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I'm too young for death stars :(
That's why you need to wear your Darth Vader helmet :P
user image
Thanks, Google Translate
I want to know what the original was lol
> Elle est venere parce que t'es trop un chaud, mon pote! Elle dit qu'elle t'a grille en train de serrer une autre volaille dans un jardin d'hiver. Et que ca lui a file la gerbe.
tbf that's slang, so I don't really blame Google Translate, but it's just funny
It's about a guy whose girlfriend caught him hugging another women in a winter garden
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yay!
The first half makes sense. The second half most certainly does not lol.
volaille -> fowl -> woman because everyone knows women are birds
Where did 'broiled' come from?
@user The line after is translated as "And that it gave him the wreath." (should be "And it made her want to puke")
@RedwolfPrograms grille. I don't know why the original used that word, apparently French teens think broiling and catching someone are the same thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* Wezl hates it when games crash when there's absolutely no way to save
Protip: Don't play games and you'll win 100% of them
You'll also lose though
Yeah but then you'll lose 100% of them :(
okay sure
just after I finish this one :P
Good luck :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Was this an urgent issue, though?
@user Another one: "She said that the scent was chlingu around her." Adding a period somehow makes it translate correctly (?) as "She said the scent was whispering around her."
@user Not really, but it means that the CMs are able to handle elections when needed a lot easier. Previously, they'd take like 3 months to organise and set up, this should make them a lot more streamlined
Oh ok
@Bubbler I'm not too familiar with how CodeWars works. The Insane Colored Triangles kata is 2 kyu; does that mean it's meant to be pretty easy?
CMC: Take a binary tree that's been serialized depth-first, and serialize it breadth-first
CMC: pass a Google software developer interview
@user what are valid nodes and what is the null pointer placeholder or am I understanding serialization incorrectly
@pxeger Just use my trick: can't fail an interview if you don't have the interview :P
@hyper-neutrino Anything you want. The nodes can be positive integers and the null pointer placeholder can be null, 0, None, X, whatever
If you're talking about the Python/cards kind of pass, then "Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass"
Howdy yall! I'm gonna post my golf idea on Code golf, but I just wanted to do a final check to see if anyone had any more comments: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/23468/98592
Also, that makes me think, is there any esoteric language that's designed to solve combination problems, like how Charcoal handles a lot of art stuff?
not really because it's not really that large of a category
and you can usually just use powerset/cartesian product + brute force if you don't care about efficiency
@SlamJammington Thank you for using the sandbox and asking for more feedback here! Experienced golfers really appreciate that.
Thanks! I used to do a lot of reviews and proofreading for the SCP wiki, so I know how annoying it is to see low effort posts that people throw out without any proofreading
CMM: Do we need a new Sandbox? I've noticed it loads a bit slowly, especially on mobile, and it's often a hassle to find a draft you want
Q: Can we retire the Sandbox?

caird coinheringaahingIt's been asked before, it's been rejected before and now I'm bringing it up again. I have a love/hate relationship with the Sandbox. I've voiced complaints before but I now have an idea that might work. The Sandbox is quite a good idea, despite having flaws. One of the flaws that we can easi...

I definitely think it deserves some clean-up though
granted, this post is 4 years old
@hyper-neutrino Hold on. Isn't user just asking for a fresh meta post to speed up loading?
Forgot about that post tbh
@Adám Yeah, a new Sandbox would be nice
@Adám which is what retiring entails, which has been discontinued
though, maybe it's worth taking a look at it again
Honestly, I wouldn't mind pausing the sandbox for a few days, going through all proposals and reposting those that have a non-negative score to a new question
That's a good idea, it's always good to go back through existing content for a cleanup
The problem is that 1) that involves pausing the Sandbox, which isn't great and 2) if we do that, how often do we keep doing it? We used to have 13 Sandboxes (we'd have one, then retire and make a new one) before they all got deleted and merged into the current one
@cairdcoinheringaahing That'd be nice, but it'd take a long time
a lot of sandbox proposals are owned by people who are no longer on the site, and could do with either being opened for adoption or just canceled
@cairdcoinheringaahing We could just make a fresh Sandbox without moving any of the posts. The old Sandbox(es) would still be linked so people can see them and repost drafts if they wish to do so
As for changing the link, the Sandbox link could point to some other site that redirects to the current Sandbox
I agree with hyper in that opening a new meta post would be a good idea
How about keep the current sandbox active, but create a new question, the "sandbox archive", and move all inactive sandbox posts to that once a week/month
how though?
That sounds like a good idea
the problem is the sandbox has way too much stuff in it and we can't move stuff out of it
we can only copy relevant things into a new post
why can't you move stuff? I thought mods could move any answer between questions?
don't think that's a thing
So all you can do is delete the original and copy it to a new question? :/
yep, which doesn't help
> 13 Sandboxes [...] all got deleted and merged into the current one
how did you merge them then?
oh question merge?
yeah you can take everything from one question and put it into another
Hmm. That seems a lot less useful than being able to move individual answers
Having to move individual answers would be a pain when merging questions, so ig both are necessary
the point is that if two questions are the same thing we can collapse them into one and keep both posts' answers
moving individual answers doesn't actually make sense if you think about it network-wide
keep in mind the sandbox has poor technical support because it's not actually something that meta posts are supposed to be used for
We could make a tag or smth, but that's a bit harder to search for
I don't like that idea
also two other mods confirmed moving answers isn't a thing; just merging the whole question
Q: Combinatorial Pipes

SlamJammingtonCombinatorial Pipes math combinations You're a plumber working on a house, and there's some pipes that must be connected at weird angles. You have 8°, 11.25°, 22.5°, 45°, and 90° fittings at your disposal, and you want to use as few as possible to match the angle as closely as possible. Goal Mat...

Oh hey I know that guy
the hell is this mechanism
oh well. i probably should've just rejected that edit but whatever; the post is fine now and wzl gets 2 rep, nothing serious
lol this is why I shouldn't try to edit :P
@hyper-neutrino don't feel bad, now my rep is a multiple of ten :D
*sigh* another case of inappropriate flagging
when you flag a post as not an answer for being invalid, it goes to the VLQ review queue, and then if I edit it, it validates the NAA flag and dismisses it so I won't see it
by chance, I went to this post and noticed the flag counter so I checked and realized there was an NAA flag, and had to look through the post myself to figure out why it was invalid
^ PSA for why you should use custom flags when flagging invalid answers, otherwise I or someone else might just dismiss your flag without properly addressing it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pausing it doesn't seem necessary
Compared to 3k posts, an extra few over those couple of days is nothing
Is there a way mods can destroy deleted posts so they don't appear for 10k users?
That might be nice for all of the already posted challenges
don't think so
You could use a userscript to edit down to a stub and destroy more or less automatically
yeah but that hardly helps TBH :/ there are just so many still
It would be so nice if we could get some sort of custom solution for this, but I know it's not going to happen :(
New code golf challenge: Fix our sandbox in as few lines as possible
vtc as unclear: what lines? glyph lines? then I submit whitespace
oh wait I can't bc I just closed it
By "lines" I mean clips of sentences from movies and plays
I.e. you can only code in that arnold schwarzenegger language
That definitely makes this challenges better and not worse :p
var x = [0, 1];

That's some fun JS right there.
Q: Let's talk about the Sandbox

hyper-neutrinoThe Sandbox for Proposed Challenges is a great way for people to get feedback on challenges and make sure they are not duplicates, are clear, and are ready for posting before they post it to the main site. However, with over eight thousand answers (over three thousand undeleted answers), a lot of...

If someone can get NP or SP to post something with a score other than 0 I'll give them $10 in brownie points (I'm not sure if it's possible honestly)
Time for sock puppet voting :P
@RedwolfPrograms done
Mod abuse !!!111!1!
Mod abuse!11!111!1!!!!!!
ninj'dd :(
That spelling though :'|
@RedwolfPrograms Easy, burn Texas down, post something, then when you get the bots back up, it'll have some downvotes :P
For legal reasons that's a joke
We provided specific instructions to not mess with Texas :p
@NewPosts Ideally, we could just categorise all non-deleted posts, clear all answers from the thread then repost those that should be kept
Unfortunately, SE doesn't have a way to "wipe a question clean"
Posting this as a proper draft in the Sandbox
@cairdcoinheringaahing A userscript could probably be made to help with that
honestly my opinion is that the best solution is a third-party page or something that displays sandboxed posts but in a good format rather than how SE does, because the sandbox is not really what anything on SE is meant to be used for xD
The problem with that is that people won't want to make an account elsewhere and wait 3 days just to ask a question
We'd drive away newcomers who'll think we have too many rules
a page that makes API calls to the sandbox itself
for reviewers
Oh that's a great idea
That fits in with the "review tools" part of my proposal
It could allow filtering by tags, creation date, etc.
I'd definitely be willing to help design something like that if it'd help
I'd be willing to help with that too
let's just use codidact's sandbox and always cross-post :P
I love that Codidact integrates their Sandbox like that, although it could be better
from what i've seen, i like the look of axtell more; it seems really tailored to codegolf which makes it better for codegolf but also not really extendable to other things the way codidact would be
Only problem with Axtell is that the run code thing doesn't include headers and footers, so there's errors :/
Also, it's dead
the thing is as we see from axtell and TA, things that move off site tend to die...
codidact is going surprisingly well but i think it has also gone through extended inactivity
Time to fix that by crossposting, ig
it's part of why i even chose to mod here after all - we've repeatedly seen that this community tends to die as soon as we try bringing it away from SE
Codidact isn't doing well, at least not by SE's metric of doing well
sure, there are other communities but like, this community isn't very movable
@cairdcoinheringaahing By that metric, neither are we :/
how so? I think we're doing fine
Actually we are
I thought SE's metric of doing well was 10 questions a day
Check Area 51, we're excellent in every category aside from that
that's one of many
We have around 2 questions per day, which is "Needs Work" by Area 51. Codidact has <1 question a week, which is bad
I thought those stats were from when beta ended
Given the problems we've had with SE, I don't really think moving to TA or Codidact would be the best solution. Either those sites grow and we end up in the same situation, or they don't and the site dies
Something like Axtell would be the best solution, but like an Area 51 proposal it requires a large number of people to be commited to join and stay active first
I don't think the same problems would come up there as long as everything is run by the community
We managed to get out of beta by an organised effort to reach 10/day, and we were even told by a CM that our Qs/day was the only factor holding us back and that we could only graduate once their system approved us
@RedwolfPrograms I mean, we can still give it another try and see what happens
IIRC Grace said we would've graduated in 2014/15 if Q/day wasn't a required metric
@user developing a website takes a considerable amount of work
How is the Axtell website still up?
@hyper-neutrino I was thinking we could continue using Axtell, since for some reason it's still running
Although it's got bugs and the repo's archived :/
@user presumably downgoat just keeps up their entire server and has no reason to kill it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Guess we continue using SE and exploit Redwolf for userscripts :P
Someday I'll just use the API to make an entire new front-end for the site :p
The server for Axtell is dead, so the site is basically just read only IIRC
i posted an answer a few days ago
So did I :P
Never mind then :P
Can someone post a link to it?
Googling it just brings up Axtell, Texas :p
Pretty sure Mego's last message on the network was in the Axtell room saying that he's shutting down the server
NGL that's a pretty nice looking site at first glance
With some improvements I could see something like that succeeding, we'd just have to organize a move, and have lots of people volunteer to copy over challenges and answers
The hard part would be maintaining a site whose creators aren't here to help anymore
I've resisted moving to codidact because of the community here, and the time I've invested (rep, badges, posts, etc.). If we could bring a good amount of people to another site, and maybe have some sort of system to transfer over some amount of rep or badges in any way, I'd switch over for sure.
Not sure if Axtell could be that site or not, since it's unmaintained, but I'd fully support something similar if it was done right
Jun 7 at 23:18, by caird coinheringaahing
Plus, I can't speak for others, but I'm definitely "sunken-cost fallacy"-ed for CGCC
CMP: If a site like Axtell were to be started up, would you contribute?
Yes, just because of the pretty UI :P
Don't worry, pretty UI is a must-have for any site :p
My main reasons for staying here rather than move is 1) I've put in a lot of effort to improve the site, and I'm not done yet, 2) this site has 12000+ questions, most of them I can try. No where else has that level of contribution. 3) The community here is great, and is unlikely to be the same anywhere else
Those are the exact reasons I stay.
All of those make sense, but if we can move questions, answers, and rep to Axtell automatically, and somehow encourage most of the community to make the move too, I think all that'll be left is the first point
The biggest problem with any new site is that you're starting from the beginning, which I hated. I remember being a low rep user, and I hated it. Even if people recognise me as caird elsewhere, I still don't have the same record of contribution elsewhere
That's why I think preserving something like CGCC's reputation would be a good idea
Switching over shouldn't be starting over, it should be moving over
Q: Encode USB packets (part 2)

pxegerInspired by this video by Ben Eater. This challenge forms a pair with Decode USB packets. The USB 2.0 protocol uses, at a low level, a line code called non-return-to-zero encoding (specifically, a variant called NRZI), in which a stream of bits is encoded into a stream of two electrical level sta...

It could also be incentivized (+50 rep for anyone who moves or smth)
As much as well all pretend it's all about code golf and reputation doesn't matter, it does matter and we have invested years into this site and our reputations (number and otherwise).
Any new site that ignores that isn't going to grow significantly off of CGCC's existing community.
@user I was thinking something like 75%, but the rep might not necessarily scale the same on a different site.
Makes sense
Any new site couldn't have the massive growth that Code Golf has (had) because of showing in HNQ for all SO users
That's a good point
Reputation only matters as an indicator, not a goal. Whenever I go to Codidact, I notice that I only have 111 rep (or whatever) which, to me, indicates that my contributions there are much less valuable overall than my contributions here
I don't post answers to get reputation, but when I do get rep from them, it tells me that others find my answers good/interesting/whatever. Codidact doesn't have enough of a base for this to happen, and, until it does, it's difficult to find motivation to contribute there instead of here
Well, reputation's not as important on Codidact, since privileges are unlocked by doing stuff like suggesting lots of edits instead of simply posting stuff
I mean, the other thing is on Codidact I am just a random user, I don't have a responsibility or privilege to maintain things or such, which just feels off to me :P
I don't think a new site like Axtell is something we need right now, but I'd fully support it if things start going bad at SE again
We could call it cgcc.golf :p
Or, to really emphasize our values, cgcc.community :p
Taken, but golf.codes isn't :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

userSide to side, not up and down code-golf binary-tree Given a list of nodes representing a binary tree of positive integers serialized depth-first, return a list of nodes representing the same tree serialized breadth-first. To represent an absent child, you may use null, 0, 'X', Nothing, [], or any...

@RedwolfPrograms HN could merge a question with the Sandbox maybe?
Or a migrated question
Not sure if that triggers the right action or not
Time to post an off-topic question on SO that gets moved here
@RedwolfPrograms Hang on a sec, lemme test that
If you only got to pick one to have in a golfing language, would you choose minimum or maximum of an array?
@RedwolfPrograms minimum
it feels like it's more common and thus would be on average golfier to have min and use neg min neg for maximum
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by user1271772
Were you also a mod before? (I know you're now a mod on Code Review, but what about before age 18)?
Anyone else know that feeling when you free up a spot on your language's code page and there's so many possiblities for operators your mind goes blank and you can't think of which to add in its place?
How do you mix up Code Review and Code Golf?
that's one of the main obstacles I run into when I am trying to start a language
@user they have similar names, so I can understand that if you know nothing about the two or about the mod themselves :P
@RedwolfPrograms Add one to destroy every universe where you have the wrong answer
Should fib(0) be 0 or 1?
(and, if 1, should fib(1) be 1 or 2?)
As long as you have a tail builtin, getting to the 1,1,2 version will be one byte
On the other hand, if it starts with one, you'll need two bytes to prepend 0
Be careful about making assumptions about my new golfing(?) language ;p
If it's not a golfing language, ig you can just do whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's very different from most golfing languages, but I think I class it as one
It's almost done, too. I'm almost ready to unleash publish it.

Mast It's not fair that 1% of the users hold 75% of the lolcode questions. #OccupyMatsMug ~ user2296177 I agree. Without further ado, here's the LOLCODE version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall: OBTW PRINT TEH LOLCODE VERSHUN OV N BOTTLEZ OV BER ON TEH WALL. TLDR HAI 1.3 HOW IZ I CO...

Aw, I thought that was NP and I was about to VTC :(
Should a while loop return:
1. The number of iterations
2. The result of the last iteration
3. The results of every iteration as an array
(Assuming it can't have any effect outside the loop)
if only one is allowed, 2
the other two results cannot be used to derive the other two results
with the third option you can then use length to get 1 or tail to get 2
I think I've finished my language.
Now I just need to test it, and write the documentation (which will take a long time because it's so unique)
what paradigm is it
@hyper-neutrino Can't tell you yet, but it doesn't fit very well into any of them AFAICT
@user No link yet, top secret until I finish it all
well from what I can tell i already know it seems to have a very restrictive amount of built-ins :P
Plot twist: It's a language for controlling the hivemind
Okay, we're off to a good start. Unbalanced brackets somewhere.
And I have to leave for like 15m
@hyper-neutrino Probably because there's only so much space on a human brain, those things are dumb :P
@user fair enough :p is the hivemind turing complete (assuming infinite memory)?
That's a lot of children and food and stuff you're asking for
I don't want to imagine a world where there are infinitely many humans (or humans with infinitely large heads)
@hyper-neutrino But probably, yeah, as long as the supreme leader controlling it also has a TC mind :P
@user NGL thought that was NP and was about to VTC, like Redwolf :/
I have absolutely no idea
@RedwolfPrograms Yes
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't understand modern syntax.
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't understand modern syntax.
Even bigints are fairly widespread nowadays, but not understanding ES6 is ridiculous
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't understand modern syntax.
Y'know what I hate? ~~JS validators that don't understand modern~~ syntax.
I missed a closing parenthesis somewhere in a thousand line file. This is very painful.
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't understand modern syntax.
@RedwolfPrograms just paste it :P
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't understand mod ern s yntax.
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't u nder s tand mod er n syntax.
Me too
Jun 1 at 22:29, by user
yesterday, by user
@hyper-neutrino I just want to let you know that if you ever need to talk to someone about what seem like self-esteem issues, you can contact my therapist.
This is how I actually get therapy
I'm so stupid
I rickroll someone and feel superior when they fall for it :P
I missed a }
After a switch statement
switch statements are the worst :\
@user I didn't get rickrolled, I'm stupid for another reason
@Wezl Why?
They are though
Very weird syntax for a C-like language
@RedwolfPrograms I know, I was typing out my message as you sent yours. Too bad you weren't rickrolled :(
@user because they're statements. Also, break. Also, they restrict types (at least in C)
@user unluckily for you, I hovered it and decided a shortlink from any of you guys is not trustworthy :P
my antirickroll didn't detect that :c
@Wezl Oh yeah, the fact that it falls through is so annoying
@hyper-neutrino Who's "you guys"? Me, lyxal, and Redwolf?
this whole room
a way to fall through is helpful, but goto should be used for that
@hyper-neutrino That's...that's fair :P
What I dislike about switch is the syntax
I honestly think it's better because of the lack of curly braces with case foo:
Y'know what I hate? JS validators that don't understand modern syntax.
The falling through is nice, but it should be the default. Using fall or repurposing continue would be nice.
@RedwolfPrograms Mmm, repoirpoising continue is a good idea
@RedwolfPrograms just goto! It really is clear here
No, that's an awful idea to allow
@user continue is just a crippled goto
@Ausername ninj'd :P
continue is just a readable, optimizable, restricted goto
Useless fact of the day: Java has goto as a reserved word, and lets you break out of any labelled block, but not go into one
@RedwolfPrograms I would prefer dropping continue too
Also return
@RedwolfPrograms How can JS handle that?
I like return
It's infinite!'
JS arrays are just pointers
It's just [x, x], where x is a pointer to that
That's confusing
Very confusing
Welcome to JS
@RedwolfPrograms I guess it's useful sometimes, and depending on the language, it and continue can be crucial, but they can make reading code a bit harder
I've been here for a while
#1=(#1# #1#) very helpful syntax
What is that?!
I think return and continue make things much more readable
When not abused, of course (for continue)
Which they easily are
break javascript;
return at the end of functions is kind of ugly, but I don't like things being auto-returned
apparently like one JS engine actually supports sharp variables kangax.github.io/compat-table/non-standard/…
I mean, it really depends on the language. In a more imperative language, continue makes a lot of sense, but not in a more functional language
I think FF used to
Sharp variables would be confusing to have in a modern JS version because #name is used for private fields in class syntactic sugar
@RedwolfPrograms en garde
With curly brackets, at least
With parentheses it's fine
@Ausername cursed
String argh[]
@RedwolfPrograms Neither did I, at first, but you learn to embrace it
@Ausername Read that as argh arr!
Oh nice
@user (this was a bad pun btw. laugh pls)
Are windows newlines \r\n or \n\r?
Thought so
Newlines are always painful, especially when parsing :(
Finished interpreter. Now I need to debug it, which will probably take a while.
good luck, see you next year
I should be done by the end of today or tomorrow
It's a somewhat small small proof-of-concept language
"somewhat small" from an Ash perspective, meaning "under a month of work" :p
(Actually just several days, but only because I stole most of the operators and their code from Ash)
@hyper-neutrino 8kyu is the easiest, 1kyu is the hardest
Q: Collatz ice cream

Luis MendoThe Collatz sequence Given a positive integer \$a_0\$, the Collatz sequence with starting value \$a_0\$ is defined as \begin{equation*} a_{n+1} = \begin{cases} a_n/2 & \mathrm{if}\ a_n\ \mathrm{is}\ \mathrm{even} \\ 3a_n+1 & \mathrm{if}\ a_n\ \mathrm{is}\ \mathrm{odd}. \end{cases} \end{equation*}...

I feel cheated - I thought this would involve ice cream, not just ice cream cones
^^ My first use of tables :-) @cairdcoinheringaahing
@user Title was too long with the word "cone"...
To me the current one seems too short :p
Any suggestion?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

chunesConsecutive Distance Rating code-golf array-manipulation number We'll call the consecutive distance rating of an integer sequence the sum of the distances between consecutive integers. Consider 2 9 3 6 8 1. 2 9 3 6 8 1 <----5----> <-2-> <--3--> \$2\$ and \$1\$ are consecutive integers, and the...

@RedwolfPrograms Dis is cod golf, ig
@Bubbler ohh. so the challenge is difficult and i'm not just dumb :)
@RedwolfPrograms in days gone by you could have written that as var x = #1=[#1#, #1#];
@RedwolfPrograms to translate this into normal English: I'll end up getting the language to a point where it's almost ready and then move on \s
@Neil Wezl mentioned that earlier, yeah :p
@RedwolfPrograms it needs to be 0 for the Binet formula to work
@RedwolfPrograms sorry, I'm still mired in scrollback
After more than a few hours of inactivity I don't even bother trying to read all of the transcripts lol
I normally just skim them to see if there was anything interesting (there never is)
Real gamers just read the starboard instead
gtg for now, but I should have the testing finished tonight or tomorrow. It's going faster than I thought it would.
@rak1507 The ROs hide all the good messages just before you arrive :P
@user that explains why there are always so many of yours left :P
@lyxal Btw any new quotes from GPT?
@rak1507 lol
@user I may have forgotten to do so and played fnf instead...
Understandable, have a good day
Not understandable, disappointing, have a terrible day.
If lyxal has a terrible day, they'll be too sad to try out the AI and we won't get any more juicy fake text :/
oh true, in that case have a good day
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