Originally the , operator would take input, and produce output. Now, it takes and pushed values to a queue.
I guess it made sense at the time, but now that I look at it that decision went completely against what I liked about the language, which was the challenge of trying to get the right values where you needed them.
Except in this case, that'd go against the "It was designed to have as few instructions as possible, while still being interesting." philosophy of dotcomma
@RedwolfPrograms alternatively, make the Tc part a language extension
@cairdcoinheringaahing phase I questions complete and ready for testing by the end of Nov '20, phase II questions complete and ready for testing by the end of Dec '20.
What is the Fibonacci Rectangular Prism Sequence?
The Fibonacci Rectangular Prism Sequence is a sequence derived from the Fibonacci sequence starting with one. The first 3 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (starting with one) are 1, 1, and 2, so the first number of the Fibonacci Rectangular Prism...
This is kind of an unobservable requirement, right?
To me it would make much more sense for the program to just do one step of the bogosort, by taking an array as input and either returning it (if sorted) or shuffling it in a random way (where random means any possible permutation can occur).