ugh, why did Firefox change playback speed submenu? it used to say Slow (0.5×) Normal Fast (1.25×) Faster (1.5×) Ludicrous (2×) but they removed the text :-(
I will offer a +100 bounty if there is an answer on each day, until Day 11, which is the next line from the rickroll (i.e. up until the end of the chorus). I'll offer the bounty to the final line. If it continues past Day 11, I'll double the bounty for each day, until it reaches +500 — caird coinheringaahingApr 28 at 0:33
That is now my second (maybe third) most upvoted comment, and it has more upvotes than my actual answer :P
It took 12 days for me to get Deputy (80 helpful flags) on MM. It's taken me 4 years to get to 106 helpful flags here. I suppose that's a good thing? :P
With that flagging rate, it'll take me 75 days (63 more days) to get Marshal
I think I did really well on the multiple choice questions (50% of the final score), the free response ones could be anywhere from "fairly awful" to "fairly good" :p
According to an online calculator thing I found, using my most pessimistic guesses for my raw scores I'd still get a 5 (/5), but I'm not quite sure how accurate that is lol
So...I was supposed to take a math final either today or Thursday. But I had a test today, and I've got a state biology test Thursday. Guess I'll have to email my teacher.
Cheating woukdn't have even done me any good on this test lol...everything you can possibly write on a sheet of paper I had memorized. You just have to know a lot about basically everything.
@rak1507 i remember a test for which four of us had decided to cheat together. on the previous day we had put many pieces of paper under the desks and everybody had areas of responsibility - to extract the cheatsheet on a specific topic and share it with the others. it was hard enough to remember which cheatsheet was where, let alone memorize what was written on them..
it's so cruel to overload kids with information that has no relevance to their lives. information, which they will probably memorize hastily on the day before the exam and forget the day after.
testing kids on test-taking/test-writing skill or the ability to just memorize and regurgitate more so than actually understanding the topic is really stupid but unfortunately all too prevalent
@ngn this is exactly what happened to me after the last test of the big high school graduation tests: in the 4 months between Hs and Uni where I didn't have any assignments or anything (time I spent code golfing and playing minecraft with some of y'all), I forgot about pretty much everything essay related
@hyper-neutrino it's more about who has the best memory than who actually has the best skills in a way
There are some states here where you don't take any final exams, instead basing final marks off assignments handed in throughout the year
There were like 150 of us today, but we were something like six to eight feet apart (and with masks + distancing before and after, although mostly for test security reasons lol)
@RedwolfPrograms the trick is: you write something on a piece of paper, crumble it in a tiny ball, go to the front to ask the teacher something, and as you're passing by your friend's desk, you discretely drop it :)
I have a great way to cheat. Basically, a week or so before the exam, you open your text book and spend a few hours every night copying down the text in the book into your mind. Then, on the day of the exam, you go into the test and you've got it all written down, but in your brain so that the examiners can't see it
Let me try and find it. My alma mater was actually involved in solving a lot of the smaller Turing mahcines.
Should be somewhere in this paper:;jsessionid=9C0B14E025B30AF030422BDA01E5E972?doi= But it's 1 AM in the morning here so I need to go.
Consider a sequence where the next term is calculated on a "cases" basis on a property of the current term (e.g. Collatz). A lot of these sequences fail as the next case falls under both categories. Is there a sequence for which this is well-defined. For example:
a_{k+1} = {
3a_k + 1 if a_{k+1} is odd
a_k ÷ 2 if a_{k+1} is even
This fails pretty quickly (just try a_0 = 2). Is it possible to get one where it's fully defined for all values in the sequence?
So, a_0 = 2. Calculating the two possible "next" terms, you get a_1 = 7 or a_1 = 1. Therefore, a_1 is odd, so a_1 = 7. Doing this again, and we get a_2 = 22 or a_2 = 3.5, which doesn't allow you to continue the sequence
Even if we make it floor(a_k ÷ 2) if a_{k+1} is even, we then get a_2 is either even or odd, so we can't state which value a_2 is