what are the functions that we require languages to be able to do? primality test and some others? do we have a challenge to polyglot all of them in different languages with the same code?
Any feedback for these input/output methodsfor cellular automata? I think they make sense, but since they're so different from normal languages there isn't much precedent for them.
(The word second in the following text does not mean an actual second, it is used as a placeholder for an undefined time unit)
The task
Imagine you have a keyboard layout with only letters like so:
q w e r t y u i o p
a s d f g h j k l
z x c v b n m
Whenever you press a key, for example f, th...
using Prefixed Length Code
We are going to implement a compression of text (string, array/list of characters/bytes) by simple substitution of each character by a binary code, based on the frequency of that character in the text. The characters that occur more frequently will be replaced by shorte...
Let's skip the history section (it would be too, too long) and jump right into the Task part! Task Implement function or program that takes as input (any input: e.g. an argument of a function or something else) id of a question on CodeGolf.StackExchange and flags it as spam! More detailed: Your program is allowed to use anything you want from Selenium to StackApi. If the langu…
If you highlight pairs where both words are valid English words (or some permutation of the letters is), using a word list of some kind. (This could be done by placing an asterisk next to each or some other method, but make it clear.)
@HyperNeutrino Nah, upload it to youtube, then play it on your computer and record it by taking a polaroid of each frame and turning them into a flipbook
Transcode it into ASCII with ANSI escape sequences. Or HTML. With a separate span for each chaxel even though they share the same color. And no classes, and use background-color: instead of background: because you might accidentally set different aspects of the background as well.
In Tennis, the server alternates serving on the left side or the right side of the court every point, starting on the right. It is possible to figure out which side to serve on for that point just based on the score; if there have been an even number of points you serve on the right,...
There's a room on StackOverflow in Russian where you can see such an interesting discussion:
Just because there are not enough real discussing in that room, @Grundy "plays ping-pong" to keep it unfrozen.
Implement a bot for StackExchange that posts "ping!" to the 22474 room if the...
I'd recommend posting the messages to room 1 (sandbox). You can put bots and do basically whatever you want there because it's just the place for anyone to test anything (that isn't spam/R/A of course) — HyperNeutrino ♦10 mins ago
@HyperNeutrino Also, room 1 has (one of) the golfiest room IDs :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's true :P if I wrote a challenge like this, beyond not spamming important rooms, i'd pick 1 because otherwise having a long number is just kinda a feels bad unless you can somehow compress it in-line really well