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12:15 AM
2 hours later…
1:56 AM
Writing programs across multiple files is very painful in JS
That's why I use python
Well not everyone has the luxury of being sensible
Bold of you to assume my choices are mostly sensible
that's why I use one file
Anyone else here live somewhere with daylight saving time tonight?
2:06 AM
I do
Until April too
Just wondering :p
Fun fact: For some reason I didn't know global variables were a thing when I first learned JavaScript, so I'd store any information I needed to keep between functions as invisible text somewhere in the website
2:35 AM
@RedwolfPrograms so someone could have theoretically screwed up your programs with a userscript/clever use of dev tools?
Yes, although that's possible with global variables anyway :p
Also I released an alpha for Ash if anyone wants to mess with it and try to see if you can make it error
@RedwolfPrograms where?
Here, although it's linked in the chatroom (with some explanation)
Online interpreter when?
When I add all the operators in
It's browser JS though so it's not like it's too annoying to run :p
That's maybe the one advantage of programming things in JS
3:22 AM
wait, rolling back within 5 minutes locks in the edit and creates a new one? that seems a little weird, oh well now i know
oh i did manage to find it actually documented though meta.stackexchange.com/a/21789/154429
@MitchSchwartz Rolling back isn't editing, so it ignores the grace period, unfortunately :/
Hi all
What’d I miss?
@user Ash is almost finished!
3:35 AM
Congratulations on your first golflang! (or new golflang if it isn’t your first)
At the moment most of operators are implemented, I just need to map them to the correct code points and add in all the constants
@NewMetaPosts Reminder to all: don't migrate questions that'll be closed
Why's that?
@ChartZBelatedly That one could’ve been avoided maybe with a better introduction
There's absolutely no point in migrating a question to Meta if it's going to be closed there, and doing so contradicts one of the points in the "When should I migrate posts?" Mother Meta question (on mobile, so no link). Instead, close it on main and direct the user to the relevant meta post(s)
Migration is supposed to be a way of saying "This is on-topic on site X, so we're moving it there", not "This is more relevant to site X, but whether it's high enough quality to remain open isn't important"
@user As is the case with most off-topic, new user posts
3:45 AM
The “recommend deletion” reasons on vlq answers may need to be changed too - one is “I’m having this problem too” (note in case we can get it changed in the future)
Does anyone actually use those? The default comments are just annoying.
And what even happens when you "recommend deletion"?
Apparently six of them deletes it
@RedwolfPrograms On occasion, when the autocomment actually fits. But not often
4:03 AM
the "golf languages trivialize everything" misconception seems weird because it doesn't even make sense superficially, like if you look at a golf-language solution to a sufficiently complicated problem, it still looks complicated on the surface lol
My suggestion to anyone who believe that about golfing languages is to try using (or making) one.
Even though you’re going to have a short answer with a golflang, there’s still a lot of approaches you can choose between to make it as short as possible.
And for longer solutions, it’s very hard to keep track of what you’re doing because it’s so unreadable
To me a golfing language doesn't trivialize a problem, unless it's already trivial. It just abstracts away the implementations of various common operations and lets you focus on the fun part of golfing.
4:18 AM
MS Word makes for a very good golfing-language text editor
especially Jelly
With its smart quote replacement and all
And ability to auto-replace sequences with predefined characters
5:09 AM
@Lyxal Google Docs based extension for jelly?!
I used to developed Google Docs add-ons, but you don't need an add-on for that. If you go to "preferences" you can make custom automatic find/replace things.
@RedwolfPrograms can you share those?
like some sort of document template probably
No, it's per-user rather than per-document
ah then that doesn't help much does it
You can just make the strings things you wouldn't usually type by accident, like j_xd for
5:19 AM
yeah i guess it's more personally customizable
I'd keep it similar to lb
5:46 AM
Ubuntu's default X11 configuration has overdot on altgr-right shift-/
as long as you start holding altgr before you start holding right shift
(underdot is just altgr-/)
actually almost all Jelly's characters have some way of typing them like that, which is probably intentional
For me (Chrome OS with US EXTD layout) it's right alt and dot
(the main exceptions are and friends, for which I need to use the compose key)
Wasn't Jelly's codepage designed specifically for the US INTL layout?
I think so, yes
mine's a standard UK layout, but there are a surprising number of altgr-combinations defined that most people don't know about
(on Linux/X11, that is; Windows' AltGr is impoverished by comparison)
@ais523 I think I did read somewhere that Dennis designed the codepage to be easy for him to type
5:49 AM
it took me ages to work out that ɠ and friends use an altgr-j prefix
The only thing annoying for me to type is the hooked letters like ɠ
I still haven't found a way to on Chrome OS's layout
although I'm not sure it always picks the same hooked version that Jelly does
it took me so long to figure out why my Đ wasn't working to create two-character quicks
(the actual character is Ð)
in case you still can't tell them apart (and I can't, by looking at it!), the first is a capital đ, the second is a capital ð
6:06 AM
hmm, so something I've been struggling with: when writing a golfing language where builtins don't line up neatly with single bytes, what sort of codepage should be used (if any)?
I think it probably makes the most sense to just define a program as a sequence of bytes, and assign them arbitrarily, but it's nice to have something more than a hexdump to show
I considered making them all emoji (on an SBCS, of course) to have the greatest possible chance of complying with restrictions, but it rather feels like something like that shouldn't matter
one approach is using an existing and established code page like cp437, possibly with minor alterations for some matter of convenience
I've also seen something use Braille, since it ends up being able to visually represent the binary representation of each byte
Yeah braille's cool
Sledgehammer uses it IIRC
CP437 doesn't work great for C0 control codes
You'd probably want to rearrange the Unicode range the braille charactera are in, since it's in some weird order by default
6:13 AM
there are assignments defined but I'm not sure they're standard, and they don't work on all CP437-based systems
also, aren't Braille characters technically letters? so not ideal for bypassing source restrictions
They represent syllables, right?
I doubt they'd be considered letters for most restricted source challenges
most Braille characters are single letters, a few represent pairs of letters, or words
real-life Braille tends to be fairly abbreviated in weird ways, though, it's like words are intentionally misspelled to save on raised dots
(I must be one of the few people who learned to read Braille by sight; I'm a bit rusty at that nowadays, though)
Oh cool!
either that or it's just that nobody proofreads it
(prooftouches it?)
Is it really that default I/O does not mention "an array terminated by a sentinel value" as a valid I/O format at all?
6:20 AM
there are so many things that could be controversial, and often nobody thinks of posting them
I added a very late answer to the post to cover a borderline situation, people seemed to think it was OK
also one that was uncontroversial but had been left off by mistake
fwiw, I'm actually not a fan of permissive I/O (in particular, it means that golfing languages get to cheat a few bits on every program by changing the way they take I/O), but I'm comprehensively outvoted on this
(my favoured solution would be to fix the I/O conventions per-language, so that each language could take I/O in the way that was most meaningful for it, but not cheat bits by varying it per-problem; come to think of it, defining different I/O conventions to be different languages might help to solve the problem)
oh hi @MitchSchwartz, cool sed 99-byter to fizzbuzz btw. i'm some 30 bytes behind (just checked fizzbuzz on ppcg now and saw your 94b one, wow love that 00..99 generation, to make things interesting i started a bounty which will go to the shortest sed solution in a few days from now)
@seshoumara (pinging your last chat message, since you may be interested in the following) did you see codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/220633
hey, yeah i actually submitted because i searched the chat and saw some discussion about it, and it's a pretty old solution anyway :) i looked at it again and found a small variant, taking out ` *` and using 00Buzz and changing ` .*` to ` ..` but haven't found anything promising (idk if backticks work in chat but i'll find out after pressing enter)
backticks are implemented on chat but the parsing rules are different from on main
with a consequence that nobody can remember what they are
honestly, such a big difference between anagol's sed skills and ppcg's
SE really just needs to switch the chat markdown renderer to the same one comments use, it works better (and supports markdown and looks better)
6:36 AM
@MitchSchwartz i recall submitting submitting 160-170 byters to fizzbuzz on anagol, and then a few days hence i saw you submitted yours, i guess you noticed my spamming of golf.shinh.org/recent.rb :)
has anagol added many golfing languages yet? I recall that it was missing many golfing languages popular on CGCC last time I checked
anagol only has GS and GS2 afaik
yeah the recent submissions page is pretty low tech but it gets the job done :) tails also made a twitter bot named anagolfer that filters for rank 1 or > 10k points submissions
it's been a long time since new languages were added afaik
wait, how do you get >10k on anagol?
are there bonuses for something other than byte count?
it's if you beat the top solution after a post-mortem
6:39 AM
post mortem solutions are scored by comparing with the top score before deadline, if there was one
@Bubbler I/O method proposed. Please check out and vote.
7:12 AM
@ais523 That would be pleasantly consistent with how flags are handled
right, that's what made me think about that (assuming we mean command-line flags, not post flags)
I feel like broadly speaking permissive I/O isn't a big issue but it always does feel a bit like cheating when I do something funky with Brachylog
generators and reversed variables
reversed variables is weird, but the only difference from languages like Jelly is that when you do it in Brachylog, it feels like cheating (often a Jelly program will change length if you swap ³ and ⁴ but nobody thinks of it as cheating there)
generator vs. first output is interesting because of how Prolog's meant to be used interactively
if you're running Brachylog in the actual command-line interpreter (rather than on TIO), if you run a predicate, it'll give you the first output and ask if you want more
and this has been standard Prolog for ages
so the standard is to put both the first-output and generator interpretation on everything (unless it's deterministic and thus can't generate more than the first output)
there is probably some rule of programming languages that, for any rule you come up with to try to generalise behaviour across multiple languages, someone can create a language that makes the rule look absurd
the only thing i know about braille is that it has all the pentominoes :) ⠹⠶⠳⠗⠏⠞⡇
those are tetrominoes
7:21 AM
right, sorry
also, I think Braille characters using the fourth line are nonstandard/extensions
the original was just a 3×2 grid
although there are probably lots of incompatible versions nowadays
I suppose that's why the fourth row renders in descender-space here
you probably shouldn't trust me with any holy hand grenades
@user41805 i DM'd tails about sed fizzbuzz
7:41 AM
Q: Hello, Permutations!

Manish KunduFor this challenge, you will be required to write 3 programs: The first program should be a quine, i.e, it should print it's own source code. The second program should read the input and print all of it. The third program should simply print the string "Hello, Permutations!", with or without quo...

i guess clock would be interested too, i once 'met' them on a hn post on a maze-solving sed program by xsot, where clock brought up a tip to golf.shinh.org/p.rb?maze+solving, so i actually outgolfed clock's submission tying tails, then clock outgolfed us both. turns out after this encounter, clock started golfing again at anagol after not having 'golfed in years'
though i don't know how you anagolfers keep in touch, #anagol's pretty dead last time i checked
twitter is the best way i know of, but i'm not the most outgoing person these days
wow that's cool running into clock, i didn't know what hn was but figured it out, looking at the thread now
i was in the irc channel for a few years consecutively i think, i probably switched computers and just never set it back up, but yeah it was pretty quiet, especially after the bot stopped announcing
1 hour later…
9:10 AM
(i just realized that my last message could be easily misinterpreted to mean that before the bot stopped announcing it was mostly just bot traffic and no human interaction, but what i actually meant was that i think people talked more when the bot was working)
9:51 AM
CMC: Given some JSON in "fully expanded form" (each node on a separate line), uppercase all object member names. E.g.
  "be": {
    "dragons": 1,
    "b\\e\"ar\ns": "two"
  "here": "are"
  "BE": {
    "DRAGONS": 1,
    "B\\E\"AR\nS": "two"
  "HERE": "are"
10:08 AM
@Adám does "\u0065" becomes "\u0045"? what about "é" → "É"?
@user41805 Yes and yes.
I should either add a more comprehensive test case or maybe post on Main?
@user41805 \u0065 can also become e.
I should also add that your output can look whichever way you want, as long as it encodes the equivalent value (save for uppercased names, of course).
@Adám i'm not sure if 'fully expanded form' is standard terminology, but if it isn't this should be explained (say, can there be whitespace between the key and the colon?)
or just have input be normal json
@user41805 Good points. (And good that I made this a CMC.) Making it just "valid JSON" would remove all doubts.
how about saying that the JSON will be something that could have been outputted by JS's JSON.stringify(data,null,4)
and is the top-level value guaranteed to be an object (not an array or string etc)?
10:25 AM
@pxeger That would require intricate knowledge of JS spec/impl. Just valid JSON according to json.org is simpler, no?
@pxeger No.
shell, using jq and sed, 38b jq .|sed 's/.*[^\]":/\U&/;s/\\./\L&/g' which i think works (i was about to post a 48 byter, then i remembered mitchs might be watching, so now i shaved 10 more bytes)
@Adám oh wait, this invalidates my answer, i forgot about arrays
@user41805 Maybe you shouldn't keep working on it now, if I am to Main it.
okay, are you going to sandbox first or go directly to main?
Probably sandbox.
11:24 AM
@Adám can member names be of any datatype?
12:03 PM
late reaction because i hadn't signed into this site since before the site redesign, but - i'm digging the green color for when you hover the mouse over your own "message actions" arrows
it took me a while to figure out it was related to the redesign, i thought maybe it was a global thing
or, i guess it's just an assumption, but there's a lot of green everywhere, so
@Razetime do you mean the keys in the object? if so, the answer is no - in JSON, all keys must be strings
1 hour later…
1:23 PM
@pxeger oh that make it simpler
2 hours later…
3:10 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámUppercase JSON member names Given a single valid JSON value, uppercase all member names. That is, you must also return valid JSON that encodes an equivalent value, except that all names of members in all objects, have been converted to uppercase according to Unicode standards. Note that the give...

4 hours later…
7:02 PM
Anyways, re the semi-recent topic of intentionally bad languages, there is something you could use: floating point style error handling
you mean NaN != NaN
Every operation that should return a pointer but fails, returns a special not-a-pointer value, or NaP for short. Any operation on a NaP returns a NaP and otherwise does nothing. And in case someone decides to check ... indeed, NaP !== NaP
or another idea, !(NaP == NaP) && !(NaP != NaP)
there's nothing better than subtle bugs introduced by careless application of DeMorgan's law :D
7:34 PM
@JohnDvorak No need for complicated logic. See "0" vs 0 vs "" vs "0"
@JohnDvorak If that fails, it should obviously return a NaNaP
7:49 PM
Just discovered this: youtube.com/watch?v=BnnmA2klBN8
a work of art
3 hours later…
10:38 PM
Q: Matching ABACABA-type patterns

Peter Kagey(This challenge is related to the challenge "Generate the Abacaba sequence." Zimin words (also called "sesquipowers") are an important idea in the subject of "combinatorics on words". This is because every Zimin word is "unavoidable", meaning that every sufficiently long word over a finite alphab...

10:58 PM
Any feedback? (changed significantly since I posted to main and deleted it)
looks good
I guess the only issue I have with it would be, is there going to be any way of doing it that isn't find fortunate numbers, outer product, is n in that
I doubt it, Fortunate numbers are only really interesting in one bit, and that's "does a composite Fortunate number exist?", so it's unlikely it'll get amazing answers
But I want to salvage the deleted main post, and I couldn't think of a better thing to do with Fortunate numbers
yeah, it seems like it's basically 'do a few different things chained together' which is not all that interesting
I think the main post could be salvaged by having only strictly increasing sequences
(you could also post that separately as another challenge though, this one is sufficiently different)
No, then it just becomes "get the first n elements, product, get the next element, subtract"
which isn't bad, it's just not that interesting
another issue with that challenge is the numbers will get so big that a few languages might not be able to handle them, but that's not really that bad of an issue
11:07 PM
@rak1507 Actually, I think I'll do that and try and properly salvage the original one
sounds good
Given that the function is a black-box, and that I'm not going to allow people to take a function that takes an integer x and outputs the next integer greater than x in the sequence, finding the "next" value from the product isn't as trivial as just "get the next integer", so the original challenge should be more or less ok if I limit it to strictly increasing sequences
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChartZ BelatedlyI ain't no Fortunate sum The primorial \$p_n\#\$ is the product of the first \$n\$ primes. The sequence begins \$2, 6, 30, 210, 2310\$. A Fortunate number, \$F_n\$, is the smallest integer \$m > 1\$ such that \$p_n\# + m\$ is prime. For example \$F_7 = 19\$ as: $$p_7\# = 2\times3\times5\times7\ti...

Q: Generalised Fortunate Prime Sequences

ChartZ BelatedlyThe primorial \$p_n\#\$ is the product of the first \$n\$ primes. The sequence begins \$2, 6, 30, 210, 2310\$. A Fortunate number, \$F_n\$, is the smallest integer \$m > 1\$ such that \$p_n\# + m\$ is prime. For example \$F_7 = 19\$ as: $$p_7\# = 2\times3\times5\times7\times11\times13\times17 = 5...

NMP won't pick it up as it's been edited and deleted, not reposted
@ChartZBelatedly Correction, I just got Curious, despite my tracker saying I still need to post 2 more questions O.o
11:43 PM
Q: Sum of primes between given range

st0leWrite the shortest code for finding the sum of primes between \$a\$ and \$b\$ (inclusive). Input \$a\$ and \$b\$ can be taken from command line or stdin (space seperated) Assume \$1 \le a \le b \le 10^8\$ Output Just print the sum with a newline character. Bonus Points If the program accepts m...


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