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@ChartZBelatedly Nice!
1 hour later…
CMQ: how much 'work' can your language implementation do for you? for example, could repeatedly hashing random code until something matches the 'code' be a valid 'interpreter'? Or going less extreme, having a simple checksum allowed in your code could theoretically shorten it by quite a lot, but that relies on the interpreter basically bruteforcing the 'correct' code based on what you supply. Would these fall under some common loophole?
@rak1507 I expect such a language would be between "super tedious to code/golf" and "borderline unusable", so I don't see a problem
@rak1507 Pigeonhole principle; you can't reliably make the program shorter by giving its checksum
You might as well just use compression
^ Also a valid point
But an interpreter can do anything really, the result just has to be usable enough for code golf
2 hours later…
@RedwolfPrograms don't need to do it reliably, it could still shave off a byte or two in some cases
4 hours later…
Making a program shorter by giving its checksum is compression... one that only works on a limited set of inputs - large enough to be intractable, yet small enough to be useless.
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

expressjs123Build a Markdown to HTML converter code-golf string The Stack Exchange network uses Markdown as the syntax for writing posts. For example, using a # at the beginning of a line creates a heading (<h1>) while two hashes ## creates a subheading (<h2>). Your task is to write a program which takes inp...

@RedwolfPrograms Basically, you need a tool
In that tool, it says that 'Programs' is a noun, not a verb.
Or, in other words, it is more likely to be a noun than a verb.
Since normal English writers tend to avoid writing sentences that only contain a noun and a verb.
2 hours later…
Hey so how's everyone?
Very quiet here, so I thought I'd ask a question.
CMQ: what are your strategies for winning the game minesweeper?
@Lyxal Set the settings to the maximum board size and minimum number of mines, then clicking a random corner.
while there are unsolved cells, find a cell whose status can be determined from existing clues, and mark it accordingly
TIL kosher smartphones are a thing
@Neil Heh, how did you stumble on that?
@Lyxal retrying until I win with a single click pure RNG
@Razetime the world record for easy actually literally just that.
there's no strategy
@Lyxal Make my own minesweeper game, then enter a cheat code to reveal the tiles with mines.
@Adám apparently there was a study into smartphone use. kosher smartphone users tended not to suffer whatever it is smartphone users normally suffer from. article seemed to think it was due to lack of social medial apps.
@Lyxal I have a video beating 24x24 with 144 mines
@Neil Interesting. Though "kosher/not-kosher smartphone" isn't a binary thing, and I think a lot use WhatsApp.
I don't think I'd call whatsapp 'social media'
Fair enough.
@Lyxal Pure dumb luck :P
CMC: make a windows logo like this
or this if you're up to it
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Medix2Minimally Making Change code-golf math This problem is an extension of what happens to me on a regular basis: I have to give change to somebody (totalling at most $0.99). I discovered rather quickly that the ideal coins to have were 3 quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickels, and 5 pennies. This is the smalle...

cmq: find y(0) if y'=2xy^3+3x^2y^3 and y(1)=-1 please give me teh solutionz
@user If y(1) = -1, then just subtract one from each side to get y(0) = -2 :P
@ChartZBelatedly wow thats smart thank u sir
(The "sir" is just imitating what other people sometimes say)
Q: I ain't no Fortunate sum

ChartZ BelatedlyThe primorial \$p_n\#\$ is the product of the first \$n\$ primes. The sequence begins \$2, 6, 30, 210, 2310\$. A Fortunate number, \$F_n\$, is the smallest integer \$m > 1\$ such that \$p_n\# + m\$ is prime. For example \$F_7 = 19\$ as: $$p_7\# = 2\times3\times5\times7\times11\times13\times17 = 5...

@Lyxal Some nice tips can be found here: www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~jl/Essays/minesweeper.html
CMQ: Inspired by the comment by @expressjs123 [here[(codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/220713/…), what is the best title of a PPCG question you have seen?
@Wasif I can't remember from all the titles I've ever seen, but of my questions alone, I think that title's my favourite :P
This one's probably second of mine
@ChartZBelatedly Yeah your recent question title is a nice one indeed
@Wasif All my questions' titles are the best titles I've ever seen
idea for possible challenge: irreducible polyglot
@ChartZBelatedly yes
Would be interesting
@pxeger As in, it's irreducible in both languages?
@pxeger What will be the task in that challenge, polygot with No rules!
@pxeger Sounds very difficult :P
well, it would just be cat or hello world or something
Translate English to English (it's one of my dumber challenges, but I like the title)
@ChartZBelatedly well that's why I want to ask in chat, because I was worried it might be too difficult without just using 10 very similar languages
@pxeger Interesting, did you reply to a comment posted after this one?
@pxeger Given that polyglots almost always rely on "hiding" the code for the other languages, I'd expect most answers to be something like Python 2/3 or other similar versions
@pxeger One question was downvoted to oblivion so far like that
@user Did what?
@ChartZBelatedly Ah, that makes sense. I'm surprised you can reply to later comments.
@user I accidentally replied after pressing Up
@ChartZBelatedly Gah, you did it too! :P
Let me time travel now
@user You know what would be cool? Two comments replying to each other.
@ChartZBelatedly I can reply to my own message
@user Infinite loop
turns out you can't reply to yourself
@ChartZBelatedly yup
@ChartZBelatedly How did you do that?
@pxeger actually you can with a bit of trickery
Magic :P
@pxeger hi
@pxeger hi
@user Ha! I am a time traveller!
@ChartZBelatedly Black magic, indeed
I've done it!
@pxeger Good job!
Click "permalink" when you go to edit the message, copy-paste the number after the # in the URL and start the message with :num
@pxeger That message was just a test
A reply looking button appears but that does not work
:57347083 another try
(for no edits)
Just a reminder: play around with chat in the Sandbox room
A few messages is ok, otherwise take it there :)
for a side service, SE chat is surprisingly well-designed
CMQ: Aside from CGCC, are there any other SE sites you are or were active on?
@RedwolfPrograms I used to be very active on Stack Overflow before getting addicted to code golf :P (I still answer questions there, but not as many). I also answered a couple questions on Code Review, but that's about it.
@RedwolfPrograms Tier 1 is CG. Tier 2 is Judaism.SE. Tier 3 is Meta.SE and SO. A little bit of Space.SE and… gasp… CR.SE.
I used to occasionally ask questions on Puzzling and Worldbuilding, but other than occasional questions on Politics or Physics that's about it
How many people here are on Code Review SE? How's the community there?
I asked a question there once and it was fine
Any smaller SE site is going to have a good community IMO
(So any except SO and maybe SU/SF/math)
@RedwolfPrograms SF and math too? Those seemed like pretty nice sites to me (I've never posted there, though)
Well those are larger sites, not necessarily un-nice ones
Oh ok
I was thinking of joining math (and Physics), then realized I couldn't answer any questions :P
Q: Create array of non-negative integers of length N with sum of parts equal to T

InfoMathzeWelcome to my first challenge: Create all arrays of non-negative integers of length N where the array-sum is equal to T. Possible solutions are e.g. N = 5, T = 2: 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... N = 4, T = 5 0 4 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 3 1 1 ... Not ...

@RedwolfPrograms Rep wise, I have 3k on Movies and Tv, 1.2k on Mother Meta, ~600 on SciFi and SO each, ~300ish on IPS, Math.SE and CR and I have 100 or so on about 6 other sites
So about 5/6th of my network rep comes from PPCG
I used to answer some questions on SO, but 20% of my rep there comes from one answer :p
How many votes does it have?
That's a lot
The accepted answer has one vote
You can get a badge for that, right?
@RedwolfPrograms So do you have the Populist badge on SO?
> Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x
I don't see it in the list, oddly
Nope, the accepted answer needs a score of 10+
Oh, well that's dumb :p
@RedwolfPrograms Not to flex, but I have a question with a score of 17 on SO :P
Oh yeah? I've got one with -3 :p
Even better, mine has a "This is a duplicate of <vaguely related question>" comment :P
How do you guys have answers with scores that high? Even my highest-voted answer is at 10 (although it's a dumb one)
@user My best answer is at +3 on SO
I can ask questions well, all across SE :P
The question I answered appears pretty high in Google results
That's how you get the votez
I have 6 gold badges on Movies and TV, and 6 here. My 6 here are actually difficult to get badges. My 6 on M&TV are all "Famous Question" badges :P
@ChartZBelatedly I can ask questions poorly, all across SE :P Yay consistency
Oh, and my highest voted question has 2 downvotes (I think it had 3 at one point)
Huh, I have 13 gold badges network wide, 9 of which are Famous Question badges
I have 4, 2 of which are Fanatic :p
A good part of my network-wide rep comes from association bonuses.
@user That doesn't count towards network rep
Only accounts with 200+ do
Wait never mind I have more gold badges than I thought
@ChartZBelatedly Oh ok
Otherwise, you could join all 170 odd sites and have 17k network rep :P
Oh, cool, I have a famous question badge on Physics
Same with WB IIRC
@ChartZBelatedly That was the plan :P
With 10k+ network rep, you get to see flagged messages in chat. They wouldn't allow people to do that by signing up a lot :P
I have so many zero score answers on SO I got an Unsung Hero badge
Most of those were answering low-hanging fruit where the only person I helped was the OP
I'm pretty sure SO is the only site you can practically get Unsung Hero and Tenacious
Nowhere else is active enough
> Awarded 24698 times.
For Unsung Hero :/
Enlightened is another weird badge
It just encourages FGITW :(
Supporter (First upvote) has been "Awarded 23118 times." on PPCG
More people have Unsung Hero on SO than have upvoted on PPCG
What if we made three bots with 10k rep (and another two with 3k) that would auto-delete questions by new users who haven't read the tour :p
@user Enlightened annoys me; I have 4 answers that are accepted and at 8 or more score, but someone sniped me by less than a minute for all of them :/
@RedwolfPrograms If it's on SO, don't worry, the trash will be taken care of :P
No for CGCC :p
@RedwolfPrograms Hmm, bots with 10k just sounds like normal users :P
I mean, on CGCC, ChartZ or someone else can single-handedly do all the reviews :P
@ChartZBelatedly Well, of course, aren't you a bot too? :]
WW, being a mod, has a binding vote on all reviews, and gets to them very quickly :/
@user We're all bots here :P Once you reach 10k, SE sends a "technician" to your house to replace you :P
@ChartZBelatedly Replace? You weren't a bot before you hit 10k rep?
Then how did you write all those unreadable short Jelly answers?
@user Nah, Patch controlled my account before I hit 10k :P
@ChartZBelatedly Good bot boy
Darn it
The graph of my reputation ^. There's a decrease in rep from SO as rep from CGCC increases :P
I'd be at 9k already but I've given away +200 for new language bounties, +500 for best of, and +100 for Bot Factory KotH :/
And +100 to Lyxal for figuring out "programs" is a noun
@RedwolfPrograms You should steal from others apply to other people's bounties, then.
Once I finish writing the spec and controller for KotH: Hunter-Gatherer Society, I should get at least 200 :p
I have a net gain of 500 from bounties because I took 1700 rep from Adám and others.
CMQ: Do you prefer writing questions or answers? Why?
Questions mostly, sometimes answers
Why? (as a matter of curiosity, not because I'm challenging you)
All I know currently is JS, so the FGITW is very
I like having the time to work on improving my posts
It's why I prefer answering old questions
@RedwolfPrograms Did you accidentally hit enter?
No, I just couldn't find a good adverb
But did you find a good adjective?
No, it's easier to pretend I hit enter early :p
If not, I suggest supercalifragilisticexpicalidocious.
Ooh I love it when my code rhymes
var top = array.pop();
Chrome OS just made the clipboard capable of recalling any of the last five items copied
This is insane
is that particularly insane?
And they added way more features
The insane thing would be if it stored the last n items copied, where n was a random integer that changed every time you copy something
I'll make a feature request
I haven't got the update yet, hopefully it'll pop up soon
Asking here since the Japt chatroom has been frozen due to inactivity: does anyone have a good pattern for toggling letter cases in Japt, as in codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/209768/… ? For letters only there's "FooBarTea"c^32 but that doesn't work if other symbols are involved. is there a generic short pattern?
One option that works with anything is "Foo-Bar-Tea"®¶u ?Zv:Zu but that's very long.
Q: An experiment into the FGITW phenomenon

ais523Yesterday (probably the day before yesterday in some time zones), I decided to run an experiment on the "Fastest Gun In The West" phenomenon, in which early answers tend to get disproportionately rewarded compared to late answers. My experiment involved this question, to which I posted two answer...

in The APL Orchard, Jun 21 '18 at 12:58, by Adám
rho rho rho of x
always equals one
rho is shape
rho rho is rank
APL is fun
@user answers
Because it's easy to not be snaked when you use a language no one else uses
@Lyxal Other people don't use Vyxal?
Not very often
Mmm, time to learn Vyxal so I can fix that, then
Of the 76 total answers in Vyxal, 92.1% are mine
@user 1.3% are yours
@RedwolfPrograms I used to be active on SO, even doing reviews and stuff. (Review checker would occasionally ding me on fake reviews, because I didn't know which answer they were looking for.) Can't remember why I stopped through. Not really active on the other sites, except for some rare HNQs.
@RedwolfPrograms I have 44% of rep on SO from one answer
@RedwolfPrograms I used to be one of those people who fully played StackOverflow
I say "play" because really there's not much community interaction that happens
Most of my answers were FGITW to trivial python problems.
I kind of think most of the questions that can exist have already been asked and answered on SO.
At some point it's just duplicates of other questions, or a lack of experience debugging.
@user answers, because writing good questions is really hard, involving things such as communication skills
@Lyxal even better, use two or three languages that hardly anyone else uses
@Neil that's exactly what you said on the 27th of January this year
Well not exactly
@RedwolfPrograms That's kinda true, except new software is always popping up, and with it new ways to confuse people features and bugs.
Most unique python questions that will ever be asked have probably already been asked, but that's probably not so for, say, APL, which no one uses, or Scala 3, which has just been released.

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