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So, I think adding/removing someone as RO updates their "last seen" time. Interesting. That's gotta by status-bydesign by SE but I wonder why
I have absolutely no idea why this isn't working
I'm doing exactly what OSP does but it's just not logging me in
are you getting errors or smth
No, it just sends me to the CGCC page, but the one for non-logged in users
and it doesn't set any of the account cookies
huh... strange
Hello! Does answers to old question automatically get pushed to low quality queue?
No, only if they don't have an explanation
i'm not sure of the exact specs of LQ detection but short answers are definitely a condition
which is ironic, given that the tour page requires a short question with two short answers, but whatever...
I have no idea why this doesn't work and I have no idea why I don't have any idea. I'll look at it again tomorrow but it might just be some weird thing I can't control, in which case someone else will have to make the bot.
I set up a forwarding bot between discord and SE chat a week or two ago so I should be able to figure out how to do this
python module
What dosent work
if anything, i can probably set up something on my server and give you a token so you can post requests to my server to send messages
I'll try again tomorrow, but I might just have to switch to python and use the library OSP uses
i would recommend that
it's a pretty convenient module and it does work, unlike the many others i found from digging around until i just asked caird lol
In theory I've just ported over the exact same code that module uses, it just isn't doing the same thing
It works when I do it from the browser!
I'm running the exact same code
Maybe it doesn't like the user agent?
Nope, that's not it
Then it must be some other setting
Maybe I need some sort of delay?
Nope, tried 2.5s and nothing
Wait what are you trying to do again?
Make a chat bot
Doesn't that require an account?
Yeah, I'm just using mine for now
Maybe it's seeing you in two different places and getting confused?
No, because it works when I did it in an incognito browser window
Clear cookies and cache then?
There isn't any to clear
there should be nothing wrong with an account being signed in in browser and by a bot. i've done it successfully
@RedwolfPrograms then maybe the problem is that you need to go and sleep
It's 1am
I guess so
I'll try it again tomorrow
Think about it when you wake up
@RedwolfPrograms it already is tomorrow for you
Wait a second
The exact same code works on chrome
But it shows it's returning HTTP 418
That's the "I'm a teapot" status code
> <title>Suspicious request - Code Golf Stack Exchange</title>
That might explain it
That URL must be somehow incorrect then?
just saying, but if you're getting suspicious request warnings
you should probably not be trying this on your account in case you get auto-banned or smth. don't know if that would happen but it might be annoying for you to get that fixed :p
granted, using alts to bypass system restrictions is also disallowed, but making chat bots is perfectly allowed afaik
It's probably because I was using chrome and already had other cookies from other attempts
Anyway I'm up way too late o/
1 hour later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah, well you need to move to Milton Keynes or Stevenage where most of the main roads are 40 mph. actually we used to have a 70 mph road 22 years ago, but it got reduced to 40 shortly before I moved into the area
70 to 40? wow, that's a pretty massive shift, lol
@hyper-neutrino traffic lights of course. should all be replaced with roundabouts. worst ever was some traffic lights on a roundabout.
Oh, you favor roundabouts over traffic lights? Interesting - I rather dislike roundabouts though it's less that I'm afraid of them and more just that I prefer traffic lights now that I'm a bit more experienced
@hyper-neutrino I'm not sure how far the 70 mph portion stretched, but it's possible it used to pass close to a school, which sounds like a bad move
oh, I see. Yeah, 70mph near a school doesn't sound smart lol. (that's faster than the limit for a lot of highways here o.O)
Q: Do I need a win streak?

Manish KunduYou have played \$N\$ matches in some game where each match can only result in one of the two outcomes: win or loss. Currently, you have \$W\$ wins. You want to have a win percentage of \$P\$ or more, playing as few matches as possible. Output the minimum win streak that you need. Assume the curr...

@NewMainPosts wow I actually FGITW'd it
ok finally posted my answer, lol. might've been able to fgitw that if i weren't busy just as it was posted
probably would've spent too long writing the explanation and gotten beaten by lyxal still tho lol
err i should have done the simple equation to get value of x :-(
I'm back! And it appears Lyxal has become obsessed with Among Us.
@Ausername welcome back
@Ausername yes I have
@Lyxal Oh no... At least maybe you'll stop rickrolling.
I haven't rickrolled for a while though
Please don't start
you have already made the mistake of reminding them
@RedwolfPrograms I typically waited ~10 minutes, that usually works
Q: Can we assume computer be fast enough?

l4m2Consider such a question Take a program P and an integer n, check whether P halts. You may assume that if P halts then P halts in n steps. and solution 1 (P,n)=>!run(P,timeout=n us).timeout solution 2 P=>!run(P,timeout=9 us).timeout where S1 assumes n steps will finish in n us and S2 assume i...

Q: Implement Minceraft

A usernameIntroduction The game Minecraft has a 1 in 10000 chance of showing "Minceraft" instead of "Minecraft" on the title screen. Your challenge Your challenge is to code a function or program that takes no input and, 1 out of 10000 times, returns "Minceraft" and the rest of the time returns "Minecraft"...

1 more upvote to 2021 rep.
@hyper-neutrino Get outgolfed lol :P
Now I just need to earn 1 rep a year to keep up.
@Wasif As I said before, an empty program in Userscript outputs fizzbuzz.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tail spark rabbit earSolve the halting problem for /// substitution code-golf halting-problem /// is an esoteric programming language with simple two operations. One is to output its source to remove from it. The other is to substitute itself. This time I am assuming the case when the program is /pattern/replacement/...

Do golf-cpu support limited memory?
@NewSandboxedPosts It's been a while since we've had a "Solve the halting problem for this TC language" challenge :P
If golf-cpu support was good I should have posted codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/223431 requiring run on it
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd downvoted it eariler but then retracted it because I think the point might be that there's only one substitution (although it wasn't very clear), in which case it might be possible
Doesn't it always halt then? If it only performs one step, then what would make it not halt?
/x/xx/xx -> xxx -> xxxx ...?
I don't fully understand how /// works
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm getting there, currently failing on denominators of the form 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, ...
i.e. 1/3 of your test cases
@pxeger /// only performs one substitution at a time, then either halts if no change, or goes again with the new text interpreted as a /// program. "One step" suggests that it then doesn't go again, and "one substitution" doesn't make sense, as that's how it currently works
ah ok
@Neil That's a surprisingly surprising list. I would've thought that an approach would be more likely to fail on 1,2,4,5,6,8 denominators
oh yeah, it fails on 5 too
but it also fails on 3 or 9 for some reason
(different failure mode)
@cairdcoinheringaahing hmm yes, surprisingly list
@pxeger For the second, I'd suggest adding a worked example, it's kinda difficult to get your head around without an example
@pxeger :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh yeah, I just noticed I haven't added test cases yet either
@Neil So it only works for 7?
@cairdcoinheringaahing seems to work fine for 7 and any odd number greater than 9
@Neil I look forward to reading the explanation to try and figure out why those numbers specifically :)
oh, it goes wrong when it needs more digits after the ' than before it
Ah, that makes more sense :P
I'm trying to reduce this program, any tips?
print . sum $ accumArray
(2, lim)
[ (p * q, max (p * (x + k * q)) (q * (y + k' * p)))
| p <- [2 .. floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral lim]
, q <- [p + 1 .. lim `div` p]
, let (gcd, x, y) = extGCD p q
, gcd == 1
, let k = 1 + div (-x) q
, let k' = 1 + div (-y) p
what's the problem
and 'reduce' in what sense, code golf?
reduce the code size
what does it do
calculates the sum of maximum idempotent element from each of the rings Z/nZ for 2<=n<lim
@cairdcoinheringaahing next "fail": can I output .1'1 for -1/900?
@RE60K would be shorter to bruteforce
@rak1507 something like print $ sum [last [y|y<-[1..x-1],mod(y*y)x==y],x<-[2..lim]]
@Neil Yeah, I think that's acceptable, as the normalised form is the same length
@RE60K yea can last be max?
@cairdcoinheringaahing found the main problem with 2, I was subtracting 1 in the wrong place, only made a difference when I was subtracting 1 from itself
@rak1507 it iterates in increasing order, so it would be max by this property
@cairdcoinheringaahing I assume 0'2 isn't acceptable
@Neil No, the output should be '2
I don't get it. I'm sending the exact same data, with the exact same headers. Why does it work in Python, but not in Node?!?!?!?!
run a proxy in between to see what's different between them
I've done that. There is literally zero difference in the headers as far as I can tell.
(not a proxy, just sent it to a different server I controlled and looked at the headers)
^[+*DSA\d]*$ matches strings that only contain +*DSA0123456789 characters, right?
what about the body then
Also identical
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, and the empty string, and unicode equivalent characters to 0-9 depending on the regex engine
CMQ: What was the first golfing language?
Probably Golfscript
@Razetime GolfScript?
yeah i was wondering if there was something older
angry Adám noises
APL is not a golfing language
I know, I'm just kidding (shut up lyxal)
Can't be anything on this
But I want to document older ones if there are any that I don't know
People would say that Perl was one of the first languages to be used for golfing, but it isn't exactly a golfing lang
Same HTTP version. Same body. Same headers. I don't get it.
I feel like my script is just cursed
There's absolutely no reason I can possibly think of that would make it reliably work from python, but reliably not work from Node
Python is better than JS?
controversial statement
Stack Exchange sure seems to think so
Q: May the wind be always at your back

knosmosYou are Odysseus, and are finally free from Calypso (who has kept you captive for many years) after you drugged her while she was sleeping1. You wish to return to your homeland of Ithaca, but the ship you've stolen is a bit damaged and cannot steer. However, you have also stolen a map which conta...

I'm even faking Python's User-Agent
Host might have to be the first header for some servers?
I'd show y'all that the POST body is exactly the same if that weren't the world's second most efficient way to leak all my credentials :p
@pxeger I'll try that
Actually the library I'm using doesn't even let you change that. I guess I'll have to use the much lower level http library :/
That will probably fix it, honestly
Lol this challenge by Razetime is the exact CMC I asked yesterday
And Adám's already outgolfed me
It returns a 302
So the library was redirecting before I saw that
So the set-cookie didn't get seen by my cookie handling code
Never have I been so happy to feel this stupid
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingInterpret Gelatin Gelatin is a worse version of Jelly. It is a tacit programming language with 7 commands that always takes a single positive integer argument. You are to take in a Gelatin program and it's argument and output the result. Gelatin Gelatin programs will always match the following re...

@NewSandboxedPosts Try it online!
A program that randomly generates valid Gelatin code :P
It's gloriously unreadable :P
It works
I was about to get really annoyed because it was still broken then I realized I misspelled Cookie in the HTTP headers XD
Ugh there's a bug in the shell Chrome OS's Linux terminal uses and it's super annoying
It makes it so that no new text ever gets printed
So you can do things but the screen's basically frozen
what shell is that? and what bug?
I'm not sure if it's the shell or the terminal itself (although I'm pretty sure it's the latter)
@cairdcoinheringaahing so lyxal was right. :c
i just don't know how to use nfind right ;-;
@Ausername i know
I was just posting a pseudocode on general
I am developing Flask port of UserScript
I have stopped it for a few days, and will start again latter
You may come to this [room](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/123103/userscript)
@cairdcoinheringaahing phew, ended up having to special-case 2 after all that, since the calculation for digits before the quote just doesn't understand it if there aren't any
@NewMainPosts After seeing the title of the question alone, I laughed and fall down from the chair
I misunderstood the title
And made an awkward translation
@Wasif Was it flatulence-related?
@user yeah
@Neil Very nice!
> Question eligible for bounty in 7 hours
Remind me in 7 hours :)
is there any way to award bounty to an user who has only asked questions?
@Wasif Why would you award it?
Did they have a particularly good challenge?
no i won't award it
I was just asking
rewarding good questions is unfortunately more of a CGCC/Puzzling thing and isn't too necessary of a feature on other sites, especially given the point in bounties being to improve answers in terms of being canonical and accurate anyway
@Wasif Oh ok
for Best Of, challenge writers just pick an answer and the awarder just puts the challenge in the custom message
if you actually have 0 answers just like, idk, pick some obscure language and answer hello world or smth lol
readies loudspeaker to announce favorite language and suggest people use it
scala is cool and all that but I use no OOP lang other than ruby
"Imagine using a language with OOP" - Jelly golfers
but isn't every golfang not oop
I think Pyth does actually have a builtin for classes, which is wild
idk if you can create objects in any golflang
wow what
pyth has image manip and now this?!
the docs do zero justice to the language
Emphasis on I think
I've never actually used Pyth, I'm just going off what I can remember seeing
mm don't see anything here or here
still got the image builtins tho
It has the ability to embed arbitrary Python code in it with $...$, and because it's transpiled, it literally embeds it, so at the very least there's that
I wouldn't go so far as to call it object oriented
That ain't OO. Putting code in a class doesn't make it OO any more than putting a rock in the microwave makes it food. — imallett Oct 11 '15 at 5:18
golfscript might be
Where can i find golfscript veterans
Peter Taylor, Howard, Dennis, etc. have all left :/
I'm not, but I'm willing to hear you out
I think Erik The Outgolfer might have some idea
I shall have to stalk them on discord
You will nominate GolfScript as LotM?
It will never win
Golfscript has too many answers to be LoTM
TBH it's probably dead enough to be an LotM
Aaron Miller uses it ;)
golfscript has a surprising number of recent answers for a dead language
for just a few answers i think
like now I have completely forgotten Factor
2014MELO03 was posting in golfscript for about a month i guess
then disappeared
so now there's one active golfscript golfer
I've tried to use golfscript, but the overloading and the {...} blocks make me dislike it
CJam's kinda better in that at least it feels golfy
Stax :)
How to make this arrogant deadfish~ program work to print 1-100 with tab seperator? {{o{{d}}{i}dc{d}i}}
@Razetime how many esolangs you know?
uh what
@Wasif I really don't count them
but i use anything that looks fun
@Wasif I have used most of the langs mentioned here
hehe the list is sooo useful
@Razetime What's with the ??? For Deorst?
it means I don't know how it works
Actually, it does have a major bug I've been meaning to fix
it's stack based right?
i remember reading that in an answer
Yeah, it's stack based
Q: Write a fast-growing assembly function

univalenceSynopsis Your goal is to implement the (asymptotically) fastest growing function within bounded code on a fictional CPU utilizing a quite limited, yet (probably) turing-complete instruction set. Environment The CPU utilizes unbounded RAM as well as two registers, the accumulator A and the program...

You know, it would be nice if I could just edit the tour page question to some random question and two answers without having to pick one that actually exists on the site
(and if the restrictions were actually well-documented)
It's interesting to see the time difference between this and this (both generate the range from -1m to +1m, the second then randomly chooses one)
Is printing that much slowing it down? or does Jelly just have really smart optimizations with lazily computing lists or w/e
I think it has to be printing, as there's no apparent optimization in the Jelly source code
ȷ6ŒRṛ0 also runs pretty fast so I think output is just slow. granted, python I/O is rather inefficient AFAICT
at least if you don't optimize it
@hyper-neutrino You could post your own challenge that would comply with the criteria and then post a really good answer to it that's also very short :P
Actually, that might not be a terrible idea if it turns out we can't find a suitable question or edit one to make it work
I mean, that's definitely possible. The thing is that the Fibonacci challenge is perfectly fine in its current state
but the tour page isn't showing its current state
and idk when caching will stop being stupid
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

hyper-neutrinoImplement Minecraft's Rails code-golf Background Information Inspired by this answer on Arqade SE Minecraft has rails which allow you to move minecarts around on them for transporting players, entities, and items. There are many types of rails, but today we're only interested in regular rails, wh...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingGelatin integer metagolf Gelatin is a worse version of Jelly. It is a tacit programming language with 7 commands that always takes a single positive integer argument. You are to take in a Gelatin program and it's argument and output the result. Gelatin Gelatin programs will always match the follo...

You'll have to keep reloading to find out when it does stop being stupid :P
@NewSandboxedPosts Really, NSP? I try replying to someone and that's when you choose to post two big oneboxed messages.
It's a corner case alright, but this one ain't Scala's. I can just see the JVM right now at some bar, having been accused of not using protection and engaging in activities that aren't object-oriented: "But she (Scala) was just asking for it! She may have said no, but I know she meant yes. She's just a tease and it's her fault for sitting on my lap in the first place..." — Kevin Wright Mar 1 '11 at 13:47
I don't think anyone would accuse the JVM of not being object-oriented.
@NewSandboxedPosts 15 bytes in Jelly :P
TBH I doubt any non-tacit languages are going to be particularly short in this, and even J/APL/k might be pretty long, handling fixed arity commands
@cairdcoinheringaahing did you use ~ in gelatin just to avoid needing to deal with typing `` ` ``?
i'm not even going to try to fix that
Fricking markdown is awful :P
Pretty sure APL/J use a similar symbol as well, which is why I chose ~ over anything else
yeah, APL's selfie is pretty similar to that
Is it unreasonable to say "you may not hard-code a lookup table to get the output"?
Q: Wolstenholme numbers

caird coinheringaahingThe generalised harmonic number of order \$m\$ of \$n\$ is $$H_{n,m} = \sum^n_{k=1} \frac 1 {k^m}$$ In this challenge, we'll be considering the generalised harmonic numbers of order \$2\$: $$H_{n,2} = \sum^n_{k=1} \frac 1 {k^2}$$ This sequence begins \$1, \frac 5 4, \frac {49} {36}, \frac {205} {...

@NewMainPosts thanks, i needed something to post to cap :P
@hyper-neutrino Me too :P
wait, i have 30k now. didn't notice til just now
nice :D
how do you have so much more monthly rep than everyone else xD
you have +4248 and second is wasif with +2882
I post a lot
People upvote it a lot
then again i kinda went inactive for a while until lately
@hyper-neutrino Check the yearly ranking :P I've got 11.8k, Arnauld's on 10.9k then Razetime on 7.3k :P
:o lol
i still have a while more to go before i can join the other mods on the front page :'c
As it stands, you'll have to knock me off it to get there :P
well you'll certainly beat fatalize before i can get that high :P
your rep gain is at least even with mine on avg and usually more :P
lol yeah as you can see my activity is not particularly consistent :P
(activity being posting activity, not like checking on mod flags or lurking in chat)
Same here tbh :P
Massive long flat bit in the middle :P
based on the current trend if we extrapolate your rep should continue following an exponential curve and you will begin gaining 300 rep/day and transcend the rep cap limitation :P
I support this :P
I can get behind this form of "flattening the curve" :P
1 hour later…
@hyper-neutrino I've repcapped 11 days this month, and got a +400 bounty, that's 2600 rep already, without considering the fact that I've hit at least +100 every day except for 3 this month
oh, i see. nice :P
this month i've had 5 days with +0 rep
only capped 7 days (including +210 one day without any bounty or anything????)
@user I like that my day-based answer-chaining variant has caught on :P I don't personally think the answers will be particularly interesting, but that's not really a problem per se. The scoring criteria doesn't work with [answer-chaining]
I suppose you could do "score = average length of your code", to handle multiple answers, or limit people to just one answer each
What scoring criterion would you suggest?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Average length might be better - I don't want to limit people to one answer
If you want to encourage short code and a long chain, I think average length is probably the best, most simple strategy
Also, are the examples all right? Is the formatting okay and are they showing different edge cases?
Average length might punish people who answer later, though
But I don't see an easy way to weight the score for earlier answers either, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@user [code-challenge] is a better tag than [code-golf] for an average based score
Thanks, edited that in
AFAIK code-golf should only be used where the scoring criterion is purely "shortest code wins"
I think that's generally the accepted consensus
@NewMainPosts I keep reading that as wholesome numbers
@Lyxal That's better than my reading: Wolfstein numbers :/
Trivial edits are the best edits
WindowsPhone.SE is a graduated site (only the first stage, still has beta-level privileges). It has had 4 questions posted this year. The 4 most recent questions on it's meta go back to Jan 1st 2020 :(
Also I've completely forgotten about the windows phones. That's taking me back a while
Because my first phone was a Nokia Lumia 520 (or some number like that)
Wait I thought Windows Phone was discontinued
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can a site by ungraduated/deleted?
Why does this question even exist?
I'd speculate Windows Phone to face closure eventually, despite graduation. — gerrit Nov 1 '19 at 15:07
It's been inactive for a long time, it would seem
I just realised, the tag wiki mangling has made it so that all my tag wiki excerpts start with "For questions about", because everything else is awkwardly worded :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing here is your ~7 hour reminder
I feel it's okay to turn "This tag is for ..." into "For ...", and other common things, just not the super-general regex they have right now
> Question eligible for bounty in 47 minutes
I might have to award it in the morning, it's past midnight here
I believe a site can be closed regardless of if it's beta or graduated
not sure if that entirely deletes it or just like archives / locks it
also what prompted you to look at windowsphone.SE lol? i literally just noticed it and its total deadness yesterday...
windows phone has been discontinued since 2017 and support has been discontinued since 2019, AFAIK
so the SE is obv really dead
@hyper-neutrino Journeyman Greek's meta post :P
no user on it has gotten any reputation in the last quarter...
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh, I see :P i saw it from something about that one time 29 beta sites were graduated due to being too old even if not beeing the thresholds
not sure how I got to that page
The most rep someone's got since Jan 1st was 40 rep
but it might've been from following links from TL around
their mods have sub-10k rep lmao
it's probably the most dead SE, right? or is there something somehow even more inactive than something for a product that no longer exists anymore
It makes you kinda sad. I know how I'd feel if this site died out and got shut down :(
@hyper-neutrino It seems to be the site that's cited whenever people discuss inactive sites
oof :/ that feels bad
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah :/ looking at the site just made me feel sad cuz i've worried about this site dying off before especially after The Incident [TM]
of course i still miss the old community but fortunately it seems that we have a reasonably healthy new community now and an okay amoune of activity
@hyper-neutrino Sorting by questions per day, Community Building, Iota and Esperanto are all worse
We have ~3.9 questions a day
ah i see. (qpd isn't the best measurement apparently, at least someone from retro said it wasn't a good metric for their site)
yeah our QPD is... quite low
granted, a challenge stays active and accumulates solutions for quite a while
unliek Q&A sites where after they get an answer there's often no need for it to be touched again
We do rank very highly on total answers
ouch, the front page activity for community building SE tho. an entire year's worth of activity can be displayed on one page...
windowsphone.SE's activity is entirely just Community user still ceaselessly bumping old posts up hoping someone's there to notice them :c
When I saw the name Iota I thought "is there a SE site for a single APL function?!"
12k questions with 167k answers. Comparable sites on answers are Ask Different (114k Qs), Software Engineering (59k Qs), SO in Spanish (150k Qs) and Math Overflow (124k Qs)
@Bubbler That's how they've gotten 176 network sites :P
> Community Building Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for community managers, administrators, and moderators. It only takes a minute to sign up.
What's the difference between Meta.SE and Community Building.SE?
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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