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That moment when Dennis hits 200k depsite not having posted anything for a year now
fee: one dollar :P
Yes, of course. Feel free to pick up the corresponding amount of snow from my driveway. You can come at any time.
Q: Landau logarithm

BubblerRelated: Landau's function (OEIS A000793) Background Landau's function \$g(n)\$ is defined as the largest order of permutation of \$n\$ elements, which is equal to \$\max(\operatorname{lcm}(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_i))\$ where \$a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_i\$ is an integer partition of \$n\$. We can extend this to...

3 hours later…
Q: The first published picture of the Mandelbrot set

shawn_xuHere’s the picture of the first published picture of the Mandelbrot set. Use fewest bytes possible to write a function that outputs the following. A trailing new line is permitted.

@Adám If snow on a driveway is worth a negative amount of money, you might get to see an extra pile of snow on your driveway :P
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: How to install minecraft forge 1.16.4?

ai vnHow to install minecraft forge 1.16.4?

what a brilliant code golf question
Why is it tagged , though?
4 hours later…
> How to install minecraft forge 1.16.4?
Forge doesn't exist for 1.16.4 anyway, Fabric is the new modding API lol
"How do I install the original programming language for the analytical engine on Windows 10"
@Adám done
Thank you.
2 hours later…
CMQ: Where do you think computing/programming/code golf will be in five years? Ten? Thirty?
@RedwolfPrograms Given how new the field of computing/programming is, thirty years is a long time :P
Added that one just for fun :p
I think quantum computing will have advanced enough to be useful by then, so it'll probably be completely different
I 100% think that in the next 2/3 years, someone is going to come up with the "next stage" of golfing languages that makes Husk/Jully/05AB1E seem like Pyth
And in 10 years, SE will formally and officially apologise to Monica
But at least the buttons will look really nice in the meantime
I think Java, PHP, C#, and a lot of the current "industry" languages will be replaced by Go and Rust.
Python 4 will be Haskell but with a different style guide :P
Maybe ECMAScript 2050 will finally add a String#reverse method
@cairdcoinheringaahing something that truly dethrones the current kings would probably have to do some heavy self-compression Sledgehammer style, but if implicit I/O wasn't obvious back in the day then who knows what we're missing right now
@UnrelatedString Yeah, that's my thinking. We never know what the innovation is until it arrives :P
less pervasive forms of obligatory compression are something I'm sort of forcing myself not to indulge in with Perhaps--it's overly ambitious enough as it is
@UnrelatedString Like what Stax does?
@cairdcoinheringaahing thinking less Stax packing and more making it impossible for two literals to represent the same value
like if you hypothetically have normal decimal integer literals and a syntax where it's one special character followed by any byte representing that byte value plus 100, then any three digit positive decimal literal would have its value increased by 356
and then something awful with, what was it, detecting certain snippets of code that have shorter representations and altering their behavior so as to not be redundant
that one in particular is a biiiiiit out there
would also make it worthless in a lot of challenges lmao
and then the more pervasive compression would be something more like stax packing, except instead of just bit-packing it'd be a huffman code or something
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's the prediction that needs thirty years, surely?
@Neil Hopefully not, but very possibly :(
I was being optimistic :P
Maybe a golfing language where commands are based on units other than bytes? Like the sequence of bits 11011 could be "add two numbers", while less common actions could be 7 or 11 or 20 bits
arithmetic coding can be almost perfect for such things
2 hours later…
Neat trick for JS: Add Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype,-1,{get:function(){return this.length?this[this.length-1]:undefined},set:function(d){this[Math.max(this.length-1,0)]=d}}); to the top of a file to be able to use array[-1] to get and set the value of the last item
Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to do it for every possible index, but you could theoretically use a loop to make array[-2], array[-3], ..., array[-n] work as expected
Also TIL atob.call == atob.call.call.call.call.call.call.call.call
Q: PYTHON 3: .sort doesn't consider 100.0 the highest value

FilippaI have written the following code where I am creating a top 10 high score list for a game of battle ship. def openfile(): f = open("highscore.txt", "r") f.close() def highscore(score): f = open("highscore.txt", "r") arr = [] for x in f: values = x.split(":") arr.append(values) f.close() arr.sort(...

@NewMainPosts VTC within 13 seconds, personal best :P
Q: If we notice that a specific user is posting a bunch of non-answers, despite being repeatedly told by comments that their answers do not meet site policy, do we escalate to a mod, or just leave it be?
Escalate (I think I know who you're talking about)
Raising a flag's probably the best way to do that, right?
Yeah, I'd just mod flag the next one that shows up
@RedwolfPrograms you could have a Proxy for an array?
Not sure what you mean by proxy, but arrays are just objects with some optimizations and custom methods.
Here's a fun fact about @RedwolfPrograms' random question script: if you shift-click the "random question" link to open in a new tab, then switch to a different tab fast enough, the random question opens in the tab next to the one you switch to, not the one where you clicked the link
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingSpeed of Lobsters From the subreddit r/SpeedOfLobsters: Edit the text of an image to create a new phrase This meme format/style is pretty self-explanatory. Simply have a browse through the subreddit if you need more examples. However, when coming up with ideas, there are so many possible edits ...

@NewSandboxedPosts I don't know about you, but I do not control the speed at which lobsters die
Also, morning y'all
@RedwolfPrograms my money is on rejection of golfing languages and a return to traditional languages
I've already noticed my longer answers get more upvotes
I thought we were past that stage
But we might return to that stage
@Lyxal Python almost always gets more upvotes than Jelly/05AB1E, and has since golfing languages became well known
Look very carefully. It's cursed.
In the spirit of caird's newest sandboxed question.
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, charge your computer :P
@RedwolfPrograms code and coding code
Wait we've discussed this before

The site acronym has too many letter c's

Jan 6 at 5:52, 4 hours 5 minutes total – 10 messages, 7 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked Jan 6 at 11:45 by Lyxal

It was way harder than it should have been to inject that custom image into the page
@cairdcoinheringaahing watch this space ;)
@rak1507 how so?
Are you making a golfing language?
Because that'd be pretty cool
it's a bit of a concept atm and I don't have much code for it yet
I'm considering making a golfing lang but then I always realize I have no idea how lol
I'm bad at programming so it'll be stack based bc I think that's easiest
@rak1507 yes
I'm considering just copying Jelly's codepage and making a few modifications to support my language's features (whatever they'll be)
Why else do you think my two golf langs are stack based?
@RedwolfPrograms yeah I'll probably do something similar
one of the ideas I've had is to have two characters so that anything after those characters gets parsed as a jelly or 05ab1e builtin just in case there's something I've missed
I'm thinking I'll keep the same data types as JSON, and change the meaning of an operator depending on the type of the accumulator/top of stack/argument
That'll allow for MAXIMUM DENSITY
@RedwolfPrograms the best way to start is to "sketch out" potential answers to challenges and see what you like
I'm thinking sort of functional, but because I don't know anything about functional programming it'll just be "JS programmer's idea of functional"
Or maybe I'll make a golfing language based on OOP for the memes
Keep your first language simple. That's a pro tip
Because there's a high chance that if you don't know what you're doing, the first golflang you make will be cringe
I speak from experience here
I mean that's a good tip for any type of language, my first esolang was laughably bad
My first esolang was marginally alright, but my first golflang stood no chance at winning anything
Which one was that?
I've only made two golflangs
@RedwolfPrograms yes
My first golflang was dotcomma
Funny thing is that it's won two challenges that I know of
Three if popcons count
I didn't know about the term "accumulator" when I made my first esolang
I somehow thought "pipe" was the correct term
@RedwolfPrograms register?
Here's the esolang page for my first esolang. It is a great source of cringe.
My first esolang is usable in Minecraft
But is the reverse true?
Prolly not
It has 7 github stars
that's cool
I had no idea that existed...thanks!
I guess it would be possible
Actually wait, I don't think it would be
You'd have make Array.prototype refer to the proxy, and setting Array.prototype directly isn't possible afaik
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EasyasPiIs this a narrow Thumb instruction? ARM Thumb was originally a 16-bit only subset of the 32-bit ARM instruction set. However, later versions added 32-bit "wide" instructions which were more flexible, and called the original, more restrictive 16-bit instructions "narrow" instructions. The assemble...

ah no, it wouldn't be the original array, it would just be an object that works like an array, but you can use negative indexing on
I mean at that point you might as well just add an Array#item method instead

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