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You should take meow as testcases.
meow is too short. "You should take meow as testcases." is good though, will try that.
(It's the swap function iteration count thing)
I take it okie is very much a catperson?
(I'm looking for testcases in the 100k-2m range)
What do you mean by catperson?
A person with mannerism of cat
Licking finger?
@Adalynn If you like to think it that way, so be it
Or are you just uh... Playing into the whole Niko-Oneshot PFP
I mean, I like Oneshot, but I also love cats
Not the linux one
@Bubbler Agreed
@okie good taste in games
@Razetime Thx :)
Personally, I prefer TTYD over modern games, but just personal opinion. Oneshot's good taste in game.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

okieBase Guard base-conversioncode-golfnumber Base: part 1 This is part 2, Strongly suggest you go try out the first one if you haven't tried it. Story As one of the solvers, You've managed to get to the door of the base heaven. In front of the door stands the base guard @Lyxal, Holding a bunch of ti...

Hey when will you stop your base challenges
We want to try something new
Base challenges are nice and simple.
this is a dupe
it's a very trivial modification
requiring base digits instead of allowing output as a list of digits as numbers is one of those requirements that's just annoying I/O, not actually an additional challenge, and thus this becomes exactly a duplicate
Unlikely argument type int for contains(Object) on a Collection<int[]> wdym java?
ofc a collection of int will contain an int
wont it?
java is bad
C is worse
And worst??
Collection of int[] will not contain an int, obviously :P
i think you want Collection<Integer>...
Arrays.asList(list).contains(i) where list is int[] and i is int
and I don't have the option to make list Collection<Integer> because uni
C++ has the worst impression from me, even worse than C
Arrays.asList(T... t)
so it won't necessarily work if you give it a list
it might take that as the first argument, not the list argument
Ellipsis is evil
btw I'm trying to see if an array contains an object
I guess Arrays.asList is not the right function to use in this case
this works if i .contains a number or a list...
though .contains(2) gives false, and .contains(a) gives true
java's math.max takes two arguments. It's a nightmare.
no compilation errors though
oh wait
lyxal's message was only a warning wasn't it
Q: Swap encoding iteration count

A usernameIntroduction In this challenge, I asked you to implement swap encoding. Swap encoding is an encoding method where you iterate through the string, reversing substrings between identical characters. The basic algorithm is: For each character in the string: Check: Does the string contain the charact...

Q: Easily Terminated Fork Bomb

KloudyKrakenCreate the smallest possible fork bomb (creating an exponentially increasing number of objects that allocate memory and create more instances of the same object, such as the well known :(){:|:&};: in BASH) for a language. The program must be able to be terminated by pressing any key; this does no...

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Integer[] a = new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
@Lyxal generics can't take ints so int... can't be used
it uses int[]...
@NewMainPosts Not bad! Redwolf's bot was 10 minutes faster tho :p
if you use Integer[] then it can read that as Integer... and make a List<Integer>
That's kinda bad form of type inference
@hyper-neutrino not in this case. I might just have to stick to a primitive for loop . sad.
bruh lol
@Lyxal Arrays.asList(IntStream.of(a).boxed().toArray(Integer[]::new)).contains(n)
I like how this is overly convoluted for a simple exercise. Thanks for the help though!
The verboseness of Java stream is eww
overly convoluted? this is just normal java :p
yeah java is... interesting
you have that in java, and then you have n in a in python. lol.
also there's probably a better way of converting a stream to a list btw
And in many golfing languages it's just a single byte lol
i think stream.collect(Collectors.toList()) works? idk
saw smth about that here
Python is untyped, but even in Rust (strongly typed) it's just arr.iter().any(|&x|x==y)
Q: Appending numbers to satisfy equation

Old ManYou are given 3 numbers: x, y and z, you have to minimize the number of digit(positive) inserted at any place to the numbers x,y,z to make $$x + y = z$$ (you can assume x,y,z and your final integers after insertion be such that they won't overflow integer limit in your language) Example: x=1 , y=...

@NewMainPosts Looks clear enough to me (maybe just need more test cases)
I rewrote the Base Guard
Still uncreative, but at least it chains with part 1 and it's a brand new challenge
python is typed
it is dynamically typed
but still typed
also, C and C++ are alright languages :3
tho, i would argue that C++ is one of the hardest languages to learn and C is one of the most verbose languages
tho c can be extremely concise when golfing
Unary is obviously the most verbose language :þ
i was excluding esolangs :p
C isn't verbose
and yes, C++ is hell to learn
:> <:
hello everyone
i am back
where i can find the syntax for scratchblocks2
Scratch wiki
@Lyxal thx! found it
but i am worried what to do of extra Snap! blocks
Hi guys, this isn't to do with golfing, but as a JS dev should I learn Typescript or C#? I dislike dynamic typing because I find myself abusing it too often and I worry that I might make a mistake
i know very little about either but
definitely both
@EnderShadow8 Thoughts on Rust?
What are you using JS for?
i feel like they have entirely disjoint use cases
i'm not aware of any way you can use c# as a web scripting language but "js except with better typing" is the whole point of typescript
@UnrelatedString More as a learning exercise and less for anything serious so it doesn't matter
Typescript is a natural extension of Js, whereas C# is an entirely new language - I would start with Typescript.
if you want to learn something as an excercise learn haskell
haskell is fun
True. Except with the type inference I might still have old bad habits
Typescript can be used almost anywhere where JS can be used, but its type system can be intimidating at times
Learn Unary!
@UnrelatedString haskell sounds fun in theory but every time I try it's just a headache
i don't see how inference could preserve or lead to bad habits
If you want to dive deep into static typing, Rust
oh no haskell's actually pretty easy
it just looks intimidating if you don't fuck around with it enough
Learning multiple different general purpose languages is always good after all
or try to do anything too crazy
I'd also suggest Ruby, but you don't want dynamically typed right now
I already use Python which is similar to Ruby, but anything over 200 loc is hard to maintain probably cos I'm untidy
i want to break dynamic typing habits
Rust sounds more intimidating than C++
Learn Taxi.
Or convey.
tf is taxi
convey is like a puzzle game?
I've seen convey before
rust is way less intimidating than C++. If Rust sees something suspicious, it speaks up. If C++ sees anything it doesn't like, it sets your computer on fire.
There's got to be some language that restarts your computer on error
I love how at this point google knows me so well that when i search rust i don't even see any iron oxide
@Ausername any embedded
Or literally sets it on fire
@Ausername any old enough embedded :D
I remember that old CRTs actually did fry themselves if you set too high refresh rate
import os
os.system("shutdown /s 1")
eww python
too much python and js is the root of my problem anyway
python is nice for simple automation though
@EnderShadow8 Go for Rust then.
Is rust manual memory?
it's compile-time automatic
what does that mean
Define "manual memory"
Go through the language list on esolangs until you've learnt everything on there!
values that need deallocatin logic get deallocated automatically at the end of their scope. Compiler also statically checks there aren't any references pointing to them that would now point into the void.
ok rust is manual apparently
If you do one a day, it will only take you two or three years...
so memory leaks and the like are compile time errors?
It's not. It has an ownership system that lets the compiler track who's responsible for deleting stuff
memory leaks are allowed, but you have to be explicit about them.
@JohnDvorak how does it do that automatically without a gc
i'm not familiar with language implementations
normally each value always has exactly one variable responsible for its deletion
I don't think learning a new language over chat is a good idea
@EnderShadow8 When an "owned" object exits its scope, it gets deleted. Having a reference to it outside the scope is a compile error
@Bubbler ok that makes a little sense now
for example, String is a type responsible for de/allocating a buffer with utf-8 data inside. &str is a type that points to some block of utf-8 data (not necessarily the entire buffer) that somebody else is responsible for deleting.
I should probably stick to high level languages for now
learning is a slow process
Protip: Whenever you feel like learning a new general-purpose programming language, check out codewars.com, solve some easy problems, and learn more by reading top solutions, repeat by solving more problems.
You get the necessary basics real quick
In the case of Rust, the official introductory material is also good
and Rust actually feels like a high-level language 90% of the time despite it being a compiled language without GC
because it is
reasons i don't use rust: the syntax is too verbose and the binaries it produces are too bloated
You can trim down rust binaries if you really want (and C is cheating because libc is dynamically linked)
part of it is because if you have a generic function it produces one version for it for every type you use. There's a compiler flag to make it output code that's as small as possible instead of as fast as possible though.
Verbose syntax: yes and no. Certain common constructs are pretty long but you get a lot of features that simply don't exist in C/C++
(though I'm not a big fan of rustfmt which tends to spread out things vertically)
@EnderShadow8 neither - just learn js really really well
c# is a different category of language, similar to java
typescript is solving a seemingly common problem, but it's the wrong problem to solve
plain javascript is the most widespread readily available language - practically every user-facing device has an interpreter
(i mean "neither" for practical purposes. of course it's always good to be curious about different languages)
unfortunately all reasoning about the utility and quality of programming languages becomes useless when your customer/employer says "i want technology ${x} for my project" :)
js is too squishy, otherwise it's still my top preference
it's honestly the anarchist of programming languages
Also it needs structs
js objects feel almost like structs
I quite like JS's object system
It's just the total lack of builtins and horrible library ecosystem for me
the anarchist would be Ruby methinks
@pxeger well, now it's just that :) it used to be: ".. and browser incompatibilities"
What's so anarchist about Ruby?
yeah, isn't ruby more like a monarchy?
"Wait. Wait. The principle of least surprise is not for you only. The principle of least surprise means principle of least my surprise." -matz
you have a point... but then we have to consider JS a confederation
or, at best, an empire
but even the confederation governing the ecmascript standard doesn't have complete power over the language
due to its own popularity, js takes an awfully long time to fix a bug and phase out old browsers
I don't see why we need a country metaphor. JS is a massive pile of horse shit
so if something works in a certain undesired way now, it would take like 5-10 years to correct it
same as with a confederation?
ok, maybe :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Solve any NPC problem. Shortest code win. Sandbox Notes Will every submission tend to single NPC problem?

@ngn Objects are reference types and structs are value types.
Take another look at implicit type coercion and then tell me js isn't an anarchy
@EnderShadow8 anarchy != chaos, but yeah, js type coercion rules are horrible
For a sensible version of js's object system you can look at row polymorphism in Elm.
I'll try Typescript and see how that goes
Typescript is uh ... not very good.
I'm probably not going to be in TNB for the next six hours or so, I've got a big test and need to do a bit of practice without being distracted by code golf :p
@RedwolfPrograms morning
@RedwolfPrograms pathetic. I'm gonna be gone for 9 hours
Get good
Also, glhf with the test...as long as you've prepared well, you'll do well
Oh nvm you won't see my encouragement for a while
Well y'all have fun overnight.
I'll be back soon
yay, "enthusiast" and I've hit 800 rep for the fourth time
@new-ish in different sites or Only here?
@programmer365 all four of them on this site
Well I am not a new member here, I challenge you to tell my old identity without looking at my profile
my first guess would be programmer5000, but i doubt that's a particularly good guess lol
I remember seeing another user with "farthest corner of the universe" as their location in their profile
But who?
i am looking at your profile and can't figure it out
oh yeah that would check out
Aha! You are Wasif. Here's the proof: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/21972/…
Yes I used to be wasif
just got to the part of your answer history where there's like 5 of each challenge
Well locked posts could not be downvoted, right? Then how did my TNB RO election nomination post got down from 3 to 2 score while being locked?
a) it was unlocked for a while to clear it from the featured board b) serial voting can still be invalidated on locked posts I think
though serial voting on the nominations thread itself seems unlikely
that was mainly a problem for the election thread since i posted all 8 of them
Oh I see
there are a couple of people who want the new KoTH reopened so I'd like to discuss it. CMM i guess
the thing is, yes, there are some new strategies here you could try, and some old strategies from the xkcd you can't. but IMO it's still just about generating an appropriately large but not too large number with a slightly different score distribution
even if the old challenge were more continuous and the new challenge has the discrete jump from earning double to losing points if you get blown up, i don't think that adds much more of a skill ceiling
and the main issue is that these two back-to-back may set a bad precedent for KoTH as some people have pointed out, especially with how xkcd drew in so many new users
I don't know about our official duplicate policy (which I think is rather flawed anyway), but I don't think it offers anything particularly new and interesting. It is a slight twist on an already very simple challenge.
Same. It's a half-dupe of (at minimum) two KotHs.
It won't have exactly the same strategy as either of the two, but there will be nothing new
being in a Q&A site kinds messes with the logic of deciding dupes
If there are two questions on a typical Q&A site, "how do I call a function" and "which function do I use for cosine", you'd still close "how do I find the cosine of a number using the Math object" as a dupe of at least one of those
And that's basically what's happened here
Q: Smallest unique number KoTH

user48543Create a bot to choose the smallest unique number. (Based on a psychology experiment I heard about many years ago but haven't been able to track down again.) Rules Each game will consist of 10 randomly selected bots playing 1000 rounds. Each round, all bots select an integer from 1 to 10 (inc...

Close voters: things that were unclear were fixed. Otherwise you really should comment them instead of just close voting, esp. on a new account. codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/225042/…
@xash that is completely wrong. If a question is unclear and close-worthy it should be closed. Welcoming new users is important but that doesn't exempt them from how our site operates
if you leave a challenge open, people will answer it, and the more answers a challenge gets while not fully clarified, the worse the problem gets
I agree, but I think this question is clear though.
I didn't get around to reviewing this challenge before it got closed; if it was clear then that's an entirely different issue but whether or not the user is new doesn't really factor into that IMO.
Anyway, thanks for reopening it; I just got back to my computer.
I've cleaned up the formatting a bit
That definitely makes it easier to understand I think
it definitely helps. I looked at the revision history and honestly I found the version right before closure clear enough, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lyxal trying to read our messages while being upside down: _/(.-.)\_
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, the question wasn't unclear or close-worthy. Otherwise of course. The "esp. on a new account" wasn't my main massage, just that I'd find it irritating as a new community member.
that's fair enough
@UnrelatedString It's not easy for inherently imperative algorithms :(
I tried writing a parser using purely immutable values and failed horribly
@user did you use parsec?
what sort of parser? I've had success parsing a LL(1) grammar easily (scheme) but I have no experience with more complicated ones
Imagine knowing how parsers work and not just stringing together endless horrible for loops and recursive functions and hoping you never have to update anything
@rak1507 No, I'm using Scala
My hobby: Bringing #3 pencils to standardized tests
(For legal reasons this is a joke)
@RedwolfPrograms Real bad boys bring pens to standardised tests :P
I actually do need to bring a pen to this one since there's a written section :p
In five minutes I leave class for lunch before the test
And I think I have a math final after that
@Wezl It's a Java-like language
The real problem is resolving references to classes, methods, etc. later, so you need to replace the entire AST
ah ok no experience with that
@RedwolfPrograms You should try combinatorial parsing. It makes parsing very easy.
@user java stores symbolic references in the bytecode and resolves them at runtime (class load time), not compile time
I meant at compile time, when you're checking types and stuff (not sure what the term for that is)
that can only be done at class load time
inagine a class A that does B x = new C();
the compiler can't know if C extends B (unless they are part of a library)
maybe it compiles B and C before A, but then what if they use A in a similar way
Wait doesn't javac check if C extends B?
I thought you either had to make sure B and C are part of your source code or are available as part of jars or as classfiles
@user right, but the runtime verifier does too (i shouldn't have said "only")
Huh, I didn't know that
I've had errors about classes and methods not being found before
Oh, I see, you meant the runtime checks if a class exists right when it tries to load it, not the moment the JVM starts up
@user not only if it exists, but also if the bytecode is valid
if the bytecode says "construct a new C and assign it to x", but C doesn't extend B, that should be an error, i think..
@ngn That sounds...cumbersome
I'm not totally sure they do that too, though. According to the docs you linked, it doesn't even check if the type descriptors refer to real classes
Twenty minutes until the test, I now know considerably more about Human Geography than I will ever need to :p
@RedwolfPrograms Where abouts on the human is the capital city? :P
@user here's an interesting experiment:
class A{
 static B f(){B x=new C();return x;}
 public static void main(String[]a){System.out.println(f());}
class B{}
class C extends B{}
put these in separate files and do javac A.java, then remove "extends B" from C.java and do javac C.java, and run java A - it dies with a VerifyError
however, if i inline f(), it doesn't die - apparently it ignores the types when they apply only to locals
Is there any rule on SE which limits number of username changes?
It says I can only change in 30 days interval
once per 30 days i think
that's the system restriction for name changes
you can change your name faster in chat by using different usernames on different communities which is probably allowed cuz a lot of people have done that and nobody's ever cared
Oh so I switch across my parent account?
yes, you can do that
So that's the secret behind that TNB hell game
no they changed their CGCC usernames themselves
i helped change them back sooner than a month but that was an exception; i won't change usernames on request often just for fun
Mods can change other user name?
usually used to remove offensive usernames
sometimes used on request but not often
i remember DJ changed one of caird's chatbot account names because caird couldn't remember the login details or smth, lol
What a deadly power
changing usernames is one of the less powerful things mods can do, lol
Then what is the most deadliest power in your opinion
the best part of being a mod is that we can edit our chat messages without the 2 minute time limit or whatever it was. :P
@programmer365 probably account destruction / deletion
Well, how does the bots work? Their posted messages in chat don't get added to their total weekly/daily message count
That means they are not normal accounts
those are feeds users, which are fake users. they just follow an RSS feed and display its contents in chat
there are also real users created for the purposes of being a "chatbot" since you can use the chat API to read / write messages
for example, @OldSandboxPosts is a real-user chatbot, not a feed/fake user
Now I understand that's why I see intelligent suspicious bots sometimes
what do you mean by intelligent suspicious bots, exactly?
@hyper-neutrino some bots post answers in main through real persons
To get them some rep
Ah, that's what you mean. Yeah, that's the only reasonable way for them to get the 20 rep they need to chat.
I didn't know till now why these are done to get them rep
I am feeling sleepy good night!
goodnight o/
@hyper-neutrino Still can't remember JHTBot's login details :P
nice :P
does it still do anything?
Yeah, if I run it, it still functions as it should
what does it do; interp jelly?
It's just that the Monica situation happened as I was finishing it up, so JHT kinda died out :/
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, as well as fetch the docs for commands and a couple other things
oh that's pretty cool
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah. i see, that's unfortunate
@Lyxal I'vecome to bargain
I need that 200 rep bounty
For what?
I'm 89 rep away from getting into those review queues
no but like which bounty are you claiming
you should probably leave a comment under the post or edit your submission into the body (depending on what the bounty-setter wanted in the post)
no I'm not claiming any bounty
I'm just asking @Lyxal to teach me @Vyxal


For discussion about Vyxal. Repo: github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal | Org: ...
repo is github.com/Lyxal/Vyxal and there's a chatroom ^
huh, the suggested edit that caird reviewed 25 minutes before me didn't get touched until i finally noticed it nearly half an hour later
usually i have to get it within seconds or i'll miss it :p
Redwolf's taking a test, so isn't active :P
@ngn Huh, I wonder why inlining f works
Perhaps replacing System.out.println with something that only accepts a B might change it
Looks like the bytecode kinda removes the assignment to x and just does return new C(), so maybe that's causing it
Wait, it doesn't remove the assignment, but it looks like it doesn't store information about x's type either?
@user So I defined a function void foo(B b) and doing foo(x) did error, but not System.out.println. No idea why a local's type isn't checked but a method's parameters' are
New default fonts being rolled out across the network
do the default mono fonts support the charsets that we use?
A: Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes

AdámCan we at least select our fonts? status-completed Check out the resolution to this question: Fonts and the new Q&A theming I think the fonts give much of the feeling to a site, and may even affect usability. For instance, English.SE benefits from using a serif font to clearly distinguish lette...

@user idk, maybe it assumes that method bodies are safe
A: We're switching to system fonts on May 10th 2021

AdámAs you consider the font stack, please do consider revisiting this very popular request. Yes, it is marked status-completed, but "New plan is the old plan, mostly" and these fonts are still inappropriate for a significant number of sites.

i hate it when web designers mess with fonts
It's more annoying when editors/IDEs do it
what makes them think their favourite fonts will look better to me than my favourite fonts (or at least the ones i'm accustomed to seeing)?
(exceptions: web art, ancient texts, etc)
Unfortunately, a site cannot detect which fonts you have installed (without Flash…). Otherwise it'd be simple to provide a drop-down to select your font.
@Adám css supports monospace, serif, sans-serf. why would a site need anything more than that?
True, but then it may well look horrible to anyone (i.e. most) that doesn't/cannot set sensible defaults.
if they look horrible, it's a problem that should be solved in the browsers, not on individual websites
But you know well that that won't happen.

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