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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@user You are the newest user to have 5k or more reputation :P
And also the only user :p
10k is Dominic van Essen, 20k is Razetime, 30k/40k is Bubbler and everything up 150k is Arnauld
After that, it's all Dennis :P
caird, redwolf, diamond. once again
Also happen to be the three known people who have downloaded GRT...coincidence? I think not. :p
I saw it via New Posts :P
did it even have enough time to hit the queues? lol
Although, speaking of GRT, I got this this morning @RedwolfPrograms. I'm using v1.0.1:
4 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
user image
I'm too lazy to remember to open New Posts, I just got a FP review lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'll have to look into that further.
Those are all pending review tasks from overnight
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, interesting. I feel like there should be people who joined after me with just over 5k rep on that list too
There are 12 users who joined during the private beta who have 5k or more reputation
Y'all need to slow down with the review queues, us mortals can't keep up :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing Were those tabs all queues, or were most of them the normal /review page?
@RedwolfPrograms All queues
Okay. That's weird.
You're sure you're on 1.0.1?
Can you go to this page and look at the console?
Nothing abnormal, just shows the log messages from the gradscript
Is there a review_first_posts?
Not as far as I can see
That should be there on 1.0.1
This is the exact code I have for the userscript
Copy-pasted direct from tampermonkey
When you click the tampermonkey extension, does it show GRT is running?
On the FP review page?
What other scripts are running?
In /review or in the first posts task?
Q: reverse four fours

AnonymousGiven any number (float, int, real, or imaginary) output an equation in LaTeX containing precisely 4 4s, no more no less, to generate that number. The operations you search are up to you but you may not repeatedly apply unary operators (ie. \$((4!+4!)!-4!)!\$ is acceptable but \$4!!+4+4+4\$ is n...

Custom Fonts, GRT, Gradscript, Quick Comments, Random Question, Show NSFW posts and Show Vote totals
The last one isn't running on /review but the other 6 are on both
Let me see if I can repro with gradscript enabled
That's the only thing I can think of
Doesn't seem like it's affecting anything
Look like solid changes
at the end of the day
there's only so much you can do short of sending a CM to the user's house to tell them what to do
people just don't fucking read things (like that one user with Peer Pressure but not Informed)
Yeah, but I want to know how they'll be doing new user onboarding. That MM post doesn't actually say anything we didn't already know
the whole thing just says "help new users" which I'm assuming is a burden placed on the community and site moderators and is... pretty much not measurable or specific
> Focus on teaching new users – provide all they need to know to start off on the right foot
Isn't that just the tour?
the tour, help center, and question review feedback seemed pretty helpful to me. it's been a long time since I've needed either but i've looked at the tour a bit too much more than I'd like in the past month. beyond that it's just the community helping, and I firmly prioritize quality control over handholding new users who don't read the tour
> Be action-oriented – help users successfully complete tasks
I don't think this line actually says anything
> Deliver value at each step – each completed task should feel like an accomplishment and motivate users to take the next action
that's just the rep system though, isn't it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing The only thing I can think of is that maybe you haven't reloaded the page since you updated?
> Introduce the Stack Overflow ecosystem – expose SO users to other aspects of our site (Stack Exchange sites, Teams)
also I don't see how this would help
if a new user is confused by SO
how is showing them the whole network and teams going to clear that up?
I think that's just a different goal
To keep them around
Not necessarily for the same purpose as the tour
anyway. hopefully this actually improves things. I don't go on SO much anymore so I can't say much, and I don't think I'm going to vote on this post for now
I made my first SO account when I was like ten and the tour made perfect sense. Anyone who needs additional handholding probably just doesn't care
i posted my first question when i was like 12y10m/o and it was one of my worse questions... with +1/-1. lol.
Do you know if mods can see info about yeeted accounts?
heh imagine having the sort of questions that would fit on literally any SE site
@RedwolfPrograms some info, yes
^^ (to Wzl)
Despite reading the Tour pages on SO, Software Recommendations, and IPS, I ended up formulating bad questions because I hadn't actually paid attention to the kinds of questions that were on those sites. New users should also be made to read through a few posts and "get a feel" for the site
I really want to know when this SO account was made, but I have no idea where to find an SO mod to ping
Probably you from an alternate universe :P
Me from this universe but before I forgot my password :p
Hang on, I'm a genius
5 years 2 months
The IDs are assigned in order
And everyone with a similar ID is 5 years 2 months
So yeah I was 10 when I made the redwolf10105 account
I made a PPCG account too, but I think it got yeeted too and I'd have no way of tracking it down
Q: Convert version string to pack_format

Command MasterWhen making a Minecraft data/resource pack, you need to include a pack.mcmeta file, which specifies information about it. pack.mcmeta contains a description, but it also contains a pack_format number, which tells Minecraft which versions this pack is for. Your task is to take a version string, an...

Imagine programming when you're ten
This post made by using-Scratch-to-make-animations-of-people-you-don't-like-getting-eaten-by-sharks gang
Imagine programming when you're ten
I used shudders jquery
Nothing wrong with using jQuery, and it's somewhat useful
@Wzl Begone, non-programmer
We don't say that here
I know it's a meme, but jQuery's useful
I...I tried to use !== NaN
I used it for a little tic-tac-toe game in middle school and it made life a lot simpler
@user for getting stars in chat. Anything else?
idk, someone else helped me
> } else if (you !== NaN) {
Why did I use you as a variable name
It had something to do with Khan Academy's subset of JS not working directly in browser's, so someone made a thing to make it work somehow
@RedwolfPrograms I'm more worried about that formatting
@RedwolfPrograms much more interesting than what I was doing
Oh wait, you didn't need jQuery after all
what does NaN have to do with jQuery?
> need jQuery
@RedwolfPrograms this you?
Those words don't go together :p
@ngn It doesn't, it just acts weird
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, but I think I had an older one that got yeeted
well then idk, i don't think i can search for deleted users lol :P
Yeah, didn't think it'd be possible. The only reason I even know about the SO one is the weird chat thing.
@RedwolfPrograms i could find SO mods to ping but i wouldn't do it for something unimportant :p also you found it anyway so gj
Honestly I'm not even sure if I know what jqUery's supposed to do
All I know is the $("xyz") as a replacement for document.querySelector, and all the weird property names
And there's $.ajax
> jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
It's just a library to make things simpler, not the work of the devil
@RedwolfPrograms document.querySelector came later than jQuery
sometime I want to make a prolog thing for DOM manipulation (transpiling to JS)
Mixing Prolog and HTML doesn't seem like a grreat idea
@user To me jquEry's much less simple compared to JS's DOM stuff, idk
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not a web developer
The names are kinda long, but they're a lot more descriptive than $("xyz").urldjsucc().xkjxjeu
@RedwolfPrograms I think I have already, but just reloaded /review, lets see if that works
@RedwolfPrograms the dom doesn't work well with collections of elements. jQuery does - it's almost like an array language
@RedwolfPrograms urldjsucc? Don't jQuery functions have names like on and stuff?
jqueRy's selector seems more confusing than just queryselector at times; i tend to favor the latter even if jquerY is installed
@user Yeah idk, I haven't used it in like five years lol
@ngn not worth having a large dependency to avoid writing a few loops imo
It's also probably a lot slower
@rak1507 It's understandable for a larger project, though
I think it's the other way around actually
@rak1507 anything, even jquerY *shudders*, is worth it to avoid loops
@rak1507 if they are really "a few", i agree :)
jQuery's fine for a smaller thing, where you just want to get it working, but for something larger I'd almost certainly make a quick little ten line function to do what I need instead of requiring a whole huge library of things I don't care about
@Wzl Hey, I happen to like loops! :p
But it's with something larger that you would need that whole huge library
There are 10 users who have both the Precognitive bagde and 1k+ rep
@RedwolfPrograms *throws down gauntlet* :P
2 of them are former mods :P
I now have every bronze badge except announcer and precognitive :p
Not gonna try to go for announcer, the only way I can think to do that is probably illegal
@ngn hm, looks like an interesting way to learn jQuery :)
Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));...this is cursed
Just use [...
If you're using querySelector you don't care about IE anyway
Or maybe Array.from, not sure
Plus you can polyfill that
I hate how my keyboards are all subtly different, so I can never seamlessly switch between them
@hyper-neutrino Your Jelly answer got outgolfed by Arnauld in JS
There's no way 77 bytes is the shortest for Jelly
And Excel
(not by Arnauld obv)
time to port arnauld i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i encoded a 200+-long array so of course that's not the shortest :p
wait the first digit is always 1
i actually can't read
how do you do a character literal in jelly?
“c” yields the list ['c'], ”c yields 'c'
welp, 28b with a port lol
oh wait, I can get 20 without porting. yay. now i can feel less bad about my answer
I wonder if ais' insane mapping tool will work for this
77 to 16 bytes. lol.
I swear this WB question was made for me...I've been thinking about water towers as a secret base for years
TIL "daemon" (as in the computing term) comes from Maxwell's demon
interesting. just read about maxwell's demon and it seems cool but i don't see the connection to daemon threads personally :p
also why do physicists like demons so much lol (source: literally only based on Maxwell's and Laplace's demons)
The page for daemons (computing) explains the connection in more detail.
> The term was coined by the programmers at MIT's Project MAC. They took the name from Maxwell's demon, an imaginary being from a thought experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting molecules.[2] Unix systems inherited this terminology. Maxwell's demon is consistent with Greek mythology's interpretation of a daemon as a supernatural being working in the background, with no particular bias towards good or evil.
"the page" does this mean wikipedia? Is that where everyone else goes too?
Oh I thought I'd mentioned that I saw that on Wikipedia but I guess I didn't lol
ah, I see. interesting
I looked up the wiki page for maxwell's demon too :P
Does anyone here know about cookie laws?
Where I live there aren't any. If I, say, put a cookie on my website and don't have an annoying pop up, I kind of wonder if there's anything anyone can do.
@RedwolfPrograms Ask you not to? :P
Also, don't cookies collect user data? That could potentially fall under GDPR laws for EU/UK visitors
Watch, I'll put a cookie on my website to store dark mode preferences or something, and one day I'll step foot in the EU and I'll just disappear :p
does localStorage count as a cookie?
Well, not as a cookie, but it falls under those laws still
:O I'm guilty of ^^^^
I'm sure nobody would care, especially if you don't send it to the server
Worst case scenario is that someone would report it, you'd be asked to modify it, maybe get a small fine if it was a particularly bad violation
who would fine me?
Not sure how I'd get fined though, I don't live anywhere with a cookie law
Whoever the regulatory body is in the area it'd fall under
Not sure exactly tbh
But unless you're harvesting and selling data, I doubt they'd care enough to fine you, and even then, it'd need to be a lot of significant data
And it's not like the Danish police are going to show up outside my door with a warrant lol
*takes notes*
@Wzl lol it's so much fun to look at my site from literally a few months ago and it already looks really outdated
and it has an olive green theme just because
My laptop is about to die but I've still got an hour of sitting in a small room left before school ends >:|
Do you not take a charger to school?
I do but I'm not near an outlet :/
Move to be near an outlet?
Hmm, I see an extension cord on the other side of the room actually
Also yeah I completely forgot I brought a charger lol
Charge thy laptop, Redwolf!
Or write a program to do it for you.
Okay, charging :p
@RedwolfPrograms 77 bytes in JELLY?
Nvm it's better now
Do flags invalidate a quine?
depends on if they make sense *glares at vyxal and lyxal, especially because I keep mixing them up for some reason*
Q: Command-line flags in quines

DLoscFor languages that use command-line flags to modify their behavior, these flags are generally added to the byte count. But I don't see a ruling on what to do with command-line flags in quine challenges. I.e. suppose this was a quine: perl -ne 'quine_program'. I see a few options: Output the fla...

(Ignore the scoring in the answer, outdated)
Cool, then I just wrote my first quine, and what I think is the first Vyxal quine. At least, I couldn't find any others on CGCC. It uses the D flag so that the strings are raw strings.
Nice! is flagless possible?
Idk, I'll spend a bit of time on it.
It's definitely possible, but might be a little trickier
Error quine?
Maybe, maybe not...
Error quines can be found by iterative methods :P
Assuming a language can error, then just repeatedly run the error message until it reaches a fixed point
what if that hits a cycle
What if it reaches a loop?
Or diverges to infinity?
There generally aren't that many languages for which that happens
i tried on python and uh
  File ".code.tio", line 1
    File ".code.tio", line 1
IndentationError: unexpected indent
it took me like 4 iterations :p
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier (JS)
Took me 2 or 3
@EkadhSingh For your sandboxed challenge, is the transcript supposed to be every message from the first day until whenever the code is run?
If you start with T in Jelly, it takes 1 iteration (for error quine)
What does T do?
Truthy indices
Fails on integers tho, as it doesn't cast them to iterable, and Jelly programs have an implicit argument of 0 if not provided anything
Why...why does that error
I'm not sure how I didn't see it when I looked before, but apparently Lyxal made a flagless Vyxal quine 3 bytes shorter than mine 6 months ago. But I'm still happy to have written my first quine, though!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ekadh SinghGolf Code Golf Given the full transcript of The Nineteenth Byte (the general chat room of code golf), output the full transcript. You can access the full transcript in your code, but you cannot access any other external sources Since this is code golf, shortest answer wins, and standard loopholes...

^ Wait what?
Isn't that just cat?
> Given the full transcript of The Nineteenth Byte
I think you need to like process it or something?
like you need to parse the HTML with regex
Oh, I thought it was that when you run your program (no input), it should just output the full transcript
Oh okay, it was edited
Might be a somewhat interesting challenge depending on the I/O format, but that'll need to be clarified
Discovery: Vyxal has a pair of cyclic error quines - object of type 'int' has no len() and maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object.
Is there a challenge around that?
I think there's one for normal quine-like programs? It sounds familiar, at least, to have A output B output C output ... output A
yeah sounds familiar
No standard error quines tho :P
Everything else seems to either return object of type 'int' has no len() or not error.
The problem with error quines in Vyxal is that pretty much every command overloads for any data type passed to it. That, plus the fact that implicit input is there to helpfully provide a 0 to anything that needs some more arguments, means that there isn't really a lot of error to work with.
Same with most golfing languages I think
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, that’s what I was thinking
@RedwolfPrograms Suggestion for GRT: have the review task (when opened in a new tab) show some kind of icon in the tab
The GRT tab?
No, the review task tab
What sort of icon?
Took me a minute or so to realise there was something to review, as it didn't stand out as a separate tab for me
@RedwolfPrograms Maybe steal Stalker and use a magnifying glass emoji?
@RedwolfPrograms I'd suggest a weasel
@EkadhSingh Is the challenge about processing the chat text, or is is "Given no input, output the entire transcript"?
Maybe I'll just put a (1) in the title, that always instantly gets my attention :p
CMQ: How much have you netted (or lost) from bounties?
-1300 for me
@RedwolfPrograms -450
@cairdcoinheringaahing you have the input of the transcript, so it’s the first one I think (I’m not a very advanced coder so I might be misunderstanding what you said)
@RedwolfPrograms +275
Imagine profiting from bounties lol
@RedwolfPrograms -3700
@RedwolfPrograms +300
@RedwolfPrograms -1400
@RedwolfPrograms TBF I have given out 2500 rep in bounties :P
I don't know if I've earned or offered bounties before my account got deleted and merged, and I don't think those carry over if that did happen.
I just realized that You don't grok Grok. is a valid Grok error quine.
Courtesy of rene, here is a fantastic pivot table showing the close votes of the top 10 CVers by CV count on the site
who's col 3, is that Mego by any chance?
@RedwolfPrograms 0 (-100, +100)
CMC: Make a Duocentehexaquinquagesimal quine
that's gonna be pretty tricky cuz you can only use a subset of characters which means you have a huge amount of gaps in BF programs that can be constructed
yep so cmc stands for chat mega challenge in this case :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Pika the Master of the WhalesTelephone Cipher Encoder code-golf The telephone cipher is a relatively basic cipher originating from the book The Terrible Two. The cipher is explained here as follows: Does this keypad (below) look familiar? It does? Good. You’ve seen a phone before. Now, in the telephone cipher, there are tw...

Well, back from school
Had to walk for about five minutes through some very heavy rain though
@RedwolfPrograms +650
@hyper-neutrino well, there's no reason you can't use other characters, they just have to be no-ops
wait, no, there isn't a restriction at all
Languages that use SBCSs can't have characters outside that code page in the source
but, there's no reason a bf program couldn't output '1Ƶ¸ñ=öu¯2–sε`;ÈùˆζT¿āΔIÈ3Wÿ»'
No, but the gaps between those characters (using +s) will be huge
couldn't you output in SBCS format?
Yeah, you could
@RedwolfPrograms +100 (from you haha)
@RedwolfPrograms -1150
Which will soon be -1300
CMQ: what is the difference / ratio between the average bounty you give and receive?
for me it's 241.67 / 150, so bounties I offer are 61% larger on average
I offer 135 on average, and receive 322 on average
@hyper-neutrino 325/150
0%, never given a bounty
@hyper-neutrino How do you find that?
@rak1507 Nah, it's undefined. Just say the ratio's infinity:1 :P
0/n is perfectly well defined
@RedwolfPrograms +50, which is kinda nice
@rak1507 The average bounty you give is 0/0, though, isn't it?
@user Nvm, I can't math :P
@hyper-neutrino 223.8 / 197.9
@user oh, right, fair enough
@user Actually, I'm pretty sure it's indeterminate
@LorenDB There's a difference between undefined and indeterminate?
Well undefined is undefined and indetermine is VM1488:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: indeterminate is not defined
So indeterminate is undefined, but not undefined
in other words, indeterminate is undefined and not undefined and undefined is defined as undefined, not undefined
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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