i am looking for an expression for the inverse of a invertible square matrix, but element-wise: ie, given a matrix X, does there exist an expression for any element of its inverse, in terms of the elements of the matrix X? i am fully aware of Gauss-Jordan, LU-dcomp, etc, but its not whut i'm look...
Hey does someone want to cooperate in making a song entirely of error messages, by posting an answer along the lines of "zsh -c, 0 bytes" to continue mine?
Even better! That way, none of the answers on Day 0 have the same score :P
I hate when the example KotH bot is actually good
I experimented with random numbers to see which worked best, found out 80 was consistently good, then made a bot and gave it a very creative name, only to find out that the OP's Simpleton bot does the same thing (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
How are we supposed to deal with this answer? It's funny, but it kinda just ruins the entire KotH if no one can win
If you flag it, the mods are just going to notify the answerer and give them ~24 hours to fix it before deleting it. You might as well skip the 24 hour waiting period and make the mods' jobs easier
I'm always terrified someone will discover a massive shortcut in one of my questions that will smoke all the previous competition and then ruin the challenge thereafter
I have a list of pairs (num, val) where num is an integer (positive or negative) and val is a printable character. I want to output the total count for each printable character in Python. Is there a compact way to do that?
I can do
from collections import defaultdict
counts = defaultdict(int)
for (c, x) in seq:
counts[x] += c
hi people. i have a question about html/css/fonts: is there an elegant way to toggle the display of a certain unicode character without enclosing all occurrences with html tags?
@Razetime but if i remove the character from all text nodes in dom, i wouldn't be able to revert it. also, newly created content would still show the character.
@ngn You might be able to create a font that doesn't render that (or any) character, and then toggle font-family on/off for the character range of that single character.
a better font solution would be to have a font that only has that character, but it's blank, and enabling that font when you want the character to be hidden
Maybe instead of putting the ´s in spans, you could put the letters they're on in spans and use :after toggled by a class, that doesn't involve as much DOM manipulation so it's probably a lot faster
@ngn I went to glyphrstudio.com/online , made a new project, added the glyph range 0x0301 - 0x0301, and set the width for that character to zero (then saved as OTF)
the spacing changes because I forgot about it, but it adjusts the text around it to the same size as the default for the font editor (which doesn't look that bad)
It's annoying when you want to sign up for a free Student pack but you can't because your school blocks emails from other domains, so they can't validate it :(
I had to send JetBrains a photo of my report card to use IntelliJ Ultimate, which was embarrassing.
For my Compose a song challenge, should I restrict answerers to three answers on a single day? Makonede pointed out that you can lower your score a lot by just posting a lot of answers.
So I wrote a reference solution for the Gelatin metagolfer that only uses Square and Decrement to get from n to m. On the test cases, it had a total program length of 183119 and on the scoring cases, it timed out on TIO :/