But you could implement shuffling randomly in a way, if it knew the length beforehand, where the average memory compexity would be closer to O(n/2) I think
@cairdcoinheringaahing This one probably. All the methods are pretty poorly implemented. However, it's also tied for "fastest answer I've ever written."
[Golflang that was totally not created specifically for this], 0 byte `` Yeah, an empty file just happens to solve this exact problem in my new golflang that I totally did not create just to beat Dennis here.
Is there any way to find out which chat post across the entire chat.SE network (all rooms, all users) has the most stars?
I solemnly swear that the intention of this question is not so that I can find it and clear the stars on it.
I tried writing an answer, but couldn't think of the best thing to say, but I do have this: I joined after you 'went dark' and so never really knew you as a mod. However as I read about the history of PPCG more and more (I cannot tell you how many forgotten chat transcripts I've read), I came to realise just how active you were, and I think that you stepping down as a mod is a great shame. I really hope you keep golfing and stay active here (come join us back in TNB when you can!) — caird coinheringaahingFeb 21 '18 at 23:02
Who has a ratio of (product(code_points_in_username) - (profile_views * upvotes_cast * downvotes_cast)) / nth_prime(consecutive_days) closest to a square number? The difference for me is 168299831824500
We've got a new statistic on the shiny new Profile Page Prototype. It's not perfect yet. And we did a pretty crap job of explaining what it's all about! Let's talk.
What you do here isn't just about solving one person's problem.
A while back, a user contacted us about his friend's account. His f...
> If anything, the reached indicator is probably more on the conservative side than anything. You can go through 5 or 6 results in the top 10 of searches in way under the amount of time that would actually register