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@cairdcoinheringaahing wait what's up with AJR o.O
i listened to this song by them excessively a year or two ago
@RedwolfPrograms not the kind of music i'd listen to (anymore, at least) but it's pretty good :+1:
I don't even know what sort of music I'd listen to, it's basically just a coin flip whether or not I'll like any given song lol
> It's kinda funny how you vote for someone to vote for someone to vote for someone
america go brrr :/
@hyper-neutrino Basically its a combination of: contrarians who dislike them as a "basic white indie group" and the fact that they still held concerts during COVID that had basically no safety measures
I really hope this ends up working out
@RedwolfPrograms lol yeah, pretty accurate for a good amount of people here AFAICT :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh, i see :/ first part is... unfortunately not really that surprising to me? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ second part isn't so great..
Contrarians will be contrarians unfortunately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@RedwolfPrograms TFW you use the weird electoral college system to reimplement direct representation
TBH FPTP is just pretty dumb but america only really has two parties anyway so it's not like anything else would really be different
IMO SE mod elections make more sense than most political elections :/
@hyper-neutrino It's a hack, though. We (America) need this feature built-in
I mean, the community gets to pick the questions, the candidates have to answer the questions, they can be held accountable, and they have to campaign based on what they'll offer to the community
and voting is via STV
Once it's effectively FPTP, it'll probably eventually get changed into that with some sort of constitutional amendment, which'll open the door to changing it again but into something actually good
SE elections are literally better than IRL politics :P
@hyper-neutrino I mean, that's why it needs to be changed - having more parties would be a good thing
@hyper-neutrino This is a good read tbh
Let's just put all of the SE mods in charge of their respective countries :p
@hyper-neutrino Waiting for smear campaigns to start in mod elections :P
@RedwolfPrograms What if there's multiple mods from a single country?
Golf battle to the death
Have one move to an unmoderated country I guess :p
There are 500+ mods on the network :P
For each country, there can only be one
r.i.p. dutch mods (context: there's a disproportionately high amount of dutch mods on the network)
oh if y'all want some juicy drama the SFF election is ongoing right now
I think Glorfindel would win in the Netherlands easily :P
@hyper-neutrino Guess we'll just have to cut it up then :P
Ooh, SFF always has good mod drama :P
Honestly if someone put the CGCC mods in charge of a country, it'd probably be a lot better off
@cairdcoinheringaahing yep :P he has 5 diamonds right now I think?
> Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

patient and fair
leads by example
shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions
not the most of any mod, but i won't be surprised if he has a sixth in the foreseeable future :P
@user good idea I should've campaigned with that during 2020 /s
@hyper-neutrino 4
I want mods that roast other mods and bring up fake dirt on them
Rory Alsop has had the most at any one point, 7 (currently has 6)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Chess, ELL, Stack Apps, Ask Different, Spanish Language
that is 5
(the stack apps one is more recent so I don't blame you for miscounting)
@cairdcoinheringaahing How did he handle all that work?
Oh, I didn't see Spanish Language
yeah it's very far down :P
@user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He's good at it
stack apps doesn't have elections FWIW; Glorfindel and rene just got appointed
My guess is that he's a very behind-the-scenes mod
@user a) really efficient and just built different or b) mods sites with less work :P
Makes sense
TBH like 90%+ of my work here is organization and relaying between CMs and y'all, if I only handled flags I could probably spend like 3 minutes a day max and do everything needed
this site generates so few flags
this is not an invitation to change that
@user "I once heard that hyper wrote a Jelly answer that got outgolfed, how can you vote for him??"
@hyper-neutrino Lemme go "generate" some more
@hyper-neutrino Challenge accepted :P
I'd bet politics probably generates the most flags per capita
> If elected moderator I would celebrate by slaying a unicorn and then drinking it's sweet life-granting blood.
@cairdcoinheringaahing *its
He has my vote :P
oh wait you were quoting
@cairdcoinheringaahing "I hear hyper-neutrino uses Java, and Java 7 at that. He's obviously working for them - Code Review - not us! I say we put him in jail!"
apparently the rule that you cannot nominate yourself if you've been suspended within the past year was introduced because of SFF
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 16 hours ago, by Ryan M
@hyper-neutrino what if I need someone to review my unreadably obfuscated code? 🤔
Yeah, Richard IIRC
@hyper-neutrino to which i responded with Mast's LOLCODE question on CR of course :P
Mast and another user have multiple LOLCODE questions. There's even a tag. CR is weird
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 16 hours ago, by hyper-neutrino
now you've got me wondering how poorly it'd go if i submitted some code in a golfing lang to code review for optimizations xD
i really want to try to find a way to legitimately do this :P
I actually want to submit some Jelly code there
The thing is that I can't even get it working in the first place, so I'd have to ask on SO for help first
I've been looking for an opportunity to introduce SO and CR to Jelly :P
Damn, TheLethalCarrot has a candidate score of 40
@hyper-neutrino Tbf the three biggest guns in the Netherlands would be Tink, Glorfindel and rene, and I'm actually not sure who'd win
@cairdcoinheringaahing We can brigade SO with questions about if we do it sneakily, but not CR, because there's such little traffic normally :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing they'd fuse into one entity and easily destroy the rest of the entire network's mods :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing All we need to do is get them to make a joke and then say "I'm joking, ..." and they'll turn into JoKing. Then JoKing will absorb them and become an all-powerful being that rules Australia and eventually the world
Well Glorfindel is an immortal elf who banished the Nazgul (maybe, my LOTR knowledge isn't great) :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Glorfindel won't die, just be absorbed into JoKing and trapped under a powerful spell cast by lyxal :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing same :p but the thing while it'd be funny, I also don't want to set a precedent of it being acceptable to ask questions on CR with languages for golfing, and I'd feel extremely responsible if anything bad between us were to happen again with this
since we are, AFAICT, orders of magnitude more active so even if we post some stuff as a joke it'd make a significant impact on their activity
@cairdcoinheringaahing the what now
on the other hand, posting to SO would be funny :P
Glorfindel (IPA: [ɡlɔrˈfindɛl]) is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is a member of the Noldor, one of the three groups of the Calaquendi or High Elves. The character and his name, which means "blond" or "golden-haired", were among the first created for what would become part of his Middle-earth legendarium in 1916–17, beginning with the initial draft of The Fall of Gondolin. His name indicates his hair as a mark of his distinction, as the Noldor were generally dark-haired. A character of the same name appears in the first book of The Lord of the Rings, The...
The biggest thing giving me pause is that the "joke" language posts on CR are posted by mods, not by new users :P
but your question would be buried by 10 other "help can i haz code" questions within 20 seconds
@hyper-neutrino That's a good thing, no one (from SO) will notice the Jelly
Then caird posts the question in JHT and gets everyone to answer on SO :P
I'd be happy to start a Jelly FAQ thing on SO :P
this sounds like an excellent idea
I'd be happy to contribute "pls give me teh codez" questions :P
@hyper-neutrino (to be clear, you're joking, right?)
already exists, we'd need :P
@user no, I'm hyper-neutrino
@hyper-neutrino Honestly, it's not a bad idea
come on, you just made this joke yourself, @user
@cairdcoinheringaahing I intended my original message sarcastically but yeah it wouldn't actually be a bad idea xD
@hyper-neutrino I was actually hoping to trick you into merging into JoKing just to see what would happen
(you're welcome, JoKing)
It feels like something that would be more on topic here, but it definitely wouldn't be. For example, why does this work?
@hyper-neutrino We don't need to post them there, though, people can just ask for help in JHT or TNB
But we can post them there :P
@user yes and we could also post all of our challenges here as CMCs
Although "How do I get this Jelly code working?" questions are certainly more on-topic there
golfing tips would be off-topic there
@hyper-neutrino But problems with Jelly are usually minor-ish things
Plus, there are some Jelly questions that could do with a proper answer/explanation
but "why doesn't this work" or "why does this work" or "how does this work" could be on-topic there
IMO it'd actually be more on-topic there - using a golfing language doesn't make a "why doesn't this work" question any less of a General Programming Help Question which is off-topic here
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, they're for here
ofc, people will just ask here/JHT, but it should theoretically be able to be on-topic on SO if framed appropriately
of course, we also need to make sure we don't piss off SO since remember that we were originally a tag on SO and got ejected because they didn't want us :P
@hyper-neutrino I don't disagree, but it'll seem to SO users that we're joking and might hurt our rep
We should start a Golfing Languages site in Area 51 :p
Turn that ellipsis upside down
Too much space
^ There, that's an upside down ellipsis that fell due to gravity
Too little space
language development SE when
There's a constructed languages SE, no?
Also computer science SE
That's for spoken ones
Oh lol
I write all of my code in toki pona :p
i actually have 883 rep on conlang SE
@RedwolfPrograms There's a programming language involving that, I think
@hyper-neutrino Nice. Here, have another green circle in celebration of that. I hope this third green circle makes you happy :P
I've wanted to make a spoken language based language for a while
Unrealted, spanish would look so much nicer as a language if el were replaced with lo
that sounds like a great way to hate your life
Spoken language are probably going to be a lot harder to make than programming languages
Unless it isn't a general purpose spoken language
spoken languages are designed to communicate things to humans who can recognize patterns, and many languages also cut out a ton of details and require context as well
I've already got a bit of a start on a spoken one though
computer languages can't really interpret that particularly well
It's not that hard to make the grammar unambigious in a conlang
i mean, you could make a coding language designed to be able to be read like a spoken language
@hyper-neutrino Their regularity makes them much nicer
@hyper-neutrino What's wrong with LOLCODE? :P
but i don't know of a spoken language off of which one could base a computer language right now
I'd make my own, I don't particularly like any of the existing ones :p
idk how good lojban's grammatical system is
Lojban is bad IIRC
It's "unambiguousness" isn't what it sounds like at first...it's stuff like having a word meaning "I am being sarcastic"
lojban seems confusing
the whole bridi system sounds like a lot of work to remember
like tavla being structured x1 talks to x2 about x3 in language x4 so you have to remember the meanings of positional arguments basically
I would, of course, omit the letter e in my phonetic inventory :p
I'd say a bit of ambiguity is okay in spoken languages, as long as people can easily avoid it
like x1 [cu] tavla x2 x3 x4 meaning the above means you have to remember the meanings of each positional argument
@RedwolfPrograms Just the letter, not the sound, right?
The sound is also yellow
But lighter
Which one? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or ayyyyyy?
The short english eh
oh, do you also see colors from sounds?
TIL :p
I guess it's more like I associate them with a letter or symbol
@user a would be ah, i would be ee, o would be oh, u would be oo
will you reverse associate specific colors with their relevant symbols?
Why not use the IPA? Is it incomplete?
aw so you can't read piet code :(
It's not a bijection
c and s, for example, are the same color
i wonder what percentage of people with symbol/color (forget the term) synaesthesia have bijective mappings :p
The percent that are mathematicians :P
The set of symbols is infinite and the set of colors we can distinguish is probably finite, so it's unlikely anyone will have a bijective mapping
I think my synesthesia's been pretty heavily affected by my interests, interestingly
Programming has definitely had an influence on it
Common letters at the start of keywords, like f (function, for), w (while), and v (var) are purple, since that's the color my syntax highlighting is
CMC: using the above, remap redwolf's synaesthesia such that e no longer looks bad :P
Hmm, so if you become a Python programmer and write except everywhere, will you be "cured" of your aversion to "e"? :P
The main reason I dislike python is the es everywhere :p
You need to face your fears to overcome them :P
And it's basically the only reason I refuse to switch from var to let
Imagine using var x= and caring about scope when you can just write x=
imagine using variables
This post made by (lambda f: f(lambda x: f(x))(lambda x: x(x)) gang :P
I'm quite happy about how this conversation went from COVID vaccines to variables without getting nsfw
CMQ: What's an easy-to-use alternative to variables?
@user would you like it to?
@user a stack
Do what I did before I knew JS had global variables
Store things in the DOM in invisible text
@RedwolfPrograms Wait, that's bad practice?
@user Not talking about the values
Ah yes, avoiding a problem, my favorite approach to everything :P
I mean, that's literally what tacit programming is :P
Even Jelly has a register, though
I believe its possible to code in Jelly without ever using the register or the superscripts
Like J?
J has variables
Also, I think [: and :] are niladic verbs (is that the right term?) that are basically Jelly's and
Unrelated, the arity of a Jelly command is determined by its capitalization or something, right?
Kind of
Uppercase letters are monads, lowercase are dyads and hooked letters are generally quicks/nilads
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh ok
Do APL/J/K work similarly, with everything having a defined arity?
No, functions can be monadic or dyadic, and sometimes a glyph can be both a function or an operator: aplwiki.com/wiki/Function-operator_overloading)
Also, @RedwolfPrograms, I've added my yes argument for the blog :D
I'll start on my section then, almost forgot about it :p
> sometimes [known as] schizophrenia
APL is old :P
That term's from back when they thought Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously MPD) was the same as schizophrenia
For a golfing language, once all of the inputs have been used up, should you keep returning the final one, or wrap back around?
Wrap back around?
Like if the inputs are 1 and 2, should [next input] + [next input] + [next input] be 4 or 5
(1 + 2 + 1 or 1 + 2 + 2)
I think wrap around is usually better
4, because it's like modular indexing
Sounds good
@RedwolfPrograms (the "Wrap back around?" was a hesitant suggestion, not a question btw :P)
register and direct argument access are purely for golfing
i am 99% confident i can turn any program that uses them into one that doesn't, but it'll take a lot of extra bytes :P
Aside from chaining, can mostly be used for (and for ), and you can use a register as [x, y] if you would normally store x
1 hour later…
CMC: Given x and y, divide x by 2 y times (e.g. 20, 5 -> 0.625)
well there's the you mentioned earlier :P
æ» unfortunately truncates
x=>y=>x>>y is shorter for JS but truncates
÷2*$} works too
or 2*÷@ accepting input in reverse order
.*× works as well (and equivalently ×.*$}, but it saves a byte because multiplication is commutative)
Oh, that's a clever one
@hyper-neutrino ɓ.*× works for taking input as x, y
is the only one of these that's really directly implementing the problem statement though as it literally divides by 2 y times :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Scala, _/math.pow(2,_)
APL: {2÷⍨⍣⍺⊢⍵} or ⊢÷2∘*
doesn't work, ⊣÷2*⊢ does though
I think I was going for ÷∘(2∘*) originally
Why is it that I keep leaving a room after just a couple hours when users who rarely ever chat, such as John Dvorak and dzaima, stay in here all the time? Is there some secret cookie to set or something?
In my new language, it'd be 0+?/22?. That's the only hint y'all are getting :p
0+ ಠ_ಠ
@user I have the TNB tab open on my computer pretty much all the time
I assume you're not adding 0 there like a normal language
Actually, I can golf it to _?/+?
I also have a TNB window open on my phone, which may contribute to that?
That makes sense
@user Nope, that's all the spoilers you're going to get :p
My guess is that ? represents input (boo no implicit input) and / is division. Not sure about _ or +
Spoiler: in my upcoming language (+ -y1 D) it would be ⠖⠮⠮⠎⣎⡜⣴⣴⣮⣮⣮⡴⢞⣶⢮⠮⢮⡆⢦⡴⣆⣶⢶⣴⣮⢆⠮⣆⠖⣼⡮⢼⠦⢊⣮⠬⣮⢜⣪⣦⠚⣆⢊
ooh, another braille code page
I like those
Sledgehammer needs more usage tbh
Yeah, but I'm worrying that not having ASCII-compatibility will be difficult (especially ). Do you think it will be ok to just use the byte values for questions that limit character usage?
You could have two code pages I suppose
@pxeger spoiler: that's not actually a valid program. It's just a rickroll encoded in braille
@pxeger If the question only bans characters, then you'll be able to use the entire braille code page
well that feels like it would be cheating
Or, if not cheating, exploiting a poorly designed challenge
That's where the fun comes in :p
My (joint)-highest voted answer is exploiting a poorly designed challenge :P
So is my joint-2nd
I'm tempted to just use Jelly's codepage for my language too but the thing is then programs will look exactly like Jelly and I want to be somewhat distinct enough even though the chaining idea is pretty much just stolen from Jelly :p
I've stolen the second half of Jelly's code page for Add++ v6 because I already had a 127-byte SBCS for Add++ v5 and below :P
IMO the most recognizable part of Jelly is the dotted characters and somewhat hooked characters (not really) so I'm trying to think of a block of characters I can use that would be distinct :p
accented characters is an 05AB1E thing right?
Accented is 05AB1E, Jelly is dots, Husk is a combination of those two, Stax/Seriously/others use cp-437 IIRC, Canvas uses large spaced characters, Charcoal uses greek/blackboard characters
ah, thanks
see using kana would definitely be unique but unfortunately they don't share the same width as latin characters even in monospace so it would mess up things
and with yuno i just substituted wide latin but that eventually got really annoying
@cairdcoinheringaahing Canvas and Charcoal use "firefox can't display this character" for me :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing Emoji and Emojicode use, well, emojis, Japt uses mobile-typeable characters, Brachylog uses dots + mathematical notation
Vyxal uses facts and logic sensible mathematical symbols
I feel like box-drawing characters are in use by some language
oh that's part of CP437 isn't it
yeah okay it is
Blackboard bold
It's used by ESMin, but that's not a very well known language
And there's a ton of blackboard bold chars
Orst's code page was designed to be characters I can type on my phone
i was just about to consider hebrew characters but as i was typing them into my text editor to check their width i realized uh
the RTL is gonna cause too many issues
Although that page is wrong, this is the actual code page
Clearly printable-ascii-incompatible code pages are the best :P
How about:
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics is a Unicode block containing syllabic characters for writing Inuktitut, Carrier, Cree (along with several of its dialect-specific characters), Ojibwe, Blackfoot and Canadian Athabascan languages. Additions for some Cree dialects, Ojibwe, and Dene can be found at the Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended block. == Block == == History == The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics block: == References ==
That would be a really cool looking language, too
unfortunately it is too wide
i don't want to ditch ascii 32-126 personally
it would look really cool though
is small-caps in use?
I don't think so
That could be cool
Doesn't look like there're that many though
and super/subscript doesn't seem to be great
You also get a lot of weird font issues with both of those
small caps seems reasonably well supported
Most of them at least
Q doesn't show up for me
The trick is to choose a random multiple of 16 and take the 256 characters from that unicode block :P
the issue with greek characters is some of them literally look identical to latin characters so it can get annoying if i use all of the alphabet
@cairdcoinheringaahing That actually sounds like fun, I'll go try that
That goes up to 3455 char code
I restricted mine to the BMP, but I keep getting either unprintables or CJK
Oh, just got some latin-y ones
(16) ["➰", "➱", "➲", "➳", "➴", "➵", "➶", "➷", "➸", "➹", "➺", "➻", "➼", "➽", "➾", "➿"]
^ How about those :p
(16) ["ꭀ", "ꭁ", "ꭂ", "ꭃ", "ꭄ", "ꭅ", "ꭆ", "ꭇ", "ꭈ", "ꭉ", "ꭊ", "ꭋ", "ꭌ", "ꭍ", "ꭎ", "ꭏ"] looks cool too
things that are just a bit wider/narrower even in monospace are really annoying :/
It seems as tho changing the number at the start of mine really affects the group you get
i was trying to use ꜒꜓꜔꜕꜖ (IPA tone registers) but they are slightly too narrow
@RedwolfPrograms Those characters look kinda nice, but why do so many of them look like a variation of 'B'?
What about ڰڱڲڳڴڵڶڷڸڹںڻڼڽھڿۀہۂۃۄۅۆۇۈۉۊۋیۍێۏېۑےۓ۔ەۖۗۘۙۚۛۜ۝۞ۣ۟۠ۡۢۤۥۦۧۨ۩۪ۭ۫۬ۮۯ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹ۺۻۼ۽۾ۿ܀܁܂܃܄܅܆܇܈܉܊܋܌܍܎܏ܐܑܒܓܔܕܖܗܘܙܚܛܜܝܞܟܠܡܢܣܤܥܦܧܨܩܪܫܬܭܮܯܱܴܷܸܹܻܼܾ݂݄݆݈ܰܲܳܵܶܺܽܿ݀݁݃݅݇݉݊݋݌ݍݎݏݐݑݒݓݔݕݖݗݘݙݚݛݜݝݞݟݠݡݢݣݤݥݦݧݨݩݪݫݬݭݮݯݰݱݲݳݴݵݶݷݸݹݺݻݼݽݾݿހށނރބޅކއވމފދތލގޏސޑޒޓޔޕޖޗޘޙޚޛޜޝޞޟޠޡޢޣޤޥަާިީުޫެޭޮޯ?
Is that a mishmash of Arabic and some other block?
It's a continuous block of Unicode
Oh, I thought some of those were purposely Zalgofied
Starting at 1712, and going until 1967
So it's the industrial revolution? :p
They'd be a lot easier to read if they weren't so darn small
@RedwolfPrograms Or my great-grandfather
@cairdcoinheringaahing The other one is: generate 256 unique random code points and use those characters :P
˥ ˦ ˧ ˨ ˩ are annoying because they'll combine together
if i take away spaces, ˥˦˧˨˩
@cairdcoinheringaahing MATL, W/ (inputs in reverse order)
@pxeger My highest-voted answer is actually because of the writing rather than the code :p
perks of being a mod: I can document stuff in a chat room, and I don't have to worry about the edit limit \o/ this is definitely the most significant part of the diamond.

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