-SA 3.0 to CC-BY-SA 4.0 must either be validated as legal by a lawyer or legal team experienced in copyright law ...
@Adám we usually abbreviate "CD". Reputation is basically "reputation" -- bragging rights, signal of expertise, etc. Eventually we want to also recognize (and label) tag-based expertise, but that'll be based on the actual post scores, not the rep number. I think "has lots of well-received posts about X" is more meaningful most of the time than "Y rep".
@MonicaCellio Oh, is Codidact open-source? Didn't even realize (and am not surprised) - that's very nice. Yeah, I think the system being built from the community up rather than communities being created from the network down is definitely something I like and can really appreciate.
Anyway, the proposal to add a feed for Codidact seems to be going very well, just got the Nice Answer badge from it with no opposition so far
it's a lot harder to write interesting challenges now because most golfing languages have many builtins that just allow you to put like 4 builtins together and solve a task that is still rather non-trivial for a practical lang
discouraging new users is another thing i was gonna mention ^^
So we've now got answers on all three categories from Codidact (ignoring their Q&A system), I think we should let them "sit" for a day or two to get some more feedback
@ngn They message me to toss a coin for them. I toss a coin on video. I'm too dumb to do deepfake stuff, so that won't work. If one of them bribes me to toss a coin a certain way, I'm still too incompetent to do that, so it's still 50-50 :P
@user what i had in mind is: generate a random number and send a hash of it to the other people. once all "commitments" are exchanged, everyone reveals their random number. they are xor-ed together and the last bit is used.
@AviFS I think its pretty clear as is, especially with the examples. Maybe "Given an integer representing the nth turn in a game of Tic Tac Toe, and an integer representing the position on the board, output a completed Tic Tac Toe board where the result is a draw and the inputted square is filled on the inputted turn", but that's a bit wordy
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh hold on, I just wrote "Given a move on the board and a turn to make it on, output a game with that move which ends in a tie. A cat’s game!"
@hyper-neutrino yes - platform is open source (contributors welcome), and the particular instance that runs on codidact.com is backed by a non-profit (the Codidact Foundation), so profit motives won't drive either the code or the specific communities. (Other people can, of course, take the code and set up their own instances with whatever policies they want.)
A Cat’s Game to Claim
For every move in tic-tac-toe, there should be at least one way to draw that includes that move. Or so it seems; prove me wrong!
Challenge: Given a move on the tic-tac-toe board and a turn to make it on, output a tied game where that move was played. A cat's game!
Any input/...
Inspired by this video by Ben Eater. This challenge forms a pair with Encode USB packets.
The USB 2.0 protocol uses, at a low level, a line code called non-return-to-zero encoding (specifically, a variant called NRZI), in which a stream of bits is encoded into a stream of two electrical level sta...
Recursive Stalin Sort
code-golf array-manipulation sorting
There is a "sorting" algorithm often called Stalin Sort, where instead of sorting an array, you just remove any items that are out of order. In this challenge, you'll implement part of a sorting algorithm which recursively sorts the remo...
i think it's a pretty good idea then (raise to 150); i'll forward that sentiment on then. thanks :+1:
New First Time Asker Dialog text is still too long; I would like some feedback on how we can shorten it (like cutting unnecessary bits out, pointing the user to the sidebar tips to avoid repeating information, etc.)
By "too long", is that displayed length or actual length (think links being shorter when displayed)?
I think it should be ok to remove the "The FAQ on Asking good questions contains more details and goes more in-depth on advice for asking on this site." bit, as it links to an answer on the Welcome page, which is already linked at the start
Or even, link the "Welcome to.." bit to the Asking answer, as its more relevant
@cairdcoinheringaahing basically, they made the third able to be turned off because many sites might not fit that philosophy, but the other two fit Q+A sites so there are only a handful of sites that might not want them (CGCC, Puzzling, SW/HW recs, CR maybe, and I think that's it...)
when this modal was made, the bullet points were created with SO in mind
But honestly, if there are more than one or two sites where it makes sense to disable/change the 2 bullets, why not design them with that in mind, or even, change it?
A big ball of mud is a software system that lacks a perceivable architecture. Although undesirable from a software engineering point of view, such systems are common in practice due to business pressures, developer turnover and code entropy. They are a type of design anti-pattern.
== In computer programs ==
The term was popularized in Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder's 1997 paper of the same name, which defines the term:
A Big Ball of Mud is a haphazardly structured, sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape-and-baling-wire, spaghetti-code jungle. These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and...
@cairdcoinheringaahing both good suggestions; done. yeah it makes sense to link the Asking section/answer under the general welcome post when trying to ask
so it turns out i'm stupid and the 150 rep threshold change is regarding the answer popup and not the asker popup
I think the change to 150 still makes sense and is good though. any objections?
(proposal is to allow the How to Answer box to show for people even with the association bonus, so you will see it if it is your first time answering or have less than 150 rep, i believe)
Yeah, it's not very descriptive of the actual sorting algorithm, but the subset the challenge requires implementing is basically recursively applying stalin sort.
Also, I don't know how to tell user931 this, but Valorum has 500k+, 100+ gold badges, is regularly active and was (long story) user 30 on SciFi, so user931's claim is significantly less impressive :P
There are a lot of ways you can spin "I've been center of controversies in the past & I have even been banned multiple times", but "good leader" probably isn't the best one to choose :p
i haven't had as much of a chance to look through SQB or Adamant's nominations and there hasn't been as much time for people to comment either, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
from everything i've heard and reading the nomination posts i'd probably rank the same as caird, but i might drop ibid off my rankings. not sure though and I don't intend to get the rep to vote anyway, and even if i got rep, i don't think i've participated enough for it to make sense to vote. i haven't interacted with any of the candidates to my knowledge
It seems like making the new answerer box ignore association bonus would take quite a while. So, what do we think in terms of what rep threshold we should use? Or should I post this to meta?
@RedwolfPrograms I'd personally oppose that. I personally believe every user's vote should be treated the same (assuming they've participated enough to warrant having a vote). There's a reason moderators are totally powerless on the election page, for example, because I don't think having more privileges means you should have a larger say in site moderation. At least IMO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I feel like an election should be a chance for the whole community to get a say in how the site is run from the top, whereas rep-scaling votes would potentially make regular users feel like their voice isn't heard or they don't matter and the clique (is that an appropriate term?) of high-rep powerful users just get to control everything.
Approval voting is generally just upvotes. Downvotes can serve a purpose - generally for very controversial candidates - but they can nullify votes (or act as double downvotes), so they become very strategic. Pure upvote-only approval voting doesn't have any sense of nullification, you just vote for the people you do like and don't for the people you don't like. So the most-liked people win. That's it.
@Catija ah. true. I'm not sure of the term for -1/0/+1 voting like that (if there even is a term? I don't even know if one exists), it just happened to be convenient for a substantially simpler selection process for a much less impactful thing
For multi-winner elections, they're generally the best. The big downside with STV is the risk of a multi-winner election where the second-most popular candidate gets only second-place votes and is eliminated in the first elimination round. So a less-favored candidate gets the second slot.
Oh, that's a good point. Would it be possible to just do like a point system where you get like, 1 point for 1st, 0.8 points for 2nd, less for 3rd, etc, and then just add up points and top wins?
It seems like making the new answerer box ignore association bonus would take quite a while. So, what do we think in terms of what rep threshold we should use? Or should I post this to meta?
@RedwolfPrograms That's not true, though. If there's more than one slot and the top candidate has a surplus, a fractional amount of your vote will go down your ranking.
I have a recommendation - Would y'all be up for us setting it to 111 to start and seeing how people respond to it? How frequently do newer users post multiple answers, particularly in a short period of time?
I think that works. Most people won't be annoyed by it too much, and once they hit 111 rep, they'll probably notice its no longer there are figure that its for newer users
It becomes a site setting, so if it's super annoying, I can drop it to 10 and we can pretend it never happened... the thing is, this isn't a feature that many sites are using, and on most sites, the extra guidance is something that only relates to new users... so, as much as I hate to say it, it's really difficult for us to have a huge backlog of bugs and FRs and to focus a ton of time on something that only helps a single site.
I don;t think we've ever had anyone report a bug on it, and the only FR was to change it (and this rep discussion), so I think that once this is changed, the only possible change we'd need would be to change it back and pretend it never happened
I... think y'all would generally understand that there's times where you have to prioritize things based on the number of people running into the problem or the severity of the problem when it gets run into... and this is pretty low on both counts. I ... really don't like discounting the problems y'all have because I do understand that the site has a lot of fun and value and people enjoy participating...
We just have to be thoughtful about where we spend our time. :)
I think this option makes sense as a useful starting point and hopefully it won't be something people struggle with. :)
I think setting it to like 111 would probably be a good place - it is just a not-too-huge box that you can just skip past and the post button is right under it, so I think this'd be alright. I totally understand that this is pretty narrow of an issue to our site and putting dev work into something that only we'd end up using is not going to be very viable. It might annoy ais523 but most new users will probably get 110 rep in not too long and it's not a huge deal to have to skip
Obviously, we don't have any stats on how effective it is (as we can't see people who change based on the box), but we don't get that many "wrong" answers, so it seems to work
We just need to do an A/B study. Capture 100 CGCC users and put them into small boxes to reduce the chances of external influences. Then, show half of them the popup. Compare the resulting answer quality.
most answers seem to either make a small mistake and get self-deleted, be comment-type or trash answers from 1-rep users, spam, or not follow I/O / loophole-related rules or such
people with the assoc bonus shouldn't be making comment-type / other non-answers
Capturing new members is going to be hard for any site and that can depend on a lot of things. I think that it's maybe hard for newer people unless they're already really well-versed in golfing.
i'd have to dig back further to see if there are instances of people with just the bonus writing answers that don't follow standard rules, don't meet the specs, etc
@Catija it can definitely be intimidating, at least. our policy is as long as you show that you've put effort into golfing it, it's acceptable, even if that just includes making your variable names one character and removing whitespace, but your code is still thrice as long as the next solution in the same language, it's acceptable
@Catija 84.6% of our questions are code-golf, lol. so we have some but not that significant of an amount
@user Sure. Y'all do it to an extreme, but that, at least, is pretty standard on most sites ... other than SO. What can happen with new people is that if answers come in right away and they don't have anything to add, they may feel like they don't have a place to fit in. They want to add to the site and so highly-competitive things like CG can feel hard to hop in as a novice.
I think that we do have a higher bar than most (already high bars) SE sites, but we do try to be as helpful and as lenient as we can, especially with new answers
The unanswered question is often a place for new users to start... or the question with a half answer. The closest equivalent is someone finding a solution that's one character shorter than the top answer... but y'all are so darn good at this is so many different languages, that it maybe leaves people with not much to add.
Answers don't have to be the shortest possible, so long as its clear some effort is made to golf. First Posts and Late Answers reviews are cleared within minutes, and most of them leave some form of welcoming comment. Our highest voted questions are (mostly) challenges that are easy to dive in (think HW, or Fibonacci)
that's definitely true. although we are totally fine with people submitting a 100-byte python answer to something with 4 50-byte python answers already, as long as it makes an attempt to be golfed, it might not seem like that to a new user trying to find something to answer
@hyper-neutrino And that's good. The question is whether many people really realize that. In my mind, if I only know python and there's an answer already that's half the length I could have managed, I... don't even try. Now, that's just me. It's great that y'all are welcoming of that and encourage people to post but I'm not sure that, in the end, it's how people choose to participate. It's almost as if y'all need a way to hide all the answers for the first day and then reveal them later on.