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on a scale of 10 to yes, how bored were you
Here's the full thing if anyone wants to give it a read :p
What subject is this, anyway?
Biology's fun
We had chickens in our class once, they were pretty cute
@hyper-neutrino Just a question, why did you reopen this (and remove the comments) when the principle questions in the comments (are duplicate pairs allowed, is it safe "paths" or "places") were either not addressed at all, or "addressed" by adding in a test case and nothing else?
CMP: What is/was your least favorite subject at school?
Least favorite this year is 100% english, although I'm usually fine with it
@rak1507 Are duplicates allowed or not, then?
@user yes, but it is a bit of a red herring, they don't make any difference
I'm taking AP Lang and it's way too hard :\
@rak1507 Oh ok
@user english last year, economics this year
Imagine taking big brain subjects like economics
@user French this year because I'm rusty and don't understand anything, probably PE and Health before that
My favorite subject was probably Software App Design, which had nothing to do with designing software applications
Our PE is great because they don't care and we can't really do most things because of covid so we just walk in circles for half an hour then I code golf the rest of the time
Lol virtual PE
We had that for a while lol
I actually liked PE last year, before COVID, because it wasn't general PE, just tennis, table tennis, volleyball, and no standardized tests
TBH in virtual PE it was harder than last year because there were less people, and there was one good teacher instead of a few who payed zero attention
The pacer and plank tests were the worst
@Wezl But they couldn't make you run laps or anything if you were at home, right?
@user yeah so it still wasn't hard, it was just not super easy
@cairdcoinheringaahing from my reading of the explanation, it made enough sense to me. granted, i may be inserting my own understanding into text that others might not get, but i found it to be clear enough
i can edit in more clarifications since the question doesn't say duplicates aren't allowed but i guess it would be nice to mention that they explicitly are
> Given an array of logbook entries, your task is to write a function to return the length of the longest consecutive traversal possible; in other words, compute the maximum number of consecutive edges known to be safe. (In even more formal terms, compute the diameter of the largest tree on this graph.)
(emphasis my newest edit)
i found this to be clear enough that it meant consecutive paths, but i've added an edit that hopefully makes it more rigorous in case it's still unclear after reading what was already there
Hmm, I still think it's unclear on the safe paths/points part (and framing it as a logbook and trucking hasn't helped it tbh), but I suppose others may understand it clearly enough
I personally think the flavortext is a bit too much, but that's subjective
also thanks for the edit on 'distinct'; i must've missed that since i noticed the explanation didn't mention that
Ugh, the newest question is a repost of a previously deleted post (by the same user), but NMP never posted it and self-deletes don't show up in the mod tools so I can't find a link to it :/
@hyper-neutrino What's kinda annoying is that I edited in the "distinct" part as part of my edit to clean it up, and the OP has basically just reverted it to how it was before I edited it :/
@Wezl Thanks!
I don't think it being distinct adds anything to the challenge but complicating the processing, but if OP wants it that way, then so be it
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, I added it so that answers wouldn't have to worry about it, regardless of any impact it might have
I have n strings of equal length, I want to minimize sum of number of different letters in each column
by permuting strings
what's this even called
a Latin Square
and it's been done before
yeah but unlatin
duplicates in rows may appear and I want them all in the same column ideally
We've had some very closely related challenges, but I don't think we've had "Given a list of strings, rearrange it into a latin square"
I found "assignment problem" but this is multiway, and "consensus string" but it's not that
I guess so
@cairdcoinheringaahing how do you have 12 bytes? is my solution missing something, because I'm pretty sure it's valid and I can just do it w/ 3b?
@hyper-neutrino I may have taken a permutations approach by not seeing the rotation version :/
ah. rip :/
Well, let the FGITWing commence :P
time to port my own answer to 18 different languages
The Leaky Approach :P
explanation please so I can answer in a language I know
for i in [1, 2, ..., x]: print(rotate([1, 2, ..., x], i))
alright now that i've posted in a golfing language and my main production language, time to mess around with meme languages
I should've realised why there wasn't already such a challenge posted :P
I've been missing out on FGITWs because I'm working on Ash and 10IPL :/
i'm actually surprised there isn't
+2 with 6 answers, ouch to that ratio :/
imagine having a userscript to report new posts and still being beaten by someone who doesn't. this post made by the I Have No Life And Monitor CGCC Every 3 Seconds gang
I forgot to open New Posts today anyway :p
@hyper-neutrino Took a look at posts containing "latin square" or "rotate" and it doesn't appear to be, which is wild
Yeah. I even tried looking for my exact Jelly solution in case the wording was weird but can't seem to find anything
hey, does anybody know how exactly TIO encodes the URLs? i'm too lazy to look through the source code
@cairdcoinheringaahing For your Latin Square challenge, is it okay if we take input as a stack composed of n empty stacks?
Did you use the search for it? Cause that won't work properly with the unicode symbols. I've got a Jelly analyser here with every Jelly answer, and it's also returned blank
@Makonede Do you need to know how TIO specifically does it, or just a way to do something similar?
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, searching for it gave my answer as a result lol.
@user If you're going to properly use Stack Exchange, you might want to establish some default I/O methods for it
(Am designing an online interpreter and working on that part of it right now)
@RedwolfPrograms specifically how TIO does it
Q: Output a Latin Square

caird coinheringaahingAn \$n\times n\$ Latin Square is a grid containing exactly \$n\$ distinct values where the values in each row and column are distinct. For example, $$\begin{matrix} A & B & C \\ C & A & B \\ B & C & A \\ \end{matrix}$$ is a Latin square as no row or column contains a repeated value. You are to ta...

@hyper-neutrino Yeah, but SE search is crappy with unicode symbols so it wouldn't find any others I think
oh. you love to see it :/ well if you've verified with your analyzer then cool
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's the IO method I'm going with (inputs are pushed onto the stack at the beginning of the program, numbers are stacks containing n empty stacks, strings are stacks of numbers/characters representing Unicode codepoints)
@user Yeah, but I mean as answers to the default I/O methods thread
@Makonede Here is the URL generation algorithm
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh ok
Does every language need an answer there?
@user If that's the natural representation of integers in your language, yeah
@user No, but ones that have weird I/O methods do :P
@user thanks!
Are you implyingi Stack Exchange is weird? :(
@user You just asked if you could "take input as a stack composed of n empty stacks". It's kinda weird :P
I know, that was kinda the point of this language :P
@user by the way, i'm not great with JS so I can't make much out of it, but managed to find the function in Charcoal's code (I remember seeing that most Charcoal programs also output the SE Markdown with -l). Thanks anyway :)
Although I could probably make it weirder
@Makonede Good to hear
@hyper-neutrino It's annoying that none of the auto-range quicks make the link operate on the range, I feel convinced there's some way to get rid of the R :/
yeah, i'm almost certain there has to be some way to get this to 2b
@RedwolfPrograms I wonder what happens if someone stars this (current) message - then a message about a message about starred messages that got starred would get starred.
@user since that message refers to itself, it forms a cycle (infinite "about starred messages")
@Wezl Ah, so if you star my message, it can be used to confuse bots. Very nice!
only if there are meta-level counting bots
Well, if there any, don't you want to stop them?
FGITW effect is so real
+3 for my shitty solution to that latin square challenge already lol
Okay, I'll downvote you :P
It's alright, I couldn't even if I wanted to - my vote's locked in.
+5 for that jelly solution... grr
I think it was more because it was so much shorter than caird's solution
yeah good point
Also it "exposed" the trick
not much of a trick to expose :P
I mean, not all answers are using that exact approach, although everyone has pretty much the same output
@rak1507 <
Arnauld and HN were, I think, the first two of the different approaches, so I can understand them getting upvotes
Fair enough, didn't see your Scala answer
But yeah, it's still extremely similar
I think xnor had the first flat one
Crazy weather here
Skies were practically black when class finished. Started walking out to the busses then cue five minutes of golf ball sized hail. Get on the buses and it's over. Now the skies are blue and it's been ten minutes.
> golf ball sized hail
Looks like Zeus misinterpreted your wish to golf :P
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/70635/… go upvote neils answer for this question it's good and deserves more than 2 upvotes (or don't I guess, I can't tell you what to do)
@rak1507 Only if it switches to mathjax, <sup> based powers hurt my eyes :P
@user You just updated your answer to be the same as xnor's about 2 seconds after they posted theirs :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, I'm reverting so there aren't duplicates
It's really AZTECCO's answer
I think I finished my new language! (Not Ash)
It's called 10IPL
It stands for 10 Instruction Programming Language
aw, I was hoping PL was prolog
Is it a 10 instruction language? ninja'd
It's a really simple machine code/assembly thing, with - you guessed it - ten instructions
what are they
"push 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9" and "add"
Zero, Increment, Rotate, Print, XOR, NOR, Input, Read, Write, and Jump
The first 8 are for brainf*ck, and the last two are the constants "Fizz" and "Buzz"?
@RedwolfPrograms Jump? Do I smell GOTOs?
@RedwolfPrograms How does Jump work without a Label command?
presumably to an address
You write the destination pointer to a register
(two registers actually since it's 8 bit)
Please tell me this is implemented by your minecraft computer
It comes with a full 64 KiB of RAM, and all the registers you'll ever need (8, including the two IP ones)
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's what it's designed for, but not implemented there yet
I'll upload it to GH, just a sec
Also, FYI @RedwolfPrograms, votes are still coming in the RO election :P
The gap between you and Adam is now smaller than the gap between you and Lyxal
not really any surprises for the top 5
apart from bubbler, maybe
I'm surprised that Bubbler's beating me, given the votes on the nominations page
if I had over 10K I would've self nominated and beat you all :P
> Output a Latin Square
6 votes
14 answers
far too easy, can't you simply take nth prime * (p<n)
I'm here now
Github pages isn't updating so my interpreter is missing one JS file
@Lyxal don't read the transcript if you haven't eaten recently
@Wezl it's the first thing I did so your warning is too late
not again!
@rak1507 Yeah, that's one approach
I refuse to upvote questions and answers for the next hour and a bit
I'm going to have to wait an hour for my interpreter to work :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing if I had to guess I'd say most answers will use that which is not particularly interesting
I made to many commits really quickly to get some interpreter files added and now it's quota'd
So the interpreter.js file isn't loading
@Lyxal You refuse to, or are unable to?
@cairdcoinheringaahing both
Ofc in an hour I'll change my mind :p
hi, meta question: how reasonably efficient should code golf solutions be expected to be when it's not fully specified? specifically wondering about this question but also in general
@cjquines not at all (unfortunately)
@cjquines Welcome to TNB! Unless stated in the question, answers can be as inefficient as they want
as long as you can 'prove' that it produces the correct answer even if it would take several universe lifetimes, it's valid
@rak1507 Unfortunately? Insanely inefficient solutions are half the fun of code golf!
personally I never upvote those solutions though :P
hm so the question states “Your program should be able to handle inputs 0≤n<100,000 at least.” i guess i’m not sure what “handle” is supposed to mean here
I upvote ones just because they are inefficient. I love adding two numbers in O(n^n^n)
We do have the and tags if you want to write a challenge where answers must finish within a reasonable amount of time
like… it can handle them, it just takes like ten minutes by my estimate
@cjquines "handle" = "don't error"
i see
It just has to work in theory
sorry ppcg is scary and posting answers is scary D:
Don't worry, we don't byte
posting answers gets less scary with time dw
hah get it? byte?
yeah haha
@cjquines If you had a program that used for(i<99) {do thing}, that wouldn't handle inputs greater than 99 (very basic example), so wouldn't work
I feel like I recognise you from somewhere but idk where lol
@cjquines here's how to do well on cgcc
I think 10IPL is turing complete, if you ignore the maximum of 64 KiB of storage
@cjquines I'd recommend finding some older, less active questions to start on, rather than trying to quickly rush out an answer to something recently posted. That way, you've got the time to enjoy the golfing rather than worrying :)
@Lyxal ruuuuude
i did not have to click the link to tell what it was xp
@Lyxal Yeah, let's maybe not rickroll new users just yet :P
@cjquines you already know lyxal well
The trick is to download lots of userscripts
Getting rickrolled should be like a privilege you get at ~50 rep, along with commenting :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing gotta let new users know what they're dealing with
Getting rickrolled by Lyxal is what makes the TNB the TNB
@UnrelatedString Looks fine to me, but now I want to write up a "false" explanation, cause it looks kinda easy to do so :P
@RedwolfPrograms you have 2 too many "the"s there :P
@Lyxal they won't be dealing with you much longer *laughs evil specially*
@cairdcoinheringaahing looking forward to it lmao
22 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
Apr 1 at 12:40, by Redwolf Programs
I'm going to call this room "The TNB" from now on and nobody can stop me
@rak1507 figured it out, you're followed by someone I follow on twitter so must've seen one of your tweets
yeah so redwolf is the one who makes it the TNB
the one you makes it?
and yes I did use "is" and don't you dare
I'd make the joke but I kind of need my kneecaps today
@Wezl that still doesn't help me make sense of "the one you makes it"
What do y'all think about the design of this online interpreter? It doesn't work right now (not my fault) but does it look good?
I have edited
@RedwolfPrograms layout is kind of confusing
@RedwolfPrograms looks nice, except that you have to scroll and a side of the screen is wasted
@RedwolfPrograms wow I didn't know that it had a personality. I entered a program and it said Frick: unknown instruction
but I approve of roboto
@Lyxal Wait, it worked for you?
For me the JS won't even load
@RedwolfPrograms I entered the word frick and pressed build program
@RedwolfPrograms too tall
Also, since when tf is it Friday? I seriously thought it was Wednesday
@Lyxal it's friday???
@Lyxal compromise: it's thursday
damn, I go back to school on monday, this holiday has gone so fast
(it is thursday, UTC is weird)
@rak1507 how long is your break?
@ASCII-only ikr! Also, hello again!
I had last week off
@Wezl it was two weeks
@RedwolfPrograms it's too wide too
last week and this week
Hey I had last and this week off too!
@Lyxal I am getting conflicting feedback :p
Are you on mobile I guess?
@cjquines That's a very impressive Jelly answer!
@Lyxal wow, it's like we're the same person!
@RedwolfPrograms yes
@RedwolfPrograms textareas can't resize easily, which is annoying
But it's not conflicting - it's too big in general
@rak1507 almost as if we belong to a hivemind!
@Wezl Wdym, I didn't mess with the resize stuff
@Wezl they can if you force them to
i have uhh
right, I said easily and it's too much work
@cairdcoinheringaahing thank you
i have been busy polishing my frontend skills
look at this masterpiece progami.ng
@Wezl it's pretty easy actually
it's still too much work if IDK how and I have to do the work of finding out :P
@ASCII-only made me cry tears because it's that beautiful
@cjquines I suggested a golfed version, feel free to ask me if anything confuses you :)
it gets better the longer youw ait
but anyway. more seriously i recently discovered cloudflare workers
@cairdcoinheringaahing will take a look, thanks !
Okay, made the interpreter smaller
@ASCII-only I swear it looks like it's on a slow scroll to the right
It's not updated on GH though
and i'm marveling at the fact that i can make websites that don't take 300 years to load in australia
jelly is such a fascinating language
@RedwolfPrograms how tf do you out quota github?
@Lyxal i will neither confirm nor deny this. there are multiple... things going on.
@Lyxal The quota is 10 per hour
@ASCII-only you better be thankful my browser didn't load comic neue or something evil special would happen
@redwolfprograms 10 commits an hour?
@UnrelatedString https://tio.run/##TVLBbtswDL3nKx7Qw5KtM5LrsHYY0EsvO6wddih6EBLaFipLmUQlKdB/z0jK2WrYgiw@Pj4@anTlhUI4n4enzTOAK/wkrjmCR8KmMA4uVELqMWDpO@rg@UNBbiALrhaLAQEnTb6j3kcSrCtw6Gvcsk@xk7CLO4G4LFx7PXNylIc6UWRjXwBvMAEPtHfZMaGwrAooOHoehfBtITAKNAlVuFkL@Ddhci9kBSwy852urSKTtOB7EQ36U10oWGOprdG051cEX3ilnJvbtZUeU2bKOFAuolGJekkiQeDGxN0Xc6ZPIaSjj0OjBacG/CbIYTn7uK3CcqDwilwjhi/K8oT2XOFx9AXyBlEKPibM4lWTQYFSt9sL3PbN9iZBD6iUlFWlkNhwHGKKn/8313iugX9lu0586boWyOR23RzQvZroI9MgHvQ5TXh4vLv/0bACUFukiPZmW7F1jqGM6dh4UuV9ZXVcB2DDkb0ppm2So3dTCpr@rMvXj7eh5f8qNs0iI@6lOU28XBQBruQ7fdpcuvm@22Gj7p/aWDOVGoy6/dkIUlyZlvnSej
For pages yes
cloudflare pages
@cjquines it's certainly... interesting
@RedwolfPrograms wow. Imagine hosting through github pages
gh pages is that bad?
Idk I rarely use gh pages
@cjquines If you're interesting in learning more of it, feel free to request access to Jelly Hypertraining, the room specifically for learning Jelly
well Comic Neue is still better than Comic S***
It updated!
10IPL is finished
@Wezl I have a question for you. Do you think even the worst person can change?
Now I need to figure out how to do a conditional jump in 10IPL
@Lyxal is this another irritating Sans joke?
@Wezl i think you will be happy to hear that i unironically use cosmic sans neue mono
@RedwolfPrograms no. It doesn't update error text if you build an invalid program and then build a working program
@cairdcoinheringaahing beautiful
@Wezl here's a better question: do you want to have a bad time? Because if you take one step closer you really won't like what happens next.
@UnrelatedString The trick is to not know the language :P
I'm at +190 for today, and I posted a question over on mother meta, so each time I see the +10 I go "Yay, repcap", then I see it's from MM :/
I'll make a spec soon
@RedwolfPrograms believe it or not it isn't fixed for me
Hard reload
on the topic of repcap
do the high rep users just always hit repcap? like, how are they still the top after so many years
i've repcapped 37 times apparently (not really a "high rep user" tho depending on the definition)
@ASCII-only Dennis hasn't posted since Aug '19, but has gained +1500 rep since Jan 1st
Oh cool, I hit 10k gain for this year :D
> reputation this year: 10,009
Another repcapping question: how do y'all manage to do it so consistently?
my rep this year is -210
@Lyxal probably FGITW. i could look through all the days i've capped to see
@Lyxal Post enough answers/questions
160 of my 190 rep today comes from 3 posts, and that's a lot for most of my repcapping days
All my repcaps are from questions

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