My opinion is that they should count toward byte count if they are part of the program, and be ignored or part of the title if they are part of the I/O
Idea for an esolang: you have to construct builtins by disassembling built-in programs, rather than the other way round. So the shortest way to count to 100 would be to take 99 bottles of beer, extract the numbers, and reverse it
I'd make a joke about code bowling, but personally I am of the most esteemed opinion that the electronic sport of "code golf" is a much more intellectually stimulating activity than the attempt to elongate my code, thus making it more verbose and difficult to understand
new MutationObserver(_=>(r=n=>n.nodeType===3?n.textContent=n.textContent.replace(/th/gi,d=>d[0]==d[0].toLowerCase()?"þ":"Þ"):[...n.childNodes].map(r))(document.body)).observe(document,{attributes:0,childList:1,subtree:1})
@hyper-neutrino BTW it should actually be "whoever" because in this case the "who" is the subject of the verb "to guess", not the object of "to give (reputation) to"
@pxeger now that i think about it, under this context "10 rep to they who figure it out" sounds more correct than "10 rep to them that/whom figures it out"
I modified þe chat commands userscript by ATaco to insert þ into chat messages, so main site shows þorns but doesn't insert þem anywhere I type, to avoid confusing people
I think I'll stop using :P and switch to :þ. Of course, I might not always use my "insert thorns" userscript, so it'll look right to me but y'all'll see :th :þ