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In terms of "how often", the ranking goes Code, Wii, Real-life
For me, it's more browsing through Reddit or doing some other useless thing, golfing, real coding, and then real life, although that last one barely made the list :P
Q: Should we have even even more room owners for The Nineteenth Byte?

ChartZ Belatedly4 years ago, we voted on and appointed additional room owners for The Nineteenth Byte. That was the most recent time TNB has had new room owners. Currently, only 2 of the room owners are able to be pinged if needed, and one of those 2 hasn't been active since October 2020. The need for active roo...

Any more opinions?
@Bubbler I fully support having an election for new ROs, but I'm hesitant to do it without any concrete response from the mods
I don't think it's necessarily necessary (hah), but it can't hurt
If the answer had a higher score I'd be less hesitant, but given that it's net score is half the question's score, it doesn't "feel" like a conclusive response
To me it does; 7:1 and no answers saying otherwise is pretty good. Most of the upvotes on the question but not the answer probably supported it, but before Bubbler's answer
Or didn't bother scrolling down
CMQ: Is "Cast your vote for Best of CGCC 2020" still in the "Featured on Meta" sidebar for anyone else?
It's happened before :/ Time to raise a flag
Wait, you can't flag locked posts ಠ_ಠ
I love Google Maps reviews
@JoKing @HyperNeutrino Could one of you guys fix this but for the 2020 version? According to Dennis, unlocking then locking it should cause the system to get rid of it (source)
@NewMainPosts Hey, Arnauld answered it! :P
I never understand Peter Kagey's questions or Arnauld's answers :P
You've answered at least one of his questions :P
Just one, using brute force
CMC: Suggest a one-word expression for "an OEIS guy".
Wouldn't that be a CMQ?
"He's an OEISer"
"He's a nerd"
Pronounced "He's an oi-ser" (like oyster but without the t)
Interesting that no-one has the Proofreader badge on meta
Actually, given that there's been a total of 83 Suggested Edit reviews since the site started, I guess it isn't that interesting :P
And we're only 254 Close Votes reviews to get a site wide Steward Badge on meta :P
Hey so why does TIO sandbox url requests? Is there a safety reason? Because I'm wondering if I need to sandbox URL requests in my own online interpreter.
@ChartZBelatedly Done, I actually noticed it earlier, but didn't know how to fix it
@Lyxal Taking a quick search through the logs of chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/44255/talk-tryitonline-net, Dennis never gives a reason for it beyond "security", so I'd suggest that you do
@JoKing Thanks! Guess we'll have to wait for caching to reset before knowing if it worked
in talk.tryitonline.net, Dec 9 '16 at 15:36, by Dennis
Befunge has shell access???
course it does, that's what the = command is
i hate myself for remembering that
But why does it do that? :P
@ChartZBelatedly well if Dennis says it needs to be done, I should probably do it too
Wow, 4 of the top 10 and 3 of the top 5 HNQ posts are from CGCC, that's pretty impressive
Pretty much every good question reaches the HNQ. That means there's been an influx of good questions. I'm happy with that.
@Lyxal Yeah, but a while back I noticed that CGCC dominated the HNQ (lots of votes and lots of answers = success), and got the algorithm changed to make it difficult to get multiple posts from the same site to be so high up on the HNQ. Getting 4 near the top is very difficult to do now
FYI I believe that at one point CGCC had 13 questions on the HNQ, which is ridiculous
@ChartZBelatedly then we as a site have done well! Your new user post must have had a positive impact.
@Lyxal probably to stop someone from turning it into a botnet
@Neil that's a very good reason to not allow URL requests. thank you
@Deadcode done
@JoKing Thank you :)
@H.PWiz Please see above, room reopened.
1 hour later…
@Lyxal You also make yourself the perfect proxy for any suspicious or illegal activity
@RedwolfPrograms well that's why i blocked web requests
pelase help me consume butter
Q: Rotate brackets until they're balanced

Redwolf ProgramsTake the string of brackets ]][][[. When you rotate it to the right once, you get []][][. If you rotate it again, you get [[]][]. All brackets in this string are balanced. The Task: Your program (or function) will be given a string of brackets, represented in any reasonable format (including usin...

been a while since i've answered a challenge here
I just wrote a scratch function to check if a string of brackets is balanced
what am I doing with my life
why am I subjecting myself to pain?
@NewMainPosts for upvotes that's why
i just gotta write up the SB and screenshot stuff and post
@NewMainPosts Damn Americans, posting and FGITWing challenges when I should be sleeping :P
When you should be sleeping happens to be the optimal time for anything involving repcaps :p
@RedwolfPrograms Which is a problem when I should be awake to deal with any incoming questions about whatever challenge I've posted at 2am :P
Annoyingly, I just saved 2 3 bytes on HN's answer, which has fully woken me up :/
I wonder how many lines of code I've written in my life
probably at least three
1 hour later…
@HyperNeutrino aaa technically correct
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AatmajProgram: To count the sum of all Unicode characters of a given input. (No need to display the output.) Test case : XyZ= 0058+0079+005A=012B Condition: If the program is inputed, then it output must be an integral multiple of 6C1H. (Sum of all characters Unicode in the code must be equal to an in...

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Bubbler Actually all bounty campaigns without deadlines (including yours) are awesome!
Q: To count the sum of all Unicode characters of a given input under an interesting constraint

AatmajProgram: To count the sum of all Unicode characters of a given input. (No need to display the output. The final answer can be calculated in any base no need to convert back to hexadecimal.) Test case : XyZ= 0058+0079+005A=012B Condition: If the program is inputted, then its output must be an inte...

@Bubbler cool
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AatmajCompare two numbers without doing so Program: Write a code to find the greatest among two numbers. The program may consider only integral numbers from 0-9 Condition: In the whole program, at no time logically must any two numbers be compared.Use of negative numbers/ negative bits is not allowed e...

Imagine a challenge for making a 3D cube.
How to input that in plain text?
No one's gonna talk to me...
@MarkGiraffe JSON: [[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]]
Oh hi.
@Adam I don't know how to run it. My IDE has no support for JSON, nor do I know where I can run it.
@MarkGiraffe What do you mean by "run it"? I thought you were asking how to denote 3D data in plain text. You do have an IDE for it, as evidenced by your participating in chat. Press F12, Esc, paste, Enter.
I think I now got a challenge.
Wait for it to pop up.
It's in the sandbox.
When you wake up with 23 items in your inbox
Read them all: Speedrun edition.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mark GiraffeSr. 4Der says "Make a tesseract." code-golf Sr. 4Der has hired me to make 4D shapes for him, using code. I have to figure out which one I should make. So I told him, "What about this one?": He said "Yes. Just the outline, you little 3Der.", and obviously was upset because I can't see 4D, but I g...

There we go.
@Wezl I see none. Probably ask the others. I'm no expert here.
looks fine to me
btw I have a bounty in case you want to answer it in sed (only for a first answer)
which unfortunately probably encourages answering sandboxed challenges
Dang, I'm out of votes already.
Mar 1 at 16:29, by user
@cairdcoinheringaahing Use your delete votes instead :P
Or your close votes, I guess
Yay, I have three messages on the starboard, two of which are just dumb.
Also, at one point I had +69 reputation gain today but I got two upvotes before I could get a screenshot
@NewMainPosts Wait, how did that get edited? Why does it say "please help me consume butter"?
Oh, looks like HN did it
That's what HN does to the negatively voted questions in the feed and it's awesome
Makes them say "please help me consume butter"?
It's been a trend long before the current mods
Wow, there's a lot of weird things about this place
Nobody who subjects themself to code golf voluntarily is normal
@Wezl should I allow taking a list with numbers instead of c,a,d,r?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Given a black-box function f(x) which take a value x and output true for \$p(x)\$, an unknown monotone function(not knowing even whether it's increasing), probable; and false otherwise. Output an infinite sequence \$a_n\$ such that \$\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}p(a_n)=0.5\$. You can assume that \$0<...

Q: Compute the difference between two days.

JiminPAnother date-manipulating problem :P Task Write a program or a function that calculates the difference between two dates given by a user. Input & Output Similar to the previous one, inputs are two YYYYMMDDs, separated by a space , a comma ,, or a minus sign -. Example of input values: 2...

Q: cadaddadadaddddaddddddr

WezlCreate a function (or closest equivalent, or full program) that takes an list of some datatype (your choice) that may be nested and a string (in either order), and generalizes the lisp c[ad]+r functions. Functions are provided which perform compositions of up to four car and cdr operations. Thei...

yeah I'll edit out the oneboxes from questions that get deleted/closed immediately since it's just clutter
i just saw an opportunity to take advantage of the original post's title, lol
That feeling when you write the coolest code golf answer you've ever written and golf it in a really clever way but repcap after two upvotes :/
Of course that doesn't say much since I have like 5 answers but still
I like functional stuff :)
I hate nested lists.
Don't you hate when you find an awesome functional solution but the obvious trivial one is shorter :(
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah :(
I hate it when Java beats Scala
Frigging useless type inference
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

79037662Un-pipe an Elixir expression Elixir is a programming language with a feature called the pipe operator, |>. It passes the result of an expression on the left as the first parameter of a given function on the right. To clarify, here are some examples. 2 |> myFunction() is equivalent to myFunction(...

And of course someone outgolfed me by 22 bytes
reduceRight instead of foldr, (a,f)=>f(a) instead of flip($):/
if haskell had dynamic types, there would be more hope :)
Installing GHC is not very fun
how so? it's not very hard
It won't work for me, my school might be restricting one of the places it downloads stuff from
ah :/
pacman -Syu ghc ghci (i use arch btw)
Just use TIO
TIO won't work on school network either
Damn, your school's wack
It's probably because of the word "brainfuck"
It's all automated
use a vpn
what about repl.it or gitpod or something like that
We've had the school's website blocked multiple times
Suggestion: show your CS teacher how useful TIO is, back it up with "Dyalog helps pay for this to stay up for free", boom, TIO is unblocked
The teachers have no power to change it
@RedwolfPrograms And all the many other languages with "fuck" on TIO :P
@RedwolfPrograms I'm surprised it's a fully automated filter with no way to alter it. Most filters allow you to choose specific websites that would be caught but have been deemed OK
Yeah, but it's managed by the (scary music) IT people
Have you tried esolangs wiki? It has more fxxk than TIO
There's 10 languages with "fuck" in their name on TIO
@RedwolfPrograms better, help me write an alternative language
where did Google's dark theme go? D:
Q: Keep PPCG running in Game of Life

ChartZ BelatedlyConways' Game of Life is a well known cellular automaton "played" on an infinite grid, filled with cells that are either alive or dead. Once given an initial state, the board evolves according to rules indefinitely. Those rules are: Any live cell with 2 or 3 living neighbours (the 8 cells immedi...

@Wezl You don't want errors to be caught at compile time?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI not for code golf
type inference aspires to be as convenient as dynamic types. When it catches up, then I'll switch
@ChartZBelatedly Our school blocked a website that had a law about drugs, presumably because it named drugs. The teacher then couldn't unblock it either, so that was annoying.
@Wezl It's not very convenient when you accidentally pass a string instead of a number because you didn't have a static type checker warning you about it.
Linters can help ameliorate that, but they're not much help.
ah, debian
why must you pain me so
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI then you get your just desserts
@Wezl Unlike you, some of us are human and make mistakes.
(tbh I haven't used static types that much, doing most of my stuff in lisp, scheme, lua, js)
Perhaps dynamic typing is better for weasels, but for us mere mortals, type inference is good.
weasels still make mistakes
anyway you can do type inference on dynamically-typed code, then fall back
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI The Scunthorpe Problem :P
@Wezl nope not possible
@Wezl But Wezls don't? :P
@ChartZBelatedly I'd better write them using f*** notation
@Wezl s/you /we/;s/your/our/
Q: Is the language "BrainF_ck" offensive?

user27414There are a couple of posts on SO where the BrainF_ck language is mentioned that have been flagged as offensive. Should these be edited to "BrainF_ck" (or something else), or left as is? Personally, I could go either way.

So basically, no, it isn't offensive.
Whakatane sounds like f***? How?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Very less questions have answers in brainf***, so we don't have to worry so much
@Wasif No, I was talking about this. Look at the third item in the "Blocked web searches" section.
Unrelated, what do y'all think is more useful: getting a list of all of the unique code points in a string, or getting a list of all of the code points ranging from the lowest to the highest in the string?
(The first one can already be done in two bytes)
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI wh is pronounced like f
definitely the first one
(But imo neither of them are useful enough to be one byte builtins)
@RedwolfPrograms What does the second mean? Just the first one but sorted?
No, like "az" would become all of the characters from a to z
I agree with rak1507 then
oh, that could be useful (but still not very useful)
Okay, I don't agree with them
@RedwolfPrograms Second one
For the second one, a normal range operator would be better
The number of times I wish Jelly had that (and 05AB1E and Husk both do have it) is ridiculously high
Just with two characters instead of integers
The first one you probably already have, right? A uniquify function?
(I'd say a sorted uniquify function is worth a one byte builtin)
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Yes, it's possible to do the first one in two bytes already (technically three because it's also sorted)
@RedwolfPrograms why are your strings not arrays of codepoints anyway?
It takes two bytes to deduplicate?
No, one for code points and one for unique (it'd be one byte for the characters instead of the code points)
I'm assuming it's codepoints unique sort
@RedwolfPrograms characters = codepoints (or, they should)
why not
@rak1507 I've already used up all of my array operators, adding more would be an awful idea
Why can't strings be treated like arrays?
no, my point is why do you have different types for 'characters' and 'codepoints'
@rak1507 Because numbers and strings are different
They're really not
So I can overload things to strings
(well yes, you're right, numbers and strings are, numbers and characters aren't)
Having strings be treated internally as lists of code points is the golfiest approach
Not really
See? ChartZ agrees
@ChartZBelatedly the "rangify" thing?
pro jelly golfer agrees
@RedwolfPrograms I guess not, if you want to overload
If I made strings arrays of numbers, I would have to get rid of upper/lower case, and all sorts of other stuff to make room
@rak1507 pro as in professional? :)
@Razetime Yeah Husk and 05AB1E's ranges work on characters
ah yeah they do
even dyalog APL extended does it
@RedwolfPrograms how? upper/lower case can still work fine
Why not add a command-line option to change the behaviour of maths operators on strings then
@rak1507 I only have 256 code points available
@Wezl ooh, new pfp
@RedwolfPrograms ok? and?
And they wouldn't fit
I'd have to get rid of something
@pxeger flags are cheaty looking at you vyxal
Overloading is better
@rak1507 it's spring, that's what happens with weasels
@RedwolfPrograms switch to a 9 or 10 bit encoding then, SMS style
Almost all operators work identically on strings and arrays anyway
@pxeger Can you write 1.2 bytes for your score?
because strings are arrays of chars
no, you'd have to round up
and chars are numbers
unless they allow you to write the score in bits
@pxeger That doesn't save bytes
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI ESMin has decimal bytecount and it's rounded up i think
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI With longer programs it does
You can't use non-integer bytes, as you can't get a file with non-integer byte size :P
@ChartZBelatedly Make your own computer and OS to go with the language :P
does the program have to be stored in a file?
But I really think being able to uppercase a number or use a string's code point as an array index is much less useful than a good overloading system
Personally, I'm a fan of the idea that "Programs are scored by the length of the file they're saved in"
@RedwolfPrograms uppercasing a number is the same as uppercasing a character
But how much different can operators for strings be? You'll only get to use 5 or 6 special ones, right?
making them the same means you need less overloads, not more
Means that Scratch or Minecraft don't have some complicated rules on "blytes" and all that
You could make those two-byte builtins for strings if you run out.
@rak1507 ^
@pxeger Folders is always used as an example, but I've never seen it actually used in an answer
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Exactly, in most cases it doesn't matter, but in those 5 or 6 cases you save a byte at no extra cost
Overloading is good
Unnecessary two byte operators when a one byte one would work is bad
@ChartZBelatedly time to make a folders LoTM post
@RedwolfPrograms Hmm, that makes sense
Overloading is only an issue when you have to keep casting stuff to get the operator you need.
I put a considerable amount of work into preventing that.
TBH I think that the "optimal" golfing language could be a genuine research topic at a PhD level
I think golfing languages are sort of like compression algorithms in that the optimal one will be application dependent
@ChartZBelatedly But what would you optimize for?
you could argue that golfing languages like Japt are compression algorithms for JS code
Vectorisation vs int/array overloading is a common discussion, as is this kinda stuff: what's the best way to handle strings vs ints vs arrays etc.
I've actually got two different number types in Ash, but I bet you could use the language for a month without ever noticing
I'm not talking about the Scientifically Best Golfing Language, but more that figuring out when certain behaviours are more or less desirable, and discussions about string compression formats etc.
I could actually make my capstone about that
@RedwolfPrograms Which Ash language (A google search confuses with the Pokemon protagonist character)
(I stand corrected)
@pxeger thanks for the link, just now I remember there was linux shell named "Ash"
yeah Busybox
Eventually we're gonna run out of pronounceable prefixes to ash though aren't we
Just as an example, comparing 4 different golfing languages: Jelly (tacit, vectorises. great with numbers and arrays, awful with strings and ascii art). 05AB1E (stack, vectorises, loose typing. generally good all-round, fluctuates between winning easily and losing heavily). Husk (prefix/tacit, overloading, functional. overloading allows for "clutch" builtin usage that often wins it). Charcoal (prefix/variable/imperative, vectorising. good at just about everything, unstoppable at ascii-art)
(I chose Charcoal over Canvas or SOGL because I'm more familiar with it)
The nice thing about Charcoal is that you can write "normal code " that gets turned into short code.
Which is a bit cheaty, but whatever :P
Charcoal is good because of its packing mechanism - no copy pasting of random Unicode chars!
exactly what I was gonna say lol
Yeah, but that's just a helpful resource, not the thing that wins it :P
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Wish Jelly or 05AB1E had also Charcoal like ways to compress
I'm going to make something similar for Ash, but it'll just be a separate tool, not an "official" part of the language so it isn't considered compression
Jelly could have a similar kinda thing, if someone bothered to make it
@RedwolfPrograms Not to be too nosy, but as Wasif asked, how do you get time to post solutions at school?
I don't really do anything here
The assignments take a few minutes I guess
What do you mean by "here"
@RedwolfPrograms Well, if that's not the most accurate description of American School I've ever heard :P
I wish school was that easy here :(
@Wasif I installed a userscript that unfortunately turns e and " into ë
We don't have a computer lab in our school :-(
Golf on your phone :P
I used to golf on my laptop during free periods when I was in sixth form
So everything I do from my home
I used to just aim to spend as little time as possible at school so I could code at home
TBH I would sometimes golf in my head, which is a very weird feeling
confirmed: ChartZ is british!
oh yeah totally me too
For math, science, and english, they just reteach the same things we've been taught for the last nine years
I wish I could code in bed
Don't a lot of people program in their head?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Its tooooooo hard
Yeah, but it's weird for Jelly :/
And then the next day it turns out you'd already thought about it
@ChartZBelatedly Heh, your brain is full of Jelly when you're golfing in your head.
the worst feeling is coming up with a good golf question at night and then forgetting it
I swear, I need some kind of recorder for my brain
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, its very few times I catch a good question while online
@pxeger That's why I've sent "Thoughts on this challenge: ..." messages to TNB at 3am multiple times before :P
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI get a dream journal or something
I have a whiteboard by my bed
I've just gotten really good at remembering my ideas
Oh I just remembered that I golfed my Enigma program in Jelly last night, and fully deleted the out of date explanation. Should probably do that
Which is a problem when I stop working on a project for a while and come back and have no idea what I was doing
on the topic of new questions, anyone have ideas for a title for this: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/20915
the ability to explain your code is a very important skill though
that's why I make myself do it on all answers
It makes FGITWing harder
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Explanations are useful for hard questions, I wait for one to help porting my answers to other language
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI I like doing them, it often helps me find golfing opportunities
How about "Check if B is composed of substrings of A of length n"
> explanation coming soon ™
Who trademarked it?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI it's just very unwieldy like that
@RedwolfPrograms Don't add an explanation til after FGITWing
I usually don't, yeah
soon™ is a trademark of Poor Time Estimation, Inc.
@pxeger Compress with Jelly -> " iïqw34;p83q" :P
I spent about half an hour trying to figure out chaining rules for this before giving up when it came out a byte longer :(
3 minutes to finish downloading, 2 minutes, 1 minute, 20000 years, 0 seconds, 5 lightyears, -10 meters
@pxeger How about something like "Substring composition checker"
TBH unless it's a pun or reference, titles aren't that important
Make it super clickbaity
well, when searching for dupes they are
also they can make for great clickbait

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