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ugh, why did Firefox change playback speed submenu? it used to say Slow (0.5×) Normal Fast (1.25×) Faster (1.5×) Ludicrous (2×) but they removed the text :-(
Ludicrous? Why....
@Neil Btw are you going to continue this some more?
is anything else being chained other than rickroll at this point
Unfortunately not
Aside from the link i n my previous message, no.
There's still time for someone to continue that.
oh I wanna do that, picolisp's text might actually help
I was hoping people would make actual songs, but it's really just stuff unrelated compressible lines
@Wezl Ok, nice to have something that's not rickroll
@Ausername oh, it's day 6 already? sorry, work day, so wasn't keeping track
@Neil It's fine.
@user One of them is literally a song tho :P
I will offer a +100 bounty if there is an answer on each day, until Day 11, which is the next line from the rickroll (i.e. up until the end of the chorus). I'll offer the bounty to the final line. If it continues past Day 11, I'll double the bounty for each day, until it reaches +500 — caird coinheringaahing Apr 28 at 0:33
That is now my second (maybe third) most upvoted comment, and it has more upvotes than my actual answer :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing You mean this answer?
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol
Yeah, that one's there, but it's really just there because of your bounty and because it's a joke
I was hoping for good songs so I could steal them and become famous
@Ausername ugh, my previous answer had trailing whitespace in the lyrics
It took 12 days for me to get Deputy (80 helpful flags) on MM. It's taken me 4 years to get to 106 helpful flags here. I suppose that's a good thing? :P
With that flagging rate, it'll take me 75 days (63 more days) to get Marshal
and then I'm sure Marshal will get you back
the marshal plan v2 :)
Afternoon everyone!
Back from my test
I think I did really well on the multiple choice questions (50% of the final score), the free response ones could be anywhere from "fairly awful" to "fairly good" :p
According to an online calculator thing I found, using my most pessimistic guesses for my raw scores I'd still get a 5 (/5), but I'm not quite sure how accurate that is lol
How many free responses were there?
Also good job on finishing just as I woke up.
It's 3 "questions", but they're broken into 7 parts each. So basically 21.
Just be happy they weren't essays
I have a dislike towards having to remember 3 separate essay plans for exams
It's probably the first thing I've hand-written in about a year and a half and it showed lol
Plus I'm not used to using pens
We had to write many essays by hand last year for the big exams
Even our software exam was hand written
So...I was supposed to take a math final either today or Thursday. But I had a test today, and I've got a state biology test Thursday. Guess I'll have to email my teacher.
pens are an opportunity for creative cheating - you can hide a small piece of paper there :)
Cheating woukdn't have even done me any good on this test lol...everything you can possibly write on a sheet of paper I had memorized. You just have to know a lot about basically everything.
hate exams like that where you have to memorise lots of stuff
much prefer things like maths where if you forget what something is it's relatively straightforward to rederive it
Introducing Adjust, a programming language written in Add++, that is TC if Add++ is TC
@rak1507 It's kind of hard to make a test not based on memorizing/knowing things when the subject is human geography lol
Adapt (the other language I wrote in Add++) is 100% not TC (can't even loop, lol), so I decided to make a better version :P
@rak1507 i remember a test for which four of us had decided to cheat together. on the previous day we had put many pieces of paper under the desks and everybody had areas of responsibility - to extract the cheatsheet on a specific topic and share it with the others. it was hard enough to remember which cheatsheet was where, let alone memorize what was written on them..
it's so cruel to overload kids with information that has no relevance to their lives. information, which they will probably memorize hastily on the day before the exam and forget the day after.
What's our policy on suggested edits that add syntax highlighting?
testing kids on test-taking/test-writing skill or the ability to just memorize and regurgitate more so than actually understanding the topic is really stupid but unfortunately all too prevalent
@ngn this is exactly what happened to me after the last test of the big high school graduation tests: in the 4 months between Hs and Uni where I didn't have any assignments or anything (time I spent code golfing and playing minecraft with some of y'all), I forgot about pretty much everything essay related
@hyper-neutrino it's more about who has the best memory than who actually has the best skills in a way
There are some states here where you don't take any final exams, instead basing final marks off assignments handed in throughout the year
That's how they did our A-levels after they got cancelled due to COVID
Despite COVID we still had to do exams in person with about a hundred of us all in the same room at once
How far apart?
For the actual exam, we were distanced enough so that we couldn't see each other's work
But before and after, there was no social distancing
There were like 150 of us today, but we were something like six to eight feet apart (and with masks + distancing before and after, although mostly for test security reasons lol)
But then again, we were all made to physically attend school with no social distancing
@RedwolfPrograms no masks for us
I mean, sure, covid didn't actually reach our city (and still hasn't), but you would think there'd be maybe a bit more measures put into place
BTW schools (well, at least mine and several others) were reopened in May last year after about only a month of online classes
@RedwolfPrograms the trick is: you write something on a piece of paper, crumble it in a tiny ball, go to the front to ask the teacher something, and as you're passing by your friend's desk, you discretely drop it :)
Cheating wouldn't help you on this test anyway
Anything you can think to write down is just memorization, which only gets you so far here
And there's so many different forms and stuff, chances are you don't even have most of the same questions
pity. but there could still be a way :)
e.g. if you're allowed to go to the toilet/bathroom
I'd rather not discuss cheating, college board has eyes everywhere glances around nervously
(To any of college board's disembodied eyes, I did not cheat go away)
of course we're talking about hypothetical cheating. it's very bad and immoral and i'm sure nobody in this chat would do anything like that :)
@RedwolfPrograms you telling me the college board isn't already managed by the hivemind?
I have a great way to cheat. Basically, a week or so before the exam, you open your text book and spend a few hours every night copying down the text in the book into your mind. Then, on the day of the exam, you go into the test and you've got it all written down, but in your brain so that the examiners can't see it
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's so cunning :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing vtc as dupe
Apr 9 at 15:50, by Redwolf Programs
I cheat all the time...nobody thinks to check in my brain!!!
Dang, ninja'd with my own comment :|
Can I just say that this site has absolutely ruined the words jelly, chain, link, quick and atom for me
I hear those words and I think code golf
I see the words "chain rule" in math and say "what is this, jelly?!?"
It's like amogus but code golf
Apr 13 at 0:16, by caird coinheringaahing
@Lyxal Good, good. Let the Jelly flow through you!
@Lyxal What is math but more complicated Jelly programs?
to a lesser extent APL has done the same with forks and trains
What does Obi-Wan say when Luke is struggling with APL? "Use the forks, Luke"
@Wezl Ostrich pop tarts
Original enough?
@cairdcoinheringaahing nonsense
it's probably filtered like "a" and "the"
because it's been said so many times
@Lyxal exactly, same
too predictable
@Lyxal you know what else is predictable?
@rak1507 prove it!
spills sarcasm juice over the ostrich pop tarts
@Lyxal deterministic programs. They are very predictable
@Wezl I predict lyxal will attempt to rickroll someone within the next year, if true this is proof of my fortune telling powers
@Lyxal In that case I have a 5 state deterministic Turing machine I'd like to have you take a look at!
@rak1507 I predict your comment is correct
@WheatWizard you telling me that you can't predict a deterministic program?
(but seriously though, you can't in some cases?)
There is a 5 state Turing machine for the halting behaviiour is still unknown.
i would like to see this 5-state turing machine
and then immediately regret asking to see it, probably
@WheatWizard finite?
Let me try and find it. My alma mater was actually involved in solving a lot of the smaller Turing mahcines.
Should be somewhere in this paper:
But it's 1 AM in the morning here so I need to go.
deterministic programs are predictable but wouldn't the ability to predict a deterministic program in all cases solve the halting problem?
Does the Code Golf Codidact have Mathjax support?
@hyper-neutrino in order to test if an arbitrary program halts, you'd actually have to emulate it, and then your test might never finish
(assuming we're talking about classic turing machines incapable of transfinite supertasks)
Consider a sequence where the next term is calculated on a "cases" basis on a property of the current term (e.g. Collatz). A lot of these sequences fail as the next case falls under both categories. Is there a sequence for which this is well-defined. For example:
a_{k+1} = {

3a_k + 1 if a_{k+1} is odd
a_k ÷ 2  if a_{k+1} is even

This fails pretty quickly (just try a_0 = 2). Is it possible to get one where it's fully defined for all values in the sequence?
what do you mean by "fails" exactly
not sure i understand
So, a_0 = 2. Calculating the two possible "next" terms, you get a_1 = 7 or a_1 = 1. Therefore, a_1 is odd, so a_1 = 7. Doing this again, and we get a_2 = 22 or a_2 = 3.5, which doesn't allow you to continue the sequence
Even if we make it floor(a_k ÷ 2) if a_{k+1} is even, we then get a_2 is either even or odd, so we can't state which value a_2 is
oh wait, the case for the next term is based on the next term?
The wording of my first message is kinda odd, I missed a bit out :/
in that case, would the wording of your second message be even or odd? :p

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