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@Adalynn same course that gave this image
If that were during a
@Adalynn you've seen it before though
"Hey, let's teach about variables" moment, yeah
That's fine
"Hey let's teach the ABCs to college students! That's reasonable!"
I've explained what I'm doing before
Rickrolling people endlessly?
Sorry I have a bad memory
no about why I'm only doing calculus at uni
Now I remember
calculus eazy
Analysis is pain and suffering
@Lyxal what part of calculus is giving you trouble?
@ngn no part is
I'm just saying that's what today's workshop is
@Adalynn do you remember this snippet I sent:
do {
            System.out.print("Please enter a even positive integer: ");
            n = console.nextInt();
        } while (
Java but is has jelly
could be worse...
I still wish I could jelly in java
@rak1507 chrometard
not my screenshot
You say Revisioin like
Like they screwed something up before
@rak1507 is that just an illustration of bad notation? or something bad about integrals?
@ngn pay attention to the 'formula' presented
Oh god
g(x) is NOT freaking x
@rak1507 yes?
the integral from a to b of g(x) is not g(x)^2/2
Ah how I've missed ninja's and faces of disapproval. It's good to be back.
@TheNumberOne YO!
long time no see
TNB is actually active again
hey so what's bringing everyone back?
That was a freaking shock
I was just about to email our little server saying TNB is active or something
Then pop you show up
i only posted like one answer lol
@Lyxal idk there's been a bunch of new users but i don't really see a big reason to come back lol
@rak1507 depends on what g(x) is - it doesn't say on the slide
except that code golf fun
@ngn I think that was presented as a general 'formula' for integrals
@Adalynn by active you mean the one KOTH i answered? :3
Nah I meant saying the chat room is active
@rak1507 I think ngn may be trolling
@Razetime ah
my brain read TNB as TNO
i was confused
@Razetime i'm not
@TheNumberOne TNO?
@rak1507 right, if it was presented that way, it's nonsense
peeps used to refer to me as TNO in here a lot i think
why not #1
it's golfier
Need at least 3 chars
ye, sometimes just 1
1 is golfier
Oh for referring to
@TheNumberOne teach us Parseltongue
i always preferred KOTH over golfing :p
parseltongue is the kolmogorov representation of something
change my mind lol
oh! i still have it in my bio
Yeah I'm back on this account, have all my rep too
happy noises
I can juic avocado
I think
something i hate about discord is its lack of good links
ghost ping testy
@Lyxal ugh, can't believe I fell for that
@TheNumberOne nah they got rid of that
how many years ago?
I don't know
i couldn't remember if they had gotten rid of it or not before i stopped being active
but I tried that about a month ago
Lyxal, I clicked on it only because it's actually a good song
@TheNumberOne use a different chat with md links, bridge to discord using a bot
bots have access to markdown links
i do know that
ngl i have considered it lol
WTF Lyxal
don't they need embeds though?
also, i think modding your client can do it
How've you been, @TheNumberOne
@Adalynn *lyx-ler
well, i got married a lil over a week ago
or was it two weeks?
i dunno lol
oh, congrats!
tho i think i already told you that @Adalynn
thanks you two <3
also, i just got a masssive job offer
wow that's a gamer moment
In case it isn't obvious, I've been name changing on main and School Stuff. Glad to hear things are going well!
damn, have you won the lottery too?
@Adalynn name changing?
i got a 150k offer on 5 months of professional experience
Previously went by [CENSORED_DEADNAME]
@Adalynn that's a big mood
oh deadname
i don't think i ever put my dedname in ppcg
Well and username
Because my deadname was my username
I know another golfer named lynn
adalynn is better change my mind
deadnames are cringe
a few people from ye olde ppcg are active on code.golf
code.golf is so tough compared to cgcc
i was always mediocre at golfing
tho, tbh for a long time i tried to golf everything in java
i was young and dumb
now i'm a bit less young and lazier
mood but minus the "was", and also i'm not that young anymore just dumb :p
@hyper-neutrino I beg to differ with the first part
that's a more accurate description of me than you
oh btw, yesterday i solved my first non-archived project euler problem
Oh Lynn! I know her!
ok like i'm still relatively young but shh for the joke
@rak1507 tough cause you can't immediately steal someone's extremely optimized closed formula
@Razetime haha yeah
also IO is hard
Lynn's good, I'll say that
Have i met that Lynn?
you probably have
they are very good at golfing
extremely good
33 fibonacci python ?!?!?!??1?!??!??one
profile linky?
weeh, code.golf doesn't have idris
one good thing about code golf and anagol and similar sites is that it is simple to modify the answer
no need for md formatting/explanations
the downside is that you can't really learn anything from code.golf
because it's all secret
well you can by stalking everyone on the discord ;)
the only thing you can learn is that everyone else is better at golfing than me
i'm on the discord
i lurk
you are probably a better golfer than me
@TheNumberOne i shall find and unlurk your username
(it isn't that hard to find)
it's hard to find the lgbt snake in the 100 profile pics there
@hyper-neutrino remember when we were talking about cgcc ungraduation?
do you have a link to the script?
not on windows
if i restart into linux today i'll try to remember to send it
i made a userscript to replace the site css with a beta site's css
to make CGCC look like it is still in beta
graduation but the process is reversed (dah ninja'd)
including changing the name back to PPCG :P
This is objectively correct.
@hyper-neutrino thanku
i was wondering why peeps were using cgcc lol
i didn't realize peeps changed the site's name
bonks SE mods
Is the Nico pfp new?
yes they joined recently
Starting to write a very long term CGCC challenge tomorrow (long term as in the work it takes to set up), should be about one year before I post it.
That is not an exagegration.
(Spoiler it's a new KoTH)
koth O.O
I do have a really cool one planned though
koth is the only reason i check ppcg these days
tho, i like some code challenges
i'll keep an eye out O.O
My planned one is called Hunter-Gatherer, it involves hunting, gathering, farming, and upgrading tools as a tribe, then fighting other tribes to be the last alive
It's going to be intentionally very complicated, with lots of different aspects you have to consider, which should lead to specialization within the tribes and some very interesting bots and strategies
hm, it would be fun to implement a challenge inspired by the rat race
that was one of my favorite koth/challenges
the only problem with desiging a complicated challenge is you have to worry about people thinking it is too complicated to post an answer
i think
i never designed one. only played them
I'm aiming for the entry barrier to be low as well. I'll format the post in a bit of a unique way, with a very general description at the top, then I'll go into way more detail in a sort of "almanac" at the bottom
that is good
That way you can easily see how it works at first glance, come up with an idea, then if you need more details on something like hunting works you can scroll to that part specifically
oh hm, i might try one of your previous challenges. i just noticed you didn't put a time limit on bot factory 2
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Given a subset of {+,*,<,=,E,A,(constant),(variable)}. For most of the subsets, use the symbols to express Riemann hypothesis. Most subset, and on tie, smallest (code length+sum symbols used) in each language wins. (So there'll also be a winner in Text) You can also choose to focus on sum symbols...

ah yes now I remeber how annoying chain rule is when d/dxing
> d/dxing
- d/dxing
chain rule for differentiation is easy
but annoying
the real fricks come when you start integration
the real fricks come in galois theory
the thing is as tedious as derivatives get
it's just tedious rule applications
and then there's integrals
there are worse demons in math :3
i haz a bachelor's in applied math so i have an inkling of the demons that be
e.g., try solving pde's
Speaking of demons, there's an entire field of mathematics for the word "chaos", and the word "catastrophe"
i did research in chaos math for a lil while :3
"research" as in a math professor gave me lil toy problems to play with and i was bad at it XD
(and then she paid me)
> math professor
> toy problems
I smell a contradiction :P
@TheNumberOne Feel free to try any of my KotHs, even for the ones with time limits I wouldn't mind new answers (and would be glad to see them!)
@Bubbler most i got to was studying bifurcations
@hyper-neutrino now i have both the graduation and ungraduation scripts running at the same time
order has been maintained
what's the result of that
Race condition :P
~~pitchfork bifurcation~~
@hyper-neutrino honestly looks fine
---se markdown is weird---
the gradscript seems to be the dominant one
That actually looks kinda good
ah yes, a beta site with a design
In a weird sort of way
@RedwolfPrograms mind you I'm using an external dark mode extension
I would not want to use it, or look at it in doses exceeding the safe limit, but it's...acceptable
lyxal's dark reader makes that look better tbh
i made it for the nostalgia but didn't end up getting any
Wait I have both too but disabled lol
It looks awful IMO, but the grad script looks awful to me anyway so ¯\(._.)/¯
taskbar tour (starting from after settings): paint [for censoring the image], idle [for experimenting with features for vyxal], github desktop [for pushing stuff to main], notepad [for copying the pull command to paste in a console on my server], adobe acrobat [for reading uni texts], command prompt [for flask] and vs code [no explanation needed]
Imagine needing a dedicated program to read PDFs
Made by Chrome gang
Did you see me running Firefox on this?
9 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
Firefox on a Chromebook. Checkmate, Atheists.
(Click the thing to see context, there's a picture and stuff)
I use GitHub a lot but I don't have GitHub Desktop installed locally, not even plain git
Same, I just use it like Google Drive lol
extension tour: looper for youtube [self explanatory], pushbullet [phone notifications to computer], dark reader [self explanatory], ad blocker plus [s-e], honey [I support Mr beast], eye dropper [for picking colours off webpages], Grammarly [#70+-week-streak], toby [tab manager], tampermonkey [s-e], lastpass [s-e] and internet archive [s-e]
You can make YT videos loop by right clicking
It has extra looping controls
I use Gitpod for anything serious
my taskbar on ubuntu literally just has my file explorer, atom, discord, chrome, and terminal
my taskbar on windows has significantly more stuff :P
My taskbar on Chrome has Chrome (duh), Terminal, Files, Settings, and Text
The first item on my taskbar is IE
I can't get rid of it because corporate stuff
Run away as fast as you can there's eeeeevvviiiilllll
then there's file explorer, screen capture, Chrome, notepad, notepad++
and a bunch of corporate stuff
my work laptop came with edge. idk if i'm allowed to install chrome lol
Imagine not having an OS with (good) screen capture and video recording built-in :p
i have obs for video screen capture lol
my windows taskbar has at least file explorer, instagram, discord, i think atom, plus like five games
In a recent update Chrome OS added built-in screen capture for video, it's pretty nice actually
It's also got awesome screenshot tools
by awesome screenshot tools, how awesome do you mean :P
I mean you can drag to select an area, resize it before taking the screenshot, take one then move it from the same spot to get equally sized screenshots, scroll while in the screenshot thing, do video capturing from the same menu, etc.
It's probably pretty easy to do on other OSes, but it's all built in and tied to a keyboard shortcut
oh that's very nice
i don't think i have a built-in for that but i could almost certainly find something to do that :P
Oh wow. That's even better than ShareX I think?
i only know the keybind to ss screen / rectangle to clipboard / file
I'd take a screenshot but I don't think I can screenshot the screenshot tools
The last few screenshots also go to a little dropdown (drop-up?) menu at the bottom right so you can drag them into dialogs without opening any file explorer windows
Except, annoyingly, in SE chat
yeah unfortunately you can't paste images into SE chat
you have to either put them online or upload
In order to just paste a link to the image I have to open a new tab, pretend to answer a question, paste in the image, and copy the imgur link
Just upload to discord
i usually just SS to file and upload
Yeah, but often I don't want to post the image, just a link
hm good point
I'm in an elevator
upload, then replace the message with the image link :P
Now I'm not
@Lyxal This is the kind of hard hitting journalism we need in these desperate times
I am once again in an elevator
This is getting pretty intense
I am once again no longer in an elevator
I could never have seen this coming
I'm trying not to laugh in public at this conversation while I wait for my coffee
It's hard
a major twist develops in the plot
I now have my coffee
But I have to wait for the banana bread to be warmed
I can't look away, but I'm so nervous
The bread is obtained
This is unbelievable. You're a national hero.
And I'm now heading to the elevator
I'm in the now infamous elevator
But it wasn't on the floor I left it on
These HD rereleases are getting out of hand
I'm now out of the elevator
And I won't be back in for a while
The end
a truly exhilarating story from start to end
Anyway I have a massively important test tomorrow, I might be able to talk a bit tomorrow morning o/
good luck, don't fail :P o/
@Lyxal That stick figure has a bit of a large head :p
I thought you were going
I am, just closing all my open tabs and I heard the pings :p
(i don't think anyone pinged??)
unless he has ping on all messages in which case how is he still alive
Yeah no one actually pinged
Redwolf just has advanced AI that detects if the messages are relevant to him
That or redwolf has hearing problems
someone in his hivemind reports it to him :P
CMQ: when was the last time you were in an elevator?
oh it's got to have been like over a year ago probably
at least as far as i can remember now, anyway
/tp to me irl and I'll show you the elevator and you can give it a go
@Lyxal an hour ago
A few minutes
@Lyxal 1 month
Meanwhile, I got some actual concrete idea for a KotH. Feedback appreciated.
@Bubbler honestly think we need more complicated koths
I think this will be a lot more fun to make a bot for
it will attract fewer joke entries and encourage thinking
@Bubbler ok what does "Half information of the opponent's deck" mean
You get to know 5 of the 10 cards in your opponent's deck, as part of the drafting process
oh thank goodness finally. The intro to oop course first year students have to do is finally up to introducing arrays
ok, cool
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerTurn-based RPS Poker king-of-the-hill card-games javascript This is a two-player card game which resembles a vastly simplified game of Texas Hold'em, combined with RPS (rock-paper-scissors) and the most basic mechanic of commercial turn-based card games. The deck A single full deck consists of 30...

Saying so maybe inapporiate, but having a annoymous user in most of the chatroom made me a bit unsetting, I mean, yea, users is encouraged to join chat room, I agree with this idea too, but the name, like you just see someone with annoymous pfp and named like user69420 scares me a little.
Can't SE just have a friendlier naming system
Then again
@okie It could, but chat is SE's neglected child.
user69420 is like
Kinda distinctive?
I thought that was PPCG :P
alright time to see how broken vs code gets today with syntax highlighting
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosRegex, ASCII-literal Objective Execute the given regex for the given text. The regex is in a special scheme I made. Motivation For most regexes the usual languages support, they assign some printable ASCII characters for special instructions. For POSIX as an example, * is the Kleene star, . match...

idk how i feel about the anon system. it makes sense because of potential issues with offensive pfps and usernames. at the same time, "user62636425" and that default pfp looks kinda bad
nicer username, idk. maybe just use their identicon?
like, everyone has one...
I'm taking random messages from here as testcases for my newest question.
but yes, chat is totally neglected like adam said lol
is code golf the only site that actually uses SE chat
math does too
You have been warned.

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