For me, it's more browsing through Reddit or doing some other useless thing, golfing, real coding, and then real life, although that last one barely made the list :P
4 years ago, we voted on and appointed additional room owners for The Nineteenth Byte. That was the most recent time TNB has had new room owners. Currently, only 2 of the room owners are able to be pinged if needed, and one of those 2 hasn't been active since October 2020.
The need for active roo...
If the answer had a higher score I'd be less hesitant, but given that it's net score is half the question's score, it doesn't "feel" like a conclusive response
To me it does; 7:1 and no answers saying otherwise is pretty good. Most of the upvotes on the question but not the answer probably supported it, but before Bubbler's answer
@JoKing @HyperNeutrino Could one of you guys fix this but for the 2020 version? According to Dennis, unlocking then locking it should cause the system to get rid of it (source)
Hey so why does TIO sandbox url requests? Is there a safety reason? Because I'm wondering if I need to sandbox URL requests in my own online interpreter.
@Lyxal Yeah, but a while back I noticed that CGCC dominated the HNQ (lots of votes and lots of answers = success), and got the algorithm changed to make it difficult to get multiple posts from the same site to be so high up on the HNQ. Getting 4 near the top is very difficult to do now
FYI I believe that at one point CGCC had 13 questions on the HNQ, which is ridiculous
Take the string of brackets ]][][[. When you rotate it to the right once, you get []][][. If you rotate it again, you get [[]][]. All brackets in this string are balanced.
The Task:
Your program (or function) will be given a string of brackets, represented in any reasonable format (including usin...
Program: To count the sum of all Unicode characters of a given input.
(No need to display the output.)
Test case : XyZ= 0058+0079+005A=012B
Condition: If the program is inputed, then it output must be an integral multiple of 6C1H.
(Sum of all characters Unicode in the code must be equal to an in...
Program: To count the sum of all Unicode characters of a given input.
(No need to display the output. The final answer can be calculated in any base no need to convert back to hexadecimal.)
Test case : XyZ= 0058+0079+005A=012B
Condition: If the program is inputted, then its output must be an inte...
Compare two numbers without doing so
Program: Write a code to find the greatest among two numbers.
The program may consider only integral numbers from 0-9
Condition: In the whole program, at no time logically must any two numbers be compared.Use of negative numbers/ negative bits is not allowed
@MarkGiraffe What do you mean by "run it"? I thought you were asking how to denote 3D data in plain text. You do have an IDE for it, as evidenced by your participating in chat. Press F12, Esc, paste, Enter.
Sr. 4Der says "Make a tesseract." code-golf
Sr. 4Der has hired me to make 4D shapes for him, using code. I have to figure out which one I should make.
So I told him, "What about this one?":
He said "Yes. Just the outline, you little 3Der.", and obviously was upset because I can't see 4D, but I g...
Given a black-box function f(x) which take a value x and output true for \$p(x)\$, an unknown monotone function(not knowing even whether it's increasing), probable; and false otherwise. Output an infinite sequence \$a_n\$ such that \$\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}p(a_n)=0.5\$. You can assume that \$0<...
Another date-manipulating problem :P
Write a program or a function that calculates the difference between two dates given by a user.
Input & Output
Similar to the previous one, inputs are two YYYYMMDDs, separated by a space , a comma ,, or a minus sign -.
Example of input values:
Create a function (or closest equivalent, or full program) that takes an list of some datatype (your choice) that may be nested and a string (in either order), and generalizes the lisp c[ad]+r functions.
Functions are provided which perform compositions of up to four car and cdr operations. Thei...
Un-pipe an Elixir expression
Elixir is a programming language with a feature called the pipe operator, |>. It passes the result of an expression on the left as the first parameter of a given function on the right. To clarify, here are some examples.
2 |> myFunction()
is equivalent to
@RedwolfPrograms And all the many other languages with "fuck" on TIO :P
@RedwolfPrograms I'm surprised it's a fully automated filter with no way to alter it. Most filters allow you to choose specific websites that would be caught but have been deemed OK
Conways' Game of Life is a well known cellular automaton "played" on an infinite grid, filled with cells that are either alive or dead. Once given an initial state, the board evolves according to rules indefinitely. Those rules are:
Any live cell with 2 or 3 living neighbours (the 8 cells immedi...
@ChartZBelatedly Our school blocked a website that had a law about drugs, presumably because it named drugs. The teacher then couldn't unblock it either, so that was annoying.
@Wezl It's not very convenient when you accidentally pass a string instead of a number because you didn't have a static type checker warning you about it.
Linters can help ameliorate that, but they're not much help.
There are a couple of posts on SO where the BrainF_ck language is mentioned that have been flagged as offensive. Should these be edited to "BrainF_ck" (or something else), or left as is?
Personally, I could go either way.
Unrelated, what do y'all think is more useful: getting a list of all of the unique code points in a string, or getting a list of all of the code points ranging from the lowest to the highest in the string?
I'm not talking about the Scientifically Best Golfing Language, but more that figuring out when certain behaviours are more or less desirable, and discussions about string compression formats etc.
Just as an example, comparing 4 different golfing languages: Jelly (tacit, vectorises. great with numbers and arrays, awful with strings and ascii art). 05AB1E (stack, vectorises, loose typing. generally good all-round, fluctuates between winning easily and losing heavily). Husk (prefix/tacit, overloading, functional. overloading allows for "clutch" builtin usage that often wins it). Charcoal (prefix/variable/imperative, vectorising. good at just about everything, unstoppable at ascii-art)
(I chose Charcoal over Canvas or SOGL because I'm more familiar with it)
I'm going to make something similar for Ash, but it'll just be a separate tool, not an "official" part of the language so it isn't considered compression