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My 13 byte FizzBuzz program finally works!
I got that too, but with a blue button
@user I hate this
@RedwolfPrograms I think the color keeps changing
Personally I'm fine with it, it's better if they make money off that than us
@RedwolfPrograms you mean you didn't make it a 1/2 byte builtin!?
What would that be useful for?
I can't think of very many challenges where wholesale FizzBuzz is worth it
Make it a flag then
Ash -FizzBuzz, 0 bytes
I'm designing a legitimate golfing language here :p
It'd be -F of course
Are you implying Vyxal isn't a legit golflang?
No, I'm implying Help, Wardoq! and friends aren't
does Vyxal have that?
No, Vyxal's fine I just don't like how flags are scored
Flags not being held as part of byte counts are okay for some languages where they're standard, but not when they affect behavior that much
My opinion is that they should count toward byte count if they are part of the program, and be ignored or part of the title if they are part of the I/O
I'd say they should be ignored even if they're part of the program but are widely used in real code
Idea for an esolang: you have to construct builtins by disassembling built-in programs, rather than the other way round. So the shortest way to count to 100 would be to take 99 bottles of beer, extract the numbers, and reverse it
That's difficult to judge though
Like for APL, one often uses ⎕IO←0 to enable 0-indexing instead of 1-indexing
@RedwolfPrograms Well, it's up to the answerer to do the honorable thing
@pxeger I approve, now make this a question so I can bounty it
@pxeger Sort of like as a language
@RedwolfPrograms Ooh, we need more of that tag!
(we don't really)
Oh hey, I just got another Yearling badge
That'd be cool, I've always thought a language that used duct tape coding would be interesting but never really felt like making one :p
@pxeger What's that?
@user a video of how to remove it
You click the x button
pfft, who needs an X button?
@pxeger Don't you just click the X button?
Also, if that's a Rickroll, I swear I'm coming to the UK to strangle everyone named pxeger
I can assure you it's not
@JohnDvorak adding #.jpg is a smart way to get SE to show the image, wow
Looks like the results of the RO voting are fairly well established (not gonna say who's where since some people may not want to know)
@pxeger Ooh, that means this is possible
I clicked the image instead of permalink and rickrolled myself
That was just a demonstration, not an intentional rickroll (sorry if you clicked it before I could type the warning)
YouTube's no fun, they don't let you open a video in an iframe to load a rickroll in the background of your website :(
Anyone know of a YT XSS vulnerability?
@RedwolfPrograms they have a specific Embed API for exactly that purpose
APIs aren't nearly as fun :p
What is RProgN and why does it sound so similar to my username
What in the hell is the crappy new banner advertising teams for on any site other than SO?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ohai
I'm sure all the people over on Gardening SE and SciFi SE care so much about SO for teams :p
@JohnDvorak Hi!
Is an empty array sorted?
And if so, is it min -> max or max -> min?
All of those?
yep yep yep
I'm just going to say an empty array isn't sorted since returning a superposition of 1 and -1 isn't really possible in this version of Ash
Is an array with only one distinct element sorted? Yes in both directions, right?
@RedwolfPrograms What about 0?
That's what I'm returning, yeah. It means it's unsorted, but I guess I can use it for ambiguous cases like this too.
@RedwolfPrograms Why not give 1 precedence?
I honestly think considering [] and [1] unsorted is better than the alternatives
That could mess people up
So could considering [1] as sorted max -> min
If someone tries a "do this function until it's sorted" thing, and you get [1, 1, 1], you might go into an infinite loop
@RedwolfPrograms I'd say min -> max should be given precedence
so you have a function that returns the sortedness?
Or you could use fuzzy logic :P
This is kinda like asking if 0 is positive or negative
There are two "is sorted" functions, you'd use the more complicated one if you need to handle those weird edge cases
@cairdcoinheringaahing well that's just false
@cairdcoinheringaahing JS would like to have a word :P
@Wezl Not really
Either category "can" apply, but neither is the best fit and it's better to create a separate category
I even overloaded it onto the "is negative or positive" builtin :p
@RedwolfPrograms Isn't that just a sign builtin then?
...and I just realized I have a monad overloaded onto a dyadic function for the other one :/
Signum allows -1, 0, and 1, right?
That's one reason against overloading, all the arities have to be the same
That's usually easy I'm just dumb
I want to make a joke about schizophrenia here but I can't find one
@user I'd make a joke about schizophrenia, but the voices in my head told me not to
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd make one too, but this isn't a secure chat
Any ideas for useful array dyads? Just freed one up.
@RedwolfPrograms interweave?
Wait, I found a good one.
Keep all items larger than an inputted item
set operations (difference, union, etc)?
Already got those
Mask/Binary mask? Keep elements of x at indices in y? Keep elements of x where the corresponding element of y is truthy?
@RedwolfPrograms All the items to the right of a blob here.
Actually I don't have a "partition whenever a specific item is encountered" builtin, which would be good to include
As in "split x at y"?
so just, string split, but with arrays?
What's the array overload of the string split function?
do you have rotate+subarray+take+drop?
I could either do split+split and a separate join, or split+join and a separate split, and I prefer option two
@cairdcoinheringaahing I love those kinds of jokes.
I'd make a joke about null bytes, but I'm using untrus
@Adám Personally, I typically tend to avoid them, on the off-chance I offend someone, but I figured that was unlikely to do so
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, not about the condition, but the self-referentialness.
I worry that I might be suffering from hypochondria, but my doctor keeps assuring me that I don't have it.
I'm going to make a joke about golfing languages, but I'll have to keep it short
I'd make a joke about code bowling, but personally I am of the most esteemed opinion that the electronic sport of "code golf" is a much more intellectually stimulating activity than the attempt to elongate my code, thus making it more verbose and difficult to understand
Things I hate:
1. Lists
2. Irony
4. Mistakes
D. Inconsistency
omg an Adám message without punctuation!!
I'd make a joke about self reference, but I already have.
This isn't a joke.
How do you keep an idiot in suspense?
that's a good one
CMC: Given a string, output a regex which matches every string except for the input
@RedwolfPrograms did you see my image in the sandbox?
No, your site's blocked on my school's network
Anyone know what this game is? It has 56 triangles. Each has its 3 vertices labeled with a number. Numbers range from 0-8.
I wanted to tell a joke about UDP, but I wasn't sure you'd get it.
@pxeger Well, tell us, I'm dying to know! :P
@pxeger I never said what the M stood for :P
@pxeger Big difference between complementing a string and a regex
Apr 9 at 23:59, by Wezl
(m meaning medium or mini or mega, your pick)
Would you like to hear a TCP joke?
I'm going to tell you a TCP joke.
I have sent you the TCP joke.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Isn't that just a negated look-ahead for the string?
You could just do [^s][^t][^r][^i][^n][^g], right?
Wait no
@RedwolfPrograms No, because that wouldn't match ztring for example
You'd have to do all the permutations of that
@Adám ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know enough regex to do basic string operations and complicated esolang parsing
Regular expressions are kind of like SQL, but much more interesting and considerably easier to understand
But they're still annoying sometimes for the same reasons as SQL
@RedwolfPrograms |[^s].*|.[^t].*|..[^r].*|...[^i].*|....[^n].*|.....[^g].*?
I � Unicode.
Which is more useful, return the first index of something in an array or an array of the indices?
[1, [1, 2, 4]] :p
But probably first index if you're hard-pressed for commands
I'd say the second
An array of the indeces, because then it vectorises
anyway you can do the second with length range if you're really low on bytes
You can take the first item in one byte, but making the array using the first index only is complicated
I think I use i (first) more than (all) more in Jelly, but they're both very useful
@pxeger The first index, because then it vectorises.
I'll just delete something else to make room for it then
So I have both
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol.
@RedwolfPrograms x = y (vectorising) then truthy indices
For all these vectorising questions, you might want to refer to what APL (et al) does.
vs all indices, first. So they're both 2 bytes to implement the other, if you've got the right builtins
Oh I don't actually have a truthy indices command, that might be useful
@Wezl I think @RedwolfPrograms means "an array of the indeces of where this item appears in the list", not "an array of all the indeces of the list"
Although then again you could just vectorize truthy/falsy then take the indices of 1 to recreate it
Like [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2], 2 -> [2, 3, 6]
@RedwolfPrograms TBH most of these builtins can make each other in a few bytes :P
run this script in Python for me
@RedwolfPrograms CMC: do the second one without using the builtin if any
Jelly, 2 bytes: =T
Hello everyone what is the CMC about
JS: d=>m=>d.map((n,i)=>[n,i]).filter(n=>n[0]==m).map(n=>n[1])
@StackMeter You're missing --no-preserve-root :P
@Wezl assuming the list is already in the system as a variable a:
@StackMeter that's not valid Python
@StackMeter Please don't ask people to run harmful code, even if it's obviously a joke (and doesn't work)
@RedwolfPrograms sorry
Don't include the eval when posting it
Though it will not work in modern linux systems
list = []
a = input()
@StackMeter can you tell what is the CMC about? I came a little late here
Presumably, it was rm rf
@Wasif Given a list and an element, return the indices of the element in the list
@Wezl in apl it's something like =/⍳∘⍴∘⊢
E.g. [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2], 2 -> [1, 2, 5] or [2, 3, 6]
@Wezl Or just ⍸= (list on the left, element on the right)
I need to look up ⍸
It's indices where
yay TIL
For every 1 in the vector, it adds the index of that 1 to the output, but I think it works for numbers greater than 1 too
@Wezl I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not :|
My homemade python solution: {s[x:].index(2)+x for x in range(len(s))}
Replace 2 with the element where s is the list
Q: How do I write a userscript to replace every occurrence of th with þ and Th with Þ on any page I visit?
@cairdcoinheringaahing You could iterate over every element with contents including th using document.querySelector I think
Wait no
@cairdcoinheringaahing document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(e => { e.innerText = e.innerText.replace('th', 'þ').replace('Th', 'Þ'); }) or thereabouts
You'd probably just have to use a MutationObserver to check every element's textContent and value when they're added or changed
Oh no forgot that CTRL+F just finds is there any replace tool for chrome
@pxeger Doesn't work for anything added after it's loaded
Or on buttons
@RedwolfPrograms so then connect that to a MutationObserver
@RedwolfPrograms ?
Oh, good point.
Buttons have the text in the value
@Wasif That's unlikely. Try the console?
@user yes we need js for that
Also that will turn the DOM into purely text
You'd have to make sure the element only contained text nodes
@RedwolfPrograms pfft, who needs elements?
Make a recursive function checking nodeType
Also textContent ftw
@cairdcoinheringaahing use a font with ligatures that do that automatically?
That's the best option honestly
@user This was my math project
Eww forEach
Ah the trick of pinging self is still running
Now the MutationObserver
See, I already have cloud to butt, which makes me think a hacked together chrome extension would work
new MutationObserver(_=>(r=n=>n.nodeType===3?n.textContent=n.textContent.replace(/th/gi,d=>d[0]==d[0].toLowerCase()?"þ":"Þ"):[...n.childNodes].map(r))(document.body)).observe(document,{attributes:0,childList:1,subtree:1})
That should work.
Yep, it does.
@RedwolfPrograms Doesn't it work without the ...?
You need the spread operator since it's a NodeList not an array
You can make it work with text inputs and buttons but it might break some stuff
Anyone else unable to read WAF ("Web Application Firewall") as anything other than "Wet Ass Firewall" since WAP went viral (sounds wrong) popular?
I've been playing too much DnD, I thought Wet Ass Fireball :P
@hyper-neutrino BTW it should actually be "whoever" because in this case the "who" is the subject of the verb "to guess", not the object of "to give (reputation) to"
@RedwolfPrograms Yep, þat works
Can't get it to work in a userscript though for some reason
@pxeger oh, really? I always thought the form was purely based on whether it and the phrase describing it served the role of a subject or an object
can't seem to find an answer from just looking up "whoever vs whomever" either cuz they only talk about the two pronouns on their own
gotta love english
@RedwolfPrograms I can't get it to work in the chat input box :/
@hyper-neutrino it is, but in this case it is a subject not an object I'm pretty sure
> Þe Nineteenþ Byte
You'd need to change the value of things too
@pxeger now that i think about it, under this context "10 rep to they who figure it out" sounds more correct than "10 rep to them that/whom figures it out"
@hyper-neutrino yes - "he who figures it out". You replaced the whole rest of the phrase before
I'm pretty sure "10 rep to whomever figures it out" is þe correct version
It's slightly stilted and archaic þough
I can't get my attempt at making it into a userscript work
Only the new messages get the thing applied
Wait no none of them do
It's just caird has their userscript
I can't type git hub
Use a U+200b
I just discovered a new emoticon
@RedwolfPrograms What about in a link?
@cairdcoinheringaahing GitHub with a capital H?
That'd get matched by the regexp
It's /th/gi
Go to þe gists URL and add /cairdcoinheringaahing/ad7307fd650a18906d7745980738f1f1
Þat's þe userscript I'm using
@RedwolfPrograms well take of the i then
But then you can't capitalize The or scream at people!
Þen it won't match "T" and "h"
@RedwolfPrograms /[Tt]h|TH/
I am back again
Q: What is the shortest and most dangerous (or funny) userscript you have ever seen?
What about Github?
I þink þe simple solution is to not care
@Wasif dangerous is largely the precise opposite of funny for me
I modified þe chat commands userscript by ATaco to insert þ into chat messages, so main site shows þorns but doesn't insert þem anywhere I type, to avoid confusing people
@pxeger how about dangerous & funny both
shows þorns looks a bit odd...
@Wasif well that's what I mean. Most dangerous things aren't funny and most funny things aren't dangerous
OK let's keep it to funny
@RedwolfPrograms Þe trick is to not see it as a p but as a þ
Most people will read þorns as porns instead of thorns :P
If you keep typing it wiþ þe right keyboard shortcut you'll begin to read it right
Þat's true, I guess
Þh? Heresy!
Tþhis is worse
Oh gott mine eyes
Oh now þou hast got me writing entirely in olde english
I prefer writing th as y :p
I've moved the "Insert thorns" bit into it's own userscript so I can turn it off if I want to without affecting chat commands :P
Yis is ye best way, not yose silly "yorns" :y
Given that I might be an RO soon, I should probably type in modern english, even if I read it using thorns :P
We should write a code-challenge on how much grammatical changes can be made to an english sentence to add more "th" into it
I'm switching to :y and nobody can stop me
Or maybe :Ø
Mar 19 at 22:15, by Redwolf Programs
:Ø is when you can't scream
CMQ: favourite Unicode characters?
U+200b and U+2e3b are pretty good
I think I'll stop using :P and switch to :þ. Of course, I might not always use my "insert thorns" userscript, so it'll look right to me but y'all'll see :th :þ
@cairdcoinheringaahing y'all? Aren't þou British?
@pxeger Yeah, but I use far too many American-isms :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing FTFY :þ
Gotta love spending two weeks preparing for a test I'm not going to take
@pxeger I like ᣄ because it's "Canadian Syllabics Yay" which is just fun
Is the sidebar showing "Hot Meta Questions" and not questions for anyone else?
can replicate here
This is appearing for me
No, underneath that
Can someone tell me why the fuck vu is lowercase in vim and vl is uppercase?
I didn't notice before but was there something under that
@pxeger Maybe it's "under case" and "large case" :p
Adám has received more upvotes in the RO voting than caird or Bubbler :o
But me and wezl are getting a lot of downvotes
Hey i was just thinking of wezl and he came here
Because you're both pretty new users
@RedwolfPrograms True, but I also got a downvote.
I guess the FGITW effect is why Lyxal and I were tied with you (or close to) in the nominations
FGITW effect works for downvotes too
@user am not, but it's always safe to assume I am

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