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Sorry I'm late, got up a bit later than I expected and had to mow
I forgive you, but you'll have to pay us all extra cookies today
Can I make up for it with some insurance?
I'll bundle home and auto
Sure, why not?
4 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
I think you missed one @NewPosts (cc @RedwolfPrograms):
Might want to check what happened here @RedwolfPrograms
Will do
Today's Tuesday so it shouldn't have been due to a reboot
Oh frick, I left a testing program open and wrote multiple gigabytes of the string Something... to a screen session lol
(node:4964) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: FetchError: request to api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/…(( failed, reason: socket hang up
Doesn't look like anything I could control, but I'll add some error handling to make it retry if this happens in the future
Wrong room, frick
3 messages moved from BMG Drafts
beat me to it
that's gotta be pretty rare
I don't see a steak
@lyxal What is this
@user it's chicken
Eww, rare chicken
You ruin chicken by cooking it well done. You lose all the flavor and texture.
You can get salmonella from undercooking it, i think
most messages moved into TNB have been by Adám from APL :P
@RedwolfPrograms Overcooking it does that
@hyper-neutrino Apples are always eaten rare
(I'm joking, don't over or under cook chicken :p)
Never cook an apple, it doesn't end well
@user I like mine medium-well
@RedwolfPrograms No you're not
I'm nOt jOkInG I'm hYpEr-nEuTrInO
@hyper-neutrino ಠ_ಠ
Wait wrong person lol
@RedwolfPrograms Ha! Found the impostor! Red's looking very sus right now
i've moved to canada and stopped capitalizing i
@RedwolfPrograms Wait did you just forget who you are?
No, I'm just used to it being HN who gets lyxal'd for some reason
@RedwolfPrograms Huh, TIL Canadian keyboards don't have a Shift or CapsLock key
Morning everyone, I just moved to Texas
@RedwolfPrograms Because HN keeps forgetting that they're not supposed to let people know they and JoKing are the same entity
@JohnDvorak :wave:
@hyper-neutrino Don't shoot yourself in the foot
@user no worries, I've already been shot thrice
I'm curious, why did you move?
@JohnDvorak uh, you walked in in the middle of a rather strange joke
if you know about the whole "you're not joking, you're <username>" thing that lyxal thinks is funny
redwolf said they were joking
@hyper-neutrino Anytime anyone walks into TNB, it's going to be in the middle of a rather strange conversation
and then "corrected" that to:
2 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
I'm nOt jOkInG I'm hYpEr-nEuTrInO
2 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
i've moved to canada and stopped capitalizing i
so i was continuing ^
There've been a lot of late answers reviews recently...
(Not complaining though :p)
This challenge has a controversialness of more than 10 according to Question Reception
in BMG Drafts, 7 secs ago, by Redwolf Programs
If anyone has any more ideas for drafts, we'll probably start voting in a few minutes.
hey there @rene! o/
Hey! There was a party here, so I'm told
Yep! Just waiting for more people to show up :P
Voting on drafts is starting now.
Just star any you like.
Not exactly a party... although you could call it that
20 seconds
I'll post the thing
Welcome to the third Biweekly Mini Golf! During this event, we'll post some CMCs (Chat Mini Challenges) for you all to solve. The first one will be posted at the start, and additional ones will be added every 5 to 10 minutes. Good luck!
CMC: Palindromise: given a string S output the shortest palindromic string that starts with S
@RedwolfPrograms Jelly, 8 bytes: ;ⱮUƤUƑƇḢ
@hyper-neutrino explanation please :P
;ⱮUƤUƑƇḢ  Main Link
 Ɱ        For each
   Ƥ      Prefix
  U       Reversed,
;         Append to the original string
      Ƈ   Filter to keep elements that are
     Ƒ    The same when
    U     Reversed
       Ḣ  And get the first one
Javascript, 87 bytes: s=>[...s,0].map((_,i)=>s+(r=x=>[...x].reverse().join``)(s.slice(0,i))).find(t=>t==r(t))
> doggod
oh, my solution doesn't account for palindromes correctly, oops
All hail our canine overlords!
My test cases were cat, dogg, and ada, I'd recommend those (or similar)
In that case, 10 bytes: ;ⱮṖU$ƤUƑƇḢ
same thing, but ṖU$ pops the last element and then reverses, instead of just reversing, so it still maps over prefixes
hello everyone
you're just in time for the first challenge
@RedwolfPrograms oh is the mini golf running
I'm in time
Just started under 10m ago
my reputation is no longer a multiple of 10 :( oh well, i could fix it, but i'm not gonna bother
CMC: Given a list of strings, output the sorted version (alphabetically) based on last letter: ["abc", "deb", "fgh", "jiz", "efy"] -> ["deb", "abc", "fgh", "efy", "jiz"]. Must be in ascending order, and the strings will always match /[a-z]/g.
@hyper-neutrino Accept an answer (preferably one of mine ;) )
@user well that's what i meant by "i could fix it"
@RedwolfPrograms Jelly, 2 bytes:
literally "sort with key: reversed"
ṚÞ works as well
Vyxal, 3 bytes:⁽tṡ
this is why I say postfix operators would be good for Vyxal :p
@RedwolfPrograms Python FTW!!! 37 bytes: Try it online!
Javascript, 45 bytes: d=>d.sort((a,b)=>a.slice(-1)<b.slice(-1)?0:1)
lambda z:sorted(z,key=lambda x:x[-1])
how is "az", "bz" sorted?
Doesn't matter
in BMG Drafts, 12 mins ago, by ophact
And if the last letters are the same, you can sort in whatever order.
sorry double posted net problem
unfortunately "sort by tail" would not work because tail modifies. but sort by reverse works
Wait, no. 2 bytes: µt
@RedwolfPrograms Scala, 16 bytes: _.sortBy(_.last)
Scala is surprisingly golfy
Scala attacks
The library's nice
Python is hopeless
@RedwolfPrograms Vim, 15 keystrokes: :sort /.*\ze./<cr>
UṢU should also work in jelly (ofc not as short tho) - reverse each, sort, reverse each
@hyper-neutrino sort under reverse each
Can we still answer the first CMC?
Sure, go ahead
@rak1507 already did
yea, I'm just saying what it would be with under
which jelly should totally have
err, 14: :sort/.*\ze./<cr>
4 mins ago, by hyper-neutrino
@RedwolfPrograms Jelly, 2 bytes:
you mean ^?
I'll go ahead and post caird's quintuple polyglot one since I expect it'll take a while if anyone's planning on attempting it
CMC: Polyglot that outputs 5 different characters in 5 different languages
@RedwolfPrograms Scala REPL, Python 2, Python 3, Ruby, and probably a few more, 14 bytes: print("abcde")
I don't think that's what was meant
@cairdcoinheringaahing Are snippets allowed for the polyglots?
Like "+" for JS?
it needs to print character 1 in language 1, character 2 in language 2, etc
Oh lol
I'm dumb, sorry
If so, "+[.,].","x" is a polyglot with three languages (BF, dotcomma, JS), not sure which to try to add now
Powershell 2,3,4,5,6: $psversiontable.psversion.major, 31 bytes
That's boring :p
looking at the version is probably allowed tho boring
must it output exactly one character?
@RedwolfPrograms Jelly, since it only runs the last line?
and does the program have to terminate without error
@user Oh, good idea.
@RedwolfPrograms C, Python, Ruby, Bash, Zsh: Try it online!
I forgot how strings work in jelly, what's the one for a single character?
@RedwolfPrograms ”x
be careful with encoding issues with other languages
@pxeger Nice!
What would # do in Jelly?
@pxeger oo you code too fast
this challenge will help y'all
@Wasif I already had this to be fair
This breaks Jelly :/
I guess I'll have to try a different golfing language maybe?
jelly is possible but you need to understand a lot of quicks to solve the "pop from empty list" errors :P
This works in Ash
In theory
Husk only runs the first line. Try something in the form
js code that's also valid husk?
So that's four now
@RedwolfPrograms ಠ_ಠ
Should I post the next CMC now?
@RedwolfPrograms of course
CMC: Sort a list of numbers so that no triplet of items is consistently sorted min to max or max to min. [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10] could become [10, 2, 4, 1, 8, 0]
Does it have to be deterministic?
a=2//2;a=int(1/2*2);import sys;alert=lambda x:sys.stdout.write(str(x))
@ophact No, and I was just thinking the exact same thing lol
outputs 0 in python 2, 1 in python 3, 2 in JS, 3 in Jelly, and \x01 in brainflak
er, that's wrong
@RedwolfPrograms What about impossible inputs? (10, 3, 3, 3)
wait no it isn't
@DJMcMayhem Ignore those I guess
i accidentally made it a brainflak polyglot because of the (()) on the end of the first line, LOL
i initially was adding that myself because working across 5 TIO tabs, my code got a bit mixed up
@RedwolfPrograms can we assume that the input is sorted?
I'd originally said no, but I guess that'd be a bit more interesting.
I hope not
No, you can't
That doesn't seem like a reasonable assumption imo
Ṣs2UF in jelly should work then; sort it, reverse each slice of size two, and flatten
actually nvm that won't work if the input has like 8 3s in a row
ṢŒHż/UF should work; sort, split into two halves, zip the first with the reverse of the second, and flatten
that's what I was thinking too although I'm not convinced it'll work
it should do though
@RedwolfPrograms Vyxal, Red, BF, Befunge-93, Python 1: Try it online!
Python 1?
How does that work
I think Dennis added that upon my request because I needed more languages for One OEIS After Another :P
or maybe it was there beforehand, I can't remember
@AaronMiller it doesn't print anything in python 1
also doesn't seem to print in befunge-93 either lol but idk how that language works
@ophact markdown doesn't work in multiline messages
Oops, had to swap the @and the '. Fixed.
@hyper-neutrino It prints a tab (0x09)
143 bytes just to make a list of the orderings :/
what language?
Found a few golfs though
Wait no now it's broken
Python 3.3=0, Python 3.5=1, Python 3.6=2, Python 3.8=3, Python 3.9=4, 143 bytes, lambda:exec("\n".join(['try:exec("'+x+'");o='+str(y)+"\nexcept:0"for x,y in zip("u'' b''%() f'' (a:=0) {}|{}".split(),range(5))])+"\nprint(o)")
Polygot challenge
CMC: Given a string of even length L, output a balanced string of parentheses of length L
I am going for dinner now :-(
@RedwolfPrograms Can we just do () l/2 times, or do they have to be nested?
@Wasif cya
which parentheses
@RedwolfPrograms jelly, 5 bytes: Hx@Ø(
does (((...)))
Hẋ@Ø( does ()()...()()
It's caird's CMC so I'm not sure, but I'd guess any balanced string of parentheses is fine
@RedwolfPrograms Wait what? Just literally any string of length L?
wait we're given a string of length L, not L?
V 6 bytes I guess: Ó../()
HN's extension of it seems much more interesting
LHẋ@Ø( then I guess
or LHx@Ø(
Vyxal, 5 bytes: L½k(*
brain-flak, 44 bytes: {{}{}<>(((((()()()()()){}){}){}())[()])<>}<>
The right tool for the job ;) a challenge about brackets solved in a language reliant on brackets
@RedwolfPrograms Scala, 14 bytes: l=>"()"*(l/2). Can't use underscores here :(
JS: x=>"()".repeat(x.length/2)
python 2: lambda x:len(x)/2*"()"
You can sort it if you want them to be nested
lambda x:len(x)/2*"("+len(x)/2*")" if you want nested
I think you're missing a len
@RedwolfPrograms Ooh, that's a good idea
@DJMcMayhem *facepalm* i keep forgetting that we're not given L
fortunately i do not have to worry about running out of time to edit :D
mOD aBUSe!@!!1!1!11!!!!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SlamJammingtonCombinatorial Pipes math combinations You're a plumber working on a house, and there's some connections of different given angles that you're not sure how you're going to complete. You have 8°, 11.25°, 22.5°, 45°, and 90° fittings at your disposal, and you want to use as few as possible to match ...

Yes! Found a super short way to get the orderings of an array in JS.
It's O(n^(n+1)) though lol
@RedwolfPrograms I'll say no
I did it!
Javascript, 176 bytes: d=>[...Array((m=d.length)**m)].map((_,i)=>d.map(_=>(r=d[i%m],i=i/m|0,r))).find(x=>[...x].sort()+""==d.sort()&&!x.some((n,i)=>i>0&i+1 in x&(s=Math.sign)(i-x[i-1])==s(i-x[i+1])))
is this to the no-three-sorted challenge?

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