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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

canadian weather btw
literally 31 degrees on tuesday, and today it's down to near freezing; wouldn't be surprised if it snows soon
Can you try this link and see if you get rickrolled?
nothing happened
Oh, that's too bad. I'll have to investigate this further
Thank you for your contributions to rickrollology
@user I like #13. For example: one of these three links is a rickroll. Click at your doom
your third link is wrong
unless you meant to mess up the video id
@hyper-neutrino Is it? :P
the second last character (the c) should not be capitalized :p
Really? The third link looks recognizable
well my userscript doesn't warn me, i clicked it and it is saying "video unavailable", and i rickrolled myself to compare the video IDs
Wow, caird made you rickroll yourself. Now that's genius :P
I have a list of strings of the same length. I would like a list of counters which map letters to their count. That is one counter (dict) per index in the words. Is there a compact python way to do that?
[collections.Counter(i) for i in list]
so if there are 12 a's in the first position and 3 b's then the first item in the list should be {'a': 12, 'b': 3}
I'm not sure what you mean, can you give an example?
Zip and count by column
if the list is ['aa', 'ab', 'ac'] the output should be [{'a':3}, {'a':1, 'b':1, 'c':1}]
map(Counter, zip(*l))
[{char: word.count(char) for char in word} for word in zip(*words)] if you don't want collections
thanks! I am happy to use collections too
using .count is o(n^2)
ah.. linear time would be cool
yeah, Counter is linear
what is the Counter solution?
[collections.Counter(j)for j in zip(*w)] would use counter
just rak's, but zip
idk how to mention myself
nice! Thanks all
or i guess [*map(collections.Counter,zip(*w))]
@rak1507 You have to add text
[*map(collections.Counter,zip(*w))] <-- even cooler
why not keep the map
unless you want to iterate over it multiple times
Or if you want to print it :P
if you don't want collections but want linear and want inline, [*map((lambda f:lambda a:f(f,a))(lambda f,a,c={}:a and f(f,a[1:],{**c,a[0]:c.get(a[0],0)+1})or c),zip(*w))]
@hyper-neutrino Btw on the "Print this question" challenge, you might want to add a notice discouraging people from editing the question
@user how do I do that without editing the question tho xD
@hyper-neutrino :)
i guess i could indefinitely lock it
Oh lol
I thought mods could add a notice in blue outside of the markdown of the question itself
that's a content dispute lock :p
(or whatever other lock type)
CMM: should I content lock this post? I think it just prevents editing, and given that editing any part of the question changes the challenge it shouldn't be touched (*cough* Community), so I think it would make sense.
even though there isn't really that much of a dispute. it's just Community running its network-wide edits like https and commonmark (whatever that is) migration or w/e
commonmark migration was when SE switched markdown parsers and #header became invalid so there needed to always be a space after the #
ah. lol
well the question looks bad unfortunately but changing it to fix formatting breaks the question so rip
@hyper-neutrino That makes sense, but can other people still answer it or comment on it?
I believe so
lol Edge thinks that page is Vietnamese
chrome does too xD
You should use Edge instead of Chrome
Microsoft recommends it, and they safe it's safer and faster
Nevermind, after your second vaccine, you'll come around too
microsoft also force installed a windows update after i specifically disabled auto-update which caused my computer to bluescreen like three times a day for well over two weeks
@hyper-neutrino I think a content lock works for this
Uh oh, the bots just left
why the fuck does escape clear the contents of the chat textarea and break undo?
time to make another userscript
@pxeger SE chat is pure genius as you can see
Think I just thought of a looping construct for ///
You put the number of loops in one side, the number to be affected in the other
Then you run the rule you want, for example /a+b/+bbbb/
and boom
CMC: Rickroll.
PHP, 6320 bytes. Try it online:
@Adám it didn't work - i didn't click
also how do /// patterns work? does it support regex?
@ngn you have to click "see full text"
@Adám Does PHP just output anything fed to it if it's not preceded by <?php or whatever?
@pxeger i mean, a rickroll is a rickroll if you get tricked into watching the video. i just ignored it :)
Even if you had clicked it, you would hardly have been tricked into seeing it, considering the fact that Adám literally said "Rickroll" :P
@Adám My first CMC using my TIO clone ATO: ato.pxeger.com/api/v0/…
Having your own domain is nice :D
I also have my own URL shortener, but it doesn't seem to be working so I had to quickly hack in 5 lines of Python
I need a userscript to warn me of redirects
@RedwolfPrograms hello your bots are broken
It's NP/SP isn't it :|
is that why I got superpinged?
@user about:config has network.http.redirection-limit (if you use firefox)
@hyper-neutrino no it's /pattern (literal)/replacement/rest of the program. \ and / are escaped with \
@ngn Ooh, that's really nice!
I should just post my SSH keys here lol
maybe not
@user Apparently.
I don't even see how they're down
How'd you find it, anyway? I assume you didn't make it yourself? :)
The logs don't show it closing
I think the bots are still up, just not in the users list
Has anyone confirmed the bots aren't posting things?
anyone wanna test with a sandbox post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerfor (a.length of a) code-golf array-manipulation javascript A recent conversation in The Nineteenth Byte about language design brought about discussion of an "interesting" snippet of JavaScript code: for (a.length of a) console.log(a) This loops over the elements of a, but assigns each element t...

@Wezl no but like /./a/hello gives hello so i am assuming regex is not supported?
it came back into the users list as well
Looks like there's just some sort of heartbeat I need to respond to
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

userIs someone eavesdropping? (WIP) Alice and Bob, quantum physicists are being watched by Eve, a quantum FBI agent. Eve has quantum tunnelled underneath Bob's house and is tapping all his quantum channels. Luckily, Alice and Bob are using the BB84 protocol to exchange quantum keys to encode their qu...

Maybe if they occasionally star and unstar a message on the starboard, they could stay in the users list (and not be too disruptive doing it)
well I don't see dzaima doing that, and they're always in the users list without sending any messages
so there must be some kind of heartbeat
I keep the tab open like 24/7 and even overnight I never seem to disappear
anyone have an idea why there's such a sudden jump at midday UTC?
idk, maybe that's when us Americans wake up :)
well how many regulars are in American timezones?
me, caird, Adám, Neil, Wheat Wizard aren't
@hyper-neutrino yes it's literal text other than the escaping, and rules can loop, e.g. /A/AA/A
@pxeger There is a heartbeat message ping sent every 15 minutes or so IIRC
@Wezl or just /// for "replace nothing with nothing until no nothings are found"
@Wezl /// to me seems a bit like dividing 0 by 0. It doesn't really make sense.
/// (the language) doesn't make sense
@pxeger @user it's an esolang!
well yeah obviously
actually slightly better than sed for some challenges :P
@pxeger midday UTC is approx. when I wake up :D
@Wezl ah; okay thanks
So uh...SO jobs wants me to enter work experience and/or education and I have neither of those lol
the ol catch 22
does it ask for those if you register as an employer :?
@pxeger I generally get to my computer around 11am (UTC midday) after doing morning chores
fair nuff
And not to brag, but I am frequently in the room :P
why aren't I?
wait how is that even defined
no offense to any parties, but how are DJ and flawr there but not like half the other people in this room xD
it must be very long-term
From here:
> Take all users who

1) have spoken in the room within the last two weeks, and
2) whose messages in the room are more than one percent of all messages here,

and sort them (in descending order) by their percentage of activity in this room (as in 2.) divided by the how long ago they last spoke. Take the top ten resulting users.
oh. well then, not to brag, but I am the most frequently in the room :D
"one percent of all messages"
Which is very clearly wrong, but its the only MM post I can find about it :P
that's not very well designed
tbh that's less of bragging and more of publicly announcing my lack of a life but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ShadowWizard Nope, hasn't changed. That's still how it works. — balpha Apr 22 '15 at 7:59
@hyper-neutrino The diamond does that in fewer bytes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing :'(
It looks like the limit for the length of a bookmark is 400 messages
yep, I tried bookmarking the entire BMG#1 and it didn't work
There were more than 400 messages?!
people here talk a lot :p
@user nope this is my idea
since esolangs.org hadn't got one
@cairdcoinheringaahing Even golfing the "I have no life" indication :P
Everything can be golfed
@cairdcoinheringaahing You know what's funny about that formula? I can basically hack it. It's been what... a year? Since I've been really active here. Send one message, and then boom back on top of the "frequently in room" lol
noooo my title has been stolen :p
Question: What's the point of registering for the BMG?
@DJMcMayhem Unfortunately, I think the diamond is 3 bytes, as Stack Exchange doesn't use a custom code page
smh silly non-golfers
@DJMcMayhem You get pings 1 hour and 10 minutes beforehand
Also man, it has been ages since I've heard that ping thunk sound.
A nostalgic noise :P
@DJMcMayhem It also gives a rough indication of how many people will show up
I think we should add a Hello, world! feed, but just as a normal one
(Posted answer suggesting that here)
Adding a ticker feed just for that seems like it'd be kind of inconsistent and not really necessary
another argument in favor of a normal feed
a new answer will likely prompt people to look at it and if it's a new or interesting language, discuss it
and since ticker feeds are very ephemeral, that leads to random contextless conversation topic swaps that will be really confusing for log readers
@StackMeter Wait, are you talking about the Rickroll thing?
I think they're talking about the /// thing, though I don't think you were talking about that
Oh ok
I wish I could work on hunter-gatherer or the language ranking script, but I'm too used to doing those on my other laptop :/
1. Make GitPod account
2. Add all your stuff to a workspace there
3. Get used to the ---inconvenience--- awesomeness of GitPod
4. ...
5. Profit!
I'm seriously confusing myself by switching between Text, Atom, and Vim every ten minutes lol
vim >>> text >>> atom
Vim's kinda difficult to use
I think those >s are backwards
notepad >>>
Those >s are definitely backward :p
y'all are blasphemers
I love how it makes some things really easy to do, but then other things are just a pain, and you can't expect most people to know all those commands
V >>>
how's that :p
@hyper-neutrino Bleh.
@hyper-neutrino <<< ^
Hopefully you're not using V as an everyday editor lol
I like some parts about Vim, like o, but it's too 20th century for my tastes
@user what things are pain for you in vim?
VS Code >>> Atom >>> Sublime Text >>> Vim >>> Notepad >>> Nano
Never tried VS Code, might do that when I get my new laptop in checks watch a month and a half
@ngn Remembering commands, having to hit escape to go into normal mode each time, having to hit i or A to type stuff in (I keep forgetting to do that and weird stuff happens)
I'm scared I'll forget to hit i one day and delete my whole hard drive or something
@user Plus, editing a project with multiple files is really difficult
Project view is the #1 feature I miss when using Text, closely followed by find and replace
A good dark theme is third
> Oh no, I tried to type :! rm -rf /<enter> but I forgot to hit i first!
@user you can use alt+whatever to do one normal mode command without leaving insert, and you can use Ctrl + [ instead of escape (although tbh you should just swap it with caps lock)
Sublime Text and VS Code have handy Go To commands, and even if you don't like those, you can just directly click on the file you want to open. With Vim, you need :Vex and then Ctrl+W to switch between splits and resize them and stuff
@pxeger Oh nice
maybe I'll try VScode with a vim plugin
@pxeger Are you sure about that? It doesn't do that for me. Do you have a plugin or something?
<C-o> does a single normal command though
Maybe it's Ctrl + ]. I can't remember. I don't use it. Caps lock is much better
Out of interest, what's the difference between VS Code and Atom? What's better about one over the other?
@DJMcMayhem Is that Vim for Ctrl and then o?
Oh sorry, I meant the alt thing, not the esc
@user Yes
@RedwolfPrograms VS Code is faster afaik even though they both use Electron
They're pretty similar, though
Ctrl-[ is equivalent to esc because of ASCII
VS Code should also get more regular updates and stuff, since it's supported by Microsoft
But I don't think alt-normal command is a thing
@DJMcMayhem alt+ as replacement for esc works when using vim in a terminal
@DJMcMayhem oh depends on your terminal and vim settings. Alt+X (for example) literally just sends Escape X, but vim detects if the escape is quick enough and treats it as a separate binding. I have that turned off, so it just does Escape then command. And it doesn't reenter insert mode, I forgot that
Oh and Ctrl+C also exits insert mode
Yeah, it probably depends on terminal. If I type alt-something in insert mode it just inserts a different character
(To be specific, it inserts the character of the key I pressed with the high-bit set in latin1 encoding)
what terminal are you using?
@DJMcMayhem alt or altgr?
Sounds sorta like AltGr maybe?
Uhhh, it doesn't say altgr?
right alt is AltGr (sometimes; depends on keyboard layout I think). What OS are you using, as well?
Windows 10. My left and right alts both behave the same way
WSL or actual Windows?
Actual windows
and what terminal?
or are you using gvim (in which case that's your problem)
I use gvim more often, but I get basically the same behavior in cmd
you should use the new Windows Terminal
@pxeger Powershell?
@user powershell still runs in conhost.exe (which is the "terminal" interface to cmd) by default
Just checked out VS Code, I think I like Atom's UI a bit more (didn't notice much of a speed difference though)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If your laptop's good enough, I guess it doesn't matter
@pxeger Not the default one?
If that's the same one you get from the windows store, no difference.
Although I do get different characters with -u NONE
Ah, it's enc=latin1 (default with -u NONE) vs enc=utf-8 (What I use)
Stupid compatible
Ugh, just installed the new terminal and it looks like Edge
Wow, I can't believe the vim default is enc=latin1 instead of utf-8. Seems like a questionable decision
neovim is a lot less questionable in many ways
I use spacemacs in evil mode now.
neovim is nice but spacemacs is really nice.
never heard of that before. I'll check it out
@pxeger Sure, but since vim 8 came out I think a lot of the arguments for neovim are less relevant
@DJMcMayhem probably a decision made before utf8 existed
Not that neovim isn't better, just I'm not sure it's better enough to justify going to the effort of using it instead of vim (imo)
@RedwolfPrograms always insert /* :! rm -rf / --no-preserve-root<newline> */ in your files in case someone pastes into normal mode
@pxeger *advertises favorite vim clone improvement*
@Wezl neovim in many terminals has paste detection, so it will always enter insert mode
yay DWIM this can't cause problems at all
@Wezl why
that's just wrong on so many levels
@StackMeter it's a joke. Jokes are exempt from reasoning
@Wezl but the / will be interpreted as a search, and the rest won't be interpreted as a command
>:| then put a newline
cmp: what's the most useful snippet of vimscript you have written?
@ngn :q :P
Given that the only time I use vim is to try out vim answers to challenges, probably one of those :P
@Wezl :q, the "I wonder what my nose tastes like" emoticon
, the only valid tongue emoticon
"tongue"?? it's spelled "ttungg"
news: doctors discover new medical condition - spelling stutter
or :b: the golf hole emoticon
@ngn :q!. Very useful when you want to save and exit Vim in a hurry
@user ZQ is shorter
Thanks! I'll have to remember to avoid typing ZZ though, that's a very dangerous command
2 hours later…
What does ZZ do
have you googled it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

schuelermineIntroduction In this challenge, you’ll generate some “ascii art” with user-supplied dimensions. The resulting figure looks a bit like a theater, hammer, axe, eagle, banner, or highway. Specification Write the shortest possible code in any language that does the following: It takes two arguments, ...

@StackMeter Don't listen to HN, ZZ closes Vim (all files you have open) without saving. Use ZQ to save and then close
okay jokes aside, what does ZZ actually mean...
I'm assuming vimhelp.org is correct...?
like I legitimately don't know enough vim to identify jokes
@hyper-neutrino what you said. They're trying to get you to quit without saving
okay :p
I mean i always just use :wq
or :q! if i have made some serious mistake like deleting half the file somehow
@Wezl a worthy goal, I will assist
Apparently :x does the same thing as :wq but doesn't save it if you haven't made changes
:xa does :x but across all files.
All files?
If you have multiple buffers open it writes and closes all of them.
Wait can you open multiple things at once in vim?
Yeah there are a couple of ways.
In vim/neovim I use tabs, but in spacemacs I just use emacs buffer support.
:/ my editor-of-choice has bad window support so I just use tmux windows, but then pasting is super annoying
What editor is that?
@RedwolfPrograms You can open up a new split using :Sex :P
Also :Vex, :Tex, etc., but that one's more fun
That had to be intentional lol
*sigh* content dispute lock locks answers... why??
the lock tool is so restrictive
we only get four canned settings than don't necessarily serve the appropriate purposes, and we can't tweak the individual settings ourselves
it'd be nice to be able to adjust each individual setting, like locking votes, answers, edits, comments, etc. but I guess it's not that often that editing a question in any way completely breaks it no matter what the edit is
Luckily for you, you have no life, so I'm sure you'll figure something out
I'll just bookmark so edits will notify me, and I can just fix it manually
I think you need to Follow to do that
oh. yeah. oops
What post is this? Feel free to ping me in [REDACTED]
Official mod business. You don't need to know.
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
@WheatWizard The "Print this Question" one
Ah yeah. I was looking that earlier today and thinking of making a bot account to just edit war with community.
Community has messed it up with its http to https edit and the common mark migration, so HN had to fix it
There are a couple places we need to watch community.
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/55857/… there's no real dispute, just that editing this question breaks it. no real edit war by any user that we can stop xD
@WheatWizard Pretty sure the appropriate responses to edit wars are mod locks, so hmm :P
very ironic that the automatic community mod, intended to help the community through automatic clean-up, needs to be watched and manually overruled by mods so much :p CGCC is really weird tho
but yeah, there is no lock I can apply here :/ might ask in TL for a solution but this is a one-off case so I'm not gonna ask for a new feature
Honestly 90% of its behaviour could be turned off. Its flags are next to useless.
every week i dismiss at least one auto flag on sandbox
It's useful to own anonymous contributions, weird edge cases like migration stubs and for mass edits (e.g. CommonMark). Past that, I haven't seen a useful action of its
we have enough users to flag correctly and mod presence to handle things ourselves lol. i agree that other than a few mass edit things it's not too helpful around here :p
even roomba is debatably useful. it's nice i guess. part of the 10%
I think the more than 20 comments flags are actually useful.
@hyper-neutrino Roomba is definitely helpful imo
Hell, I'd personally make it more aggressive and let it go after year old closed questions, regardless of score
I wish it wouldn't delete old open questions though.
fair. there's not much of a point in having them, i agree
A while back I spent like 12 hours of work on the lowest voted open, unanswered question and community deleted it before I could finish my answer.
^^^ though. but the comment flags are nice to identify things to take a look at even if they're wrong a good amount
@WheatWizard Doesn't it only delete them if they have a zero score?
This particular one had negative score.
It was basically an extremely hard restricted source question. Basically impossible.
I was working on solving it in glypho, more or less the only language I think could possibly solve it.
So I was clearing out junk on my laptop and came upon a file called Duolingo.txt filled with a bunch of odd phrases that sound almost like they came out of some AI (gist)
idk why they're there or what I was going to do with it
What about :d
> I’m drinking my wife now.
@StackMeter What about it?
The one and only true winking face: ⌏P
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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