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I'm 97/100 on Proofreader and 77/80 on Strunk & White
Very nice, almost there :D
i only have 27/100 on proofreader but i have 137/500 on copy editor lol
well played
It's opening them every 10s too
Okay, fixed
On the one hand, I want to post a challenge, but OTOH I'm more likely to repcap if I wait until midnight :/
wait @cairdcoinheringaahing first of all why did you approve my edit lol
second of all why did the edit not happen yet if it was approved lmao
does SE need two reviews even from someone who can edit the post directly?
@hyper-neutrino Because if Redwolf needs to do more testing, it's an easy-to-revert edit, and it has literally no negative value, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@hyper-neutrino Yep, 2 reviews always (except for mods)
Just waiting for another thing to enter the queue lol
still, the edit fails to improve the post :P lol
@RedwolfPrograms trivial challenge without a Jq answer?
anyway, submitted another SE for your script @RedwolfPrograms
It keeps saying there's something in VTC queue but when I open it it says it's empty
anyway, since your script seems rather broken i will stop testing to stop bothering WW who is now cleaning up the mess :p
Just fixed one bug, and of course the queue is empty now :/
you'll just have to wait for legit tasks lol
I can just log and replay them I suppose
Okay, added log and reply system, so I can now use one event multiple times for debugging
The UI for my script is much better than that of RSR, IMO
It has quite a bit fewer features, but in some ways that's good
Ooh, what if I integrated New Posts into the review page so that you wouldn't have to keep multiple tabs open all the time?
Yay I made first useful userscript
(()=>{'use strict';[9,10,12,13,14,15].includes(new Date().getHours())?document.body.innerHTML="go away":0;})(); in case anyone wants to try it
For some reason using @match https://*.stackexchange.com blocks CGCC but not chat
Because it doesn't block paths
https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/1 would be unaffected
Our first challenge was a popcon?
Thanks, it worked! (I'm using a different browser now)
migrated from SO but returned so idk if that counts
And the second comment on the site was:
Code golf has to be about shortest code, not "most obscure". Shortest is objective. "Most obscure" is subjective. — Chris Jester-Young Jan 27 '11 at 21:00
Someone should make a popcon involving popcorn
wait what about this
That was migrated from SO
> Post Migrated Here from stackoverflow.com (revisions)
oh lol
yeah, our challenge requirements have gotten a lot stricter (better) over time :p
TNB's had a lot more people in the room lately, this morning there were three whole rows of pfps
The third row wasn't full but still
Completely unrelated question for @RedwolfPrograms. In Plumber, what happens when a packet moves upward into a puller, conditional, or branch dropper?
I believe they keep going
Why was that deleted?
Don't see an OWC
Do the units do anything or just ignore it?
Yeah, but it was deleted by Jeff, rather than being closed and Roomba'd
CMQ: which operator combination is more logical for x in y and y contains x? x :=> y x <=: y x :=< y x >=: y?
If I could go back 1492 when George Washington created the internet under a tennis court with Enrico Fermi, I would 100% bring an army and force them to implement LaTeX formatting into HTML
I feel like we should have a Mother Meta feed. Oh wait, @cairdcoinheringaahing does it already, and she even includes a filter for relevant questions
@pxeger We really don't want a MM feed :P
That is my MM feed, appropriately named :P
I'm 70/80 towards Deputy on MM, I started flagging last week and I only flag new questions that should be closed and deleted
Imagine using feeds
There hasn't been a single review since I set up my logging. Any time I need something tested there's either three posts/tasks at once, or none for half a day :p
That's the nature of SE :P
I can sit at my computer for an hour and nothing will happen. I step away to grab a drink in the next room for a minute and 4 spam posts get posted on MM and 3 review events are created :P
And, of course, Lyxal rickrolls 15 different users
Oh no I have amogus
I am going to have to quarantine from TNB to prevent the spread.
@cairdcoinheringaahing where? I want to see the chaos. Was it here?
I didn't even know rickrolling was against the rules until yesterday lol
It's on like the tenth page of the Chat guidelines
I ain't clicking that.
I'm working on a userscript to make the "leave room" button close the tab instead of going to the chat home page. Any feedback?
@RedwolfPrograms Man, if the chatiquette was 10 pages, we'd never get anyone to read it :P
Not that they do anyway, but still
The problem with mentioning rickrolling during a rickroll is that you remind them about rickrolling, so they're much more likely to hover the link
@pxeger Yeah, the fact that it creates audio when I install it is really annoying
Maybe I should create a userscript with an obfuscated time bomb that randomly redirects you to a rickroll, but only late enough that you've forgotten you had the userscript installed
I'd do that because I've got a good reputation regarding userscripts, but...there's a reason I've got a good reputation regarding userscripts :p
The time delay is just really long
You know, writing this explanation for fenwick trees makes me realize I didn't actually know how they worked exactly, and just trying to think of explanations is a good exercise because I now I better understand why adding the LSB repeatedly actually does what we want it to
CMQ: Think of something more annoying than a commenter complaining about not being able to understand your question, but refusing to tell you what's confusing.
someone complaining about it in chat
*looks at a specific and undisclosed number of regular TNB users*
@RedwolfPrograms i don't understand this cmq :)
But you also ignore any requests to clarify what's confusing about it :p
@RedwolfPrograms downvotes CMC, doesn't leave a reason
hey there
Hey @Christopher!
How's things been?
its been a while xds
Pretty good! Working on a suduko solver right now and having weird bugs xd
Also, any 10k+ user want to cast the last vtd?
Its been a while since I was active here.
Anyways can I gander a bit of help with this project? its a really bizarre bug.
VTC for stack overflow :P yeah sure, i can probably take a look and see if i have a clue what the bug is :P
don't suppose it's for code.golf?
@rak1507 i might make this into a codegolf challenge if it isn't one.
@hyper-neutrino i think im still question banned from years ago
function buildBoards(board)
   var newBoards = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++)
      for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++)
         if (board[i][j] == null)
            for (var k = 0; k < 9; k++)

               newBoards[k][i][j] = k + 1;
            return newBoards;



@Christopher just checked, your account seems to not be limited in any way currently
oh sick
@hyper-neutrino Including on SO?
Yeah I got my ban removed
@cairdcoinheringaahing well i would not be able to know :p
i thought / assumed you meant on CGCC
nah I was a good boy here, but ironically I was also unbanned from SO
@Christopher there was this fastest-code challenge
so I already shared my code so i might as well explain. the function takes in a 9x9 array of numbers from 1 to 9 with some occasional numbers being replaced with null. The functions job is to find the first null value and return an array of 9, 9x9 boards with the numbers 1-9 replaced where the null is.
so for a smaller board you would take

       [null, 1]
and return
       ... ect
instead it currently just returns 9 boards that are the same and the null is just replaced with a 9
The first 9 arrays it returns are the ones printed as it generates then the last 9 are the final result
wait, are you planning to solve a sudoku board using brute force?
That's probably the shortest (and easiest to code) way
your bug is that you aren't creating new copies
so when you modify the subarray in newBoards, it modifies the original object, and you never clone it
i don't know if this is the best way, but newBoards.push(board.map(x => [...x])) fixes this
you'll have to ask someone more proficient in JS as to whether or not this is an appropriate solution
oh wait
@RedwolfPrograms 24:00 being 12 am, not 12 pm
Does anyone use 24:00 rather than 00:00?
Midnight then
no because it doesn't make sense lmao
The witching hour
24:00 doesn't exist.
You know what I mean
like do you want 0:00 to be 12 pm or 12 pm to be 0:00
I want 0:00 to be 0 am
CMC: Given a string containing only ASCII characters, replace ! with 1, " with 2, # with 3 and so on (!"#$%^&*() -> 1234567890)
@cairdcoinheringaahing no because 0-based indexing ftw
12 just makes things weird
12 am / 12 pm is like having 24:00, lol
@hyper-neutrino its refined brute force. You take the 9 boards and check to see what ones are valid and then you go and replace the next null value on each of the valid boards so at the end you are left with every possible solution
@cairdcoinheringaahing you missed a 3
also ty for the help
@hyper-neutrino Thanks, my keyboard decides to randomly skip characters :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Retina 0.8.2, 14 bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing Something like _.map("\!"#$%^&*()".zipWithIndex.toMap.orElse{case x=>x})
Probably an easier way to do it but I'm too tired right now
Wait that doesn't work
@user Shouldn't the \ go before the ", not the !?
Markdown fail Fixed (backtick, backtick, slash backtick, backtick)
Also me fail
You're right, it should be before the quote, but that entire answer is messed up anyway, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“!@#$%^&*()”iⱮoµ10R,’$¤y could probably be shortened a lot lol
@hyper-neutrino 10 -> ⁵ for -1
Also, I think you can remove the $
oh right
oh since i'm using ¤, i should be able to, lol
it wasn't working when i was trying earlier cuz i had the argument in when i was testing that link so it was using the monad 2,1 chaining rule
Unrelated, but does anyone remember a "poem" on reddit that was composed entirely of symbols like `, ^, and !? It was only about 4 lines long and had some kind of rhyme scheme
this stack exchange is awesome
hi welcome to tnb
Welcome to TNB!
It seems like you all are logged in whenever I come check it out :)
Q: What's my lucky factor?

caird coinheringaahingLucky numbers (A000959) are numbers generated by applying the following sieve: Begin with the list of natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, ... Now, remove every second element (\$n = 2\$, the smallest element in the list asid...

Well, some of us spend far too much time here :P
@thetrueankev wow, second ever message is calling us out for having no life
off to a good start :P
hahaha well what does that make me then :P
@hyper-neutrino I wish I'd seen your PR before I rolled all my site changes back lol
dw I merged it and now I'm changing back to jquery again
@rak1507 third, technically :P
oh, true
@Lyxal -1, that sucks. Have you tried jquery?
No, but I think maybe I should
anyway see you guys around!
Goodbye! Have a nice one.
Wow, guess I've missed a lot.
We've been getting a lot of people returning recently :P
@Adalynn oh hey, welcome back!
I was looking at an old polyglot answer of mine, and realized
"Oh god, Brainfuck is broken"
So WW and HN have diamonds now..?
And JoKing
Dennis, Martin, Alex, DJ and Mego have all stepped down/left
From Diamonding, or just codegolf in general?
Some both, others just diamonding
IIRC DJ still posts the odd answer, but the other 4 haven't had activity in years
Mego's fully deleted his account
@cairdcoinheringaahing Martin is still active, just not here. code.golf is where the veterans are at

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